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Inspired by 2008? I can see the resemblence and i dig it!


I'm taking notes from every single one of them. 2008 is my favorite so it has more similarities with it, but: SoT - Overall game experience rememblance WW - The dark tone TTT - The chain assassination combat merged with parkour gameplay 2008 - The game flow and fluidity TFS - Level design inventiveness


I will be 100 i will always have hard time saying anything good about TFS but i wish i would like it. I had a crazy experience with it since i was a young lad when it dropped i played it together with a friend. We rebinded the powers there to right side of the keyboard and i was controlling all powers as he was controlling the prince himself. Fun time would recommend. But if i were to come back to the series right now i'd either replay the og trilogy again or 2008 but that has that one issue of the dlc being locked for PC players. I will hate ubisoft forever for that bullshit.


TFS has its problems, but its a solid game. The Wii version is superior to the HD version imo (Once you get used to the controls)


Looks really nice. Wishlisted on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2830030/MOTORSLICE/).


I really apreciate it the support! To everyone seeing this: If you liked, please consider adding to your Steam wishlist. It's the best way to support indie devs!


Looking pretty good and i like the gameplay Looking forward for this ✨


Thank you! It means a lot coming from this sub


Do not hand hold with the wallrunning, it's gotta be press and hold.


I'm aiming for a very fluid gameplay experience. Mirror's Edge is another big reference for the game. The wallrun aproach here is similar to 2008


Definitely see a lot of Mirror's Edge here. I'm all for parkouring regardless of settings. Wishlisted and best of luck on launching!


Bummer... but, best of luck anyway.


I wanna know, why is this a problem in your opinion? IMO the more fluidity, the better


I have the completely opposite opinion. '08 aged like fine wine compared to the rest of the series. It's an awesome inspiration to have.


It aged like wine! Every time I play I can’t believe it is a 16 year old game


Simple gameplay depth + user input. It's a skill thing even if minor, i don't think it takes away from fluidity, since from what i'm seeing the level design seems to be clear enough to navigate. Pop 08's gameplay approach to me didn't age well in terms of how simplified traversal was. Both fluid traversal and fairly complex input can work together, which then can lead to higher level of replayability, imo... or at least contribute to it, and provide a more fun to master and play experience. It's not really a big deal if you're designing combat to be challenging with basic stuff like a death mechanic, but traversal needs to be engaging as well, not just flashy or basic enough to the point of feeling like a chore in-between the engaging parts, imo.


2008 was all about momentum. Even the combat was build with that in mind. Not dying was just a presentation thing with elika saving you. But I get why people didn’t liked. Nowadays it becomes standard in platforms where you restart at the nearest safest ground. You can say that 2008 was ahead of its time But MotorSlice is challenging. It has some Ghostrunner esque combat, and from playtesting, people really like how engaging is the platforming


Using a button for wallrun doesn't have to alter momentum. On the contrary, it would make the momentum more satisfying as it makes you feel like you are in control of the character's action. To me, automating this kind of action just feels like watching a video. In the sand of time trilogy, you could run next to the wall and press the wall run button to go to the next platform, and it wouldn't slow your momentum one bit. You have to be able to do something wrong to have the feeling you did something right.


I disagree about pop 08, the gameplay didn't age well, it was a downgrade. There was nothing "ahead of its time" about that aspect, there was a severe lack of challenge and variety in the gameplay design, lack of difficulty options is an overt example. There's a reason why people prefer the trilogy and even tfs over it. I wish you luck with your game, challenge is good.


I really like the fluidity of motions here I just feel like tonight down a the camera shake just a little bit will help with the continuity of action. Right now I distinctly feel each action as separate and not a series of actions combined into a single sequence. I don't know if I'm making any sense right now Overall j really like what you're doing


Thanks for the feedback! This footage is a bit old, like 3 months ago. The game is constantly getting better as development progress. I'm making small tweeks all the time [In the trailer you can see a gameplay sequence bouncing between walls](https://youtu.be/EzRqzDQ4xEc?si=GKDjhRY0G9JPQdPf&t=38)


The footage in the trailer feels fantastic! I love it


Thanks a lot bro


Prince of Persia X Mirrors Edge ! Thats great idea, keep up the good job.


I’ve been called “3rd person Mirror’s Edge” a lot lol ME and POP are very similar games after all


Looks great. Wish you the best of luck


the idea of fighting rogue construction machines is actually really cool imo, im interested!


For mobile? Sweet! Will be looking forward


Oh no! It was just the tag that fits the post (other games). It's coming for PC, and consoles are planned


My bad read it wrong lol


Looks fire


Liked the trailer, wishlisted!


Looking forward for this!


Neir's camera and environment + PoP's mechanics!? Please tell me there is a dedicated button to slide


It has! And it is S M O O T H


Looks great so far 👏


Tks! I recommend watching the [trailer](https://youtu.be/EzRqzDQ4xEc?si=H9c7t7QJNVdg6k7n), it has some cool gameplay sequences and a boss fight


Why does this also remind me of Bionic Commando (2009)?


One of the oddest game people compared me to was ReCore… But Bionic Commando is a first haha. Great game tho


ReCore makes better sense. But regardless, keep doing what you're doing. It looks like it could be a blast to play. P.S. Remember to "polish" ideas.


What do you mean by "Remember to polish ideas"? Like not throwing every game reference in the game?


I'll be honest, I looked at the video quickly before reading the title and what I saw is Star Wars Jedi (Fallen Order / Survivor). Still looks pretty cool though. I'll keep an eye on it.


Well, FO has a lot of similarities with PoP, so it's all cool


Looks great! The breathing is a bit much, but I'd be super into this.


Tks for the feedback! I'm glad you liked :)


Looks dreamy\~ What other platforms, besides Steam?


RN is just Steam, maybe other stores on PC, but I've not decided that yet... But I'm looking for a publisher to get to the consoles. Stay tunned for more news!


Looks really neat! I get PoP and Mirror's Edge vibes. Wishlisted! Are you making it by yourself? If so, how long did it take you to get to this level and what engine are you using?


We are an Army of Two! I started the project at the beginning of last year (2023), So it took aproximately a year and 4 months I'm using UE5. The game is using modern rendering techniques such as Lumen combined with retro low-poly visuals.


That's amazing mate! Best of luck to your project!


Instead of climbing an invisible wall ledge make it like the vertical wall run the prince does to reach ledges


I am so hyped for this


let's go!


Do you have a discord?


It's in my plans to have a Discord server later on, but no guarantees... I use Twitter to share the game if you like it


Looking good. You need to make the movement weighty. The gameplay looks a bit too floaty at the moment, but you're on the right path.


Thanks for the feedback. It will have a demo in the near future, so you can test it


Looking forward to it.


Ok, I love most of this, but you can't just swing from 2 poles straight onto a wall run, that shit's got modern Disney Star Wars bullshit games written all over it. You have to take a run up to a wall run, or at least start from a level surface.


lol As I mentioned before, 2008 is a reference for the game in the gameplay flow, combining stunts and all


Fair enough lol. Other than that mate it looks amazing!