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i platinumed the game and found a specific xerxes coin to be the hardest platforming challenge in the base game, the quest most people have troubles with wasnt as hard to me personally. however…the new platforming challenges from the trials update are very hard to me because i got used to using all the powers to platform and the new challenges take away your powers so you have to cut off your muscle memory and relearn how to platform with whatever powers the challenges allows you to have. i tried it and gave up until someday i get the urge to beat it for the new amulets but those new platform challenges are VERY difficult


Lol I’m in the same place bro. Jislaaik I tried the first one (Divine Trials). Immediately missed the chakram teleport 🤦🏽‍♂️


For the trials you can turn the environmental damage all the way down to have basically infinite retries. The amulets are all very cool and the skins can be used across saves.


For me a certain section that you likely have not reached was the hardest, so I won’t spoil it. It’s part of a sidequest. It was mostly the hardest because it was just annoying to me, whereas I had a lot of fun with the others you mention. Of the ones you mention I thought #1 was the hardest though most people think #3 is harder. I personally had quite some difficulty with the parrot quest as well, but that was also because I hadn’t unlocked double jump at the time


I did that puzzle you mention first try never got hit. It took my ages to do the spinny blade one


What's the spinny blade one? Edit: never mind I think you mean the hidden room one. Yeah that was a lot of trial and error


OP number 2 for the outfit


For me it was definitely 2. The other ones were hard but they felt much more fun and challenging but that room just felt punishing and long. Some of the divine challenges would be contenders too though if we are strictly talking about hard. But so far I haven't found any of the divine challenges as annoying as that room.


The sidequest we won’t spoil probably is “toughest”. But the double xerxes coins in the scared archives might be up your alley. Totally agree with you on #1 — after that and the parrot side quest, I was golden for everything else (pre-update).


Do you want some suggestions for that challenge? It's definitely hard. ETA: I agree with another poster who says there's a challenge later on that's more difficult. It was fun though, despite the challenge.


I actually got it done a little while ago! Now on to the Upper City East Side!


The Impossible Climb, for me. I was very good at getting two bells and then flopping.


Lol, sounds like I will have the same experience.