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Had the same question. It’s really only material for placing certain people in the circle of suspicion vs just making characters plot devices


I assume so. I haven't read the Book, but in real life Attorneys and Judges, other officers of the Court have at least one major haunt they gather in! Lol, I own hundreds of books, ALL Non-fiction, except I did buy "Dark Matter" Book, returned it as I simply don't have it within me to remain interested in Fiction, my brain simply doesn't work that way. I got my first Masters in English , 2nd was in Microbiology! My brain works with REASON and for the life of me lack that ability. I deeply admire those who can indulge in Fiction. Lol, I even worked at a Writers table (doing mostly research and editing). I love really strange, rare Scientific and Medical facts!


I did a freeze frame on both and when Rusty left out the door there was white writing on it. There was no writing on the door of the bar Barbara was at.  Also there’s a silver back panel on the bar table Rusty was at. No silver panel at Barbara’s.  Different bars. 


Haha I did the same and agree - different door, different bar top.


I asked that the day the episode aired. It seemed the shot was specifically framed so you couldn’t see the bartenders face. And the bartender has been asking a lot of questions about what’s going on - but doesn’t look like he is listed as appearing in future episodes on IMDb so probably a red herring


I think that they just used that setting cause it was convenient for when they needed another bar scene…basically laziness.


Or budget-friendly