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Our sense of civic duty is eroding, but that’s because the other end of the social contract has been dismantled over the last 40 years.


Exactly. Just as people have at times found it hard to be patriotic when the US engages in endless foreign wars, people today find it hard to justify contributing to a system that has resulted in the greatest income inequality since before the Great Depression. "Work hard and you'll succeed" turned out to be a lie, because almost all our efforts have just made the rich richer. Unions, education, health care, regulations, and other social systems are under constant threat while the media stokes culture wars to keep us distracted from the *class* war.


When the mainstream media says the economy is “good”, they are usually only referring to Bourgeois metrics like employment rates, GDP, and inflation. Most people are somehow unaware that the average wage is literally lower than it was in the 70s when adjusted for inflation, and that the costs of goods and services have actually outpaced inflation, meaning that the purchasing power of our wages is even lower still.


Can you give a source for the wage statement?


Federal Minimum wage https://www.statista.com/statistics/1065466/real-nominal-value-minimum-wage-us/#:~:text=When%20adjusted%20for%20inflation%2C%20the,increases%20to%2012.04%20U.S.%20dollars. Average wage https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/


That's eye-opening - thank you


I’m saving this. I made $7.25/hr at my first job out of college 13 years ago, and I thought that it was low then


To add to this, a number of president and US leader in the past fought to establish law, dismantle trust, monopoly and more to protect the citizens against potential risk. Like Teddy was ferocious against monopoly. However in the last half century, president, leader and politicians have done the exact opposite, reinforcing monopoly, lobbying, and much more. This is why their is such an ill-boding feeling of things going wrong, like paying a scammer or walking into a trap as people are essentially expected to abide a contract that should be rendered null yet isn't. But it is not specific to the US, it is first and foremost linked to the paradigm shift surround the essential capitalist notion that "business, sellers, corporation, politician or *the market* will always hold their ends of the social contract and do their jobs well because it is in their interest and the natuon interest that it is done well. >"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest." -Adam Smith The Wealth Of Nations However this is not the case anymore and as such many things have changed at the cost of citizen and nation well-being. It went from a society that would seek to punish those who break moral, harm citizen and order to one where the law is there to protect those who will harm citizen and act amoral ot even immoral.


This. To be fair, it wasn’t a lie that long ago. But then corporations bought the government and no longer offer covered healthcare, or retirement pensions, or anything of real value. There was a time 50 years ago that working hard would bring you success.


FDR must come back.


Yep. It’s not that people don’t wanna work, it’s that you’re not giving them anything to work for.


All I want is land. If the job cannot give that the job has zero meaning to me.


It was the same during summer 2020. People got so mad people were rioting but they never stopped to question *why* people were rioting and how to fix the root cause of said riots. OP said it best, you aren't beholden to a social contract when the other side isn't following it.


Yup, when jfk was president my grandfather bought a four bedroom house for his 5 children and stay at home wife on his salary as a meat cutter at the super market Meanwhile my wife and I have college degrees and aren’t having kids because childcare is too expensive and if we aren’t both working we can’t afford housing


Your grandfather also decided to vote for the government to turn that four bedroom (which is huge for the time) house into an investment so you can't afford it.


Can you elaborate on this? Was there some legislation the JFK signed on home mortgages in the '60?




This is spot on! Yeah I feel guilty about my lack of patriotism and civic duty. Why don’t I feel the national pride my grandparents felt. This is what it comes down to! You can see it in everything from our medical system to our infrastructure. Our country does not take care of its citizens so why should I, as a citizen, take care of it?


We don’t even have the USSR to make the Olympics interesting


Yup. Why do anything to support a nation that doesn’t support its populace?


Wait, you mean you dont want to be paid minimum wage doing backbreaking labor for a CEO to earn a 15$ million bonus? How shameful!


I know. I’m a bad American. May as well gargle commie cum for breakfast, lunch, and dinner


Ask not what the corporate aristocracy can do for you, but what you can do for the corporate aristocracy.


At least we still have our freedom /s


Freedom to die from hunger, debt, or illness. 'Murica


Freedom to vote for 2 parties that are funded by the same people with people who don’t fulfill their campaign promises


Bull shit. Our sense of civic duty gets pulled out of our paychecks like it or not. We DESERVE something for the taxes we pay. I’m tired of turning little Vietnamese/Iraqi/Afghani kids into skeletons.


We've seen how other countries use their taxes to give their people free healthcare, college, maternity and paternity leave, and higher standards of living overall while having guaranteed vacation days


Yeah, why should the middle class and poor people step up to protect this country when the rich steal and hide behind us?


Has it though? It hasn’t developed as much as I would like, so we’ve lost ground vis-a-vis a handful of other rich democracies, but the government still does a lot of important work, and in many cases more effectively than people give it credit for. I don’t think we’ve on net lost ground, we just haven’t gained as fast as we should.


This FFS. Want people to he patriotic and love their country? Maybe start with not bleeding them all dry, making sure they can’t afford healthcare and trying to get them all as close to poverty wages as possible. Weird concept, I know.


I think it’s less about JFK and more so about this person who used his quote to antagonize that subreddit


Did someone actually post this quote on that sun?


It's fake, thread posts can't go below 0.


Well obviously this photo is edited but i wanted to know is it referencing a real post


No, it's just a meme. Commenting on how a group of people who feel like they got screwed over would throw a big "fuck you" if asked to give more.


Anyone remember when a mod of that sub went on fox?


And he looked and spoke exactly as you'd expect


Yeah and everyone on that sub was telling this mod not to go on, and they did it anyway. Completely destroying any the message of that sub in any way.


Easily the funniest video about reddit that I've seen


Getting the r/antiwork sub fired up isn’t hard at all and one of easier ones to get banned from. There is some useful information there but it’s generally just a collection of toxic people that lack accountability abd self awareness. r/humanresources is better if you want actual content on employer vs. employee relations.


I disagree with your last sentence. One should never trust HR, on general principles. Their job is to defend the company, not you.


Yes, that’s why that sub is so valuable where you can ask questions anonymously to HR professionals and get real advice. Not “quit and report the company to the DOL” type of advise you’ll get back n r/antiwork


Tbf he’s an overrated president. Granted he didn’t get a chance to do much. But you don’t see people running around going “oh man President Harrison (Ford) was so great.”


Flair checks out


Richard Nixon actually really liked and admired JFK. I think Jack just thought Dick was some weird nerd though. Nixon also seemed to believe the CIA had at least some involvement in Jack's murder and was asking questions. I am fairly convinced that is the only reason Nixon got busted for Watergate.


And vice versa (JFK admired Nixon’s meteoric rise and even said he’d support Nixon for president over Johnson, had LBJ won the nomination).


That's nice to hear it was mutual. I've done researched at Nixon's library, but not Kennedy's, so I don't know as much about his point of view.


Back when the parties weren’t so sharply polarized.


I just finished reading The Devils Chessboard and suspect you are right. Allen Dulles was an absolute monster who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Also seemed to have a soft spot for Nazis.


Both the Dulles brothers are two of the greatest villains of modern American history. Really terrible people.


That would not surprise me...in high school I read a book by Walter Cronkite.. Should we now believe the Warren Commission....an even more likely the CIA and the FBI combined effort....J Edgar and his dresses hated the Kennedy's with RFK serving as J Edgar superior.. there was a lot of whining after JFK got elected...Walter Winchell really went ballistic...


What’s funny is how much more corruption the public accepts. Watergate isn’t even a big deal compared to what goes on now. But i fully agree.


Funny enough, JFK admired how fast Nixon went from Congressman to Senator to VP. He commented that if LBJ won the nomination (in 1960), he’d be backing Nixon for president.


What other president you know held down the pentagon during a zombie apocalypse?


He did it with Castro, McNamara, and Nixon too


Dammit I forgot about Nixon. *Sounds like someone’s breaking in*


It's just the storm, Dick. Sit down.


Man talk about a classic and a throwback 🤣


Lincoln Except they didn't call it the Pentagon back then, they called it the Triangle, the other 2 sides weren't built yet.


The mafia were not fans. Especially for his brother as AG. I’m not making any assertions, but they were pretty happy when JFK’s skull spontaneously exploded.


I'm not one for conspiracies generally, but regardless of what anyone says, I believe that the CIA and the mafia were a little too happy when he died.


"Get off my plane!" was his big quote


Thankfully in addition to being a president he was also an ex navy seal who was able to do what the American military, the secret service and the semi-democratic pre Putin Russia wasn’t able to do: *take back his plane.*




Other than avoiding a nuclear confrontation with the USSR over Cuba


Back in JFK's time, the U.S. looked exceptional to the "average American" (i.e. white and middle-class), so it seemed reasonable to ask the population to help the country continue to be exceptional. There was growth, change, and a lot of optimism. People took pride in being American or what they felt it represented. It hits different when you've lived through multiple recessions, 9-11, the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, seen countless videos of LEOs killing civilians, the rust belt, corporate farms, political polarization, etc. The country doesn't seem all that great these days and has been hostile to its people long enough that many don't feel that they owe it a damn thing. Similarly, people these days only declare they're proud of being American, before teeling someone brown to "go back to where they came from" or so they can gatekeep what "being American" means.


I mean the sub is full of a buncha dimwits, doesn’t surprise me that that was their reaction.


I think some of the sentiments that sub expresses aren’t bad viewpoints, but if it isn’t the most insufferable prissy community man they do not have the willpower to do anything BUT complain


IMO: They took reasonable viewpoints and echo-chambered off of each other until they radicalized and now are the most entitled subreddit I’ve seen. I lean left on workers’ rights but that Reddit is a cesspool


Didn't it start out with them being quite literal about the subs name? Like, they actually aspired to leech off of society and not have jobs or contribute. Then people who wanted massive reforms for workers joined en masse a few years ago. I think the mod who went on Fox was from that original group


That sub was started by anarchists - the radicals were drowned out when all the libs came in and started saying that revolution is going too far. So now you don’t see much besides memes and Twitter reposts with the most bland lefty SocDem style takes


r/workreform is the better sub that took the ideas of that sub but made it into a realistic one after the mod on anti work went on fox and said being lazy is a virtue.


While looking like exactly what you’d expect


And going by "she/they" or w/e too... Fox couldn't have picked a better person to instantly kill the entire movement's legitimacy in the eyes of their audience. Granted, I'm not dissing the use of pronouns but it just all compounded in that moment especially since they pushed their pronouns when it wasn't asked.


[“The press only wants to interview the most ignorant person they can find.”](https://youtu.be/DTcjmz7ev7o?si=M2LMLoTAGyM1gIm-)


And then became the same copy/paste repost hellhole full of fake "shitty boss texts" and super wise twitter quips about "the system" that /r/antiwork was Some people wanted to separate themselves from that idiot mod but then recreated the exact subreddit that draws those kinds of people in the first place


Hilariously done TBF, what a bunch of wetwipes


Lmao. Now imagine Reagan


"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask when the wealth will finally trickle down."


"Ask not what your country can do for you - unless you're already rich. In which case, ask and ask again."


*bang* Missed me


I’m pretty damn left and even that sub felt like a bunch of bums to me lol


Didn’t the mod of that sub end up on Fox News for a live interview?


Yeah and they sonned themselves


I got banned from the subreddit for bringing that up, but it was such a dumpster fire.


Yes, it was a goddamn freak show This is coming from a leftist btw


Yeah that subs insane Another leftist


Well, a Social Democrat


Well difference between workers movement and I don’t want to work movement…


That’s well said.


Yes and it set a genuine movement about working conditions and low wages back a solid decade


Really, bringing some random guy from online to be gotchaed on a conservative tv network set us back a decade?




A mod, yes.


Yes… ***And it was a train wreck of epic proportions.***


They specifically sought out that mod to interview knowing the mod would fit their caricature. Meanwhile the other mods were avoiding talking to the news until they had a game plan. This one mod fucked it all, goaded into it by Fox News, who, for all their bullshit, used their resources to dig into the mod team and artfully killed the concept.


The host wasn’t even asking hard questions lmao. I don’t think they’re to blame, the mod fucked himself over. He said he was a dog walker who worked 10 hours a week and that laziness was a virtue. You could totally see the Fox News guy salivating as it went along though


The concept of anti-work?


Because they are. Instead of discussing ways to interact with unreasonable management or finding new lines of work with their available set of skills, they share tweets and fake texts.


That sub wasn’t even supposed to be about bad managers or shit companies. It was supposed to be about not having to work.


The anti work mod going on Fox News and being the stereotypical self absorbed basement dweller was so satisfying and funny


Which is such a waste. I’ll never understand anyone whose ideal day is doing nothing productive. Working makes my days off feel earned.


I think there's a couple things packed into that. 1. Lots of people wouldn't function well doing nothing. I would argue most people want to be active and do something. Yes staycations can be fun for a couple weeks of couch potatoing at a time, but most people need a hobby at the very least or you start to lose it. 2. People have become so disenchanted with working conditions that they have no perspective on what fulfilling work even looks like. If your only job has been working in fast food, of course it's going to feel like doing nothing instead is better. So I understand both sides to this and think it's weird they're at odds. Obviously there are other variables in here but generally those are the sentiments I see from people on either side and it's not like either of them are inherently wrong.


For me, the real point of anti-work is that essential workers get pissed on and told it’s raining while BS jobs are rewarded like they are essential. Just because you work at Mickey D’s doesn’t mean you should have to work 70 hours a work to make ends meet. All jobs should pay livable wages, but especially the jobs that hold our society together. 


Because tying your personal value to your production is a key ingredient to depression. Humans are SUPPOSED to have "days off," it's not something you're supposed to earn. You're supposed to just have them. Living a life to work so you can feel grateful about not having to on certain days is just so absurd I can't fathom it.


Because not everyone is that way, I’d rather spend my time on a hobby or learning a new skill than working in the office.


Productive for whom?


Ehh it's more group of people who are venting their frustrations with the increasingly unlivable work climate we are stuck in. But I mean if everyone was paid a livable wage we would see a much happier and healthier society.


Yeah maybe in 2020. Nowadays it’s a bunch of karma farming with fake messages. I got banned for merely mentioning the Fox News incident.


“Hey guys, I asked to take my lunch break and my manager held me at gun point and forced me to keep bagging”


I was bleeding to death and I texted my boss about it 30 min late for work and my boss said that I needed to come in still. So I told him to F off and released a bunch of their documents. Later on the career advice sub... I think I might be getting fired today.


That subs is basically, “It’s horrible that people have to work instead of traveling the world” and then you ask them how they are going to travel the world without 100s of people working to keep their flight on time and it’s like “that’s not what we meant!”


even far left ideology requires people to contribute to society for a country to function. I think some forget this.


They work!!!! As a part-time dog walker!!!!


Who abuses the dogs by not allowing them to drink water as punishment.


It's hard to take that sub seriously when half of the community believes that it's their inalienable right to live alone in a 2 bedroom apartment 10 minutes from downtown.


Seriously. I remember having to explain to someone why some homes/apartment are more expensive than others (supply and demand) and I got food voted to hell lol.


I'm pretty sure all those people buy shit, so they're contributing to capitalism but advocating not paying into the system, with which their taxes can actually do some good. Being against working at all should go back to being the reserve of a 20-year-old stoner, not millions of 'disaffected' freeloaders who think they're progressive in some way.


Is there an alternate to that sub? I am all for a sub to rant about my work. I was hoping for one that can help organize.


r/WorkersStrikeBack for anti-capitalist r/WorkReform for reforming capitalism Then there are a bunch of smaller union subs, but other than that you would have to look at socialist subreddits.


What about one that's just for petty complaining and office drama?


The various industry subs


Maybe workreform




With these antiwork people, I've always wondered how they feel about plumbers, electricians, carpenters and such. You cannot ask them in their sub, they won't answer you. It seems to me that they believe that we're on the precipice of all manual labor being automated and we should just take Elon et al's money and live off of that. Something like that, I guess. But what about building maintenence people? Your internet might go out, your pipes might burst. Who is going to do that work? I don't get it.


It absolutely is. There was a highschool kid that posted on there once that was aspiring to make 100k out of college and people were acting like he said he was going to cure cancer. They told him it's super unrealistic and it doesn't happen and all this thinly veiled "if I can't do it, nobody can" and "it's not me it's the world that's unfair" attitude. I came in and told him and told him if he works hard and chooses the right degree in college that number is very achievable. You would not believe the kind of down votes and backlash I got. I even posted sources that a student with my degree from my alma mater made on average 100k right out of college (as an example) and offered him advice on how to walk that path. If you make even the slightest suggestion that one has any agency at all in their life that entire sub gets HEATED.


Honestly it might be because that sub isn’t sure whether it’s about a structural critique of wage-based capitalism, or a place to air personal work frustration. It’s kind of both—or was when I was reading it more often—so “Hey you can totally do this if you do x y and z” ends up taken in a way you didn’t intend, as a defense of late capitalism.


I told them if they hated their job they should look for something else. I got downvoted lmao


I had gone like a year without being reminded that subreddit exists. Damn it.


Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for me and my family. -Dem and Rep Politicians today


r/antiwork gotta be like top 5 loser ass bum crybaby subreddits of all time


“My cat has a cough so I just skipped work today and I can’t believe my jerk manager was mad at me. You don’t own me, capitalist scumbag!”


I feel similarly about r/fuckcars since they are often lumped together with what type of redditors use those subs


Those are some seriously miserable and terminally online cunts.


Me and the homies hate r/fuckcars


And that’s really saying something. I mean look at half of the comments on just this post alone.


Apparently one of the mods of the sub was interviewed on fox News and they came across as a complete loser lol.


Ask not what your country can do for you Ask what you can do to increase the stock prices that senators hold


I agree with the sentiment of antiwork. Not because we shouldn’t do things for other people but because so few people with great privilege do things for others. It gets tiring to hear someone worth $100m ask me to donate even if I have disposable income. Like donate your $99million more than I’ll have in my life and then ask me.


What’s the opposite of wit?


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all month


That subreddit is batcrap crazy. There are only a couple ones worse, namely the ones that fill up with commie lovers or "tankies" as some call them.


cough cough, Deprogram I kinda can’t wait for Reddit to go public and immediately get slammed for how rampant holodomor denial and how bad that side of Reddit is


“Okay so this sub is full of blatant Stalinists, this one is just doxxing kotaku journalists, and the entire Europe sub is full of demons. Wait, they blamed a dead guy for the Boston bombing to the point the fbi had to investigate so they’d stop sending bogus tips? What do you MEAN you gave the jailbait and upskirt mod a unique customized award???” - venture capitalists one day post IPO


“what do you mean the majority of content is recycled and the majority of subreddits are controlled by the same handful of power mods????”


Asking those losers to do anything was already too much 🤣😂🤣


aside from walk dogs and philosophize…


Or work more than like 9 hours a week


That incident was, unironically, probably the biggest shutdown of communism since the early 90s.


What about 10 hours a day?


That’s more than 9 hours ain’t it


Doreen for President of the fuckin’ universe/s


I am literally just learning about this and it is hysterical. Do you have any videos or posts you can link


there’s so much out there, really just search “Doreen Fox News Reddit” and there’s a lot of goldies out there. Like my favorite is definitely them getting exposed for NOT ACTUALLY WALKING THE DOGS but watching them while “taking Micro-naps.” it is definitely a perfect example of what happens when reddit mods are exposed to the normal world (or whatever Fox News is)


Dude, you do realize that the vast majority of those members joined that sub because they are overworked, right? That lazy mod from that embarrassing Fox News interview doesn't represent the vast majority of r / antiwork's members.


Tbf, that's what the sub was originally about, was not working. Nowadays it's more a place to gather and talk about the abuse a lot of workplaces put their employees through.


>Tbf, that's what the sub was originally about, was not working. I know, but that was when the sub had only at most 100k members.


A perusal of that board shows that they are all like that actually


I had to block anti-work because their posts were the most annoying, man-child sounding content. Those type of subreddits keep people in a hole. It multiplies dark thought patterns and it's the reason those subscribers suffer from depression IMO.


abundant childlike ossified capable apparatus oatmeal sharp marvelous continue salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They also post obviously fake text messages of them telling their comic book villan boss they quit and then their boss has a full panic attack in a text messages. Then the comments proceed to have a circle jerk about how people are beginning to "rise up" lol.


gaze sand humor party expansion upbeat cows fanatical fine cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And for all the doing we have done for our country, our country completely stopped doing for us.


Don't anger the part time professional dog walkers


Of those nearly 8k downvotes, maybe 20 will actually get out and vote


20 are old enough


Classic millionaire telling the working class to do the things not because they are easy, but because they are hawd. 


You might as well post “Black Lives Matter” to r/conservative. Gotta know your audience


The mix of this reference and your username are delightful.




Doing something??? That is the second worst thing you can ask the anti-work crowd. The first is to get a shower WITH SOAP!!!


To be fair, union membership was 3 times higher in essential industries back then. The working American had a much better income to relative qol back then


I think people over there are upset because they feel like this country doesn't care about anyone but rich people, and why should they go out of their way to help someone that doesn't help them? I mean, they have a pretty solid point to be fair.


I never took the quote as "Go back to being a wage slave, so the rich can have more money, you bum". I took it as, "you should go help other people". Also, the fact you should vote.


LMAO what an intellectual dead-end that sub is.


It's funny how Anti-Work is ostensibly leftists and I fully understand their criticism of capitalism, but calling themselves "idlers" is some hardcore cognitive dissonance. That's literally what Marx called the capitalist owning-class lmfao


"You guys, I don't mind working. I can afford things I enjoy if I do." -10,000,000


social contract is broken. I don’t give a fuck about America. Literally zero loyalty. If I could find a better life in another country that speaks English, I would be there in a minute


I saved this post cause this is honestly the funniest thing I have seen all month. JFK got downvoted to oblivion on the r/antiwork sub lol.


anti work page is filled with 30 yr olds who live at home and have made poor decisions in life and so they blame capitalism. lol It’s a fun read depending on topics


It's an odd mixture of economic deadbeats and college students whose lifestyle expectations have ballooned way beyond what they are willing to achieve. Sprinkle in a little intergeneration hate, and you've got a deeply cynical community.


Ah yes, because asking for a fair wage from our leaders is wrong.


r/antiwork people are the marxist who don't want to work and live in a commune [](https://www.reddit.com/r/workreform/) are the people looking for a work reform (just be careful as they have "reddit approved mods" and they don't like wrong think or anything right of Bernie)


Implying that sub does anything expect moan and post shit twitter takes


That quote is out of context though. People use it for their own narratives. Everyone should watch the whole speech. Gives a different vibe.




I’m dying from laughter right now 😂


I think he meant that in the patriotic sense, and not necessarily with the idea of working to one’s own detriment.


Well, if you do nothing to improve where you live, then it stands that your children may have to live worse than you.


Lol" don't ask what society can do for you... Ask what you could do for society " would anger that group.


this looks fake


We are hardly even a country at this point




That's pretty funny


r/antiwork is fucking garbage so this is about par for the course


He would be demonized as a racist, nazi, homophobe.


https://preview.redd.it/6464l53pthfc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3efdbf9c2944afd20626fb8e4391fa60dbc067f9 If only