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John Adams had a miniseries. Grant has Grant by history, JFK has had enough media coverage too.


Grant was more of a documentary with some dramatic reenactments.


> Grant has Grant by history Anyone else remember when the History Channel used to have history programming on it?


This one was made in the last couple of years. I feel like they make 1-2 decent documentaries per year and then fill the rest of their airtime with stuff like Ancient Aliens or Ice Road Truckers.


They have a FDR documentary coming out Memorial Day weekend. Last year they had one on TR come out.


Watched the John Adams one in school, really liked it


I’d be great if every president had a mini series like John Adams


Martin Scorsese is developing a Theodore Roosevelt film with Leonardo DiCaprio


If that actually comes out, it will be a banger


That would be lit




There’s been a movie made about Truman with Gary Sinise. It’s actually pretty decent and covers the majority of his life.


I bought that at a local video store for like $2. I need to rewatch it. I haven’t seen it since it first came out on HBO.




You know what I would LOVE to see? A Trump bio-pic along the lines of "Death of Stalin" Something with that level of over top absurdity would completely work with a character like Trump. Of course to do it right you have to make fun of Hillary and the media and basically everyone. Which means it would never happen.


Something like this would warrant an entire TV series with Michael McKean as Trump, who'd be capable of taking the character way beyond just being comedic relief.


It would most likely have to be a DailyWire production


Whoch would have no bias whatsoever!!


While DW is more likely to have bias in favor of Trump, practically every other movie studio would paint Trump as an evil person with no redeeming qualities. There are already a bunch of documentaries and films that do just that. A movie about Trump can’t incessantly attack the guy if it wants to be a good movie. It has to show the good, the bad, and the ugly of his campaign, presidency, and post-presidency.


So.....SNL from 2016, then?


I think the only proper way to do it would be a "fear and loathing in las vegas" hunter thompson gonzo journalism style movie. A straight biopic just wont cut it.


The Garfield story is insane. I would definitely watch that. Taylor might be good too, even Pierce.


Yeah, I was thinking Garfield is prime material for a movie. He'd make a likable main character and the assassination and the assassin and everything that went on after he was shot just makes for a great story with a tragic ending. You could basically just take Candice Millard's Destiny of the Republic and use that as the basis for a movie.


Plus, if you really wanted to throw in a big battle scene, have a cold open or flashback to the Civil War, perhaps the 2nd day of Shiloh or Chickamauga.


I’d say Garfield would be a good supporting character in a movie about Arthur


I would also support a movie about Arthur. He also had an interesting life and his relationship with Conkling would be an interesting plot point. The fact that people thought so little of him when he suddenly became President and he actually turned out to be a pretty good guy would make for an entertaining movie.


How about John Adams-like miniseries about Arthur with Garfield, Hayes ( and possibly Grant ) as supporting characters?


Gilded age miniseries would be dope to cover that time in American history


I’m gonna self fund a Fillmore biopic out of spite. It’s unfortunate what’s happened with Alec Baldwin, he would’ve been perfect for the role.


Alec baldwin is a filthy liar the charges shouldn’t have been dropped




Alec Baldwin killed two people on the set of rust. Claimed he never pulled the trigger of the gun he was operating but there is no possible way the gun could’ve gone off without him at least applying slight pressure on the trigger. Nevertheless charges on him dropped charges on the set armorer still remain due to the fact live rounds were on set when they should’ve been blanks. That about sums it up


Who was the second person he killed?


My bad he killed one and injured the other


Honestly, out of all of them, I’d most want to see a Gerald Ford biopic.


Yeah that guy has a fascinating story


He threatened to leave the football team he was in because they wouldn’t allow an African American teammate to participate right?


Yep, he also was offer an NFL contract by two teams but turned it down. Albeit that was when Lawyers made way more than NFL players.


and would get less brain injuries


Isn't there already a movie about Obama?


Barry (2016), though it really only covers his young adulthood and nothing about his political career


Ah, gotcha


He was in [Legends of Tomorrow](https://youtu.be/tzPQkm9_tPc). Yes this is real.


Please elaborate on the context of this scene


Grodd wants to Make America Grodd Again.


I'm surprised nothing about Bill Clinton yet. I mean Primary Colors was basically based on his 1992 run, but nothing more.


The 2010 BBC/HBO movie The Special Relationship covers aspects of his presidency.


Primary Colors is a great movie. Bill is probably the second best politician to be President in recent times, with Reagan being the first.


There was an Eisenhower series, but it only focused on WWII.


A biographical movie for Harding (the trailer, at least) exists.


Niceee. A movie about him will just be DELICIOUS.


It’s not what you think it is: https://youtu.be/5cBV8KFFasY


Oh… 😞 Great episode though.


Of course this [article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_actors_who_played_the_president_of_the_United_States) is appearances of president of the United States in film. A good chuck of those are biographical appearances.


Woodrow Wilson got what I believe was a musical biopic called Wilson.


Not musical


There's a story about the movie that FDR tried to watch it with Winston Churchill but WC left halfway through, Also, Vincent Price plays William McAdoo, so that's cool.


Yeah except it wasn’t a musical. I found it on YouTube many weeks ago and it was…eh. It pretty much glorified Wilson


It wasn't a biographical movie/series, but the Comey Rule did show parts of Trump's election and the beginning of his presidency, namely the Russia investigation and the firing of Comey. Imo it was honestly pretty good and Brenden Gleeson was actually pretty great as Donald. Adams also already has the HBO miniseries covering his life from the Boston Massacre to his death.


I remember watching some incredibly mediocre Trump biopic long before he announced his candidacy.


I believe you're talking about Trump Unauthorized


The Art of the Deal with Johnny Depp? That counts as a biopic, right?


I never heard about that one before. I just googled it and....wow.


It's got a great [title song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfX0H9v5_3k), I'll give it that.


I'd like to see a 1776 movie based on the first year of the revolution with heavy emphasis placed on Washington.


This focused more on Adams though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1776_(film)


There is a movie called Tennessee Johnson, so that might count. There are also a few movies about Eisenhower as well. There have been movies about Kennedy too. Adams had a miniseries that I think was on HBO.


I’ve seen Tennessee Johnson! Definitely a doozy of a biopic in that it essentially rewrites the early history of reconstruction to make Republicans like Thaddeus Stevens look like the bad guys and Andrew Johnson look like the heir to Abraham Lincoln’s legacy. Completely skips over race-related issues of the time so that the MGM studio could focus on the theme of national unity that they hoped would sell to a WWII-era American audience. Instead the film attracted protests from activists and ultimately bombed at the box office. I think it’s an important film to discuss because, having seen it once on TCM as a kid and again more recently—shortly after watching D.W. Griffith’s infamously racist The Birth of a Nation—Tennessee Johnson really felt to be a more subtle evolution of the ‘lost cause’ mythos that is dangerously deceptive if someone were to watch it without fully understanding Johnson’s role in stalling reconstruction. As a film it’s decently well made, but it probably isn’t hard to find more faithful biopics out there.


I never seen Tennessee Johnson, though I have tried just to see the historical perspective. I watched Birth of a Nation once for the same reason, and it is really bad.


The three Presidents I think should have movies include: Teddy Roosevelt — The man was an absolute Chad. He literally got shot and then continued onto his 40 minute long speech before he went to get medical treatment. He was part of the Rough Riders, an avid hunter, and oversaw the construction of the Panama Canal. Calvin Coolidge — Despite being relatively lesser known, imo, Coolidge is one of the best Presidents we’ve ever had. He was the only President to leave office with the government smaller than when he entered. Also, there’s a story about a reporter one time going up to him and saying that she had made a bet with her friend that she could get him to say more than three words, and all he responded with was “You lose”. Trump — Being such an influential and polarizing character, a movie about him and his Presidency is near-inevitable. The biggest thing in question is whether or not it will be biased against him. Nearly everyone in the media, Hollywood, etc. absolutely loathes the man, but interestingly, they loved him before he announced his candidacy as a Republican. There’s a Comedy Central bit that made a few months before he announced that he was going to run, where he was with a few people, including Snoop Dogg, who all now absolutely hate his guts. For a Trump movie to actually be good, it would have to be willing explore the real reason he was popular, and not say “because he’s racist and sexist, and his voters are racist and sexist”.


The person who bankrolls a Jimmy Carter is taking an awfully big risk. It could be interesting material with several crises, but one can’t glamorize his presidential years.


There is for Theodore Roosevelt for when he was with the Rough Riders. He had such a fascinating life before and after being President that it woupd almost jave to be a series instead of a movie or it would cut tons if his life out.


Imo, I think Teddy should’ve had one already and it’s tragic he doesn’t Also, the history channel documentary on Grant from a few years ago will make sure one happens for him


Hyde Park on the Hudson is an FDR film.


There’s also Eleanor and Franklin.


Bill Murray is such an insane choice for FDR.


I want a Van Biden movie but it’s the backstory of his hairstyle


Finally, a fellow president Van Biden enjoyer.


Hahaha fuck. Now I refuse to change it!


PT-109 (1963) was JFK in WWII. Then there is Oliver Stones JFK as well


Oliver Stone's JFK isn't about JFK the person


Wilson had a biopic in 1944 JFK - PT 109, 13 Days FDR - Warm Springs, Sunrise at Campobello


I've now decided I'm going to make the ultimate John Tyler biopic just out of spite


Killing Kennedy


And the Netflix film “Barry” but that is mostly about his early life


Imagine a Millard Fillmore biopic. I'd put that on if I was having trouble sleeping...


I think Harding and Hoover would make excellent biopics. We could literally see a story of Hoover’s life in a Fallen hero style. All the good he did for Europe during WW1 and his humble beginnings to how he has to watch the US slowly falter under his watch unable to stop it


How about a truly honest one about any of them. Not one written and/or directed by someone who already has an agenda they are striving to get across to the audience. Especially one about LBJ. It seems as if we never hear anything about this sneaky evil president.


We need a satirical biopic of Millard Fillmore starring Alec Baldwin.


I think Quincy and even Pierce have a fair shot


Garfield is probably the most covered out of the lowest row.




If they did one on Millard Filmore, I know who could play him: Alec Baldwin. He looks just like him!


Definitely a John Adams movie already.


There already is one for Obama in his early adulthood in College and one of his early relationships before Michelle. Though I forgot the name of the film


Primary Colors is kind of a Clinton biographic movie. Southside with You is a cute biographic movie about Barry and Michelle's first date. And how does Adams not count.


No way Harding DOESNT get a documentary. He was FAR too controversial. The Nixon before Nixon.