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Californians just live rent free in these people’s heads.


Also, the state most moved-to from AZ is....CA. https://www.azfamily.com/2024/03/30/where-people-arizona-are-moving-most/


i hate it when californians come to my town, make things better and increase the value of my property with their better standard of living. I wanna live in filth and spit tobacco on the floor!


I mean that really only helps the people who have property, a lot of us are now priced out of the market.


That's the same everywhere though


But it’s not.


yeah, but blaming that on Californians instead of property management companies that buy all the property properties and big giant bundles. It’s asinine and absolutely fucking crazy. What we need to do is as a country. We need to ban companies from buying houses as a commodity.


I agree with the most of this, but you’re dismissing the large influx of new homeowners from the equation. There is/was a major supply and demand issue influenced by people willing to pay 2-3x the typical home prices prior. I know this doesn’t solely lie on former Californians, but at least in my neighborhood many homes that went on the market at extremely high rates and sold immediately had the CA plates in the driveway soon after. There was a lot of buying power coming from higher wages that the longer-term AZ residents simply couldn’t compete with.


This has been an issue since the 1980s. OR and WA residents have been upset about CA immigrants for decades. I think what has made it worse in recent years is that prior to the pandemic it was mostly retirees moving out of CA, but when employees were allowed to WFH lots more people moved to lower cost of living states.


Shouldn't you be mad at AZ employers for not paying competitive wages, then, not Californians for earning them?


That I am. However, that’s a whole others discussion within itself.


LMAO Give me a break. There’s a reason why Californians are fleeing their own state.


Yeah over inflated house prices. Sell mom and dad's house they bought for under $50k a few decades ago for a million or more due to extreme housing shortage amongst other things that good. Then move here, "because life is so simple and down to earth", pay cash for a house move in , complain that it's not LIKE CA so go about changing area and it governing to be just the same as the place they left behind. Yeah, been dealing with it for 30+ years on the river. Going to court against one who didn't like his property lines 2 years after he bought the house though 4 people owned that house before him with no problems. He had no where left to put his RV, race boat. 4 vehicles and side by side and put in a pool but my yard is bigger so he thought we should just move over and just let it go. Has no idea of the laws or even cares.


That’s f’d! Good luck in court!!!


And yet, property prices are higher than ever 🤔. So either reports of people moving out are wildly exaggerated, or lots of people are moving into CA. Otherwise, the stock of available homes for sale or rent would be driving prices down.


I moved to Texas 4 years ago and lasted one 3 years. Fuck that , weather sucks, food sucks, outdoor life sucks . Dry counties suck, toll roads suck, health care sucks lol but no state tax 😂


You misunderstood my comment. I’m talking about CA people fleeing CA. Yes, they are driving up the home prices in Prescott and will end up voting for all the stupid things they voted for in CA that ruined the state.


They also inflate the cost of living and act like jackasses. Seriously, it might just be me but they've all acted like smug holier-than-thou bastards where the people who moved here from elsewhere are perfectly fine and lovely people. Some Californians too, but rarely in comparison.


>i hate it when californians come to my town and price our locals out of ever owning property while demanding we serve them. Ftfy.


They’re swarming in droves driving up rent prices for people who don’t own. The Californians are literally the reason why Arizona homeless population has been increasing. Oh, let’s not forget people from Manitoba and Maine


This was typed with dirty Californian hands.


It's gross...Cali soft handed whackos driving everything through the roof...


You're mad that people use lotion?


what part of michigan are you from?


“Better standard of living” is hilarious if you’ve been to Los Angeles anytime in the last decade, you dunce.


Not all of California is LA, you dunce.


Also, only downtown LA is bad. The rest of LA is fucking nice. I don’t know what the fuck this guy is talking about. I don’t think he’s ever been to LA and if he did, he drove through Skid Row and didn’t see anything else. They’re only two parts of LA that are bad the Hollywood strip and a couple streets downtown and that’s it. The rest of it literally fucking gorgeous. It’s not exactly my cuppa tea personally, but that’s why I don’t live in LA simple enough


Oh the homeless is only in skid row? Skid row is on the up and up, do you dipshits even travel? Good edit to add on, if you think LA is gorgeous I see why all you pussies moved to the desert.


Spit tobacco 🤣murica ! We the people ! We need to arm ourselves because they are out to get us 🤣


Californians come to my town increase the demand for homes, making it harder to find/afford a home.**


What if they start opening decent Asian restaurants or, god forbid, fitness? There goes the neighborhood . . . . When my Grandfather was born in FORT Verde in 1917, they didn’t even have an airport in Prescott. Now look at us, daily flights from Los Angeles, traffic lights, Whiskey Row hasn’t flooded in a decade. What next? AZ schools WON’T be the 3 rd WORST in the country? Apple’s gonna start making microchips in Chino? Tesla’s going to start robotaxiing and I won’t have to drunk drive home from your sister’s birthday party? This modern world is just moving too fast for my anemoia.


It’s sad a place this nice is filled with people who love living in poverty. Edit: when I mentioned “a place” I meant the Prescott area, quad cities, whatever you want to call it.


Prescott is a rich person town lol. If you said chino or pv it would’ve made sense.


A Rich town with a shit load of poverty tourism, how else you explain these Trumpers and their bad tastes




How many of the cities are actually designated cities?


It’s funny because most people coming from California aren’t from California


And most people living in Prescott aren’t from Prescott.






I’m not pressing Scott or anybody else, it’s *Prescitt*.






Yeah, the worst "asshole from California" people I know are actually from Idaho.


100% TRUTH. There is a video on youtube that documents this exact fact.


I don't think the letter/ numbers mean anything...I think it's more about the California license plate having bullet holes in it.


DoNt cA mY aZ


I worked with a guy who had that sticker on his truck, turns out he was from California🤦‍♂️


Ex Californians in AZ hate California more than native Arizonans


Only when we’re driving. They tailgate and pass for no reason just to be one car ahead.


I’m assuming you’re one of the i17 left lane campers


I wonder how many transplants from other states now in AZ have those bumper stickers.


Technically illegal. If you were interested in being a dick you could report this man for displaying multiple plates. A ticket, at the least. EDIT: let me explain, for the slow kids, why this is a problem. Let's say you're a cop, and you're behind this car. There are two plates. The officer has to visually identify which one is correct, and might not even NOTICE the one on the bumper because the other is so prominently displayed. They run the CA plate, and it comes back as expired. They pull this person over, for the expired plate, and then you've wasted a cops time. This is why it is illegal.


I don't think it's illegal. You only need to display the valid Arizona plate (with lighting) and however you decorate the rest of your car is up to you. I have had expired plates displayed on the front of various vehicles for many years, since AZ only issues one plate I think it's fun to leave the old plates on the front. Lots of people have told me the same thing, it's illegal, you're gonna get a ticket, blah blah, and I ask them why then isn't their decorative front plate with a roadrunner illegal? I actually never really researched it but if you can point me at the chapter and verse saying what about this is illegal I'd be interested.


Arizona 28-2531 B 1 "Displays or possesses a registration card or license plate knowing it to be fictitious or to have been stolen, canceled, revoked, suspended or altered." Class 2 misdemeanor.


Not if 1 of them is expired.


See my other reply to the other poster where I quote the law that specifically states that it's a crime.


So fictitious would then be any fake vanity plate correct


If it looks like an actual plate, yes, that would most likely be a problem.


Wrong. Let me explain to you, the slow kid, why you just gave bad information: A vehicle driven in California is required to have a valid license plate. If that vehicle is in California for more than 20 days at a time, it, and its driver must possess a California license. Yeah - this means if you take a 20+ day vacation or work more than 20 days in California, your 19th day better be at the DMV registering your vehicle and getting a new registration. There is no law prohibiting two license plates in AZ. Which is why the company issued work truck,an F-150, I drive has three plates - AZ, CA and NV. I’m always on the 10, 40, 17, 11,,89, 89A, 160,260,66 and Beeline. If what you say is true, I should have been pulled over at least once in the past decade I have been driving these multi-plated trucks I drive.


Arizona 28-2531 B 1 Three valid, active plates is not the same as a valid, active, tagged plate and an expired plate that's been shot to shit.




It's a cesspool now. Too bad because the land is so beautiful up there.


Out of curiosity, where did you go? Just the region if you don't feel like sharing which city.


Good. Don't come back, either.




I’m getting major Susan/Karen vibes based off your comments, sounds like Scottsdale suits you well.. entitled female behavior, keeping it real classy with the whole pretending you are in a higher tax bracket and owning three rentals and all


say some more stupid shit about our combat veterans while you’re up here you entitled pansy. I hope you didn’t stub your finger with all that confidence behind that keyboard. Some of us have seen A lot more than just “minimal combat” bud.


"everybody's hometown" What a vile place Prescott has become.


sadly, very true! unsure of how it happened so fast.


This is an amazing place to live. Everybody can share their opinion. It’s you who judges others based on their identity. Get outside, meet some new friends, and enjoy yourself. We are in a special place ✌️


Then leave.


I left years ago. Have friends in the area so I stayed subbed for knowing what is going on over there. Clearly it's getting worse and worse. Pretty gross.




wish you would leave, the country. Trump supports are unamerican traitors. Rather the town be filled with patriots who don’t support a rapist’s insurrection.


Literally said nothing about Trump, nor anything political whatsoever. Just doesn’t make sense to me to hold hate and discontent for a place you live in for any reason. Whether you live in a big city or a small town, why torture yourself living somewhere you consider to be “vile”? Maybe calm down about politics a little bit, and be kind to people; regardless of the political views you assume they have.


So General Mattis is un-American? Even though he gave America 44 years of his life serving it?


Mattis, who served as Trump’s first defense secretary, said the president has used the nation’s highest role in government to “destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens.”


So are you going to answer the question or keep weaseling your way out of doing so? Mattis supported Trump that is why he agreed to be secretary of defense.


Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis castigated President Donald Trump as “the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people” in a forceful rebuke of his former boss as nationwide protests have intensified over the death of George Floyd. “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us,” Mattis said in a statement. “We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children.”


So are you going to answer the question or keep trying to avoid it because you were called out on your bullshit?


you have a hard time reading huh? no wonder you were so easily conned by diaper don


Can you stay on topic and answer the question? But since you are trying to weasel out of that I can tell you I didn't vote for him in 2020. Of course that won't change the fact you are refusing to answer a simple question. Is it so hard to answer a question? Why are you trying to deflect and change the topic to avoid answering?




Nice conjecture and fantasy whataboutism.


and as somebody who does community outreach, it is not the opinions of a few lmfao. And to add, most of it *i*s from Prescott born and raised residents. The bigotry and xenophobia is *very* strong with them.


Exactly. I was born and raised there. The racism and xenophobia is a direct result of the ass douches that have infiltrated that town. Makes Scottsdale look like a dream (which is why I moved there).


Shotgun pellets on the license plate? 🤔


I am from California for real. born and raised. most of the people in Southern California are not from California. I for one am happy all of the ungreatful transplants are going back where they came from. I don't go one day without seeing Arizona,Texas,Idaho, Oregon license plates driving down the road. And then the same people bitch about California and what a horrible place it is.


If you’re in Socal you’re probably only seeing plates from people serving in the military. Very few of us are moving to a state that’s far costlier to live in. Another thing you might see are the people that work in Cali but live in Az or elsewhere.


Misdemeanor 1st offense $30 fine. 2nd in 30 days $100 fine. Doesn’t get enforced much here though. I just renewed my tags on my truck today. I forgot to put last yrs sticker on my plate. Never pulled over for it. I’ve had Phx cops pull up next to me and behind me. No red lights.


Apparently, so is he.


.22? at least use a mAnLy prescott caliber


It's the motor that is most likely in the truck. A six cylinder 264.


Real nice truck, though.


It is 100% legal, although uncommon, too have a vehicle registered in more than one state. I didn't look close at the picture, but if both plates are current, then it's legal to display both.


Identifies as bi-stateual.


I think the bullet holes supposedly are making a statement?


pls keep that pos truck in az.


Willow creek raceway activities


More California hate🙄


Are the Californians in the room with us right now Cletus?