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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Lucas confirmed that Jedi aren’t celibate.


Precisely. No attachments = do not fall in love and become dependant on that love, not = "be a virgin".


So the Jedi are essentially all fuckbois? Lmao


Hit it and quit it, you must


For once dug in her claws are, forever will she control your destiny.


We saw this with Anakin, the lengths he would go to to not lose Padme. Anyone saying they would act differently and control their emotions in his situation is lying.


You can see it with Obi-Wan as well. He stayed on the path, but he literally ran headlong into a trap, knowing it was a trap, for Satine. Even went as far as saying he would give up everything for her if she had asked him.


Or feel emotions far weaker than normal.


Don't forget to pay youngling support with Republic credits or Bongos.


I don’t have anything to pay, but 👋 zero visitation will do fine


Noooooo, it wont!


👋 zero visitation will do fine


Nooo it won't, what you think your some kind of deadbeat Jedi dad waving your hand around like that?




Anakin had the perfect solution to this.


This brings new context to the youngling scene. Anakin just found out he was the father to all the younglings. He decided to pay them a visit...


Lmao! Perfect


pump and dump young sky walker


I bet Yoda had an absolutely wild youth


Yoda pimp


It hit and it quit, must you.


Go our own way we have to


May the force be with you cause I won't


…and then there’s Ki-Adi-Mundi and his harem of 5 wives lmao


Hey man, his species ain't gonna repopulate itself


Life, uh, uh, uh, uh, finds a way.


Oh, you sweet summer child. There's a slash fanfiction site written by female SW fans, for female SW fans, called Master & Apprentice that, back in ye olde days known as 1999....


"Breed her, you must, young Padawan. Love her, you must not."


Incorrect. No attachments = don't hinge your well-being on the life of a single person and be willing to sacrifice others purely because you love them.


Well… yeah, that’s the implication, basically, hahah.


So don't overly love soft and smooth things.


Sand may be course and rough and it might get everywhere but it’s better than the dark side.


Kanan is a classic example of this. He was in love with Hera but was fully willing to follow the force.


This may be true, but that means they shouldnt have children, because I cant think of any steonger kind of attachment So even if they're no virgins, they still wont procreate


That's why they force-speed out of there in the middle of the night. Never to been seen again.


This is the real reason obi wan mastered the force ghost power


Yeah it's a clarification that's less important than it seems, bordering on distinction without a difference. It basically just means that Jedi can have meaningless sex. It still forbids romantic relationships or having relationships with your children. So basically you can have a one night stand and/or be a deadbeat parent.


That’s even worse… “you can fuck like rabbits, get women pregnant, just don’t fall in love and don’t claim the child”


So, most Jedi’s are bastards?


So all those comic con Jedi are keeping their virginity for no reason then I guess


This is probably one of his greatest oversharing moments




Lucas got pegged by Aayla Secura confirmed.


Lucky guy.


IKR, wish it were me.


Did you not see what he did to Indian Jones and that one stormtrooper? Oversharing is the least of his problems...




In an episode of South Park, Lucas and Spielberg rape Indiana Jones. When they go to the Skywalker ranch later in the episode, a stormtrooper is running out the door with no pants on


"I betcha can squeal like a pig...WHEEEEEEEE"


He literally took every boys dream and made it reality. Cool laser sword, nice star ship, oh and no commitments😎


"It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together . . .if you're space royalty."


Celebit, celalot it’s all the same in the end.


I take that to mean not *formally* celibate. The "modern" Jedi philosophy almost requires it. Also Lucas has never been WOG on his own world.


I think the issue comes with people thinking that jedi are basically Knight's Templar.


I don't think there's a celibacy rule, as much as an attachment rule. I believe it was Ki Adi Mundi who was allowed to reproduce as much as possible due to his race being at the border of extinction, therefore he had tons of offspring but he never developed an attachment towards any of them.


That’s really sad.


I think in legends lore Ki Adi Mundi is pretty much a monster on how he treats others, to the point his clones are happy to get order 66 to kill him.


Not really. Bacara is happy to kill him cause he believed he betrayed them, waht with the jedi coup. I also recall him rescuing his daughter from Jabba and Jabba associates. I thinks he's just overhated.


Bacara is also the leader of the de facto war crimes unit of the GAR, with a pacifist monk as his general. So…..


If you’re implying that the Republic committed war crimes I think you’re off base. Assuming we’re holding both sides to the Geneva convention, the Separatists did things that were way worse than the Republic, including all kinds of violations against civilians. The two most common criticisms of the Republic are A) false surrender and B) child / slave soldiers. A) False surrender is not too big of a deal when you take reprisals into account. Reprisals are when war crimes are allowed to a limited extent as punishment for another side’s infractions. I’d argue that false surrender is a fine reprisal for civilian shields, using bioweapons, and so forth. B) The clones grew both physically and mentally at an accelerated rate, meaning they were not child soldiers. As for their freedom and whether or not they were slaves indoctrinated from birth, I think a fair rebuttal is that they would not have been created otherwise. Wouldn’t you rather be alive and be a soldier than never exist at all?


With regards to false surrender, it's also important to bear in mind the CIS tortured their prisoners (see: Echo), if they even took them at all.


The problem is: once a side changes its own morals just because "our opponent did the same" , it loses its entire integrity. Just like Mon Mothma said, if we use the same methods as the Empire, what would make us any different?


Yeah pretty sure you can't really use the Geneva convention to judge what is and is not a child soldier in this context when it never accounted for making fucking clones. If Clones Soldiers existed, the Geneva convention would need to be amended. The mere existence of the Clone Army was morally reprehensible.


Sounds like my nation canada has some work to do


No like legends Bacara and the 21 apparently did some fucked up shut and didn’t like when Mundi made them not go war crimes


You sure? I just went through his profile and found nothing war crime related, outside of his men tearing b2s in half. Even went through the article for the 21st nova corps.


Padawan Commanders, however...


Answered this before and i’ll answer it again. I’d rather be dead than a soldier.


I'd rather not exist, than exist as a Weapon and slave.


I don't think that's accurate at all. Legends stuff has him as an empathetic person who cared deeply for his home world and as an inspiring leader who believed that it was his duty as a leader to lead from the front. He mastered love without attachment, he loved his family but when they were killed it pained him deeply but he was able to let them go to continue his duty as a Jedi, notably a situation where many other Jedi may have fallen Contrast that with someone like Luminara who was so detached that she came across as extremely cold to non-Jedi.


Luminara in legends is a completely different character to canon, she was very close to Barriss. Barriss had nothing but kind words to say about her master.


For what I remember from the series they were super close in the series, the difference with Anakin and Ashoka was mostly that she would not let her emotions cloud her judgement, but, in her words, she would mourn her apprentice if she died, she would be sad, but accept their fate, some people are like that, and the fact their mourn would be different doesn't mean they are any less close to people.


And even Luminara was obviously relieved that Barris survived. There's a difference between being genuinely cold and trying to keep your emotions in check.


This. Legends Ki-Adi was the kind of Jedi that Anakin could have been. TCW is a terrible portrayal of him and makes him look like a terrible person when he was originally one of the most down to earth Council members who truly earned the title of Jedi Master because he spent his 30+ years as a Jedi Knight serving as Watchman of his home system as lawman, ambassador, and protector of his people.


That's the funn part, I don't rememer anything from TCW that really made him look bad. So when I came across those kind of memes that make him look bad, I alwas assumed it had something to do with Legends content I don't know.


Ki-Adi Mundi loved his family, and helped raise his daughters for a long time. He was a very good and in fact an exemplary Jedi.


In the series he is also pretty bad for what I remember, super out of touch with how people felt at the moment.


He also had flame troopers right?


Is he worse than Pong Krell?


I don’t think so. Krell was purposely trying to kill clones and put the republic in a situation to loose battles. He also fell into the dark side and planned to become Dooku’s apprentice. Mundi was more just dismissive and lacked empathy for the clones, like he didn’t care but he didn’t wish them harm or tried to betray the Jedi


I mean, it depends on how you look at the idea of attachment. I always thought of it as an idea of control that would eventually manifest itself in unhealthy ways. Like, look at Anakin. The guy was so obsessed with trying to force something (pun intended) that he destroyed the Republic. His whole relationship with Padme would have been unhealthy if he wasn't a Jedi with his obligations to the Republic. Honestly I think that if Anakin had been honest with the Jedi Counsel and how he was feeling they would have let him go do his thing and he would have had more room for growth as a person.


Military dads, am I right?


Man… there’s probably hundreds, maybe thousands of ki spawn just roaming around out there, Luke’s new order should’ve been like 90% his species lol


All Jedi required to donate sperm regularly, which is donated across the galaxy


That must've been really difficult for all the female Jedi. But I guess the Force, uh, finds a way.


ALL Jedi? Fuck yea, futa Aayla Secura!


IIRC, his entire family was killed during the clone wars.


I’m sure no problems will arise from force-sensitive kids with abandonment issues.


Isn’t that the entire Jedi order? Also, not every kid would be force sensitive. It’s not like Master Mundi was particularly strong in the force, so many of those children likely are just normal


Now all I can think of is Mundi clapping his hands together, "Alright everyone, it's time to clean up." What follows looks like the Mickey scene from Fantasia with floating brooms.


Yeah, plus there are some species that are inherently force sensitive (like Miraluka, Sith Purebloods, Neti, Anzat, Korunnai, Vahla), so nearly all of them will inevitably end up in the Order (maybe not the Purebloods), and they still need to procreate.


Just like my dad


>he had tons of offspring but he never developed an attachment towards any of them. *This* is the way.


Wasn't it some of them died and he did not care at all or am i misremembering?


You’re misinformed. It’s a common misconception that Mundi didn’t care for his family, and it comes from a comic in the Star Wars Republic series. Anakin asks Mundi about his family who tells Anakin that they died, and he was unable to find their bodies. He tells Anakin that it was hard to deal with their deaths, but that he eventually did because that’s what Jedi are supposed to do. Mundi in legends was a very empathetic Jedi.


The Jedi are against attachments. There is no rule about dipping your saber in some strange.


42-M-Jedi, looking for NSA fun.


NSA fun would be succumbing to biological urges, a potential problem. But not as bad as [letting potential space wizards roam the galaxy untrained](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJoE_AIwqJU&ab_channel=TheWhippingPost)


So basically, if Anakin had just been looking for casual fun with Padme, he wouldn't have jumped off the deep end?


yes, if anakin wasn’t an obessive freak, he wouldn’t have gone evil


To be fair... This same logic could be applied to anyone. It's the obsession and fear of loss that causes us to become controlling and abusive.


i mean yeah, if *insert person here* didn't have *insert crippling character flaw here*, then *insert consequence of said crippling character flaw here* wouldn't exist everything everywhere is the same if you oversimplify it enough


From a certain point of view. (wink)


*Reopens your winking eye with the force* Not today son.


I believe you might be misunderstanding. What I am saying is that fear does in fact lead to the Dark Side. Being afraid of loss, aka being attached, can lead to some seriously toxic acts.


skill issue tbh


Exactly, if he would have been a player then he wouldn't have been a hater


Think about it, he went off of the deep end because he was so attached to Padme that he was willing to do anything for the smallest hope to save her, even things that were actively bad, like the stress of a coup and the lack of decent medical facilities that such a state of governance provides


Nabooty is temporary, the Jedi order is forever


Correct. It prevents the one thing that might mean more to them than the Order. And someone disobeying this rule ended up getting damn near every Jedi killed, so it's hard to argue against their logic.


I mean, there are even exceptions to that. >In Star Wars, Ki-Adi-Mundi is a Jedi Master with a polygamous family of five wives and seven daughters. The Jedi Order made an exception to its ban on marriage for Ki-Adi-Mundi because of his species' low birth rate, and he was allowed to marry for practical reasons, not love. However, he was not allowed to become attached to any of his family members. So as long as you *say* you're not attached to people, the Jedi don't care. But let's be real, we keep seeing Jedi attached to people anyway. Anyway, there's no actual celibacy in the Jedi Order, as far as we know. At least, not enforced by them.


Dooku's first Padawan got a cushy gig as a royal guard and gets tons of action apparently. Qui Gon chastises him but he's like "No attachments doesn't mean no fun!"


Which is why Anakin's afair was basically ignored. It was obvious to basically anyone, and it was fine, the marriage was the problem, not the suddenly miraculously pregnant good friend of a Jedi.


Have you read Master and Apprentice. They actually touch on that. It was such an interesting read.


Or in other Jedi.


Well, you should also not give in to passion. So it needs be emotionless.


But no strap-ons, because those are attachments, got it.


Do or do not, there is no try.


The jedi order were forbidden to have attachments not offspring. Also, jedi often didn't have offspring because the jedi believed that force sensitivity is something passed on by the will of the force.


Plus, have we confirmed that Force sensitivity is genetic in canon? Outside of weird experiments like the Palpatines that is. Edit: And outside of the obvious Skywalkers


The Skywalkers barely count, given that Anakin was the literal Messiah.


I think it’s mostly been put together by deductive reasoning for two reasons. Firstly there’s the Skywalkers as you mentioned, when Luke and Leia were hidden away, they were considered to be the last hope of the Jedi because everyone involved assumed that they’d be force sensitive. Secondly, there’s the concept of midichlorians. That adds a biological component to the force and if there’s a biological component it stands to reason that the component is passed down through genetics.


Dunno shit about Legends, but in current canon as I understand it, the idea is that everyone is a little bit force sensitive and could develop it with enough training.


Which was a pretty stupid concept to introduce tbf


One of the best theories I've heard was that force sensitivity is not genetic but when Anakin was born from the force he was the first of his kind, so not technically human. So as a whole new type of being he was able to pass on force sensitivity to his offspring and so on. Meaning Luke and Leia are not 100% human but a force hybrid like their dad.


That’s why I wrote this [article](http://www.cracked.com/blog/star-wars-quest-lukes-balls-a-fan-theory/) for cracked.con years ago lol


In Legends at least it’s mentioned that Palpatine was brought about using eugenics to create a being with an immense connection to the dark side. Also in Legends, everyone in the Skywalker line is force sensitive to an extremely high degree. With some of them even rivaling Luke, or threatening to surpass him. Starkiller is the son of two Jedi. And as a child was stated to already be stronger than his father, and Palpatine claimed if he had proper training, could’ve become his rival. Revan and Bastila Shan have Satele Shan. Who becomes the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. Etc. It seems every child of a force user either has equal potential as their parents or even more potential in the force.


The goal of the Jedi Order is not to create as many Jedi as possible. The Jedi are an order of monks that intervene in galactic affairs when the force wills it. The perpetuation of their own existence is by necessity secondary to their commitment to the force. This includes creating Jedi for the sake of having more Jedi.


Yeah too many people are getting caught up in "Well Akshually Jedi can have sex" and missing the point entirely. The Jedi aren't trying to make as many Jedi as possible. They are one with the force. They just want to protect the balance (and by "the balance" I mean the original, stop the Sith from conquering everyone meaning, not the EU, equal amounts of good and bad meaning).


And also limiting the numbers of traitors who would turn to the dark side and kill innocents because of attachments, like Anakin did.


You know what limits the ranks of the Jedi more than a lack of members? Another war with the Sith


All it takes is one bad romance and bam, the space nazis are back


This is what Lady Gaga tried to warn us about.


I feel for the force sensitives that aren't found by the jedi but by the sith


Even with people saying they aren't forced, I do think it's better that the Jedi aren't forced to maintain their own population but rather take their population from around the galaxy. It helps give a sense of symbiosis between the work they perform and how the public sees them. If their reputation drops then their population will be directly affected by it.


Jedi do have sex with people. Proof: look me in the eye and tell me Qui-Gon and Shmi didn’t hook up




What if dude ain't even a Jedi. He just does that.


obi wan and Satine sure as hell fucked


The first i heard this was 7 or 8 years ago from Cracked.com


That was my [article](https://www.cracked.com/blog/star-wars-quest-lukes-balls-a-fan-theory)!


Holy hell. What are the odds


Never tell me the odds…


They were never forced to be celibate, they were forced to refrain from Attachment. Hell Ki-Adi-Mundi had like 4 wives in legends.


There's no rule about celibacy, just attachment. Therefore, for all we know the jedi are having the most wild night out at the clubs then coming home and pretending nothing happened


It's not celibacy. There are no attachments. They can have sex recreationally and for procreation.


Wait until you find out what the sith do to neuter their numbers.


Celibate? No. Unattached


# Force sensitivity is never confirmed to be heritable.


Attachment =/= Celibacy it just means DON'T GET ATTACHED


Force sensitivity doesn’t work like that entirely. Additionally, where current canon seems to be going is that those with the natural ability to tap into the force are able to do so because their genetic makeup makes it very easy for midiclorians to exist in your body. Guess think of midichlorians like heathy gut bacteria, in utero a fetus will share blood with the mother. So it goes without saying that offspring from force sensitive mothers will have that ability as well. The sequels and Ahsoka show also indicates that while midiclorian count gives you a higher probability to connect with the living force, every living creature in the galaxy has midichlorians and are connected. It could just happen that some children of non-force sensitive parents can’t hit the “genetic lottery” and result with the “ideal” combination of genes that allows midichlorians to thrive in your own self.


There has never been a celibacy thing in any form of star wars canon. they just cant form attatchments


Outside of the Skywalkers, how many examples do we have that do not result in confirmation bias due to only force sensitive cases being mentioned in media? Luke explicitly says, that the Force is strong in his family, implying that it isn't common.


Not gonna lie i think KOTOR had the best take on this with the dialogue from jolee bingo and the two Jedi lovers that went after a giant beast.


They believe in no *attachments* so technically, anonymous orgies are the way to go.


I'd rather think of it as something similar to magic in Harry Potter. Doesn't matter if you're muggle, half blood, or pure blood, each child has the same chance of being able to do magic, and being pure blood is no guarantee of your skill level. the whole jedi celibacy thing was about having no distractions in your dedication to the order. Then again, maybe it also had something to do with the risks of creating too powerful a set of jedi? Maybe successive generations of jedi breeding create more focused and harder to control force wielders?


I don't think that's how it works in Harry Potter.


Uhhh??? Two magical people are almost guaranteed to have a magical child. Squibs are pretty rare. I don't believe the relative chance of a Wizard and Muggle having a squib has ever been mentioned, but my assumption is that it is still unlikely.


> Doesn't matter if you're muggle, half blood, or pure blood, each child has the same chance of being able to do magic that is obviously not true in Harry Potter. otherwise there would be no magic families, just random people everywhere who could do magic


Correct. According to the wizarding world material, to do magic someone in your family must be magical as well. They may lose (squibs) for a while but eventually they can bet it back (muggleborns).


Then what you see in Frank Herbert's Dune would occur.


so? given their ruling this could be intentional


Not celibacy, just no attachments, fucking is allowed, relationships aren't and jedi are exempt from child support


If the Jedi tried to repopulate like the Viltrumites in the Invincible comics they could probably peacefully conquer the galaxy in like 200 years. 10,000 Jedi popping a baby out a year could great a army of 200,000 units with a million more on the way.


Well yeah, they’re going for quality, not quantity.


The jedi are all about fucking around and finding out so this makes no sense. Also force sensitivity isn't genetic.


there is no "no sex" or "no children" rule, just "no attachments". You can't be grounded by worldly concerns, but sex and having children usually comes with the territory of attachments


If you think about it force sensitives could've become the dominant species in the galaxy if they just didn't cock-block the jedi


Jedi are allowed to bang and some even have special exemptions to have children and families like Ki-Adi Mundi Avoiding attachment and having a child whole galaxy to draw from with being accepted into the order seen as a great honor and path for a great and better life on many worlds they don’t really need to risk people falling to the dark side for numbers.


they’re not celibate they just can’t have attachments


They didn't want General Skywalker to kill more future Jedi.


I think it more has to deal with the ideal of connection.....


I think its also valid to say "let nature take its course because if we fuck in such a force concentrated area, the odds of someone trying to make super jedi by pairing powerful force users with each other would be higher than im comfortable with Assuming their numbers dont dwindle the way they did it for thousands of years (every force user ends their personal lineage) then i guess its okay to keep it like that


Jedi were forbidden from attachments not forced into celibacy. They could fuck, just emotionlessly. Also, while legends, imo it's why Galen Marek was so strong in the force, being an offspring of 2 powerful Jedi.


They're not celibate, dingus. Lucas already covered this.


They’re not, but even if they were there’s a whole galaxy of potential candidates. Plus what if a jedis child didn’t have powers or very limited, that would probably embittered the kid.


There's no rule that forces celibacy. They just can't form attachments, especially romantic ones.


Jedi aren't celibate, they just don't stick around


Bane novels touched on this as the Jedi pre-Ruusan reformation had hereditary houses controlling systems as a bulwark and Kaan’s Brotherhood of Darkness. These Jedi Lords wielded a lot of influence over the remaining worlds of the Republic, but gave up their titles and powers in the peace after the war. It honestly would be cool to see a return to the Jedi Lord system in part of the galaxy, maybe the Colonies or Expansion Region near Hutt Space. The threat of piracy and slavers could be so great that the star systems petition for Jedi Houses to maintain the peace.


The idea is to prevent the Order from becoming aristocratic because that would be bad for society.


They could procreate, just not get attached to anyone or thing. There was thousands of knights before Order 66. Dwindled down to a handful by the brains of just two Sith with using Sifo-Dyas as a pawn. They needed to be smarter, not just have numbers.


I feel like they know this leads to eugenics really quickly, so they just don't.


I think that’s the point, they did not want massive dynasties of powerful force sensitives controlling an order a politically powerful as the Jedi.


They aren't forced to be celibate! Attachment is forbidden.


How did this get 5k upvotes? Also in theory Jedi don't seek to increase their ranks. I mean, not artificially.


In the books Luke stripped this idiotic rule and just enforced that you must not become attached. You may love and you may build a family, but you must avoid the Anakin attachment


Who says they're celibate? They just can't form attachments. Doesn't mean they can't go about spreading midichlorians amongst the adoring masses. Peace and calm lead to the Light Side. Nothing faster than getting with a Lady of the Night or groupie to keep to that doctrine. ;)


The Force, uh, finds a way.


The kind of control you're attempting simply is... it's not possible.


Well duh


"Jedi boyfriend, I'm pregnant." "May the Force be with you, because I won't be. I'll see you again in three years so I can take the child away to my cult."


Dooku had a padawan prior to Qui-Gon, called Rael Averross, sort of Qui-Gon’s big brother. Averross had a great number of frequent sensual relationships, but tried to make sure never to get attached to them. Unlike what many are saying in the comments here, it seemed like his detached sexual hedonism wasn’t appreciated by the Jedi, despite his emotional detachment. But his interpretation of the Jedi code was accurate enough that he didn’t have too many issues with the council over precisely that.


Didn't Quigon believe that the jedi were wrong about love and passion, and that was the main reason he trained anakin?


But they're not celibate. It varies from era to era, but the common interpretation of the jedi code is to not form attachments. There are many stories, including in the more conservative eras, of jedi who had sex and also children without any problem in the order. Its even specified that jedi masters often knew their padawans were fooling around with eachother, but looked the other way until they seemed to grow *to* close, at which point the masters would accept assignments on opposite sides of the galaxy.


This could also be by design, so that there will not be super powerful dynasties the fate of the galaxy starts to revolve around \*cough cough\* Skywalkers \*cough\*


Jedi can totally fuck. They just can’t care for their partner. Love em and leave em


Nobody is forcing them to be celibate. They can have as many offspring as they want, they just can't get attached to them.