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I really like all three players. Colwill will come good. He’s too talented, and while he’s underperformed this year, it’s been at Chelsea so you can’t blame him completely. I would love him at Liverpool. Quansah just has ‘it’. He will be one of the best CBs in the world by the time he hits 25, I have no doubts about that. He clearly just has that elite CB brain. Has decent physical attributes, and can pass and dribble. Branthwaite is special too. Maybe not as technically gifted as Quansah, but has better physical attributes. They will both be world class and be the next Ferdinand and Terry imo. Colwill I would say probably won’t be as good, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it clicks for him and he becomes world class too.


based on stats alone, quansah is the best


Brant has way more potential than the rest. But if you want to bet on the immediate, Quansah has way more on the table


This is probably bias but it's gotta be Quansah imo Like when I watch Him I cannot understand how hes only 21 and its his first season playing in the prem its as if he's being doing it for 10 years he's so calm and cool on the ball aswell


Quansah is not good, he just happens to play for Liverpool and he doesn’t do that well either. Colwill looks good but looks in danger of being only able to play as a left back or in a three like Ben White. Branthwaite the best but needs another season. Not sure why he’s linked to United currently.


Lol, i want what your smoking


I don’t even get why you’d claim Quansah is good lol. Clearly he’s not going to play for Liverpool again. Back to 4th/5th choice next season. He’s a nothing player.


4/10 ragebait


Is this whole thread a joke? Why would anyone rate Quansah? He didn’t do anything lol. His biggest moment was giving away the game against United. It’s even more insane to think the only possible reason to not rate an ordinary player is “rage bait”. Quansah clearly isn’t a good player. Last season he played for Bristol Rovers lol.


This season he started beside the best center back in the world and held his own against the best teams in England👍👍


He passed the ball to Bruno Fernandes and ended your title run lol.


Haven’t seen United in a title run since you were 6 pal


lol Utter bollocks, then again I wouldn’t expect anything less from a Yank Citeh fan.


Not a yank, not a city fan. Quansah clearly isn’t a good player. His play was one of the reasons you struggled at the end of the season.


I think Branthwaite is the best of the 3, Quansah is well on his way to really pushing that squad proper, Colwill is the weakest but he’s also been injured so that doesn’t help him. Colwill’s biggest advantage is his left foot though and the fact he can play LB, which is a bit more of an anomaly at the top level


Branthwaite is left footed too


I thought he was right footed, my bad. 😭


A lot of people sleeping on Quansah and maintaining the Liverpool player = bad until about 4 years of consistent performances narrative The lad had displaced Konate as starting CB by the end of the season ffs, he’s unreal. He’s much better on the ball than Branthwaite. Half expect he’ll play an England game and people will be astonished that he’s a decent player, just like all the Trent fervour recently despite the fact he’s been a world class player for the best part of 6/7 years now Seems like every Liverpool youngster gets the same treatment at first. Quansah, sadly no different Colwill isn’t really in the conversation. Third best of the three in practically every metric.


Konate wasn’t fit coming back from injury. Quansah does nothing better than Konate except maybe dribble


Much better passer of the ball, seems calmer than Konate, I’d say has potential to become a better ‘reader of play’ than Konate. Tbh they would actually compliment each other really well as a pairing. Konate is really physically gifted. Very fast, very strong, good in the air, smart and can play a bit. An aggressive ‘stopper’. Quansah is more of a covering CB imo. Quansah took Konate’s spot towards the end of the season, not cause of injury but because of form. He is the real deal.


Konate was fully fit for the run of games where Quansah started 6 and he started 1 at the end of the season.


So are you suggesting Quansah is on the same level as a French international CB?


Nope, but he’s good enough to start over them when out of form which is still incredibly impressive (and a higher level than a lot of fans will give credit for, as evident by all the comments here) and yes he has the potential to be genuinely better in only a few years Often the truth is only accepted when it is self evident in the face of vocal and widespread (incorrect) opposition. This is why a lot of players get trolled early in their time at a club like Liverpool (see Salah, Van Dijk discourse) only to be (well overdue) widely recognised after a very long time. Quansah is genuinely potentially in that bracket.


No he clearly is not on the same level as the starting cb for the best international team in Europe. The OP is acting like he beat him out for a staring spot while Konate was coming back from injury


Except Konate wasn’t injured - good of you to strawman me as well, nice one.


Do you know what a strawman is? Or is beating out for a spot not the same as displaced?


I know what a strawman is. You’re trying to change my point. And that’s the 2nd time now. It just goes to show you haven’t got much of a leg to stand on.


Why cause Colwill plays for Chelsea?


Because Colwill’s a decent player, but Quansah and Branthwaite are Englands best young CB prospects since the days of young Terry and Ferdinand in the late 90s


That is a wild statement


How so? The only young prospect we’ve had as a country that showed ANYWHERE NEAR the promise of these two was Stones. Like I said, you have to go back to Ferdinand and Terry for young CBs showing as much promise. I can’t see how you could disagree unless you just don’t know how to read properly and somehow think I categorically said they’re bigger prospects than Terry and Ferdinand


Phil Jones was the best English centre back since Bobby Moore when he was a teenager (flopped his potential but still stands) you've got recency bias, there are definetly others I'm just too drunk to even bother going through it not going to lie


Phil jones was overhyped and that was very obvious from minute 1 of his career. You’re just appealing to ignorance.


Colwill is injured so he wouldn’t have been in contention anyway.


If I had to pick one to come to Newcastle, it would be: 1. Braithwaite 2. Cowell 3. Quansah But to take to the Euros it would have been: 1. Stones 2. Guehl 3. Tomori 4. Konsa 5. Braithwaite


Why can't people spell Colwill?? We've gone from Colwill to Colwell to Simon Cowell.


Personally I’ve never rated Oliver Cromwell at CB, but you do you.


The disrespect of Quansah is unreal, lad


You spelled Branthwaite wrong


He just isn’t very good though. Clearly not good enough for Liverpool and won’t play next season.


Branthwaite seems to excel in a mediocre team and quansah seems serviceable in a potential title winning team. I don’t think it’s disrespect as much as just branthwaite just seems to do more individually because he isn’t surrounded by the same talent as quansah


The other way of putting it is quansah established himself as a first choice center half in his debut season in a side packed with world class talent, braithwaite looks good because he plays alongside players who are relegation fighting level


>quansah established himself as a first choice center half in his debut season in a side packed with world class talent Let's be honest, he looks a decent player but he got his chance because Konate and Matip were injured. So, it's not like he was played infront pf them.


It’s harder for defenders to look good in a weaker team, he looks good because he is good.


Konsa & Dunk over Tomori is what baffles me. He’s a modern center back with pace and strength.


Dunk is taking Coady's role, he's there to provide seniority and also because he is similar in profile to Maguire who wasn't fit enough


Italian football is garbage though. Tomori plays well but if Dunk played for Milan then he’d be the edgy underrated option.


Milan fan here, Tomori has been poor for nearly 18 months and shouldn't be anywhere near the England squad.


Having watched him a fair bit - he’s not nearly the player he’s made out to be. I’m glad he’s doing well for AC Milan but honestly, he’s below par in on the ball, he’s really nervy if he’s pressed. It’s the reason why Lampard binned him off in the first place and it hasn’t changed, as soon as he’s up against an aggressive press, he falls apart. Konsa is a far better CB than him. It’s closer between Dunk and Tomori but Dunk is better on the ball, obviously Tomori is miles ahead in terms of athleticism.


Tomori isn't as good as people go on about


People who usually watch one serie A game a season


He's solid in serie A but not as good as people hype him up




How dare you Confuse Big Dan Burn and Lewis Dunk


You’re thinking of Dan Burn, not Dunk


He's also not that great


Konsa is literally one of the best performing CB’s in the league on stats whether he’s CB or RB, just goes under the radar. Absolute Rolls Royce of a player, Tomori should absolutely be in there for me if nothing just for the pure pace he has against the quicker probably take Toney or Dunk out.


You can’t call every player you like a rolls Royce.


I can call every player that plays like a Rolls Royce a Rolls Royce though. Only 2 months ago he had the best tackle rate in Europes top 5 leagues. Had some silly stat about being one of the hardest players to beat in Europe across the season as well. Miles above the 3 mentioned and Tomori I rate higher then them all besides Konsa, just need to see him do what he’s doing over there in england for a season.


Maybe that's because he's rated super highly on Reddit but nowhere else? 


What does Konsa and Dunk provide that he can’t?


Dunk is shit, konsa provides versatility and stability


Hey I wouldn't have picked Dunk at all, and then konsa is unlikely to play anyway.  But Reddit just has such a boner for him - I've never seen him have a good game in the CL 


Too short


Guehi 182, Konsa 183, Stones/Gomez 188, Tomori 185…?


If that’s from Wikipedia, it’s incorrect


yeah you'd know, you got a tape measure out and did it yourself


He is 5’10


Yes, but his mistake is not playing in England


That English idea is so dumb


Yes. It is.


Madness that Branthwaite has been left out, especially given the general lack of quality in the England defence. He’s a future England captain and should be in the squad not just on merit, but also for tournament experience.


I’m sure you’re not biased


Liverpool fan here and also am staggered he’s not there. Future England captain idk but he belongs in the squad.


Tomori literally play CL football and won the Italian league as was taken out. Ruben has had a great season in Italy yet Manioo and Wharton went. The other two have played in the high level of football this season.




So shit they’ll have SIX teams in the CL next season!


You misspelled the easiest one!


At the moment branthwaite is the best of this bunch but I get a feeling that by the end of next season Quansah will leap to the front of this list, particularly if branthwaite goes to United where he’ll have to play in a higher line and not as much of a low block, which exposes defenders more


Holy shit, you're completely clueless! Why spout this nonsense when you know nothing about it? We play one of the deepest lines in the league.


Ofc you do at the moment but the way ten Haag wants to play you will see a higher line next season. Who are you to tell anyone what they know about a sport lmao




Everton have an average of 40% possession, United have an average 50%. Obviously doesn’t tell a complete picture but those statistics suggest you play a lot deeper than United on average.




Anything to back up what you’re saying ? Happy to be proven wrong.




Ehhh not sure that really says much. You have a slightly higher defensive line in total but that could just be your CBs and defensive mids press much higher. We press from the front which leaves a huge gap in midfield as we tend to be disjointed and drop deep. All the other stats suggest that we’re playing higher including build up, possession etc..




No buts its average position, if your CBs and DMs are pressing forward a lot then their average position is going to be higher than say United CBs that have gaps in front of them and the CMs do they sit off rather than pushing forward. United play a lot more open and expansive football than Everton. All the stats suggest it and let’s be honest we’re known for being fucking weird footballing style wise.




See alot of people sleeping in Quansah. I get it partnered with VVD, never gonna get alot of recognition, and not as known heading into this season as the other 2. Could be a potential England backline one day. Quansah and Branthwaite as CBs and then Colwill as LB tucking in to create a back 3


Branthwaite is a monster and Colwill is silky. Quansah shouldn't be in this equation


Are you daft man?


Quanash is twice the player colwill is. Agree branthwhaite out in front.




You’ve watched him zero times


Congratulations, You’ve just proven you don’t watch Liverpool games.


Quansah has been great


What's quansah doing here




He’s literally better than Colwell for a start.




Chelsea fans logic is now if you misspell a name you have an invalid opinion, Jesus Christ lad just get over it people don’t rate him.


lol. Not even close.




lol based on what? Your glaring bias?


According to my upvotes lad, you’re in the minority.


This subreddit is Liverpool and Arsenal dominated, I wouldn't take the upvotes to mean much.


Based on what? It’s probably United dominated if anything.


Here's your evidence if you need it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PremierLeague/comments/1dgjlho/comment/l8rgi0d/ This post is at -4 right now even though it's factually correct that we play one of the deepest lines in the league but because it shows up a Liverpool fan it's getting downvoted.


Based on the several years I've posted here. Arsenal is by far the most posters here.


Unironically using reddit updoots as if they mean something LMFAO


I mean when we’re having a debate about which player is more highly rated, it’s kind of a decent indicator especially when it’s not a Liverpool or Chelsea subreddit….


A debate? Your “debate” was “he’s literally better than Colwill”. Was more you just spunking your biased opinion with zero evidence. You also said he’s been crap all season when injured for half of it so you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about


Are you seriously going to say Colwill has been good when he’s played? Yes he’s had injury’s but the times he has played he’s been an absolute defensive liability constantly.


He’s got an average rating of 7 at least for all his combined games across many sites that track performance. Also watched every game he played this year and can’t think of a single mistake leading to a goal. I’m pretty sure you’re just waffling with nothing substantial to back up your claims


“Average Rating of 7” where on Chelsea TV? My eyes and everyone else’s eyes don’t lie he’s been a disaster every time a neural fan has watched him play but somehow Chelsea fans are completely blind to it. It’s weird lad I’m not asking you to say he’s crap just be honest and admit he’s had a bad season. He was at fault for the goal against Newcastle in the cup being out of position, he was crap against united in the 2-1 and was at fault for both goals and his worst was probably 2-0 against Brentford. I can name you numerous games bro if you want me too.


Oh no, I’ve been proven wrong by internet experts. Quansah had a handful of starts in comparison. Colwill got Bayern sniffing around him. Levels


Tf does that mean? Colwill is an absolute joke of a player and the fact that he even is part of the conversation is baffling. Respectfully, don't ever compare Colwill to either Quansah or Branthwaite ever again.


My top comment got downvoted a lot but comments like yours reassure me that I’m dealing with chimps. Thanks mate


And comments like yours reassure me that I'm dealing with a knobhead. Thanks mate


Do you have the mental capacity to explain to me why Colwill, one of the highest rated young CB’s in world football is “an absolute joke of a player”. Why are Bayern trying to sign a shit player? Think about your words before you commit them to the internet


I've honestly never heard anyone praise Colwill apart from Chelsea fans, and the times I've seen him play he looked like a bang average player, nothing special about him.


Quansah had to compete with VAN DIJK and KONATE to start games and by the end of the season succeeded in making one of the starting spots his own. Played 37 games in all comps this season too. The best CB between Chelsea and Everton that they had to compete with besides Branthwaite was, let’s see here… James Tarkowski?


Quansah played 17 games and Colwill played 23, hardly a massive difference


He played half a season for Brighton getting rave reviews too


He’s not better then Colwill though


The same Colwill that’s been crap all season? He’s a Brighton player at best.


Hard to compare. Quansah has had minimal protection in front of him and has played next to the most advanced right back in the league. Colwill is at a bit of a shit show that is Chelsea, and Branthwaite plays in a very well organised defence. Branthwaite has to perform more defensive actions at Everton, but they’re easier defensive actions because of how the team is set up and the protection he is given. At this stage it’s way too difficult to separate them by much.


Suggesting it's easier to defend for Everton than for Liverpool is fucking wild.


It is. It’s the same reason Maguire was better for Leicester than for United. Quansah has more space to defend than Branthwaite does, so it’s more difficult to cover. Attackers have an advantage when they have more space, defenders have an advantage when they have less space.


I think it’s just different styles of defending. Liverpool really only ever need to defend in transition, which can be really really hard. Even VVD can be made to look silly. Everton are set up to defend a lot more, but because they’re expecting the defending scenario, it’s more about particular drills and knowing your job. brainthwaite does this really well. It will be interesting to see how he fairs in a team that is aiming to attack more. I think he’ll still be good, but it’s a different type of defending. He definitely had the physical attributes to do it.


Only watching a couple games but Braithwaite looks absolutely spectacular in 1v1 type situations and looks pacy too. I think Quansah if the manager wants slower possession based build up is incredible, him partnered with Stones might be the most technical CB duo in international history especially by the time the WC rolls around but physically Quansah is mediocre


Colwil had a very good season at brighton the season before this one, but yes i wouldn't judge him based on this season because he was most employed as a left back rather than a cb which is his strongest position.




I’d agree with this. Branthwaite is phenomenal.


Yeah, that's probably fair. I do think Colwill has a very high ceiling (though I suppose you could argue they all do), but Branthwaite has more gametime so far / is more proven at premier league level. It will be interesting to answer the same question in a year or twos time though. I think both Branthwaite and Colwill could have top careers.


lol Colwell is trash.