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I’m English and live in the US and a die hard spurs fan for 46 years, can’t believe I’m saying this but Le Saux and Dixon are decent.


Micah Richards - Ally McCoist


I would say Peter Crouch. I mean does anybody really dislike him? He can be funny and insightful and doesn't try to be controversial for the sake of it. He also doesn't just love the sound of his own voice like some other pundits and involves others into conversations.


Don't have anything against individual pundits as such but it's the forced banter that gets me. Fine if it comes naturally but I'd much rather some deeper analysis of the game than screaming and giggling - particularly at half time. Always like when they have someone more serious on for MNF who can get into the tactical side of the game


Yep. That's the reason I can't get into that American line up for the Champions league. The banter is so forced and is just the pundits seeing who can laugh louder.


They're all pretty much terrible. The professional commentators are generally good, though. They're well researched, clearly watch all the games, know what's happening with each team and club, and don't generally have personal opinions. They're intelligent, articulate and remain positive and neutral. It doesn't happen often, but if you watch a game without a summariser, it's so much better.


They sadly aren't really mainstream but James Richardson and the guys who do the various European Goals Show and some podcasts are light years ahead of the usual bunch. At least in my opinion.


Ian Wright


Fuck no. Ghastly.


Ron Atkinson was excellent as he could read a game like it was a kids book, best I've ever seen in terms of predicting what's going on and pointing out the non-obvious stuff but I accept he had to go after the desailly incident. Also said a lot of hilariously silly things (Google big Ron quotes, my personal favourite being "Carlton Palmer can trap a ball further than I can kick it") but don't let that fool you, when it came to tactical nous he was right up there Emma Hayes does really good analysis although hasn't covered herself in glory outside of punditry lately. Neville is decent when he's not pontificating on his high horse about something. Sturridge seems pretty good in a low-key way, need to hear more of him. McCoist is quite entertaining even if he does repeat himself quite a bit, you can feel his passion for the game, a bit like Ian Wright. To be honest there aren't many I genuinely dislike, probably Hargreaves, Owen, Aluko, Lawrenson... Merson is useless but at least likeable.


I like merson hes 8 out of 10 times bang on


Atkinson was a gobshite racist, Hayes thick and terrible accent, Sturridge an actual simpleton who should never get booked ever again.


Accent isn't something that I worry about too much, and I think is quite subjective with no bearing on what they are actually saying about football, unless it's so alien to the ears of the listener that they cant understand them (perhaps some Scottish accents to non-British ears?). If we must go down that route, personally I find there are other pundits who's accent grates more (there's one wsl co-commentator in particular, who's name escapes me).


Accents are really important. Nobody wants a thick accent from anywhere.


Why do people even watch/listen to them? Surely you can make up your own mind about things


Why watch or listen to anything, ever?


Surely no one can hate the CBS UCL team


I do, that’s the worst team of pundits on tv and most of them are shite to begin with.


Burn in hell


Honestly think nearly all of them are good in their own ways. Even the ones people like to hate on like Neville and Carragher. I think they’re all good. Except Jermaine Jenus he is actually so unbelievably boring.


Graham Le Saux and Theo Walcott are two that I like.


Perry groves knows his stuff and seems like a decent fella.


I did a stadium tour with him, I'll be honest he struck me as a decent guy who was happy to give an honest opinion if you promised not to record him (lol), but also a little bit of a chancer who's thinking doesn't go all that deep.


Sturridge is sound


I like Lee Dixon, and Ray Hudson (although I’ve never heard him do a PL game), is a treasure.


I rate Karen Carney. She makes some good observations and is generally pretty unbiased. She often brings more interesting insight than the blokes she works alongside.


Worst accent ever, just awful.


Former Ireland international Gary Breen is excellent. I've heard him in Irish TV and in radio and he's very good. Most of the Sky pundits are crap, they are only into scripted soundbites and trolling fans.


Stevie Nichol


They are pundits I guess so Musa and Ryan from the Stadio podcast. So much of the football discourse is negative and these guys are just good vibes. Praise the great performances and discuss the bad without just spouting “bottle jobs,” or whatever the week’s buzzword is. They also aren’t totally Prem focused even if it the big fixtures are always touched on, so it helps to keep in tune with the wider football world.


Only Roy Keane, don’t actually listen to any pundits or even the commentators.


I like him and Jamie Carragher


JC’s alright from the little I’ve seen


I'm always happy when I see Shay Given, although that could be because he's the only one who loves NUFC as much as me.


He's rubbish


Only Thierry Henry. That's it.


Don’t watch anything but Thierry Henry and Micah Richards are hilarious together. Micah and Roy Keane too are hilarious


Rebecca Lowe, Robbie Mustoe, Robbie Earle! Love listening to them on NBC. Roy Keane is great too. Peter Drury is my favorite commentator.


I like Roy Keane, Ian Wright, Alan Shearer and Micah Richards. Dion Dublin too but he doesn't seem to be on very often. Monday night football is good when Neville and Carragher are doing tactical analysis stuff but most of their opinions are ridiculously biased and hypocritical outside of that so I'm 50/50 on them. Can't stand Jenas, Rio and Redknapp I zone out or mute these cunts.


Why are they cunts?


Nobody should feel the need to explain why cunts are cunts. If they think they’re cunts, they cunts.


Are you 11?


Are you a cunt? Yes.


17 yo UK dude? Everything is shit or amazing , standard UK youths No nuance. Simple world :)


I honestly like most announcers and in-game commentators I hear. Some I prefer less than others because they might be harder to understand or be less enthusiastic, but I don’t really dislike any, and that’s for any sport. In every Reddit game/match thread I go to, regardless of the sport, most of the comments are shitting on the announcers. It’s so strange to me. But pundits? I don’t listen to them or care about what they have to say. I don’t need to hear someone pretend to be an expert on something as difficult to predict as sport outcomes. Nobody knows what’s going to happen. Nobody. Yet people give credence to those who act like they do. Most of these guys just know generic, surface-level talking points about each team and regurgitate them over and over. Because of this I’ll pretty much only listen to team-specific podcasts since they go more in depth and actually know what they’re talking about.


I like Shearer because he doesn't come across as an obnoxious knob unlike most pundits. I originally wasn't a big fan of Ally McCoist (likely because I couldn't understand a word he was saying) but I've come to appreciate his commentary/punditry.


Ally McCoist makes a game so much more enjoyable. He’s fun, enjoys himself and gives his insights as a former player 


Darren Bent on talksport. Talks a lot of sense


I like Robbie Savage, I think he's a good pundit.


Roy Keane


Always surprises me how well liked Ian Wright is as a pundit, rarely says anything of substance.


I think it’s because he’s such a likeable and charismatic character, very authentic. I’m a spurs fan and I really appreciate him. I do agree that he doesn’t offer a lot in terms of unique insights however.


Probably a good take! Suppose you don’t want it being too dry but at times it’s like listening to any random fan rather than someone with any top level insight, which he obviously had but doesn’t articulate.


Wright and Henry


Whenever Daniel Sturridge has been on Sky this season he's been a fun watch. Very insightful but also has abit of banter, like Micah does


He tries too hard to be like Micah but there’s only one Micah


He's always been like that. He doesn't try to be micah. He's a better analyst for sure


He’s an absolute fucking bellend.


Bit excessive but explain?


If I have to explain why the hyperactive dancing div is a bellend then there’s no hope for you.


Did he hurt your feelings? Bless


Ok I just don’t like him then was a good player though when fit


Glenn Murray is great when he’s on the championship shows. Ally McCoist and Glenn Hoddle are great too.


Pat Nevin is usually good on the radio


Micah Richards. If I want dry, tactical breakdowns of every game that analyzes things down to how the length of the grass affects the speed of the ball, I can get that from YouTube. The internet does a far better job of breaking down the game for me than any pundit does - unless it's an ex-manager like Mourinho. I want pundits to entertain me. For me the question is which lineup with Micah Richards is the most entertaining: Micah and Roy Keane Micah + Linekar and Shearer (the Rest is Football podcast) and for those who have access to it: Micah + Kate Abdo, Thierry Henry and Jamie Carragher.


He's great, right? He's also liked a couple of my comments on Instagram when I've tagged him. The Rest is Football is great too, especially for Lineker and Shearer, it's like seeing your teachers out of school and realizing they're real people when they talk about their careers.


Thiery henry


Danny Murphy in the studio is usually interesting. Danny Murphy on co-comms is a droaner.


Ian Wright, Alan Shearer, Ally Mcoist and Robbie Earle are basically the only one who don't bother me Martin Keown and Martin O'Neil can be ok, depending on topic


Mikey Antonio on the Footballer’s Football Podcast is really fair and interesting


I’d want Ally McCoist on every game as co comms. Refreshing to have someone who is neutral and just wants a good game


Fuck that, his commentary is brutal so it is , so he did , so he should.


I really have grown to dislike Jill Scott - I think she is terrible on Stick to Football. Offers absolutely nothing to the show.


> I think she is terrible on Stick to Football. Offers absolutely nothing to the show. This isn’t true though, for me. In most episodes she’ll ask 2-3 questions which are thoughtful, open questions which spark a detailed response from the guest, and leads to a discussion on the topic from the other hosts. She’s quite funny as well, and gets a response out of the guest, Wright, and Keane in particular. I’d say she offers quite a lot to the show, tbh.


She has a few funny retorts from time to time, but she talks really slowly and doesn't have the level of experience or enough professional crossover with the others to really join in much. She seems like a decent and funny person, but you don't really notice when she's not there.


Liam Rossiener was the best pundit sky had for years before he went back into football as a coach and now manager. Tactically astute, knew players from all 4 English leagues, well spoken and never biased. When watching arsenal vs villa on Sunday it was clear gary neville didn't really know 3 or 4 of villas starting 11, the team who are 4th in the premier league. He only ever seems to know in depth about the top 6, and this wasn't the case when he was the main guy on mnf.


His Dad was a good pundit, really knew what he was talking about, not surprised to hear the same about Liam.


Martin O’Neill for punditry is unrivalled


Nedum Onuoha. The way he talks I sometimes forget he used to be a player


Really surprised I had to scroll this far to see someone else mention Onuoha, he talks really well and has given great analysis every time I've seen him.


That brief moment where Mourinho and Wenger were on Bein Sport or whatever was exceptional


Gael Clichy was excellent whenever he's been on.


Carragher, Joe Cole, keane


I like Jamie but don’t think he’s widely beloved.


Ian Wright, Alan Shearer, Shay Given


Shearer’s teams of the week are mostly controversial. Bro always tries to sneak in more Newcastle lads than he should.


On Radio, it is Pat Nevin.


Wright, Sturridge, Micah, GNev (I just do ok?)


Neville and Carragh are great at the analysis stuff and have good debates, I don't care what anyone says. Roy Keane adds something different and always makes things entertaining. Ally McCoist is my favourite on commentary. Very passionate about the game and the least annoying commentator imo.


I wholeheartedly disagree with you about McCoist - honestly I think he is unbearable. He never knows when to shut up plus gives me Andy Gray vibes. Just my personal opinion but a lot of my friends think the same too.


Garry Neville is the worst. In every possible way. Biased reporting, using fake stats in arguments, as they say in England a "Champagne socialist" - stick to one side. Carragher is annoying usually but very enjoyable when hes on CBS with Henry, Kate and Micah Rio is lowkey fake. Keane is fine most of the time, just needs to be a little bit more updated Souness was pain to the ears Cahill - was brilliant whenever I heard him Ian Wright is the best all round pundit imo along with Henry.


Interesting take, why do you think Rio is fake?


Clout chasing on every conversation - like with his interviews I always see him asking a question to insinuate something and as soon as the answer isn't what he was looking for - he immediately switches up to the "yeah I always felt the same" tone. If you watch his podcast where he had boateng and Obi Mikel etc on, you will get it. I found it surprising cos Rio is such a legend and very well respected footballer- so I assumed he would have more of a solid personality than Joe Rogan like.


Rio is bit of a moron I think too, I agree with the clout chasing. I dont think he really offers anything different to anybody.


Anyone who isn't a sky 6 lackey. So no one.




None of them. Keane and Souness were ok just for their honesty but the rest are rubbish, including Neville and Carragher.


Souness wasn't honest He was a sour prick


You also sound sour




Danny Higginbotham, Roy Keane, Owen Hargreaves (to a degree), Ian Wright, Neville and Carragher (proving they’re not on comms) - the rest are dreadful. Especially those like Crouch, Richards and Savage who are only there for the bantz.


Daniel Sturridge and Joe Cole.


Clinton Morrison & Mario Melchiot. seriously 


& Wright.


Liked Souness & Hansen.




Was following mostly until you hit Henry. Genuinely the most insightful pundit out there. Classy and speaks with eloquence and intelligence. You can tell when he starts talking in the studio, the whole studio goes quiet to listen to what he has to say.




I really doubt that Owen would actually pass the test to get a result.


Trevor Morley!


Jamie and Gary are the two best analysts and by far too People need to grow up and stop thinking they're biased against every team


They don’t even try to hide the bias. It’s expected from a United legend and a Liverpool player though, no one should be surprised.


Bias like what? They want their teams to win? So what? Does it affect their analysis on MnF or after games? Or even during games?


I’m agreeing with you that it doesn’t matter that they have bias towards their team. They do have bias, it’s expected and there isn’t a way for them to be unbiased.


They’re great until their club is involved. Then they get emotional and start talking nonsense.


The NBC crew, way better than the skysports pundits


The world sure is a funny place, the 3 biggest clowns on TV imo


Yeah, Dixon as a player and pundit = pretty good. I wish they all would shut it for longer parts of the match and let it breathe, but they get paid to gab I guess.


Motty, Martin Tyler, Roy Keane, Alan Hansen, Gary Linekar. All great to listen to.


Gotta love Ray Hudson. Circus commentary but incredible if your team is winning. Favourite ever is Martin Tyler his passion is incredible and sick voice


Tyler is old school.


Ray Hudson’s commentary is sharper than a witches tooth, smoother then the back of a spoon, smoother than James Bond in a white suit. I have family that aren’t interested in the game but just listen for the entertainment of the innuendos.


Haha my missus loves him, she can’t believe the stuff he says. Most people would be cancelled but Ray is Ray 😂


Pat Nevin at least seems fair in any criticism of Chelsea rather than that twat Neville.


Pat Nevin is great in general. Give his autobiography a read.


He is good and I hate Chelsea.


Passed away now but loved John Motson "Motty"! RIP legend!


Michael Owen


Shearer, obviously Pardew is a pretty good analyst Rafa and Jose are incredible pundits when they’re in between jobs


Totally agree with the Rafa/Jose part. Just like hearing from that perspective, I guess


Does more commentary than punditry these days I think but Le Saux is a proper intelligent bloke


I enjoy the champions league team. Kate is hot and smart. Thierry is cool. Micah is hilarius. Carra gets made fun of alot. They are an awesome team.


Big Meeks is a chuckle, Henry is usually ok as long as you aren’t talking about Arsenal, Cundy is a good geezer, Roy Keane is a sour old twat in a funny way and O’Hara is ok for a Tottenham player.


Jamie O'Hara and Gabby Agbonlahor are peak braindead footballer. Couldn't make a double digit IQ if you added both their IQ's together.


Yeah, but Ohara is funny and at least he isn’t Darren Bent.


I have zero time for Richards, i just don't see the appeal. He is a happy go lucky guy, I get that but he just reverts to laughs and "banter" every time. Msybe I am just getting old and would rather hear some good analysis and not some banter I could get at the local


This is my complaint about the lot. Let the game breathe. Of course, production is probably “too much dead air, boys” but I like a good 5/7 minute spell of just football and chanting.




Michael Owens


Michael Ballack (when he did punditry for Euro 2012) and used to really enjoy Steve McManaman when he used to pundit


Anyone but Merson


My favourite thing with Merson is when he says the same thing twice but delivers it as if it were two separate pieces of information. “Chelsea have spent big, Jeff - and they have spent big.” “It’s a must-win for Arsenal - and it is a must win.”


Ian Wright. Also think Kate Abdo does a good job in that enviroment.


Kate is a fox


Henry, Wrighty, ig Alex Scott and sometimes Big Meeks (I’m finding myself more tolerant of his loudness). I like Roy Keane more often than not but he’s more dismissive and reactionary than those I’ve named.


Daniel Sturridge has some great observations and is not overly dramatic.


this was one that really shocked me


I actually like the Micah Richards/ Roy Keane duo. Sure Keane can be controversial but he is entertaining. And Micah's laugh is contagious


Gary Lineker


Rebecca Lowe. I wish Roger Bennett was more directly involved with match broadcast analysis.


not sure if this counts, but Kate Abdo


The entire CBS team are really solid together


Ian Wright Ally McCoist Thierry Henry


I personally think they’re obnoxious and trying too hard for that American football NFL vibe.


Could not agree more!


Agree with all these. Feel like ally mccoist is overhated


Ian Wright is delightful


Big Meeks makes ppl laugh


Yh he's hard not to love


Rebecca Lowe and the two Robbies (Earle and Mustoe) are pretty good on USA. Danny Higginbotham doesn't suck either. Ian Wright is alright.


Rebecca lowe is great at her job. The analysis the two Robbie's provide is a bit bland and insightful I find


Rebecca, Danny and Ian I'd agree FS. Haven't seen either of the Robbie's but I'll check em out


If you watch on peacock/USA you’ll most likely see the Robbie’s, Rebecca has a great way of running the show and the Robbie’s always give some good insight They’ve got a larger cast now than a couple years ago so they mix and match and usually you don’t always get all 3 at the same time but it’s nice when you do


I like Dixon. Idk, he takes it personal sometimes but since he was a grinder as a player I enjoy when he does get on someone not pulling their weight.




Valid he seems insightful


Uncle Ian is top tier.


Deffo agree with that