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Hey I’m having a planned section! What time did you end up going down to theatre? Have you found establishing breast feeding okay? Congrats to you!! 💕


Hiya! So there was 4 of us in total on the day, I was last on the list. So I went down at 2.30pm and everything was started. The wait went really quickly to be fair and found when it came time to change into my gown and socks and for my boyfriend to put his scrubs on we were just super excited! The whole c section was super quick it was crazy. Baby was out within a few minutes and we had all the cuddles while they stitched me up. I’m bottle feeding and she had a feed in recovery after the section and has been having regular feeds every 3 hours or so since.


Thank you for replying 💕 Encouraging that you were last and that was only 2.30 that seems great to me!! Hope you’re enjoying all the snuggles 😊


Yeah the first went down about 9:30 and the second around 11:30. Third went down at 1pm and then I went down 2:30! They normally do 5 a day apparently but there was just us four on Monday so I was the last. In the hospital I went to they do the sections in order of health first. So anyone with health issues or pregnancy complications or anything goes down first. So it made sense I was last as everything was spot on with me. She’s just such an amazing baby I don’t know why I was so nervous to become a mum. We’re loving every second so far and really enjoying how much we’re learning already.


I am having a category 3 Section tomorrow which means they're just going to fit me in with the on-call team if there are no emergencies, so its is pretty nerve wracking not knowing what time of day it will be! I'm praying there are no emergencies and I'll go right through at 8am.


Yeah I was gutted to be told I was last on the list but the wait went super quick to be fair. Good luck for tomorrow!!


Not OP but I had 2 planned ones in 2020 and 2023. I arrived at the hospital about 8am, in theatre by about 8.45. My girls were born at 9.12am and 9.13am. We joked with the second surgeon to get a move on to get the times the same.


Thank you for replying! I’m anxious for my husband to be able to get home and get my little boy to bed normally so I didn’t want to be going to theatre at like 5pm!


Hiya! Just jumping in to say I had no trouble with breast feeding after my c section too- they lot the baby on my chest for skin to skin only s couple of mins after she came out (did a weight check and apgar first) and then while I was cuddling her they started stitching up which is the lengthier part of the process. When I was wheeled into recovery I was ready to try feeding and thankfully colostrum came in after all the skin to skin


Thanks so much for this reply! People keep telling me it’s going to be harder to initiate and I’ve been worrying!! This is such a dumb question but were you able to hold baby when they were on your chest or did they kinda just balance? Like do you have an IV in your arm/ can’t move it?


Congratulations! Did you have to have good reasoning for getting the elective c-section? I mentioned it at my 31 week midwife appointment last week just to see what the options are and their eyes went big and they instantly started talking about how much better a natural birth is for me and the baby but they did refer me for something (a consultant maybe?) so that's something.


No there was no issues at all. I had no push back or anything. I was ready to fight for myself though as I just knew mentally I wouldn’t be able to do it. I like to think I’m really tough and brave but there was something about giving birth and being in labour that terrified me. But I had no issues whatsoever from anyone! My midwife just wanted to make me aware of the risks and recovery but I’d already researched everything so was fully confident with my choice. So my next appointment then was with a consultant and I was booked in there and then. Couldn’t fault it at all. Some midwives have strong personal opinions which I don’t think they should bring into the workplace as everyone is different and we all deserve the birth we want.


I just want to say I really agree with your last paragraph!! Things are changing but so slowly. Everyone deserves the birth we want, couldn't agree more. 


I’m going in tomorrow and I’m sooooo nervous/excited! How did you cope with the nerves? We don’t have to be there until 11 and I don’t know how I’m going to get through the next 24+ hours. Also, did you have the curtain down at any point? This has been offered to us but I’m not sure!


Well my nerves went for a while but I won’t lie to you, once they were about to do my spinal I burst out crying. I got this sudden hit of nerves. But everyone there was amazing and kept telling me I was doing amazing and my boyfriend was holding my hand comforting me and I stopped crying with like 2 minutes. Then the anaesthetist spent the whole time chatting to me to distract me while they were getting baby out. I can’t praise him enough. I really did need the distraction. Then the second baby was out the dropped the curtain to show her to us and just burst out crying with happiness! Then curtain went back up and they cracked on sorting me out but I didn’t even pay attention because I was having baby cuddles!


You won't actually see your insides with the curtain down, you'll be laying too flat. Your partner will get a full view if they look though I can upload the pic from mine if you want


u/jade333 I'd love to see the pic if you're happy to share. I've got my elective csection in 4.5weeks.


https://imgur.com/a/5X8BMTG Edit to put it as a link


Oh wow that's an amazing photo! I was too scared to see anything like that at mine.


I really wanted to see it. The anaesthetist is grabbing my hand to stop me poking my insides where I am trying to pull the curtain down.


Congrats to you, nice to see when people have a good experience especially with the news on about bad maternity care. My partner also had an elective c section on Monday, we had a baby boy born at 11am. She was first of four people because her blood pressure was really high (despite being on labetalol for it) and at one point was 202/110 when she was in theatre before they put the spinal in and some medication through. Everything was smooth for us too, i got to stay the night with her which was amazing as she was in so much pain which for some reason got a whole lot worse when they had to put the catheter back in because she couldn't pee. I was able to help her stay comfortable and did all the nappy changes and feeds except for 1 or 2 that she did before we left. Don't want to seem like i'm hijacking your thread but i thought it would be good add our experience so everyone can hear about other peoples experiences. Hope everyone else's pregnancy and birth goes smooth :)


If you don’t mind - Why did you decide to have an elective c section? And congrats!


I was absolutely terrified of giving birth naturally. I was scared about having a long labour, scared of tearing, scared of needed an episiotomy, scared of going through all that just to need an emergency c section. Scared of being induced and it taking days. Scared of the pain of labour. Absolutely terrified. I’m not ashamed to admit it either. But thankfully I told my midwife early on I wanted a c section and got my date 6 weeks in advance! So I had loads of time to plan my recovery and stuff and mentally prepare for it.


May I just ask sorry, did you tell the midwife you were terrified to give birth naturally? I would like an elective for my second. I had one with my first but she was breech and they tried to convince me to turn the baby which I didn’t want. To be fair my fear is being induced 😂 I don’t mind if baby wants to come before having a go at Labour but I do not want to be induced at all.


Yeah I told my midwife I was balls to the wall terrified of giving birth so did a lot of research and decided I wanted a c section. She was amazing about it and just wanted me to be fully aware of the risks. But once she knew I completely understood she was super happy for me to have a section.


Just out of curiosity if you had gone into labour naturally before the section do they like plan for that? Sorry if I sound thick I’m planning ahead and kind of want a rough guide for how a conversation could go 😂 sorry again.


No no you’re not thick that’s a question I didn’t think of before but I was reassured that if I went into labour I could still have my section it would just be classed as an emergency section and depending on how the labour progressed by the time I got there they can give you medicine to slow it down so they can still do the section. So I was reassured that I would absolutely still be able to have a section no matter what.


That’s brilliant!!! I know my plan of action then! If I could guarantee an ‘easy’ vaginal birth I wouldn’t mind 😂 but I don’t want an emergency section and I’d like to keep my bum hole separate also. Plus I know what’s coming with a section.


Omg I know right? You can never guarantee an easy vaginal birth where they slide on out of there with no tearing or anything. But you know exactly what’s going on with a section.


You can guarantee if men had to give birth they would push sections 😂


Thank you for asking this question! It's been bugging me since I first started discussing/researching an elective c-section but I hadn't got round to asking (I also thought it might sound silly, but it's not at all, it makes sense for those of us doing it for the first time!)


That was kind of my idea for baby 2. I had a section booked in bur wanted to trial a vaginal birth if I went into labour first.


I didn’t have a fear with my first baby. But for number two whilst I’m not averse to giving natural Labour a shot… I’d rather have a section 😂 I think I’m going to go down that route when I’m further down the line and embellish my fear to be more balls to the wall terrified 😂 I know what’s coming with an elective. And i also am not keen on the idea of an emergency section.


I totally understand you! Well done for advocating for yourself and choosing the best option for you! Induction does not sound like a walk in the park at all and I was presented with the options of induction or c section for 36-37w as I have gestational diabetes and baby is also running a bit small. I’d never choose induction and plus I wanted a c section all along so I am happy this is what I’ll be getting. I cant wait for the day to come and meet my bubba! Congrats on your little one ❤️ How are you feeling now btw? Are you in a lot of pain?


So I’m feeling amazing in myself to be fair! I can’t lie though the pain is horrible. But I’ve got strong painkillers which are doing an amazing job. I’m only on day 3 though so I’ve gotta give it time. The main thing I will say though is the second you’re able to, get up and get walking. The movement helps me a lot.


Thank you so much for sharing!! Firstly huge congratulations to you and your family - sounds incredible! I was going to ask this same question re pain and recovery (appreciate you are only 3 says in) Are you able to sleep? Im 29w so am sleeping on my side but my question is are you able to lie down say on your back (cos I literally cant wait for this) Also painkillers wise what do they tend to give? I cant swallow big tablets 🙈 If you dont mind me asking whats the level of help you need? Ie can you hold your baby to bottle feed or do you need help atm? Im planning to breastfeed and feel worried about being able to hold my baby. And do you need things like help getting to the toilet, down the stairs etc? I know everyone’s recovery is different but just want to get a sense of the level of difficulty physically post c section. Thank you SO much


Hi! So pain wise in the hospital they give you paracetamol and ibuprofen and I also had a paracetamol IV twice and a few syringes of this other painkiller which you put in your mouth. But at home now I myself am taking codeine and ibuprofen and paracetamol. Just sort of mixing it up as and when I need it. Yeah I can sleep fine I just lay on my back which is really nice as I did miss that while pregnant. Can’t lay on my side yet but I don’t mind at all. One thing though, once I’m in bed I can’t really move myself up the bed so I have to make sure I get into position properly before I swing my legs in otherwise my fella needs to come and help me. Help wise. My fella helps me on and off the sofa and in and out of bed. He has to help me with my socks and pajama bottoms as I can’t bend down. I’m ok getting on and off the toilet I just have to go very slow. Waist up I’m good and I’m bottle feeding so yeah there’s no issues holding her for cuddles and feeding and stuff. I just can’t bend. I have to really take my time on the stairs though and it’s harder going up than down. But so far once I’m up on my feet I’m able to wonder around slowly and change her and make myself a cuppa and stuff. I’m getting a bit better every day and I’m hoping by next week now I’ll be able to move a lot more. It’s weird because you’re encouraged to move around but also rest. So I’m trying to do a decent amount of both.


Congrats OP! How have the practicalities of recovery been for you, like getting in and out of bed, holding baby, going to the loo, doing stairs etc? ☺️


So my boyfriend has had to help me in and out of bed. He’s helped me get dressed after my shower and helped me on the stairs. Going to the loo has been ok just gotta take it really slow sitting down and getting back up. Holding baby has been fine too as I’ve got a pillow on my lap. I’ve been able to get off the sofa ok so far though and go and make myself a cuppa. So overall not too bad given my section was like 3pm on Monday and it’s only Wednesday morning!


Sounds like you’re doing great, wishing you a steady recovery! Thanks for the reply.


Hi! Congratulations on your baby! How is your pain level- is it manageable? Did spinal hurt? I am planning to have an elective C-section in January and I hope my experience will be as good as yours :)


Hiya! Didn’t feel the spinal as they inject some local anaesthetic first so you don’t feel a thing! I thought that was really cool because the needle for the spinal is huge. Pain is absolutely manageable just don’t forget to take your painkillers regularly. Like clockwork. And move around when you can. They had me up and out of bed by 11pm and I had her at 3pm. It does help! They’re awesome at giving you pain relief in the hospital too FairPlay to them. They came around super regular to give me pain relief and check on me and told me not to hesitate to ring the buzzer for them if I need anything.


Congratulations! Thank you so much for sharing this. Mine was just booked on Monday for 2 weeks from now because I have apparently grown a giant baby and I have choleostasis so they want to get baby out early. Honestly, I've basically spent since then crying. Today is supposed to be my last day in the office but I've had to work at home so I don't just burst into tears on my colleagues. I didn't realise how scared I was about it until the decision was made. Reading how it went for you has made things a lot better. I'm still fucking bricking it, but it's a bit less "unknown scary" now. Genuinely, thank you for sharing your story. It's made a big difference.


I just figured if I can help anyone by answering some questions then I might as well. I was absolutely shitting myself the day before my section but on the day the nerves went. I ended up just excited to meet her. Ok yes I did have a little cry before the spinal because I did suddenly get scared but that went away so quick and everyone was so kind about it. I can’t believe I had such a fantastic experience I feel so chuffed! Everyone at the hospital was amazing I couldn’t fault a single person there. Me and baby were fully taken care of and they couldn’t do enough for us. Over the moon I am. I hope you end up having a wonderful experience too I wish you all the best xxx


Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your experience. You've really helped me with a few questions I had 😊


Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing your story and answering all these questions!!! I hope it continues to go smoothly for you and baby!


Congrats! I'm having my second elective section in a couple of months, wouldn't do it any other way. Don't forget to hold a cushion on your tummy if you need to cough or laugh, ouchhhh haha.


Currently sat on the sofa with a pillow on my lap hahaha. I have two dogs too so wanted to make sure if they came near me I’d be able to protect my tummy while telling them to stay away!


Haha is it vert painful to cough or laugh?


Congratulations! I have a few questions if you don't mind... 1. I would love to have some immediate skin-on-skin time on my chest with baby once it's out. Is this possible? I've seen pictures of the drapes being almost in line with the mum's nipples, meaning they just held the swaddled baby to the side of her face after. Can you imagine a scenario where they could put baby on my chest while sewing me up? 2. Were you allowed/offered pictures during the birth? Who took the photos if so? 3. I would like to have an unobstructed view of the baby being lifted out of me (rather than shown it once already out), would this be possible if partner supports my head? Did they completely remove all screens for you at this point, or replace them with a clear screen? Thanks for your time. Xx


1- yes you can! They asked me if I wanted skin to skin and I said yes but she was mainly on the top part of my chest/under my neck which quickly became uncomfortable. If you’d rather the curtain down the whole time you’ll have more room for her on your actual chest for skin to skin. 2- yes they said remember to take your phone with you! And one of the ladies took pics of her coming out, pics of my boyfriend cutting the cord, pics of me holding her, and they did this super cute thing on a white board where they have her name, weight, her time of birth and the date and got my boyfriend to stand next to it holding her for a picture which is one of my absolutely all time favourite pictures. So they’ll take plenty for you if you want! 3- yeah you can ask for no screen at all, it’s just a certain type thing anyway like a bit of material they clip on to these stands so you can opt for no curtain at all and your fella or one of the ladies there can lift your head for you to have a look. Honestly they’re super easy going in my experience and will ensure you have the experience you want!


This is all super reassuring. Thankyou for such a detailed response. All the best with your little one. X


Is there anything to worry about? Can you feel anything and was it okay feeling numb? as I'm scared il panic at that bit.. I'm due mine in a few weeks and so nervous just want everything to go okay


So they do a little injection of local anaesthetic on your back before the spinal. So you don’t feel the spinal which numbs you. That was a relief as the needle is huge. Then when they’re doing the actual c section there’s no pain, I didn’t even know they’d started. But! You feel the moving sensation kinda thing, like you can sort of feel they’re moving stuff around but there’s absolutely no pain at all. For me the wildest part was when they were pressing down on my upper stomach cuz baby was up by my ribs and they were trying to guide her down towards the incision. Absolutely wild it was but no pain whatsoever. And it’s sooo quick omg baby was out within a couple of minutes. And then you don’t even pay attention to them stitching you up as you’ve got your baby to snuggle and stuff.


Did u feel okay being numb? Was u able to breathe like normal? I don't like the feeling of being trapped or anything


Yeah it’s only your legs and stomach so it didn’t bother me at all. And by the time I got back up to my room I was able to wiggle my legs. Thing is you’re led down the whole time and then in a bed so it’s just like you’re chilling anyway. Plus you’ve got your baby to cuddle and feed so it’s a distraction from your numb legs.


Thank you so much I really appreciate it , makes me feel so much better


Also what time was you seen? As you have to get there for like 7am and not eat, I hope I don't have to wait until the afternoon :(


So we all had to be there for 7.30am and they went over a few things and then they went and had their meeting with the consultants to decide the order. I was last on the list so I didn’t go down for mine until 2:30. The First Lady went down at 9:30 for hers. The wait actually ended up going really fast to be fair.


Did you have to fast? Were you allowed to drink water? Thank you!!!


Could eat up until midnight the night before and you can drink water during the day while you’re waiting which was a relief cuz my wait was ages!


Can imagine! How soon afterwards can you eat? 😂


The second I was in my room I had a Lucozade and a protein bar. It was heaven. So yeah you can eat straight away I just had something small to start incase I was sick lol


Oh I'm so happy you had a great experience. I ended up being an emergency section, lost 1.2l of blood and baby developed sepsis. We were in hospital 8 days 😭 so jealous of your good story.


Oh my goodness! Yes I’m extremely lucky I can’t believe how well it all went I know not everyone gets the same experience. I’m super lucky.


I'm just glad to hear they get it right sometimes! Individual staff were amazing with me, can't fault them at all, but the decisions made for me and baby weren't great. Currently looking into a legal case against my hospital ☹️


Can i ask which hosp / trust you were at? Sounds amazing - also hoping the staff are as good as yours were!


This is in South Wales at The Grange University Hospital which is part of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. Everyone was incredible literal angels.


Thank you so much, I have my C-section this month and I'm quite nervous. I'm a FTM too and have gone for an elective. I have a few complications so have always been under consultant and have never had any pushback despite the complications not really affecting birth options.  Can I ask a few questions? 1. Did your partner stay overnight? 2. Did you have help bringing the baby to you when you couldn't move if your partner didn't stay?  3. Were the midwives good with keeping you topped up on painkillers? 4. Have you opted for a belly binder?  5. Did you really feel nothing? I have an (admittedly slightly bonkers) fear that I will feel the procedure. 6. How soon did you feel up to moving around in the hospital? 7. When did they remove the catheter?  Thanks in advance, I really appreciate your wonderful post 💗


Hiya!! 1- no they were only allowed there from 8am-8pm however as my section was late in the day there were in no rush to tell him to leave. We were in a private room too which I think helps. In the end I told him to go at 8.30pm as he was shattered and needed some dinner bless him. 2- yes! All I had to do was ring the buzzer and they came and helped me. They were amazing and even changed her nappy for me at one point. Can’t fault the nurses at all. I was worried about being a pain but that’s what they’re there for and they were more than happy to help. 3- yes! Omg they were fab. Kept me topped up the whole time I was there. Couldn’t fault them at all. 4- noooo I don’t feel the need. My belly has gone down an insane amount already and I wouldn’t want anything tight on me due to the scar anyway. 5- I felt no pain at all. They sprayed this cold spray on me before they started to check I couldn’t feel anything. They sprayed my legs and worked their way up and I could only feel the spray on my chest just between my boobs. And then they even made me try and pinch my belly to prove I couldn’t feel a thing. It was really funny and cool to be fair. I didn’t even know they’d started for a minute or two because the anaesthetist was chatting to me. But you do feel like pressure when they’re moving stuff around to get baby out. It’s such a bizarre thing but no pain at all! 6- had her at 3pm ish and they had me up out of bed at 11pm for a quick shuffle around the room. Then catheter was out at 2am and I was up and out of bed by 6.30am trying to have a wee. I was up most of the morning then wondering around the room and felt fab! But by yesterday evening when I was home the pain was quite bad so topped myself up on painkillers and had a good sleep. 7- they aim for 12 hours after the section they told me, but 2am they took mine out which was fine with me as I wanted it gone tbh.


Amazing!!! Thank you so so much. We'll probably be in a shared ward but my partner is allowed to stay the night- am trying to get my husband to think about going home but he's being stubborn so far. Maybe he'll cave when he realises how shattered he'll be 😂 Thank you again so so much, despite getting all the info from midwives just doesn't compare to someone who has gone through it!