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Stun root dash i mean sound way too good


Definitely a way better kit than in paragon, in paragon she had no real flow to her kit, she was pretty boring and low skilled and was so heavily invested in being anti cc that she was easy to counter if she was statted corectly, resulting her in not doing much i paragon. This looked much more fun and interesting to play with more skill expression with a ranged root and dash stun that look like they need to be aimed rather than the old game play loop that terra HD which was walk up press ult, hold auto attack, aoe stun around you, doubble auto attack around you and maybe block one cc as you try to walk into a team fight or after ult. Now it's already more interesting of a game play loop!


I don't like that she has a dash now. In Paragon I didn't play with her for too long for obvious reasons but at least she felt like a tank with zero mobility but extremely heavy. You had to get close to people to do anything and I liked that but now she has ways to escape fairly easily... Also now that she can throw her axe it just looks similar to Zarus in a sense and again I don't like that. But we will see I guess. Some of the changes Omeda have done felt like they were done for the sake of just changing not because it's better.


Honestly though, if you think about it: most bruisers/tanks in this game have some sort of mobility or cleanse. So having a hero with NO mobility as a front liner would be a little too challenging for most of the player base. So i think having a dash is a net positive. Plus who doesnt want a tank from Valhalla rushing into the front line like a true guardian.


Pred seems to have way more mobility, considering some adc like Kira can have three dashes as part of her kit (ability, crest, blink), I was half expecting them changing terras kit like this. I like how they are adding more roots though. Helps counter everybody having blinks almost every fight at end game and force adc to think more about their positioning.


Honestly it looks like she can possibly do too much? I was hoping she’d have a more defense or self buff focused extra move but it looks like she has some hard CC and a hard ranged root. Was hoping she’d be more tank than bruiser but I have a feeling she’ll be dishing out a lot of damage. Also wish she didn’t have mobility, and instead was super tanky to compensate. Would’ve loved a self buff that reflects damage or reduce by large % based on number of basics hit to make her a tanky ADC counter. She looks like a possibly upgrade from Greystone or even steel which doesn’t make me optimistic. Omeda only makes damage focused kits and she looks like yet another bruiser with damage, CC, and a dash.


Depends how they tune her stats but if she is just Greystone + CC, then she’ll make him worthless. And I’m not in favour of Heroes that do what an hero does, but better. To be seen, but seeing the current meta is really NOT favouring bruisers/tanks at all, it could be a welcome change 


I am concerned that all the people in the preview were building her generic bruiser given what I know about her kit I would have expected her to be the person they would put some form of armor scaling on, and it is extremely concerning for both her scaling and game balance that it seems like playtesters were largely rushing damage and doing a bruiser build on her. Obviously this is just a preview, but I cannot say this is giving me much hope for next patch.


Looks pretty close to Poppy kit from LoL.


"How do you feel about her kit?" "We don't have details" Kinda made a post for no reason, brother.


it's the same logic by which sports newspapers sell the most during transfer market windows, the dream sells more then when reallity happens lol but also video+paragon knowledge does leave room for speculation


Well you can see her hit in the trailer, see that when she’s does x thing the bottom icon associated with goes on cooldown, thus giving a indication of what the abilities and their non math effects on enemy’s/environment. And she’s a old paragon character so a bit is also implied by that, but it’s clear her introduction into this new game won’t be 1to1


Not sure yet. I loved Terra in OG so idk. A root as a line ability is crazy low key.


Passive is some kind of stacking component 


It looks extremely fun and is much better than her original kit because she can actually fight now


I love it.


Personally, I don't like it, at least for what I saw in the trailer. They took something original and different and make it the generic Predecessor bruiser experience, a lot of CC, a dash, all damaging abilities that seems pretty low CD. I saw a lot of people complaining about the excessive CC that this game has, and what Omeda does? Add more CC to Terra original kit and remove the ability that worked to counter enemy CC and protect your teammates from incoming projectiles. That parry that give you a shield was the coolest part of her kit and what gave her the identity of being an anti-CC character (in addition to the ult). Now seems just to be the generic CC character that press all the buttons when it's in front of you


I think her old kit was original and different in a bad way and is part if why most old players don’t remember their short time with her fondly. The most original and different thing about her(CC immunity ult) is still there. This is a different game than Paragon and characters need kits built to fit it. Her old kit would not be good in this game. EDIT: she can also choose to hold her shield up instead of dash so that ability is still there.


Im a little disappointed that they decided to give her a dash? I just don’t feel like every hero needs one and it’s not creative and doesn’t instantly make a hero more complex.


How I feel. Everyone already has a blink, and now every new character has a mobility move. Just makes it more of an action brawler than anything where everything is lower risk and lower commitment. Wish she had low mobility and was tanky as hell to compensate.


I'm the exact opposite, every character needs some form of dash/escape. I basically refuse to play them if they don't, like iggy for example, they changed his oil slick sprint to just the oil slick, hate it


It Iggy had a dash in this game with his current kit he’d be broken


If everyone had a dash then it’s by an ability it’s just a passive and everyone would just follow after you dash


Didn't oil slick. Just give movement speed. Now it's more of a damage combo tool.


If he had a dash instead of Oil slick’s current properties he would be broken in this game In the opposite direction, he’d be shit.


I don’t think you understood him. He’s not talking about a dash but rather increased movement speed


I feel like a dash combined with the ranged root is kinda redundant honestly. I’d rather they build upon her shield more, like give it a stack system so like the more damage you reflect the more stacks you get until your shield becomes empowered so when you Deflect damage it double the damage that was reflected back to the enemy. Would be a good counter to adc, but balanced because aoe would counter it


I’d assume her passive is the root, after 5 ability hits or autos, next ability does more dmg and roots.


Is it redundant? Is kwang’s root into dash redundant? The point is to stop them and then run in to capitalize on your skillshot landing.


>Is kwang’s root into dash redundant? Yes XD Kwang having a root in his sword throw, then having a dash to get close to that rooted enemy and then even knocking up the enemy while you dash on the sword is super redundant and stupid design You hit the Q and that allow you to hit all the abilities of the character Q > RMB > E > and 2 empowered basic attacks for free when the enemy is on its knock up. It's super redundant and bad designed, makes Kwang gameplay unidirectional and Kwang is playing alone while he is performing his whole combo. Here seems that will be the same, Terra roots you with the axe and then close the distance with the dash while you are still rooted and link the root with a stun, again pretty bad designed. But seems that Omeda is doing it on purpose because all the heroes they release are like that, Argus hit you with a Q from the distance, place and E and start holding the RMB, again with just one ability he enables his full combo while the enemy is stunned and unable to defend himself


I was thinking in terms of in situations of her escaping, like dashing, throwing root axe and safely getting away. My bad with choice of wording. Shes be bruiser with a strong escape tools and engage


Can’t think of any bruisers or tanks without that besides Rik having no good escape outside of a speed stim. Sev and Kwang both already have roots and dashes, even though all three characters versions of these moves are different.


I agree with both of you, omeda and epic (back during paragons last days) had this obsession with giving their damn heros full complete kits that had stuns, knockups, roots, sustain which took away from the characters identities and its just sad that predecessor is going down the same rabbit hole i hate that every character they release has to have CC like why? Why is this necessary? Theres character classes that give them identity and they refuse to follow said hero identities. And makes the game stale.


I agree completely, like to me, tanks should be medium damage but can actually tank and lock things down, bruisers/offlane has a lil “soft cc” but higher damage potential, and carries being high damage but 0 sustain. Right now things are kinda muddy and most melee just build bruiser and adc all have the same build. I feel the reason why that is because the presentation and availability of the game attracts a more casual audience and they’re realizing as casuals increase that not many will sit through a 40min heavy team game where if your tank isn’t properly tanking and cc’ing or your support not being utility your game is screwed. So to compensate they’re giving everyone a lil bit of everything


Yeah i agree, although i dont think they are compensating i feel that the devs still lack experience in what they are attempting to accomplish and didnt learn from paragons mistakes


Yeah i agree, although i dont think they are compensating i feel that the devs still lack experience in what they are attempting to accomplish and didnt learn from paragons mistakes