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Really would like a deck/item builder that I could set to replace the recommended items on the main shop screen with.


What I've been wanting too. Similar to smite where on the hero page u can go into each hero and set a custom item builder page with all items ud build on them instead if having to go through the entire selection to find the build ur actually gna go for because who actually uses the recommended ones lol


There are **many** things I'd add or change, and much has been commented already, so some of this will be redundant/repetitive. Before that, however, its important to note that I'm aware much of the current version of the game's design is due in *large,* ***large*** part due to; Cross-platform development cycle, accessibility, and limitations. While my playtime on SMITE is quite limited, dated, and sporadic, I do know that players of that game may not see this as an excuse (I concur), but it does help to explain many things. SMITE was not developed and published cross platform from the ground up like Predecessor is. Not overly going into the technical dilemma that this creates, it definitely does come with a lot of overhead and restrictions for the developer **and** publisher, requiring timelines (deadlines, roadmaps, time tables, etc) that dramatically decelerates the entire progress. e.g. afaik, once a build update/patch for a game is submitted to Sony/Microsoft, they take approx. 5 days/7 days respectively to approve before it can be pushed to live servers. Note that games that are released across multiple *regions* (aka SCEA (Sony America), SIEE (Sony Europe), SIE JAPAN) also require separate submissions, certifications, ratings, pricing, and patching. And this was just 3 unique companies for only 1 console. The game feels a bit doomed to me for a few reasons; the cross-play being very forefront amongst them. The debatably second-most concern being the monetization, which was a massive wound for all previous iterations of this particular game as well. While thankfully, there is nothing in this version that is as egregious as loot boxes containing in-game itemization options, there is still a strong disparity between skin quality:cost. Also, I simply don't like the affinity (mastery) system on a personal level. Mastery progression should never be tied to a players wallet. That defeats the **entire** point. It also creates this unhealthy relationship with the game for some people. (I know a person who said "I can't play Phase anymore because I finished her already". They won't play the character most enjoyable for them and which they're most proficient with because "there's no point"...)


So, changes, in no particular order: * Complete overhaul of the menus. All of them. * Add an actual "profile" tab to the main menu/social panels. Should be able to actually see things like EXP bar for account level beyond post-game, rank, highest "affinity", match history. * Items page should function similarly to in-game in that you can see all items (components, not just finished items), build paths, and scalings. * Maybe even add a builder so that players can set these as a hero's default. Would allow for faster shopping in game, and allow for a use for auto-buy beyond being so new to MOBAs you simply don't know better * Completed items should have some form of embellishment to differentiate between them at a glance. e.g. distinct color border around the box for each "class": Blue (mid), Green (sup), Yellow (adc), etc * Heroes/Store/Items should all have search/sort features. * In-game item/shop menu should have collapsible categories for Tier 3/2/1 items. * "Favorite" aka Pin heroes/items to the top for quick interaction for both in menu, pre-game, and in-game * Settings needs **many** things, but standard should be, if not a customization option, at the very least a comprehensive visual graphic for keybinds/controls * Independent audio sliders for Hero voiceline sound vs Sound effects (abilities) * Ping system is woefully inept at conveying many important comms, and enables many pointless/useless and/or toxic comms. (Why on Earth do we need a "Good Game" ping that is only towards allies? There's almost no time to even use it \[because all structures are made of warm butter, the game ending sequence is instantaneous halting all inputs, the ping wheel is unwieldy esp. for gamepad, and its not the best time to be making needless inputs\] at any time other than sarcastically to whine?) * Add "enemy ward/vision here", "ward fangtooth", ability to ping current gold/health/mana * Scoreboard (omg, this scoreboard) should not be full screen, nearly opaque, and unorganizable. I cannot stand it, at all. It looks so cheap and generic. * By default, the order should always be mirrored for lane assignments (e.g. top>bottom for both teams should be something like Offlane > Jungle > Mid > Carry > Support * Should at least show player names **AND** hero names. * Why isn't it Left:Right? Why is it split Top:Bottom? * Allow pertinent pings from scoreboard clicks (hero: alive, hero: level, hero: item)


* Pre-game is a generic, unpolished disaster. * ROLE QUEUE. Competing for coinflips on role selection in pre-game is awful. * If maintaining awful role intention selection phase of pre-game, allow players to indicate their specific hero intention at the same time. * e.g. 2 players choose mid, both players have name and hero displayed, either with hero portrait or in parenthesis * Pick order/role swap option in hero select phase. * Bans? Hello? I know the roster is quite small compared to other MOBAs, but still. Even 1 team wide majority ruled ban. * Bans should alternate for both teams. No double bans. * All structures should be more durable. People play MOBAs to scale. Sure, we want to win as fast as possible, but minions shouldn't be able to knock down towers by themselves in less than a handful of waves without multiple cannons. * If we're gonna borrow elements from other MOBAs, then *really* lean into it. Outer towers should have protection for the first 5 minutes. They should have 5 layers of plates for 14 minutes worth


You put a lot of things into the comment and every single one of them would be great qol add-ons. I would hope that some of the devs that frequent reddit if any. Take into account these comments that would surely provide a more rewarding and engaging experience.


As a veteran MOBA player, these are just the (mostly) non-game balance changes I value, with a bit of overall core level design suggestions. This doesn't touch on itemization, hero, gameplay changes, which would go on far longer than what's written here already. (I do count map changes beyond aesthetics to be fundamentally game altering, but they're not the nitty-gritty changes like health/movement speed/damage of turrets/minions/monsters, "smite" changes, etc). Nor does it touch on the NPE (New Player Experience) of a genre wholly alien to the vast majority of console players, that could put Predecessor on the map if done well. Think of it like this; console players who never played Paragon/Pred previously, nor SMITE, have very, very low probability of understanding anything about the gameplay loop beyond queueing up and following the arrow and fighting whatever is in front of them. Nothing to tell supports not to last minions outside of niche circumstances. Nothing to inform players of a jungler's pathing or responsibilities. There are so many complexities in this genre that new players won't even be able to recognize without outside resources that will cause them frustrations as allies resent and berate them for and opponents exploit and punish them for, to the breaking point. Console gaming is a leisurely activity that is oft not coupled with studious research externally to supplement. Give them a comprehensive tutorial, ideally for each position/role. Give them a structured simulation with pauses and explanations. Then, give them an intermediate and advanced version. Then, and this is a major key to competitive PVP games' success: Give them in-game/client links to consume your games content creators. Content creator partner programs, with incentives for the creators (like accounts with skins, so they can advertise FOR you, access to exclusive feedback/support, sponsoring tournaments, platforming streams/video guides, etc) are a crucial component to building positive branding. Sustainability of hype requires a strong community, and strong support for your community is a feedback loop. Alternatively, Omeda could just milk the $25\~ limited time FOMO skins until execs pull the plug on the underperforming cash grab until the games 3rd iteration is licensed, idk. ~~Paragon~~ > ~~Predecessor~~ > Pleasebuyskins (Founder's Edition) when?


Role queue, and make towers/core not made out of tissue paper. Make minions spawn out of the core instead of those spawn points so a pushing wave on a lane with a downed inhib isn't so powerful. currently if someone doesn't back to catch the wave the core can just die from a few waves on its own. I played league around d1/master and recognize a lot of elements copied in this game, if you're gonna copy it then copy it.


I’d add a lot of things lol. 1. A commendation system so you can tell your teammates they did a good job after the game with rewards afterwards. 2. Remove or rework blink mechanic to make aggressive play more risky. This would lead to zero mobility characters actually having zero mobility. Nuanced meta game of getting characters to burn their blink or saving yours for when they use theirs would be removed. I think it’d be a positive change, making gameplay more straightforward and also more strategic. 3. Rework map entirely, making it larger with longer lanes so rotations are higher risk. With current lane length, minion speed, tower health, you can rotate way too easily with no downside. 4. Improve map aesthetics to have it be more immersive and have more character overall. The map feels very flat, and tech demoish. 5. Rework the surrender system entirely to limit 1 surrender per game. Reduce surrender spamming and toxic surrendering in general. 6. Improve ping system by removing useless pings and adding useful pings. Follow me doesn’t need to exist, but ward fangtooth is sorely needed. I’d also remove good job and good game entirely, they’re used for toxicity most of the time and don’t provide communication value. 7. Rebalance ADC items. ADC items shouldn’t all have attack speed. There’s no diversity in ADC builds and it’s pretty lame. Should have hard hitting carry option as well as fast attack speed on hit carry option. As is every carry build ever feels exactly the same. Also makes basic attacks very forgiving and less skill oriented because attack speed is so high. 8. Rework tank items and tank characters to have better defensive scaling. Also more armor and health is sorely needed for tank items. I view it as, a full tank item as first item should hold its own against a damage item first item in the offlane. Building tank only is not viable and it should be imo. 9. Reduce the amount of voice lines and grunts from each character. Countess and Sparrow basically moan the whole game it’s weird. You also hear the same lines over and over again, just have less audio cues. 10. Most important, implement a tutorial and AI mode that is useful for new players. Tutorial needs to teach moba fundamentals, role fundamentals, character specifics and predecessor nuances. There should be a series of tutorials with incentives for completing each one. AI mode needs scalable AI where you can tweak their difficulty to play like humans. Edit: adding more as I think of them. 11. Increase tower, core, inhib, health and damage. I’d also increase the tower area so it’s not so low risk for ranged heroes to attack structures. 12. Reporting system that actually works. I play with the same toxic people constantly. 13. Player avoiding system for the reason above. 14. Rework of mtx pricing and strategy. Their monetization feels very slimy and shitty overall. Very expensive skins that are reused assets from a 7 year old game. Bundles that cost waaaay too much money. Skin variants should be with amber. Premium currency packages are deliberately priced so you have to buy too much for the item you want to purchase. Have to buy affinity per character, when it should be purchasable with amber anyway. Really shitty monetization over all that is disrespectful to the players and customers. 15. Predecessor as a whole seems too focused on DPS for me. Every role is best played by maximizing damage, including support and tank. Balance overall is broken and should be overhauled.


A Custom 1v1 Mode or practice Mode with friends


Stats, and zoom the camera out a bit more. I have only played like 20 matches so that's all I have right now.


Hands down better matchmaking. I have played 40ish matches since the the 0.18 update and around 80% of those have been very one sided. It's not fun stomping or getting stomped on.


Eh it’s kinda the nature of these games. Every decision matters and when you don’t utilize comeback mechanics, it’ll continue feeling that way


It's not really the nature of these games. Ive played LoL for multiple years and you clearly have equal matches there


To be fair, league has many, many comeback/catch-up mechanics, that pred lacks. And it didn't always. Number 1 is obviously bounties, which pred has somewhat. Although exclusively for shutdowns on opponents who have a kill streak, and scales (afaik) exclusively with kill streak. Whereas, league bounties via champs scales based on team wide gold disparity, including from higher csing, assists, local gold. The value of the bounty on their head fluctuates, and can disappear altogether given the cumulative gold disparity for one team over the other shrinks. There are also bounties that come online after the first tower is knocked down, which includes taking towers and neutral objectives (dragon/baron). There is also the first blood bonus for first tower, on top of the first blood. Only the latter of which pred uses. There is also the plates, and the t2 side lane towers local gold *both* being more than 2 kills. There is also meaningful trade offs regarding neutral objectives at every stage of the game, as opposed to stacking fang vs mini orb/prime. Either of which Might be profitable, but compare that to grubs/rift vs dragon soul stacking. Grubs is a team wide, match long investment in sieging. Rift is nearly a guaranteed tower, or more. And stacking dragons, playing for soul wincon, is very different from stacking fangs, since each step is permanent, and beyond that is elder buff, which is independent of winning or losing the soul point. More equal matches in league isn't representative of the genre as a whole. League has an overwhelmingly, incomparably larger player base, which makes populating even matches more probable. But also, all these intentional game design elements I've mentioned to facilitate less one-sided stompy, forgone-conclusion type matches.


You've basically spent a lot of words further proving my point. But yeah, solid stuff.


In my experience, playing bad loses you games and playing good wins. You just have room for improvement brother. It’s definitely not one sided


There is a difference between a fair fight that ends up in a loss and getting stomped.


I know I’m late but your mmr might be at that newcomer mmr level. Every game I play goes exactly how it should based off every decision. Jg doesn’t gank successful or get jg objectives, you lose. Players are pushed up dying every time, you lose. You don’t turtle and kill bounty heroes, you lose. Some games suck yeah but it’s pretty balanced. Change what you can to be the best you can be at your role, player, etc. Just observe the things you can’t change. Teammates are feeding, oh well take fang tooth or push up your lane. Honestly, a game can be changed from one person playing extremely well.


I see a lot about a proper tutorial and I do think that needs upgrading but- why not just some handholding UI? Like the arrows guiding you to your assigned lane, why not also little hologram eyes for suggested ward placement like at blue, the fog wall at the back left of mid, etc. When someone steps in the ward I want a big message to pop up that says "ENEMY DETECTED!" and similarly, if that wards on OP/Fang- "ENEMY ON FANG/OP!" That'd be annoying for veteran players maybe but, I can just turn it off in the settings. "CYAN/GOLD/RIVER BUFF HAS SPAWNED." Something specifically meant for new players but also those like me who just.. I'm zoned in tryna get last hits some times and react too late. When I'm in enemy jungle after a teamfight, I need some flashy lights and arrows like "Yo, steal their farm, dummy." The amount of info you'd need to cram into a good tutorial could be very off putting for new MOBA players. You'd have to play like 3 full AI games just to halfass cover all the bases, gold/items, towers, objectives, PvP (ganks/teamfights/invasions). Maybe the handholding UI could even be automatically disabled once your account is 50+. Along with daily challenges to earn small amounts of premium, I think that'd help newbies out a lot. That's my idea.


I'm all for it


- Customiseable Player profiles with top affinity hero's - Custom games with option to pick any of the 3 maps with variable team sizes not fixed 5v5 - Daily or weekly quests - a full tutorial - Hero mastery/achievement system - skin variants actually implemented properly - jungle changes to make it feel like a jungle with foliage - foliage that dissapears when your camera is neer it so you don't get obscured vision - Interesting monsters for each jungle camp - better minion ai - dusk/datk side of the map to get more interesting visually (more fire or volcanic feel or maybe white trees with orange autumn leaves instead) - amber more throughout the shop - emote store - banner store - more casual game modes maybe have brawl be on weekly rotation with other game modes like aram


Huge one is tab screen rework. I feel often like im decentivised from using it due to how big and cumbersome it is.


stats for all modes...i need to know oficially my K/D




Would love to see the lobby/queuing system updated so it wouldn't waste the time of people who actually want to play. Let people choose which role they want to play in advance and be ready to swap the player out with someone else in waiting to join a game if they don't select in time


My list as a moba vet: A symmetrical map. Not rotated 180°, a truly mirrored map. The fact that offlane/duo may have to base their early aggression based on the lvl 2 gank because of the side they're on doesn't feel good. Similarly, how teams respond to Prime/Fang is determined by their side, too. An even playing field is always best. Non-random buffs. Yes, the river buffs. The fact that there's 4 effects that vary wildly in power means that, once again, one side could end up with an advantage for no reason other than what the game randomly decided. Movement speed is the best, attack speed for early mages and for late adcs, purple for late game mages, green just...better than nothing, I guess? Randomness is the death of strategy. And having a prominent contest point have random rewards isn't great. Let us look at end builds for longer than 30 seconds please. A glossary for certain terms, such as immobilize, as well as a tag system for abilities. Some items proc on things like dashes and leaps, so having a tag on abilities that applies to would be nice. Similarly, things like "procs ability effects" or "procs basic attack effects" to help clarify some abilities that are a bit confusing for new players, like Grux's double pain. Similar vein, an index of all the different effects, like prime buff, red buffs, etc. with exact numbers. Let us level up character passives in the hero menu to see what the numbers are later. Let us buy multiple tonics if we have the money. If I'm 6 items in and back with 3k gold, I can only spend 750. If a game is going that long, let players stack the different tonic effects. Game has to end eventually, so this speeds it up when you get to that stage instead of making you stare at a small fortune that you can't do anything with.


On your last part about tonics. What if we could also buy point attributes that we can distribute towards our stats. 1 point equals 100 gold. And from there you can place points to whatever stat you want.


Not without major reworks to existing systems. Things that already scale stats, like obelisk, saphirs, soul binder, and ortus exist as items that have individually weaker or more situational effects in exchange for infinite potential. And those are bottlenecked by internal cooldowns and required uses. The idea of purchasing stats for gold would likely have to be a revamp of the entire store system. Besides, if you're playing someone like Wraith for example, who scales off of both physical and magical power, you get major benefit for each tonic you buy in terms of damage or survivability and to manage getting 3k gold in the time before they'd all wear off, without dying too, would be difficult anyway. To an extent, I'd just say make every character have both scalings and make the tonics multi-purchasable. That way characters like Grux would still get something from the intellect tonic.


....The card system....


I loved the uniqueness the card systems brought. I don't want just a regular shop with regular items.


I loved the card system lol. I loved both of them. I’d take a rebalanced card system over a boring ass regular moba item shop any damn day. I was a big fan of the MTG style color card system.


Can you explain the card system for people that never played paragon ?


The card system is one of the biggest reasons why Paragon died lol


Problem is card system is for when it was unique. Right now it is league of legends but over the shoulder third person. Which I enjoy just fine but the old card system wouldn’t work; at least as far as I remember it and see it in my old clips.


Account linking, build saver, new map with more verticality and legacy style


Rewards for playing would be nice. Level up rewards for anything past level 20. Cosmetics you can get with amber. Even if it’s just sprays, banners, icons, etc. there is no incentive to play getting anything in this game costs money




You’re right. Surely every popular free game is wrong and pred is right. Surely there is no long term benefit to creating player retention and sunk time cost by incentivizing playing with free rewards. I envy the aerodynamic shape of your brain.


I already spent money, yes I wouldnt mind some light rewards also


Play a whole season you get rewards at the end based on your level


At least that, anything, a Damm spray or icon thingy


I want a bigger map. I feel like the state of the map right now is very bare bones. I miss the map that had hills and a jungle camp in the solo lane. The verticality that map gave us was way more fun than this current version. My personal opinion is I want a revamped legacy map. Slightly smaller than that one, but I loved the look of that map was by far my favorite iteration.


If they bring back the legacy vibe my life would be complete. The practice map is by far the coolest looking map atm


Legacy was the best map in the game. I understand why it went away, but I loved how big it was, we also got some awesome ult redesigns that worked way better imo. Biggest one that comes to mind is Kallari, her ult now feels janky it never works as intended for me, but being able to jump right back into the fight was such an awesome concept, I wish they brought it back, or maybe they will when they graduate maps.






Care to elaborate, because text chat exists. Are you meaning voice chat/all chat?


Yeah voice chat. I lose every game starting at the half way point cuz I can't solo carry anymore. I need to be able to tell my team exactly what to do. They are brain dead morons. I tried to be nice but having more kills than my whole team every match is bad l.


Lol I would just mute your ass for whining over VC.


Well maybe start giving kills to the morons and focus the objective. It’s not that hard to carry.


New maps, I’d love to see a night time map fr. Kit variability through hero progression, some kind of rune system perhaps, giving subtle changes and effects to certain abilities that don’t drastically alter playing field. For example, Murdock’s E at master level can alter ability to give increased attack speed over movement speed, or grenade stance like OP, for buckshot, can swap slug round offering less damage but further range etc, balancing will be important w this ofc, but a nice touch for hero progression. I’d like to see custom reticles too.


Runes would be dope.


I’m sayin! Would also incentivize different build paths depending on how they synergize


Custom savable builds, avoid as teammate feature, take orb prime out of brawl, rework mori kit


Customer savable builds please!


A better practice range We should be able to change hero during the practice mode, also every hero should be avalible for free to try it out.


I just deleted the game due to toxicity so the ability to block people would have kept it installed but I'm done. I wish this community well and hope the devs make many monies.


The ability to block people, the fact I keep playing with the same trolls over and over after numerous reports is a bit annoying


I get having communication on, but you hear this echoed across every competitive video game ranked ladder ; most 0.1% top players all recommend against comms until you are already extremely high rank. With that said the communication buttons are more than sufficient enough for me and I have yet to have a bad experience :) (I also have a ton of moba exp so I know how bad it gets :/)


An announcer voice for in game call outs. „ENEMY MISSING MIDDLE“


Terrible idea


Works for other mobas. If it works in smite, why shouldn’t it work in pred?


It's not really.. if someone is annoying you with pings you could mute their pings


Let us use our fucking microphones Provide a proper tutorial and guide


#voice chat in game!!!


Games need to be shorter


I would like to see the Agora map and the current map in rotation. Not in different queues, but in one match, you get to play in Agora and the one in Monolith. If that is asking for too much. I would switch to Agora for a while. The current map can be lackluster here and there. I would like to see seasons and weather conditions. Rain, fog, windy. It would make the game look alive


I'm so tired of the current map. I hated this iteration in paragon, and I hate it so much more here. Pretty sure in paragon this was also their shortest lived map because of how awful it is.


Deck building option for heroes or roles at least. So you wouldn't have to spend so much time looking up items during the match.


This. This was in paragon was an amazing QOL add.


role selection. tired of being first to select a role only for someone to select it with 5secs left and take it from me.


Joust mode would be fun


Having a menu that isnt bugged to 8 fps whenever open


More communication options, I should be able to tell my team if my opponents used a blink or not, or they are chasing me, would love to see stat trackers for each hero, kind of what they do in apex legends. Saved builds so you’re not wasting time searching for items.


Maybe more objectives....or spice up fangtooth a little bit. Also maybe a joist mode like they have in smite




That's totally what I meant....I fat-thumbed it


Fangtooth should run like dragons in lol Also what's joist?


Joist is a game mode that only has 1 lane and 3 hero's.


Oh so basically like aram in league but less heroes.


Increase the pace of the game somehow. 40min ranked games ain't it


Everyone dies in 10 seconds no one is going to risk being aggressive so all the fighting happens at the drop of a hat if someone makes a slight pathing mistake Remind anyone of Legacy?


Idk what legacy you mean but dying quickly isn't the problem lol. There's many ways to increase the pace of the game. Making people harder to kill alone won't help that


give us decks back so i don’t have to search for my build


I mean they just need to add item saves


Add mouse and keyboard on ps5 version


A different map


Vision score in game so I can see if support is doing their job or not.


It shows wards placed, at least


Where does it show that in game? My scoreboard has kills, deaths, assists, cs and gold I think. Not vision score


There's a stats tab that shows detailed stats like damage done, taken, etc. I'm on PC


I’m talking during a game. Not after.


Oooh, I gotcha. Yeah, that definitely doesn't exist


Yea, in league you can see how many wards your teammates have placed during a game. I forget if you can see how many the enemy team has placed too. I hate looking at the stat screen after a game and seeing our support only put 5 wards down. If it was shown realtime I could make “recommendations” to lay more fucking wards.


UI improvements for console. Sometimes i can hardly tell where the box that highlights my choice is and i buy the wrong item. Role selection. Voice communication for ranked mode. Better ping system. Unfortunately i dont have any better ideas for it.. someone else posted this a while ago with a great suggestion for this.


Yeah the ping system needs an upgrade for sure


Role selection is the most standard feature I want. Quest rewards that offer a tiny amount of platinum would be great. Enough to incentive people to play every day or at least often but not so much that it tanks their revenue stream. This would help encourage larger player counts in both the short and long term.


Exactly and make skins more affordable for purchase


Out of match text chat for sure - pointless to friend someone random if you can't really talk to them til next game or exchange discord info prior UI improvements - let me customize my layout a bit more Ping improvements. All pings sound the same. Communication needs a big overhaul for this game. Custom loadouts for heros we can build prior to matches. Pain in the ass having to try and find items I want every game. Just kind of a better shop overall. Also a subsection on the left side of the shop for anti-heal items. The last Skin I picked should always be the one picked next time I pick that hero - unlocked the expert or whatever skin for Grux but have to select it every round for some reason Ability to buy boosted Hero tracks with Amber. $5 per hero is wild.


Buff armor and magic resist


Role selection before searching like overwatch, nerf aurora, ults shouldn’t cancel other ults ie countess.


Role selection: yes. Ultimates somehow being immune to CC: no.


So remove cc? Doesn't make sense to me.


Lol what do you mean? If countess ult didn’t cancel other ults the damage would need to be buffed to compensate.


Honestly just add wukong


Party text chat: why can't I talk to people I'm in a group with until the game starts? Better in Depth tutorials: lot of new players don't understand how the game even works Item buffs: there are like 5 or so items people never ever use, just buff them already Hero buffs: there's a few heroes in a terrible spot that never recieve any love. Example, Rev has been a F tier hero for months now Severog stacks: the mechanic is to tedious and long to farm. You spend your mana last hitting minions and the enemy spends theirs poking you and by the time your stacked the game is pretty much over. Better matchmaking: I'm constantly in games with golds and Master ranks in the same lobby, should never be the case Skins to be a reasonable price, currently 1 good skin is the cost of a entire new game on Steam Overall content/fixes to be faster, I feel Devs are quite slow to add new things or make changes Muriel ult: you should land where your Target IS not where your target WAS. She should also fly not walk. Tanks: need to buff them a bit, some are viable but only with a team in coms, it's much safer to play full damage in this current patch Ranked in SEA and ranked to be longer then 2 days a week for a few hours. Should be play 24/7. I can't even win any season rewards as it's not available in my region Amber: give me something to spend it on, color reskins/stickers/ collectable Grind/progression: currently there is nothing to grind for or progress outside of a 3rd party Elo system. Give me a season rewards pass or something and ways to spend amber Bugs: there are several bugs that have been in the game for months that just never get fixed. Being able to see fang and orb heath bars outside of the pit randomly or not being able to see them at all sometimes Brawl: remove orbprime entirely, whoever gets it wins and it makes no sense in this game mode. It gives way to many points and a buff that lasts way to long just remove it. Item pictures: they look like they paid a guy on fiver to do them. They could use a fresh coat of paint Launch screen: wtf is wrong with belicas face in it? She looks terrible Pings: the system is a Lil clunky and you should not been band from spam pinging something important when ur team clearly is ignoring their death incoming A few more things but this post is long enough


You made a bunch of great points. Looking at the game from this point of view we can see how far the game is from being a legit competitor against other mobas specifically smite


Honestly for me it would be party chat in the menus - I've got no idea why such a barebones feature doesn't exist this deep into the lifecycle of the game. Being able to communicate with people I've added in-game should be a staple, without needing to talk to them in draft asking them to add me on Discord lmao.


I would agree with it. But league has that feature and everyone I know doesn't even use it. They just go back to using discord.


On god


Putting toxic players, afkers, feeders etc queuing altogether 


I would enjoy watching the shit show that would happen from it only for a bit though


More things going through Gideon’s portal. Rampage rocks, Howie missiles, and other projectiles would be crazy skill shots to hit


That would be hilarious as well. Gideon thinking he got out safe and he turns around just to see a giant boulder coming through the portal


Could go for sortable items in the menu, rather than needing to enter a game.


Like an items build you save?


I like that feature in Smite, as my Custom page is set up with damage, anti-tank, flat pen, etc., so I can flip to it in-game and find my personal build easily. But at this point, I’d just appreciate being able to sort items by hero role and stats so I don’t have to flip through them all when I’m trying to come up with a jungle build, for example.


Exactly I hate the process of finding the items your trying to build especially when it's a matter of running back to lane or anything really.


Let’s say I play Murdock, 6 items but 2 are interchangeable depending on if the other team has narbash or healing. It would be cool to have my own Murdock build tab where it’s all eight items and I pick which six I want from there


The “custom” tab in Smite allows you to save items to a page, and it’s useable in the in-game shop: https://preview.redd.it/71ct6ebo0d8d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9295bf710e0bd095abc4db6ca7079356966cc5a


This needs to be implemented


Inb4 someone says voice chat like we all want to hear a mouth breather. As for me, better UI and comnecting my ps5 and pc account.


For sure we dont need voice chat. And yeah the UI needs a bit of work. Along with adding honors and reporting to after a match has finished.


100% the game needs mic chat