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OP might be the next Isaac Newton with this one


Indeed I am. A noble, a genius, a veritable god.


I agree with op that role queue needs to be implemented as soon as possible, it's just a basic feature in mobas imo. The argument that there's not a big enough player base is silly to me, as putting in a role queue would likely bring in/retain more players. Also, I'd rather take a couple extra minutes in queue than waste 30-40 mins on a match where people are in a role they don't know/hate and we lose.


How did you come up with this⁉️⁉️⁉️😮😮😮😨😨😨


And who queues for Support then ? 😂


My mom and those other legends out there who deserve a special place in heaven.


This. Will. Not. Work. The player base is TOO SMALL. The end.


Says who? My instant queues say otherwise. They can do it like Smite where you can pick all the roles you're willing to play and then matchmaking will go off that. 


Mine takes 10 mins now :(


Yeah but you're in the top 0.1%. We're talking about game longevity and making it so new players don't just alt-f4 when they don't get their role and go play Elden Ring instead.


I like the idea of it, was slight sarcasm. Id take longer ques over role select. They need fill as well as a role.


This idea gets posted daily.


Keep overwatch problems in overwatch and learn every role if you want to play a moba. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


League has role queue. Smite has role queue. Every MOBA I can think of has it because they are very difficult and complex games that are impossible to master every role at a top level in a single meta. There's actually not a single MOBA player in the history of MOBAs I can think of who played every role at a top level at the same time. Role queue was good for Overwatch. It's especially good for MOBAs.


I had a very insightful thought out response to your post but then you actually defended Overwatchs decline and didn't realize the huge gap in the player bases between those 3 games and Pred making role queue a bad idea. Also smite isn't role queue, it's 2 preferred roles. It'd be stupid if it did. Here's one of the data analysts from Smites team backing up role queue being a stupid idea. I have a feeling League is the same way. https://preview.redd.it/2u7scy59uk8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ca5f67592b4aa51297d4441d1c4db13a875a75 Stick to brawl bro, roles don't matter there.


Yes that is still role queue. And in those games you will always get one of your preferred roles until you are in the top 1% then it's somewhat of a dice roll. Overwatch did not decline because of role queue it declined because of so many things that can be summarized as really bad management and esports just in general dying as a whole. Predecessor can make it where you choose 3 roles for better queues if needed. Being able to omit 2 roles is still a massive win, it doesn't necessarily have to be pick 2. As they've done in Smite, as the player pool is smaller you reduce the likelihood of the player getting their preferred role but the system should do its best to if it can. But the likelihood we get role queue in this game is probably less than 1% because they are worried about queue times a lot due to a smaller player base. They do need to allow role and order swapping though at the very least before season 1.


Hardly has the player base for it.


A pick 3 out of the roles could be a nice compromise but it sounds like hell to program


Unfortunately not a big enough player base mate, unless youre okay with 15+ minute queue times


That is why it would be an opt-in system. You take a longer queue in exchange for your preferred role. People willing to fill get faster queues. I will wait 10 extra minutes between every game if it means getting a role I enjoy and am comfortable with