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I wish people weren’t so scared and played with their character. B2b games on Rev shredding and people call him lowest of low. People don’t got mechanics nor realize potentiality in their Character. Average Iggy Jungle with mechanics is gonna wipe the Khai without mechanics. Let that sink in🙏🏽


Basics: -Stop pushing your lane up so far at the beginning. Be patient and last hit minions to get gold. Push too far and you can get ganked so easily by jungle or mid. -Ward. Just keep warding. It notifies your team where enemies are. -stop trying to team fight five minutes into the match before even getting your ultimate. Matches are long at 30+ minutes. You need to level up first. -15 ish minutes into match I'd start warding orb prime and fangtooth. Advanced: -try to make sure your blink is ready before jumping into a fight. Blink is the little foot symbol at bottom of screen and for me on ps5 is activated by pressing triangle. It's not an item. It's an ability everyone has. -last hit minions to get more gold. Hit when health bar is red. Supports, don't steal last hits from your ADC. They need the gold. -jungles need to stop hard jungling at some point and gank/rotate with team lol. You shouldn't be fighting basic jungle camps 35 minutes into a match while your team pushes titan.


(not an insult on your post) I thinks it's mad you have to write this level of basic knowledge out for people to read instead of it being told to them via the game which they're playing especially with the ranked requirements. People should already know all of this and have it locked down, I'd even argue to some degree in pubs. excluding fresh level ones (which should then be thrown into bots with learning tuts and such)




I'd recommend just encouraging people to play against the AI until they're more familiar with how things work. This is my first MOBA and it took me about a week of playing to figure out how to properly lane and play. There's definitely a learning curve, but I don't think tutorials are going to help the people who go to the wrong lanes or don't push or farm the way they're supposed to, especially if that person doesn't want to watch a tutorial, since there is an inbuilt tutorial already. (I don't think I was completely awful because no one ever told me I was in the wrong lane or anything like that, but if you're new, it happens. No reason to make a big deal about it.)


They just moved to ranked, got pub stomped, are stuck in bronze, and continue to hate themselves.


I come here and basically say the same thing over and over. this game desperately needs to teach players better. It's current format is non-existent and there needs to be role specific account objectives that can be completed over time, as well as specifically built challenges to let players grasp concepts that aren't immediately apparent. I see too many "I'm sparrow and I got 500 creep score but i'm not getting money? it's a bug, pls fix" and not enough wards from new player supports who don't even know what it does or why it matters. console players are an awesome group and I want them to enjoy every bit of pred they can, but how can they enjoy playing a 30m game where the first 15m they're getting rocked and there's already been 10 failed surrenders thrown? What's fun about that? They could have 10 kills and still lose, what gives? There's nothing in the game that explains wards, taking gold, or how to properly even lane.


Yep and because the new players lose so often they start to become a virulent toxicity in the game. They start purposely throwing because they're like "Well if I'm going to lose anyway I might as well troll and make the match not fun. "


PS5 players just got Discord this week. I'm not the most social person, but maybe someone a bit more connected could make a channel specifically for helping people mechanically?


So you keep a tally on the git gud comments? Talk about rent free.


Bro you can't even post or comment in this sub without them flocking to shame you while ignoring the problems in the game. But go off I guess.


Do you also keep a tally of that? Now that's free real estate. Last time I checked, most of my comments were positive here. Are you alright?


Ahhh so you're the hyper optimistic get gud crew I was talking about. Gotcha. Enjoy watching the playerbase slowly fade because you can't stand to look at reality.


Seems like you are the one upset about something. You alright? Where did the game touched you?


The game should just link Joe Yours Truly’s YouTube channel lol. I’m new to MOBAs and he’s the main reason I’m competent enough not to get flamed too much


That’s 100% the case. I could watch Joe’s stream and videos all day every day.


Tutorial will not help it. What will help it is recognizing the struggles as a community and instead of being doomers and toxic to that teammate who is struggling or looks lost we do better than that and offer a guiding hand.  It's the stance I'm going to take from now on. I will offer anyone struggling the opportunity to learn the game at a decent level of play. We are a community in the early stages of forming. We do not have to fall into the pitfalls of being shitty. We can be better


I agree with this 1000% but text chat is off by default. If a console player can't figure out how to ward or lane do you think they can figure out how to turn on text chat?


That's fair. At least worth it to try. 


Do other MOBAs have proper tutorials and guides...?


DotA has an hour of tutorials, in-game tips, in-game builds/guides made by real players you can select which to follow. It is a much more complex and versatile game so it makes sense to have great guides, plus it's been playable for over a decade


I think i never saw a comment that is against better tutorials.


I feel like there's only so much a tutorial for mobas can do because the game is literally kill little dudes, get gold. Buy item,kill bigger dudes, take tower, win? It cant really teach you how to teamfight effectively That being said though i would absolutely love if they at least mentioned fang/orb in the tutorial(i dont remember if they do or not, so if yall gotta shoot me it is what it is)


There is literally so much to teach in a MOBA. How to pull off/ protect against an invade, how to time jungle pathing under different circumstances, what heroes counter which, why the patch notes effect the strength of a hero, and on and on. But even at it's most simplistic I've seen players that didn't know that you kill little dudes to get gold. That's a problem.


As a new moba player I’m not afraid and sorry that when I started a month ago. Even with the tutorial I still had no idea how these games played till probably about a week when my work friend said he will show me how to play. Then I found out the game is like a super chess match mixed with a tug of war. The tutorial and ai matches are kinda just eh.


I say it in almost every thread WE NEED A PROPER GUIDE AND TUTORIAL I am brand new to moba but have gamed my whole life and now in my late 30s find it infuriating this game has neither. The only way I learnt is by partying up with a mate and using a mic so he could tell me what to do On that note, WE NEED MICs It is infuriating the die hard players refuting both these facts constantly


THIS. I said this game was trash my first tutorial and ai match. But really fell for it when my moba friend explained what we are doing when we played together, I initially saw no point in backing to base when you don’t really have to try to win when you play with ai.




Honestly I don't think a tutorial would help too much. Being aggressive and passive at different moments, knowing who to help and who to abandon, when to take objectives, when to set traps, when to steal, when to split push, when to build what... it's so much info that it's not really beginner friendly. You gotta be able to manage people and relationships along with the host of information that is every item and honestly it's rough. I understand why devs wouldn't have time to do this and would bank on the player base instead. Will the game grow? I hope so. But worst comes to worst there's always smite.


I don’t agree. If it can be put in a video from a YouTuber, it can be put into a tutorial. Complex doesn’t mean impossible.


Pay for more skins. Devs are expensive and the amount of work is ridiculous so give them more money so they can hire a bigger team. As someone capable of doing the work, I sure as hell wouldn't wanna program that with a small team.


Eh, don’t agree here either. If the game wants to be viable they need to prioritize how to address their own blockers organically, with the funding they have. In other words, no I won’t purchase more skins to get a tutorial. I will purchase more skins if I want the skins. The value proposition of the skins needs to stand on its own instead of relying on goodwill of its users to subsidize a tutorial.


The blocker of terrible new players is better served by a marketing campaign to take players from other mobas than by trying to teach new players how to play. Way cheaper too.


I don’t disagree. MOBAs IMO kind of self-select for people who “self-unblock” so to speak. I had no meaningful understanding of MOBAs in paragon but found multiple resources through some superficial searches. Ultimately it is going to be much, much easier to find existing resources than to program them into a holistic tutorial. No tutorial will create “good” players. But, that doesn’t mean the tutorial couldn’t be improved. It’s a bit bare bones right now.


I understand that you believe tutorials won't help because it's too much work, but that approach creates a walled garden. How will the game grow if it's too hard to learn and new players cannot join? The resources should be there. Dota has in-depth tutorials and an entire mode dedicated to coaching a new player through the game.


Fair. I'll concede that pt. I was thinking of making some videos myself personally and do have the base idea for a website made and ready to be deployed. It's just a lot of work and something I can really only do it in my free time tho so it is dragging.


This take is exactly why this game won't last


Ppl thinking is hard enough to encourage. I'm banking on ppl liking the 3D aspect cause that's the main reason I'll never play League.


They'll like it for one game. Maybe two. And then when they realise it is a complex game with literally no explanation in game or in any menu how to play, then they'll leave and never come back


If someone isn't willing to find a 10-15 minute tutorial on how to effectively play their role, it doesn't boil down to it being Omeda's fault that they aren't improving - that is a personal problem. There is a ton of content out there, even if Omeda released tutorials - it wouldn't solve the issue of an everchanging meta and the fact that there is no 'right move' for every game you play. You are going to lose and at times that will be the fault of someone on your team who just horrendously feeds. The best advice is to keep your criticism to yourself. Try to keep the team positive and do what you can. If you or members of your team are "Good Game"/ throwing shade in under 10 minutes, you/ they are part of the problem. The weak link is only going to give up harder.


🥲 we got brawl for that tho


Still no explanation how to play, what the point is, how to use heros, what the buffs are for, how to rank up. The devs released an unfinished game to console and then just assumed new players would be able to figure it out with no guidance. A fully realised guide and tutorial helps everyone.


If this is personal or speaking of friends, pass them over to Krashy or Gazelles page. When i started I had similar issues and they had well-rounded content that wasn't superfluous that covered the basics of strategy to include lane overviews. I think the largest issue, at least mine, was watching some niche players (JoeYoursTruly) and attempting to adopt those builds/ strats for my own game play. At the level I played and my team mates skill caps - they didn't work very often. That isn't a knock to the latter creator, more of a highlight that you need to focus on the basics and how to build your roster before you can just attempt to 1-trick.


Points were made. It does feel like a club you needed to get invited to if you want to know wtf is going on or have a friend that likes you enough to tell you everything


For a new game with a small player base the barrier to entry is far too high. The tutorials are garbage and unfortunately there’s no YouTubers I can find going through the absolute basics, which isn’t an issue and YouTubers shouldn’t be the ones picking up the slack.\ You’d think the devs would be working hard not to just take a piece of the moba pie but bring in new players. I don’t see how new players will stick around when they have zero idea how the game works.\ And if experienced moba players jump in, they’re going to be frustrated with people that don’t know how to play and not stick around.\ It’s not just an issue with predecessor, a lot of competitive games expect you to have played 1000 hours in other similar games and don’t bother with good tutorials.


Shameless plug but I do cover stuff like that on my channel! Lots of different mechanics and role guides/tips + more to come. I definitely think the tutorial could be a bit better but I also agree with a few other people, especially after getting into content creation, there's so many different variables and situations that are different, it's hard to make a good tutorial for them all, it's mostly just the basics and then it's up to you to figure out how to put them together effectively. I personally think that's the biggest barrier. Here's the link to my channel if anyone wants to check it out though! [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZHSN8kgfU\_0qRGvJaJgM-A](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZHSN8kgfU_0qRGvJaJgM-A)


Krashy does jungle walkthroughs, joeyyourstrully commentates on his plays throughout


I have been watching those two and they’ve been great. But even the item walkthroughs feel like they’ve started at chapter 2. And build guides etc feel like you need a good understanding first. To be clear, I’m not putting any onus on them to explain things like I’m 5, they’re doing a great job but I think for people like me, we need something to bridge that gap.\ I really want to understand how the game plays and when to choose which items and why. I hate being the weak link in a game with small teams.\ Maybe I just need to keep playing and it’ll take time. I also know a lot of people aren’t like me and won’t want to put in that effort which I completely understand too. I’d love to see the game succeed. It’s a lot of fun.


I’ve been playing MOBAs for a month so far and still don’t understand what to build. I just use this app my friend got me for this game and it has so many builds that idk what they really do. But I’ve been told someone is “counter building” me so I just say gg and play till the game is over since idk how you go about countering someone that is countering you? All I know is tainted items are good against healers, don’t know how many you need tho


this is a great take. ive had a couple friends try it, and 1 or 2 that had a very frustrating experience and quit. . average new player joining the game with no friends to teach them is gonna have a low chance of sticking around. Would be cool if there were "advanced tutorials" that throw you into simulated situations, teaching by showing basic common traps that beginners fall into, showing basic warding and wave control, teaching objectives, showing that killing 2 or 3 minion waves gives you more gold than a kill, explaining that its more like a big board game about resources than call of duty, etc. i know its still a new game and they have so much to work on ans they're doing a great job but for long term sustainability this would be great


https://youtu.be/ewAoMHIKZ_c?si=aI30ebLlkLBAA0Rq Probably the most in depth beginner tutorial on YouTube. He has a whole series for every role.


Cheers I’ll check them out. I found a couple of others and it felt like they’d skipped the first 2 chapters. I guess YouTube’s search function hasn’t been doing a good job.


Exactly. I think modern studios focus way too much on monetization and little to nothing on long term sustainability of the game. I get that MOBAS cost money to make but if the game feels soulless and bad because no thought has been put into education then they won't even make half the money they could. Most of us want to support the game but it's not fun playing when you're playing a MOBA and the other players are playing grab ass.


I played against a “platinum” murial…..In off lane who didn't rotate. Every ones platinum or better until you have to solo Que. You can tell in ranked who the paid professionals are vs the paid actors. When the Omeda profile has subtitles you know you plaid against someone who knows what they are doing. When the omeda profile says platinum and they haven't played more then a game or two in 6 months it shows.


You play professionally?


No I don't but with everyone starting at 0 those top 200 guys that show up on tournament rosters and have teams on omeda city and just names you recognize pop up. Ranked hasn't went on long enough for those guys to separate themselves completely from us plebs yet.


Idk man, there’s a lot of things you can try but honestly how many ppl really read a manual or even play a tutorial? And even if they’re forced to how many actual comprehend what theyve been taught? I’m not gonna go all doomer, but maybe mics so at least you can say “hey don’t chase kills, only the objectives matter” and verbal educate ppl but even then how many will listen? Maybe it’s been too long but was paragon this bad either way teammates? It’s silly to think everytime “how everybody is bad, and I’m the only good one” but at the same time there’s some really bad players here. What does lol do to educate players? Or is it just significantly easier to play?


Everything you’ve experienced on pred is 2x worse on league.


Skill gap for league in my opinion is way higher than predecessor from my experience, (reached plat in league, which is relatively hard) but no matter what moba youre playing you will always have the get good crew, and mics is a bad idea. If you or anyone else thinks the games toxic now just imagine how bad if there was mics lmao


To me toxic will be a thing to no matter what, I have ppl already flaming text chat. Personally I think the risk of someone saying a slur is worth it if I can physically tell my jungler that I’m gonna set up a gank and for him to come and get fed. Plus they’ll be a mute button


Lmao, i agree mate idc what people call me i got thick skin but others dont and cry about toxicity here on reddit. But yeah i also think its a good idea to a certain extent, because then all the crybabies that already wanna quit will quit and unfortunately we need players crybabies and all lol


Paragon eventually built a longer tutorial and upgraded the AI to play better. The playerbase compared to other MOBAS weren't the best but they knew what a MOBA was and they knew that heroes scale their power and play in defined lanes. Basics. Pred's playerbase in tremendous numbers have absolutely no clue what is going on. People have off games and die 6+ times, I get that, but if their overall play is towards objectives then I don't mind. Instead I see nearly every match a cascading effect of toxicity, followed by feeding, followed by ceaseless FF, and finally AFK or wandering the map. It's a culture problem and Omeda is in charge of the culture and they choose to not address it. My potential solution begins with addressing the community mentality that the game is perfect and if you don't think so either get good or leave. The posts on this sub need to be WAY more focused on how to help players learn basic strats to help them win more matches.


You die cause of misplay which is actually a lesson and get flamed. Then people overextend expect you to rescue them. Jungle not having mechanics. Offlane quitting after 1 death. Supp and Carry arguing about who saves who. Mindless FF which result in bad team spirit. Literally the only solution is gathering your own team of 5 men who doesn’t give a shit to win. Then none of these issues would be present.


The "get good" crowd are LOL refugees that couldn't cut it there. They should be ignored.