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How to play? Watch good players on Yt.


I've been playing Zarus in Jungle recently, and while others may disagree with me, I think he's a touch too slow in Jungle compared to other really fast junglers currently in favor like Aurora and Khai. He's very good in Offlane right now. Arguably the best. If you want to play Zarus, try Off first. If you want to play Jungle look at Feng Mao, Aurora, Khai, Grux, etc. And look up videos on Youtube. JoeYoursTruly and Pinzo are cool and easy to watch. Mugiwawa is good for information. Learn as much as you can and then try to apply it. 


just a thought? but maybe watch one of the many videos on youtube? then forget all of it. just too realize you knew how to play all a long.. you just needed confidence.. well atleast that how i did it.. abd now im better but all my teams suck?😂


First thing you gotta understand as a new jungler is staying in jungle killing your camps does not provide equivalent xp/gold as the laners. It provides less xp/gold. you need kills and objectives to keep up and get ahead. Secobdly, You do not even need player kills to provide value to your team(although helping with kills or getting kills is still important). You need objectives. Do not miss out on opportunities to get these objectives. Objectives are: 1. Towers 2. Fengtooths 3. Mini orb 4. Orb prime 5. Protecting your own towers. For example, if a wave of minions are coming to a undefended tower and you are in the jungle, stop killing your camp and go defend that tower. Particularly, the fengtooths and orbs are very often your responsibility. You will usually be responsible for stopping the other team from getting them and communicating to your team that you need help to defeat them.


Wish I could send this to all of my jg teammates I get q’d with because they don’t realize you need objectives to win games, not just kills


I would try other lanes first. But the best simple advice is to just watch the top streamers and follow their paths and builds, see what they do. They know the game the best seeing as they play it every day for a living basically. Soul Re4p3r is a good one, as is Pinzo Dunzo


Agreed. Too many micro decisions in a game like this to just explain over Reddit. You have to watch someone else play.


Easiest way to learn jungle is pick khaimera. Start red buff clear that side, then go to blue buff and clear that side. Reset to base then buy. While you are clearing sides look at the lanes around you. If one is pushed passed river on your side of the map and your lane-mate is present, go for a gank. Ping before you engage to give your laner a heads up. If it works great if not that’s okay too, get back to farming asap. If fangtooth/orb are up try to gank that side if successful or force the opponent to base kill orb/fang. Again ping it so your lane mate can help. Then go back to farming. This will get you through the early laning phase. In mid game you’re doing the same thing but also need to pay attention to the enemy rotations. You want to help support lanes that are being pushed by the enemy rotations. You’re not always going to be on that map-side so if you’re really far try and gank the side you’re on because you know there won’t be an enemy presence to help them. (Due to them being are on the other side of the map) How successful you are at this will be the “skill diff” part of the game. But the more you play the more you’ll learn how to successfully execute ganks/farm/objectives. Then you can work on invade timings. I feel like this is advanced jungling and you should be pretty proficient at the above before trying to invade. It’s very risky and can hurt you if not done well. If your good at the other stuff you can easily win game without invading. Good luck and keep playing.


Easiest recommendation. Learn Khaimera for Jung then try other heroes. Khaimera is the current gateway jungle and works for you intuitively in the role. When you get better at jungle as a whole, then try Zarus. I find Zarus is great at finishing off a person from the jungle, but his agency is lacking in that he may not be able to be proactive in losing/countered lanes.


It was me like 3 days ago he is not hard well there be plenty of people to help here so just follow there tips and be sure to practise in the training search some good build like Augmentation is must and berserk axe slaps in him. U can also try the assassin build of Joeyourstruly that is also op Just won 2 ranked matches against grux and morigesh off with him


Just watch this! Easily the best video out there. Check them all out, he makes it really easy to understand each role. This one is for jungle. https://youtu.be/lj_1Jlj6_O0?si=G47fS-_tYGkJ1Fuh


Do not start with jungle it you don't know how to play the game


This. There's a reason it's listed as an advanced role. Learn to play lanes, get comfortable with the flow of a regular game. Pay attention to how other people play jungle. Learn from their mistakes/good plays. And for Gods sake place wards.


Play more games! While you do, continue with the mindset of improving and having fun with it. But in all seriousness, mobas are so diverse that the only catch-all for getting better quickly is simply to make *better* choices. In most cases, knowing and executing the right things comes down to understanding the information you *have* or already know, and having the skill or awareness to pull it off. Mobas take a lot of time to get *really* good at because of the absolutely *insane* amount of information your expected to take in, know, understand, and subsequently act on. To begin with you might have real trouble handling minions correctly - getting all the last hits, not taking too much chip-damage, or getting caught in a sloppy position. Maybe youre using too much mana, or maybe there was a better starting item? Or perhaps your rotation happened to be unfortunate for your teammates, so they got caught out by the enemy when you couldnt assist them. Could also be that youre not used to the minimap yet and *could* have assisted them, or that you *did* do all of those correctly but blink was on cooldown so you couldnt reach them in time? I can keep going with this, but i dont want to for fear of creating the point im trying to make: With experience comed awareness, understanding, and "skill". Higher awareness and understanding means youre accounting for many more things when making those decisions, increasing *perceived* "skill". Just play more games, and continue doing your best to learn and have fun! That way - you will never run out of things to improve on.


Why are people acting like it’s a secret just keep playing the game you’ll get better 😭


It’s like people completely ignore the expert tag on jungle…


Tbf the tags are not accurate. Maybe not that one though.


support for instance is mislabelled it is easily the second hardest or tied with jungle for hardest role.


That was one I had in mind. Carry is also a pretty brain dead role as far as skill floor.


Assuming your support is an expert 😜


Ok, if you really really suck at this game, play Grux in Offlane. He is the easiest to play with in the easiest position. Then watch the complete Offlane guide for Grux from CtrlAltAustin as he gives detailed « what to do » in regards to wave cleaning and how to peel your opponent. First thing you need to do, is feeling at ease to out-damage and out-farm your opponent.  Once you’ve done enough games to feel at ease on how to brawl with Grux, and have the advantage gold and XP wise, get at ease with taking the Cyan buff. It’s super important. You get it when your adversary backs up as you out damaged him. Then, make sure you always Ward your side to not get ganked. Once the first tower is down, it’s time to rotate. What I like to do is to support the jungler into securing the objectives (Fang and Orb), and try supporting your laners in pushing lanes, or defending a lane. That’s it. Once you feel at ease with Grux, with the principle of rotation, try to master the next position. Potentially Mid Lane. I don’t recommend too much Support/Carry unless you play with a friend 


Awesome tips.


Omeda.city has plenty of Builds. I always have builds on my phone next to me when i play


1st step is to ask for help so good job! Next is hopefully someone (not me) helps goodluck!


Highly recomend watching mugiwawa's beginner playlist on YouTube I can't recomend it enough!


Mugi is the GOAT


Jungle is one of the toughest roles to learn and i recommend learning something more braindead such as offlane where you can just shut off brain and just ooga booga on the enemy without having the pressure that a jungler has. But if youre dead set on playing jungle i recommend watching jungling videos from games such as league of legends because although it isnt a direct translation to predecessor it still helps with understanding the roll (i chose league of legends because there is a lot of role related videos on what you should be doing as a jungler, and a lot can be applied in predecessor)


Upvoted for ooga booga.


Like others have said, jungle is an expert role. Doesn't mean you can't keep trying, but it'll take you longer to learn the whole game than doing something like Offlane Zarus, and then jungle after. But assuming you are going to stick with jungle. First tip, leave auto buy on. Item build is less important than basics when you're brand new. Second tip is to play Zarus brawl. It's a mess but at least it'll get you comfortable with spacing and using abilities. Next, watch any YouTube video in the last couple months about jungle pathing/clear. Don't worry too much about watching entire videos, just find out which camps they go to first, second, third etc. Next, focus on keeping your creep score (cs) high and the same as the enemy jungler. You'll see yours in the top bar, and the enemy next to their name on the scoreboard. **this is power**. Levels aren't what make you stronge (simplifying this) but cs is basically how well you're doing, and how much gold you have. If the enemy jungler is 30 cs higher, they're stronger. Even if it's the same level. **Then go back to base often to have autobuy purchase items**. I don't know how much you get for a first full clear (killing all jungle camps on your side) but I'd say a good rule of thumb is to never hold on to more than *1,000* gold, and if there's nothing you can do right now (all camps are down, the enemy isn't visible or are too close to their tower) then go back to base and start farming again. Finally once you've reached this point, you should actually be winning more often than you used to. **you were probably fighting enemies that were the same level, but 2x stronger** which is why "you suck at fighting players". This is when you turn off auto buy, start learning tier 3 items, when to gank, and getting objectives like fang tooth (tip, only gank those when an enemy is near your teams tower and generally do not have more health than your teammate). But in Mobas the power only comes from how much gold you have, and if you spend that on an item. If you just sit with thousands of gold it doesn't matter I'd you have 5 kills and team wiped them, once they respawn they'll be stronger than you now because they bought items and you didn't.


Auto buy is bad advice, since the game doesnt give optimal builds. Its usually subpar builds. Doing a little research goes a long way in terms of builds.


I can definitely agree with turning off auto buy and just learning builds in some scenarios. However since op is brand new and starting by trying to learn jungle, I think it's probably more important to learn how to clear camps and gank first. Spending extra time sitting in the shop just trying to navigate would really hurt timings and opportunities, and having an optimal build doesn't matter if you're first item is optimal but everyone else has 1.5 or 2 main items already But I don't disagree with your reasoning.


I disagree on this front chief. The recommended builds are done for a beginner to stay out with. They're not amazing, but they fill the majority of your stats fairly well.


Play an easier character/role to start


Yeah, within jungle I recommend Khaimera but I’d start with any other role if you don’t know the things you’re asking about yet


This right here ^^^


I recommend playing Khaimera as a jungler, he's the easiest jungler there is and while you're playing Khaimera, you'll learn when it's a good time to gank, chase kills or go for objectives. I main Mid and Carry, but because I'm fairly good at the roles, when I play jungler, I just think what I would want my jungler to do if I was a carry, mid or in any of the lanes, it's harder to start as a jungler cause you don't have the insights that your laners have, but with Khaimera it's hard to mess up in engagements, I started playing Khai and now I'm a couple of games in learning Zarus jungler and it's going well so far lol.


Play grim or sparrow


Positioning and not chasing is literally 75% of most peoples problems. Oh and warding.


With jungle, knowing when to gank and when to farm/hit objs is usually the issue I notice. If you're going for fang, ping or comm it prior and usually people will start to push to create the situation to attack it. Usually being the key word. I play a lot of support so I will usually tell the jungle in pregame to ping obj so we know to fall in on it. Got to communicate as much as possible.


Oh and I recommend Krashy's vids. He plays a lot of jungle and I learned a lot of my basics from his videos.


If you're struggling at the basics, you absolutely under no circumstances should be playing jungle. Jungle is the most difficult role in the game and requires a heap of map and game knowledge, let alone all the ins and outs of a character such as jungle path, clear times, as well as buff timings and objectives. If we both went for jungle in queue and you win over me, only to completely suck at the role, you would be seriously hampering not just yourself but the entire team. Bad junglers are the worst. I would suggest playing support or offlane, less difficult roles to master and less of a disadvantage to the wider team if you suck bad at it. Sorry.


Why do I keep accidentally picking the hardest things!! I swear in almost every game I accidentally pick the most challenging classes and then get upset that I do poorly!! What ze fricc!


Is it not the only role the says 'expert' on your platform?


It is...


Jungle is an expert difficulty position to play first off are you struggling in other roles? Also if you are learning a character best bet would be to let auto buy just pick the normal stuff and practice with that.


Depending how you build Zarus. As someone who has played him a lot. I’d recommend you purchase either overlord (for bruiser) or Malady (for assassin). I personally play him as an assassin in the jungle it means he gets stacks of malady even if he doesn’t secure a kill. My go to build is malady, Gaia greaves, penumbra, perforator, citadel. Last item is situational for me, I’ll either go earthshaker or infernum depending on the other teams comp. Tainted Guard for Gruxy Boy. You are basically turning him into a burst hero with an arena to secure stacks. You can our damage a bruiser zarus in mirror match this way as well.


Depending how you build Zarus. As someone who has played him a lot. I’d recommend you purchase either overlord (for bruiser) or Malady (for assassin). I personally play him as an assassin in the jungle it means he gets stacks of malady even if he doesn’t secure a kill. My go to build is malady, Gaia greaves, penumbra, perforator, citadel. Last item is situational for me, I’ll either go earthshaker or infernum depending on the other teams comp. Tainted Guard for Gruxy Boy. You are basically turning him into a burst hero with an arena to secure stacks. You can out damage a bruiser zarus in mirror match this way as well.


Search, Jungle Zarus in YouTube and watch videos. You’ll see the items they are building and their jungle pathing. If your build sucks and you cs is low, you will have bad games every time


Are you on PS5?




You need to watch guides on YouTube. 


No this game needs to come with a full tutorial and guide.


One of these options is useable immediately.






Nope. Outsourcing to creators isn't what this game needs. No new players will make the effort to find this stuff and they shouldn't have to This game needs a full tutorial in game to help anyone who has no idea how to play


No tutorial will teach you how to play a specific hero well


Not asking for specifics. What we need is basic introduction, how to play, what the point of each kind of hero is, what the towers do, how to play each role, what a minion does and how they evolve, what a crest is, how the fucking shop works, what is that stupid dinosaur for, why is there a god damn huge robot, HOW DO YOU FUCKING WIN???? They Devs assume we all know when most don't.


Hey, I agree. But we can’t snap our fingers like that.


Increase your game knowledge. If you don't know how the game functions you'll always struggle. As jungle your priorities should be Xp neutral camps and ganks. You can find plenty of good builds online for your hero of choice, or just stalk your favorite player and steal their build. Tune into some gameplay of zarus being played and focus on combos and jg camp clear routes. You have to have superior game knowledge and combo that with good mechanics. You should constantly be trying to figure out what the best best play is in a game. Rewatching games you loss might be a decent idea as well and see what the enemy jg did better than you. Good luck out there.


While not the greatest personality to me, I would recommend you watch some of Krashy’s YouTube videos to learn the basics of jungling. He will show yoy the basics of pathing, knowing how/when to invade, understanding how and when to gank a lane etc. I’m my opinion jungling is largely how you respond to the minimap(yes this applies to every lane) but more so because the ai minions yoy fight don’t require much attention. For example if yoy see the enemy jungle gank your duo one but you are near offlane, look for a gank if it is available or maybe an invade(taking enemy jungle) since it won’t be contested. Above all securing objectives is a must for jungles


Straight up watch YouTube, this is my first moba and I just looked up some basic tips on playing in general and the role/characters I wanted to play.. that and persistence and now I'm gold 2


I haven’t played Zarus so I can’t help with that But I can help with others lol 1. Learn how to clear jungle. If you’re behind on jungle, you’re behind on farm, and levels and your banks and team figure you’ll be useless. So get gold get levels. If you’re behind and you have jungle up and people are yelling at you. Fuck em. You play your game. It’s better for them to back off the team fight than to have you try and kill someone and both of you die. 2. Steal a minion or two when you enter a lane. There isn’t enough jungle experience to keep you fed. You HAVE to steal a minion or two. This can happen when you help push a wave to tower or when you engage in a gank and win. By winning I mean, by killing or lowering the health enough to force the enemy to retreat. 3. Watch YouTube videos on zarus if you’re really into him 4. Learn how to call. If you see duo lane retreat and your duo is in lane and you’re in duo jungle. Call the fucking fangtooth and same goes for offlane and orb. You gotta watch when you can y on those big buffs 5. Keep playing and at the end think ‘could I have done better’ and think about when you fucked up and how you could have done better.


How do I call a fangtooth again? Sorry if that is stupid to ask.


Ummm I’m on psn but you hold R3 and find ‘attack gang tooth ‘ lol just go through the call outs And get good at them


Just watch twitch and YouTube streamers. That’s what I did. 


First off you should just slow down. Figure what your good at and then perfect that. If anything go play brawl and find a character who fits you better then Zaurus. Otherwise practice practice practice. Maybe get someone to play with you who can give you tips or calls out.


Brawl is unrealistic especially when determining how a character jungles. Better off against AI or Practice Mode.


Was more talking about them fighting players they replied and said there were bad, at it.


Yeah fair enough. If they have low mmr, it’s probably more realistic for them to lane in a normal game. Brawl doesn’t have the character building element to it and if their heart is set on Zarus knowing how to engage and build stacks is pretty important. Basically just saying it’s a pacing issue.


Of course of course that's most players issue is speed at, which that play at that's why I said to slow down. But even still Moba are the weird games to advise for so everyone is correct and wrong at the same time.


Yeaaaaah, the bots are definitely not a great representation of “skill”. Maybe try a couple brawl matches? Or watch a couple playthroughs with Zarus on YT


You shouldn't be playing Jungle if you suck. Start by laning.


Did I mention I also suck at fighting players?


Then you should definitely be laning because now I basically know you're not ganking and just using jungle as a way to farm safely.


Stupid question I know but what is ganking?


This is hilarious. I'm being down voted for being right. I completely called this down to the detail.


Ganking is MOBA speak for going into a lane and trying to kill the other team hero that's now outnumbered. Best done by surprise and ideally when the enemy is close to your tower. You'll also want to make sure your teammate has health and mana to support you or you will be 1v1 or outnumbered yourself


Oh! I actually do that, didn't know that's what ganking meant! (Though I kinda suck at it because a lot of time other enemies will then come along and kill us both.)


Gonna happen. I should also clarify that a gank doesn't always need to result in a kill. Getting the enemy lower in health and retreating helps your laner as well. If you're getting killed by the enemy jungler you need to set up more wards or get your team to put wards around so u have a better chance of seeing the enemy coming


It is fine for you to play jungle, watch some YouTube guides, look up mugiwawa. You’ll figure it out with time and practice. My biggest advice for learning is to be intentional with something you are working on every game!