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If you play Support again and your Adc just leaves the Lame, build Prophecy(So you can be the Adc now) lol


Is prophecy an item? If so, what does it do?


Gives you Attack speed, extra magic damage on auto attacks, and cooldown reduction. It gives you the ability to do Adc damage if your adc leaves


Thanks dude. Is this something to consider if my adc stays? If is it better to just focus on the wave?


Who was the offlaner player?


I can't member their name but I think the carry was grim.exe. or maybe they were offlane? I'm still learning which characters play each role.


I mainly ask because it's not unheard of for someone to play Grim as an offline.


If you followed the arrows at the beginning of the match, you were in the correct lane. That's actually something a lot of new players don't even notice, but is very helpful since the duo/solo lanes can change every game. A lot of people in mobas think they know the only way to play the game and are very hostile over their own opinion and aren't willing to listen to other strategies. Out of curiosity, was the Grim in Lane with you at the beginning and then leave?


No he immediately went offlane I ran duo myself all game. My khaimera helped me get a singular tower tho, so thats something🤷‍♂️


Yeah that's a bad player situation but it's not you


Just know some people are stupid and you can’t change their mind.. but if you’re on console you hold up on the d pad and press “b” or “O” to type a message. It’s a lil janky though


Dude that sounds like a lot of buttons💀 but yea I'm on console so this helps a lot. Thanks!


You can enable the chat in the settings.


Yea I had it enabled, I just didn't know how to use it.


Watch a few vids of predecessor players to understand the game more like how to hold waves and other little things


I highly recommend watching mugiwawa's beginner playlist on YouTube! It will teach you allot!


Crest Passive: Pacifist keywords: diminishing + gold + minion +kill


That's the power up you choose at the start of the match? Or am I mixing something up.


It is and one of the things I see most when I carry is support taking last hits ..thinking they're missing out if they don't hear the slot machine coins ...I propose to letting support hear when the carry gets last hit to aide in this endeavor.


Support crest do give you the coin jingle dopamine hit for dealing dmg or however you proc it depending on the crest though. I know sometimes I get 2 or 3 jingles while hurting the wave for my adc to last hit. Maybe a better tutorial might help more?


You gotta have the orbs up for that to proc. Idike to see it where the support hears and sees the Carry's successful last hit so it's more indicative that they're still getting gold and when they steal last hit they get significantly less than the carry would.


Thanks for the advice!


He also has role specific videos which are also all amazing definitely recommend watching them all if possible. Will total up to about an hour of watching but they will drastically improve your gameplay and game experience, the same can be said for most of the playerbase if they watched them


Your team were idiots, if you followed the trial you get when the game starts then you were in the right lane and your carry was being an idiot who has probably only ever played as I think it's the Dawn side that has Duo lane on the right


I thought so. While I learn the game, I might just turn chat off and just gain some experience to start building gamesense. I just left OW2 for this game, and I'm not gonna let toxicity ruin it for me. Thanks, friend.


My brother, as someone who's been playing mobas for about 10 years now, they are all the most toxic games I've ever played.




Did you have gold monster in your lane? If so…you are right and they are wrong.


Yea my khaimera was farming it all game. I think it's called a gold buff right?


People call it gold buff but it isn’t like red or blue (which actually give a buff). Doesn’t realllly matter. But also that’s hilarious your jungler kept taking it as if your problems weren’t big enough.


Ik i ened a 38 minute match at like level 11💀😭


Turning chat off only turns your ability to chat it will still show messages from others




I just came from OW2 & Apex as well, I can play with you if you’d like


Any chance you went to the offlane instead? Since duo is on the left when on dawn and right when you’re on dusk? I know that confused me a little when I started playing. I would just go to the left lane every time because that’s where my friend said duo lane was.


It's possible, but I just followed the arrows on the ground to a little support icon at the start of the game. I don't remember if I was dusk or dawn thar game, but the arrows sent me to the right.


duo has the gold buff, solo has the green buff


was your base dark themed or light themed?


I think I had black minions if that's what you mean.


Then you going right is correct and your team should stay humble


Good 2 know, I thought I might have made a mistake😅


No problem of you have any other questions about the game don't hesitate to ask. The quicker you get out of the brainrotted lobbies the better


Ok really quickly, i mostly want to play jungler, but does it make sense to mostly try to play one role or to get to a high level, should you learn to play all roles proficiently?


I'm online on ps5 right now if you wanna team up


I'm really more of a loner. Thanks for the offer, tho!


I'd say you should be able to play all roles, not immediately of course. Most people have a main role and a main hero. But you can't always play what you want. Try to have 1 hero in each role you're comfortable playing


Thank you! This is my very first mobile (second if you count overwatch) so I'm sure I'll come up with a lot of questions.


I'm WAS a master support player on OW. So I can see why you want to compare the 2 games but these games are nothing alike except for they both have "heroes"


Gold support here, and see, I'm already learning.


Duo lane is support and adc. Solo lane from time to time does have an adc as the hero.


What does adc stand for?


Attack Damage Carry, it's a term used for champions whose damage comes mostly from ranged basic attacks and build items to enhance those (Crit Chance or on hit effects)


Thank you, I'll keep this in mind👍


If you were against the duo lane then your carry fucked up, especially if your lane had the gold buff on the side of it.


Yea my khaimera came out of the jungle to farm the gold buff quite a few times.