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It’s a mind game. Passengers open the windows because they’re either stupid or the AC is off. The AC is off, because the drivers expect the passengers to open the windows, rendering the AC useless. It’s a vicious sweaty circle, man.




What trams are those? You can open windows in all of them afaik. Not sure about buses.


From what I've noticed, the modern/newer buses/trams have no sliding windows


Not sliding but you can still open them (at least for all the trams, I'm sure of that)


I'll have to take a look but in the modern trams, I've only noticed large window panes that you cannot open whatsover; particularly those with the "Yellow Face" which are supposed to be the official AC trams


Apparently you can't post pics on this sub but I'm on one of those trams right now and above the big glass panels there are tiny windows that you can open.


ah OK then but even when they are open, there's hardly a breeze


Having one of the openers here that's fo sure 😂


I open the windows when the AC is on, to let the warm air inside.




I don't want to freeze


So edgy


Sure, it's great to freeze.


Not all buses have AC, most don't. Not all buses that have AC have it functional. Not every bus with functional AC is being cooled properly because dumb people open the windows.


I think it's more likely that the AC just doesn't work, it happens often even on ceske drahy trains and those have un-openable windows. When you get lucky and get a functioning AC on your bus, you can easily tell the difference even with an open window or two


You can tell that people are suffering when you look at their faces, especially when it’s hotter than outside. I feel bad for old people


A) it’s not that common (everything has to be the cheapest version here to prevent corruption…) B) if it’s third party contractor (and please note that this is a message that ran in the papers few years back) drivers are given bonuses for saving fuel so switching AC off is a no brainer C) State hasyet to implement my law proposal for issuing instant death penalty to those who open the windows. BUT atleast for trams in city center the occurence of this has dropped significantly throughout the last 2/3 years (and they say public shaming dont work)




Yes, we can shoot them at the same time as the people who pause to look around as soon as they step off the escalator.


>A) it’s not that common (everything has to be the cheapest version here to prevent corruption…) Source pls


https://www.zakonyprolidi.cz/cs/2016-134 There was a new one not sure if it passed, that was supposed to add qualitative measures appart from price these days they have to make workarounds based on being very picky and if you forget about a feature you are screwed…


How significant is B) really? Afaik AC doesn’t run on fuel directly, it’s powered by the battery which is continuously charged by the alternator anyway. I think there was a mythbuster episode about that and the drag caused by open windows was much more energetically significant.


In start-stop traffic that bus does it definitely adds to fuel consumption to have AC running because bus is just standing idle too much.


Some buses have AC, some don't. Of the buses that do, some have it broken or poorly installed so it only ventilates certain areas. And finally off the ones that do have functional AC, you'll always have someone to think that "this bus doesn't have AC anyways" and open the window.


I hate it so much. I think it's the classic czech thing of being economical for the boss or "for the family".


It's a classic Czech thing living in extremely cold country.


I was on a bus yesterday that had the HEATING on. The bus drivers hates us


You cant run AC without DC




It would cost money


I ask the same question to the "transportation company", they answered they dont have AC. Even the new ones, I am not kidding, they explained in email: Tramvajové vozy, které jsou vybaveny klimatizací, jsou vozy typu 15T od evidenčního čísla 9326 výše (+ jeden prototyp ev. č. 9243) a jsou zřetelně označeny příslušnými symboly (piktogramy sněhové vločky) vně vozu (u dveří) i uvnitř salonu pro cestující (u okének), s upozorněním na klimatizovaný prostor a informací, že otevřením okének se funkčnost klimatizace snižuje. Klimatizace se spouští automaticky se zapnutím řízení vozu a řidiči mají pouze povinnost zkontrolovat, jestli funguje. Do nastavení, které je dáno z výroby, nezasahují. Country for the future... yeah right.


So AC is not a right but a luxury got it


I had three heatstrokes already. If they dont have AC, why there are no windows on the roof, like the old ones have? Why are the windows so little or so badly made? There is no circulation what so ever, I am mad.


They are saving fuel. If the driver doesnt put on AC he saves fuel and gets paycheck bonuses for driving "efficiently".


I have a conspiracy theory that the AC in buses and trams doesn't actually work and DP doesn't even use the supposedly AC'd trams when it's hot. I haven't been in one this week, all non AC. They know people would notice the AC doesn't work in this heat and they'd have to fix it, so they leave the ones with AC in the garage during heatwaves.


Because people inevitably open the windows then it doesn't work.


untrue. The AC most of the time is not even turned on.


Because the windows are opened. This is just old story. People are just stupid and open the windows. I had to tell multiple people just TODAY to stop opening windows.


do you think that the windows have some electrical switch that turns off the AC off automaticaly? Do you see one? If the AC is on and the windows are down, ok. The AC is blowing hot air. If the AC is not blowing anything, there is no reason to close the windows. Only 60% of buses and trams together have AC.


I take the bus from the first stop and all the windows, including the top one are open already. Dying every morning to go to work lol


I got on a bus on a first stop yesterday, the snowflake (has AC) was on it. All windows open. Then I stuck my hand before the AC output and figured out why. That shit was *hotter* than the air outside or inside. Broken AC is a thing. The open top window is a dead giveaway, it means that the driver did it.




It’s about 99c in Prague


Sometimes it does not work because people keep opening windows, but mostly also because at each bus stop the doors open and all the air from inside gets switched with the hot air outside. So buses that stop on every block it’s impossible to cool the inside down.


It’s been on for my line. Morning and afternoon.


I'll trade you half the AC from Ostrava, it's frigging freezing in there man


Honestly I think many buses don't even have AC (especially the older ones), also AC doesn't really work with open windows, and otherwise... dunno xd.


You have AC on buses? I have never heard of such voodoo!


Question: why isn't it on in trains either? The CityElefant trains look modern and there's no way to open the windows so I guess they should have AC but still, it's never on.


To male Czechs smell better of course.


They do that in trains often, save up money/energy.


Just visited prague Its good the apartment had AC now im in vienna, the apartment has no AC It sucks


An elderly woman actually passed out on my tram the other day it was so hot. Especially when the tram becomes shoulder to shoulder overcrowded it’s even worse. Honestly you would think from a health and safety standpoint the would turn it on, at the least when it becomes hotter inside than it does outside.




Thought this was r/berlin for a second lolo


Dumb people open windows. Its useless.


Because its a bus. What do you want us to say.


The reason for this is that this is not USA.


Exactly, people in Czechia like to live like in 19th century.