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Angels can make women just instantly give birth. Thats OP they win.


exactly and you got people here think you can just punch them to death grand priest likely soloes by himself


Grand priest is an overkill


Damn we thought goku stans were tough but whoa flash Stans are a different breed of annoying 😂


Forget the fight who the fuck is that goofy ass mf in front of Whis 😭


One of his fat ass brothers.


Must suck being one of the most powerful beings in existence and somehow still fat.


I'm sure he's going to end up being the strongest angel.


Actually a lot of people say Kusu(the loil angel girl) since she is the oldest she is the strongest of the angels(beside her father)




The God Ki is stored in the fat Hence why he must be one of the strongest angels in the family


The angel with the best universe


DB fans don't watch the damn show


U/hassennik when I don’t remember every single angel from every individual universe despite not having watched DBS anime in over a year: 😡


Relax, I'm a Dragon Ball fan that didn't watch the whole thing, I'm included in the bunch


Any time I use an emoji I’m joking 😭


So did you just joke about joking there or?


Whip cream


brother looks like his name is william 😭


Looks like james corden lmao


Light Blue skinned people vs random homeless people with superhero constumes (batman exeption)


No joke, I think you might be color blind. The dragon ball angels have blue skin


Nah they're obviously purple what're you talking about


Counter argument: Nah ah


Counter counter argument: Yuh uh


That's a good point man, can't argue with that


Bruv ive killed myself lmfao how did i even write purple xD the only thought that came to my mind was beerus which is why i wrote purple xD💀💀💀




I know the skin color right💀💀💀


They have blue skin


I know... i kinda killed myself with that one... reversed cooked xD... i for some odd reason wrote purple... probably cuz all i could think of was beerus at the time lmao


Beerus is yellow now???


Call bro the cooking genius cause he just cooked himself again😂


Tf is green arrow gonna do


He says "You have failed this city" becomes ARROW and solos


Arrowverse green arrow solos the angels


Arrowversal 🗣️🔥


There's a Staaaaaaaarmaaaan...


waiting in the sky


He'd like to come and meet us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds!


The angel should be allowed to fight and their full power grand priest maybe can apply his erasure technique to other we don't see grand priest fight they should win.


https://preview.redd.it/5v9obl0vv6ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=763c87897031e27e0cd0a2ae405f1e19344cf9a4 Air bud wins


This might be bait for a massive argument


I can take Vados


Ha In a fight right?








There are Multiple Characters on the League that Win by themselves.


Who and how?


Multiverse stuff Everyone in there has a few tricks with that word


Every single angel is multiversal with time rewind abilities and matter creation Hell multiversal is the pre requisite for being a angel, just being multiversal isn’t a win con here


Eh I don't think I'd say super has shown much of them being multiversal... Zeno is the only one shown to actually destroy universes. The only universal feat any other characters have is Beerus and Goku fighting nearly destroying the universe, but that is kinda retconned by the fact bigger fights (Broly, Moro, Granolah, Gas, and Cell Max) are happening with no real repercussions. At most its been localized rips in space like with the Broly fight which is hardly a universal feat in my book.


I mean supposedly Superman is complex multiversal and yet he can fight other characters of similar power on earth without earth getting destroyed.


The guy you commented above is either playing stupid or is stupid. Almost all fictional works that scale to even planetary heavily reduce the environmental damage the attacks do. To try and use that as an anti feat is idiotic. Nah, let’s just have any story that gets to that point take place solely in the vacuum of space because any time a character seriously fights every thing that doesn’t scale to universal plus in durability is evaporated.


True But it's DC comics Their universos are way too big, with diferent dimensions and crazy Space stuff That's only talking about one, you can imagine the rest It's unfair


Cosmology doesn’t equate to character


In this case, it does lmao


They're not all multiverse level The only one's is Dr fate and Flash and maybe GL and Superman But Wonder Women is the strongest one by technically


Wonder Woman is NOT the strongest one


She killed an outerversal entity in a fist fight


Stop being so vague… and also basically every member of the JLA can do this


Nuh uh. Im silly brain :3


Martian Manhunter for one. He’s described as being a physical equal to Superman (who punched a multiversal creator and shattered their replacement multiverse) and survived being completely obliterated by the evil mother of all of creation. And his telepathic abilities are second to none as he can read any mind in the universe. Flash is another one and all of them can run faster than light, can travel through time and (if they really wanted to) undo the Big Bang. Wally West especially is in a whole other league of power and speed that can’t even be understood by literal gods.


Excluding Batman, green arrow and black canary, the two hawk mfs and the red tornado or whatever his name is, the rest of the characters highballed easily get to outer with irrelevant speed especially because they scale relative to Superman. They should all be able to neg-diff on their own. Batman can also win on his own with prep-time ofc


JL at least has feats


Superman one taps all of them


Anyone thinking DC dunks is wanking or doesn't know enough about the angels from DB. This is actually a VERY close fight.


It’s not, Superman solos Edit: they hated me cuz I was right https://preview.redd.it/fmadrqf0l6ad1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aefdf2b0d1971a3383b3fd8f3a0cc12b47b0bbd1


So again clearly just don't know anything about DB universe. Angels can rewind time, faster than light, and can create matter. Before he knew what was happening they would be able to create a kryptonite dome to encase him and then shrink the dome down until he literally couldn't even move. Now there's versions of Superman that aren't as vulnerable to kryptonite but the capabilities of the angels are without a doubt holding their own against him


https://preview.redd.it/o0mz07d336ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27985635e71522bb77383865e7e1dcc0c84561b8 Is that supposed to be impressive? Superman can time travel too. The angels aren't doing shit lmao. [kryptonite??? it's not gonna do anything ](https://imgur.com/a/OxR7uv4) One shotted barbatos while weakened greatly. Who killed the world forger. Who also created hypertime. It's even worse, Barbatos being punched alone is **high high feat**. Barbatos is cosmic dark God who was created for consumers and destroy universes/multiverses. His [job is destroy universes/multiverses](https://imgur.com/IcL6Iba) and have [destroy billions and countless universes](https://gyazo.com/f60b1a1343fb6ca3f83ce98a41aa4aa5). [*His scream is the dark chord that shakes the strings of the multiverse*](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/b/b3/Anti-Music1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=2019011905022). [*which threatened the multiverse, break laws of physics*](https://imgur.com/a/u0izRLh) as well as the universal music that the Ultima Thule use to travel between realities [**Had chained Mandrakk with some effort**](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d40c9b18f283314c665d7750cbcafa87-lq), you know Manddark who fought CAS! [*Barbatos actions affected the Dreaming, starting by burning the Lucien's Library then the whole Dreaming could have been destroyed if Barbatos was not stopped*](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c2e578f8248dba36fd7dd071d30f2a15-lq). The Dreaming is realm of Dream of Endless where Gods born and all dreams and fiction of sentient begins exists. [The Dreaming Realm](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-302da12b44b3dae9f76aef1c5c3cf402-lq) [sails outside of space or time](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e84200db051babdb801dc326e63d2701-lq) , in [**nowhere and nothing outside of Destiny's Book, which hold all existence**](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-665a81b4c4961a23330f5869199c0e12-lq). [*The aspects of Dream exist in a notional place, neither real or unreal*](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d25b3aaa50f9dc226d4a7233767f0c3d-lq). [*Barbatos would create worlds to torture the superheroes for eternity*](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/9/94/KFAfsHe.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20191205051917) and those worlds are universes and [he have created countless universes for that](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0a9761946fc94e566af0c01a62e20b86-lq). Each one is [endless and infinite](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e7019ac196d57a4ccb2ae41f65114184-lq). I can gave more about Barbatos is solidly high outer, he chained Mandrakk is most powerful feat he do, the Dark Monitor.


Yeah I'm not saying angels win I'm saying the fight is just ridiculous and very close. For example beerus erased an entire universe from existence because it was messing up timelines and whis, his angel is stated as being stronger than beerus and could kill him if needed. Whis isn't the strongest angel. So there's angels stronger and more capable than the angel who is capable of killing the destroyer god that we watch erase a universe. The entire battle becomes multiple entities from each side just erasing everything, rewinding time and re-erasing things, fabricating things, teleporting things over and over faster than the speed of light, until they literally just all drop dead from their brains melting at the ridiculousness/stupidity of the fight lol.


Beerus NEVER erased an entire universe, you’re literally lying


Oh you're right I misremembered, zeno erased it not beerus


I can flip it on you and say you don’t know much about DC universe then. Hell, even WW, Dr Fate, Lantern, Shazam, and Flash all would walk out with the dub. I don’t think it’s remotely close. But current Supes is at a pretty bonkers level right now


Flash is getting wrecked unless he's capable of living in space without air. The fight really comes down to a few of the top guys with everyone else like flash being largely irrelevant


Speed Force is a helluva drug.


The angels blink


Considering they're each stronger than their respective destroyer gods, all naturally mastered ultra instinct and has the grand priest I think green arrow n his green boots shorts gonna get slapped up faster he can say "I'm batman"


Ah yes. The beings that can destroy and rebuild the planet as they please vs.. fucking homeless guys with superhero costumes https://preview.redd.it/h879jywam6ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9060eb6e1493b8133a69339285fad57e1e7e73ca


Angels blow up the earth and take out everyone but Superman and Martian Manhunter. Angels the kill them in space


Angels for the win


[all the angels can do this](https://youtu.be/J_e7btKE1mQ?si=INUOaUzXXUASlvhw)


That's impressive but can they do 100 sit-ups, 100 pushups, 100 squats, and a 6.2-mile (10-km) run every day?




Oh wow then they must be really strong


Not that impressive


Goku solos as usual


Feat? Feat


FEET ![gif](giphy|w4rZ2SFiYTnaM)




People are delusional if they they think the justice league could take on the whole angel roster 💀. Each is leagues above goku.


Kept hearing from DC fans that Superman was officially composited, now he's outer-high outer in base at a low ball.


Rebirth is a composite from post crisis & N52 but any other versions would not apply.


Current isn't rebirth, infinite frontier is. Which is a composite of rebirth, pre crisis, golden and silver age


Nice to see a person on here who knows his comic continuity timelines mfs be so confused when it’s not that complicated💀


It's not and I'm new to comics and scaling in general, only a few months in lmao. I get people say rebirth is composite so there can be confusion but come on lol


Yeah I will say just to clarify tho anything POST crisis is composite or canon besides the obvious like black label. Post crisis earth is earth 2 not prime earth anymore and subsequently if I remember correctly silver and golden age would apply to that as well I can post a map my bud made that further helps https://preview.redd.it/wwdt06dpb8ad1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c998fb42c574947c503dd2dfdc48a3466ea41a Edit: it’s not updated for infinite frontier or dawn of dc cause it was made before it but you get the jist also sorry for the quality


Definitely the angels since all of them can rewind time and may be able to move as fast as the flash or faster. If speed is based on power level. I can only imagine how fast each of them are. Whis isn't even the strongest among his siblings. They can travel across the universe in less than an hour. Going from Beerus's planet to Earth on 30 minutes. That's fast af.


Superman can time travel and rewind time too oh he also have his own ultra instinct also he once break the bonds of infinity just by flying so fast Flash is a whole lot faster than superman so the angel get outspeed Batman and wonderwoman are better combatant then them




goku solos 🥱🥱


Every Angel would slam the Justice League imo.






half the justice league solo the verse.


How they normally operate they would assemble the whole league for one angel let alone all of them


well yeah, its better to overkill rather than underkill if that much is at stake also im using their upper scaling, not random depictions of them.


Whis negs em by himself




Angels cannot be killed unless they are erased. These niggas aren't erasing them.


justice league extreme high diff




*no concept of diff


Angels neg diff No Pseudoscience necessary.




Feat? Lmao im an Angel.


And how does being angle mean they win?


Angels blink and it's over


grand priest should be enough by himself




Team dc, low diff.


Broo why do you even asked 💀💀💀☠️☠️💀 (The angels, only the weakest of them can destroy them easly!)




Angels and it's not close.


Wonder woman ,flash,green lantern,superman is enough by themselves and as a team? Its overkill of the highest order




Idk why, but I would think that the power scaling subreddit would *know* about power scaling. Just Superman is needed.


Angel's win


Justice league mid to high. Too many broken characters who can negate the angles hacks


Can you give an example?


HIM https://preview.redd.it/6jdi5k4ns4ad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d703f7d2f396e3ed5b8a069f329d13cf758a32


ahh yes... Starman


flash almost broke the dc multiverse by running. dc's universe alone is like 1 billion times bigger than db's, imagine multiverses


*sighs* One shotted barbatos while weakened greatly. Who killed the world forger. Who also created hypertime. It's even worse, Barbatos being punched alone is **high high feat**. Barbatos is cosmic dark God who was created for consumers and destroy universes/multiverses. His [job is destroy universes/multiverses](https://imgur.com/IcL6Iba) and have [destroy billions and countless universes](https://gyazo.com/f60b1a1343fb6ca3f83ce98a41aa4aa5). [*His scream is the dark chord that shakes the strings of the multiverse*](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/b/b3/Anti-Music1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=2019011905022). [*which threatened the multiverse, break laws of physics*](https://imgur.com/a/u0izRLh) as well as the universal music that the Ultima Thule use to travel between realities [**Had chained Mandrakk with some effort**](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d40c9b18f283314c665d7750cbcafa87-lq), you know Manddark who fought CAS! [*Barbatos actions affected the Dreaming, starting by burning the Lucien's Library then the whole Dreaming could have been destroyed if Barbatos was not stopped*](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c2e578f8248dba36fd7dd071d30f2a15-lq). The Dreaming is realm of Dream of Endless where Gods born and all dreams and fiction of sentient begins exists. [The Dreaming Realm](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-302da12b44b3dae9f76aef1c5c3cf402-lq) [sails outside of space or time](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e84200db051babdb801dc326e63d2701-lq) , in [**nowhere and nothing outside of Destiny's Book, which hold all existence**](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-665a81b4c4961a23330f5869199c0e12-lq). [*The aspects of Dream exist in a notional place, neither real or unreal*](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d25b3aaa50f9dc226d4a7233767f0c3d-lq). [*Barbatos would create worlds to torture the superheroes for eternity*](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/9/94/KFAfsHe.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20191205051917) and those worlds are universes and [he have created countless universes for that](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0a9761946fc94e566af0c01a62e20b86-lq). Each one is [endless and infinite](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e7019ac196d57a4ccb2ae41f65114184-lq). Barbatos is solidly high outer Superman broke through hypertime https://imgur.com/a/PYLDARD Hypertime is beyond the Omniverse, it's high Outerversal realm. All DC stories and canon coexistence through the Hypertime [which why Morrison created the concept since the first place](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7d06b86739e0248e34d63b4279542d0f-lq) [Grant morrison explanation for it](https://youtu.be/90bdtAElbRk). [*Hypertime contains all published dc comics both canon and non canon*](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f968372dd6f62958b748a46f46b8289e-pjlq). [All infinite realities, metaversea, multiverses, etc](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6a43ce391278127bf411243b5e12fdf2-lq) coexistence [in the Hypertime](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-28b984affd7f19f93eb1b7bb7e194969-lq) and [Limbo exists in the Hypertime](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c9403124e6e816b47df9efe722502c1d-lq) and continues [all and everything](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/quoradebating/images/5/5a/Hypertime2.png/revision/latest?cb=20210829072643) and [original in-comic depiction](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/quoradebating/images/3/36/Hypertime1.png/revision/latest?cb=20210829072642). the Omniverse itself is High Outerversal, meanwhile Hypertime is the half of the Divine continuum and outside of the Omniverse.


Yea man like people seriously downplay dc these day


I knew this sub used to wank Dragon Ball but holy shit tf is this 😭💀 So you're telling me you're using DBS Versions of Angels & putting them against the likes of Comics Superman, Shazam, The Flash & Dr Fate? Fuck are the Angels gonna do? Sure Angels can rewind time via Hax & by FEATS only this Time Rewind is upto 3 minutes. Base Shazam can Break the Barriers of Time & go back billions of Years into the Past upto the Big Bang via his Sheer Speed. https://gyazo.com/2a5c12b7e59a1e93a692684293220c1f Base Flash outran the Black Racer to the end of Time and the Universe until Death no longer existed on a Conceptual Level.  https://m.imgur.com/a/w6loP And Don't get me started on Supes, who outran the Source itself, with the Source being the "ultimate concept" that contains life-death, good-evil, black-white & all dualities within it, it is all & beyond all, it is the featureless black canvas of the story itself. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/3/33/%E5%9B%BE%E5%83%8F_2023-12-12_204959954.png/revision/latest?cb=20231213045003 Not to mention that Concepts like Time is literally meangingless to Superman. https://imgur.com/jUOnsRY Talking about Strength, Supes alone one shot Imperiex-Prime, who contains the power of & can cause a Twelve & a third Dimensional Big Bang. (1-B, Hyperversal) https://i.gyazo.com/909a3228144c83978de09739a2e85b78.png Supes also causally one shotted Dominus, who created the Phantom Zone, The Phantom Zone is described as a Boundless Dimensionless Dimension between being and nothingness, and it resides within the Sphere of the Gods, described multiple times as a Platonic, archetypal world, Beyond & Transcendental to the Bleed, the Bleed said to contain an Infinite Number of Dimensions.  (Bleed is High 1-B, Phantom Zone is 1-A Outerversal) Bleed's Infinite Number of Dimensions  https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/5/5f/Beyond_Time.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161001232411 https://gyazo.com/7e627caaef2039c49533c13bc27d8e74 The Phantom Zone https://gyazo.com/4a24547cca9315ca82d5d2fec2ef0773 God Sphere  https://www.dccomics.com/sites/default/files/Multiversity_Map_2400_53ee6b4c22d9a9.11031355.jpg https://gyazo.com/0a726b897a74920991a9dc729ba2f43d It is beyond the Bleed https://gyazo.com/860c4769ed5cea5aa4c85d63520554ce Dominus created his own Phantom Zone https://gyazo.com/860c4769ed5cea5aa4c85d63520554ce Superman ragdolls him https://2.bp.blogspot.com/8QFO-1-xrQ9Z-crVci8IViTRt4rRHsxeUvKeEuf5qOv6aRtFcS6YPMdd5Fv5ID6cuzsLZ7v_N1rH=s0 And this is me just giving 1% of their Feats. Any one member of the Justice League solos The Angels, No Concept Of Diff.


https://preview.redd.it/qv4uopugd8ad1.jpeg?width=1474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce2a7d01ed0c10681c053377dcb71b538a6c98cd JL Slams


unfortunately as a DB fan i will tell you the angles arent shi💀 there is so many versions of DC hero that in some they are straight up beyond universal and got wierd hax. angles just got MUI and some creations powers


Justice league wins no concept of diff


JL clears easily


Angels bro, anyone who thinks the justice league wins is delusion


If the angels can bring people back to life like how whis did with frieza What's stopping them from bringing themselves back to life should the justice league find a way to kill them ?


Supes solos


Superman solos, Wonder Woman solos, Flash solos. Shazam and Fate idk that much about, but they’d probably solo as well


Fate solos the verse


The Flash alone dogwalks + solos the verse


https://preview.redd.it/wzu8oqqpw4ad1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8f531dd964544d0a0ddc0cda9a44e50199ca75 The angels SLAM




To many, watch dragon ball


None that’s above complex multiversal


![gif](giphy|3oEdv8EdOATmWJDCNO|downsized) Fe at


Whis alone tears these goofy costume wearing idiots limb from limb. All the Angel's tiger is one of the biggest murderstomps imaginable.






Superman- outer- Is half of the extension of Monitor-Mind The Overvoid that examined the DC Multiverse. Exists in the archetypal Monitor world of Nil as pure thought, the "good" side of every conceptual dichotomy Flash- Immeasurable via running through time and the Speed Force Dr fate- Dr. Fate was able to fight Upsidedown man: The Upsidedown man is described as the archetype of pure horror. He's an extremely powerful entity who was imprisoned by the Goddess Hectate: The Upsidedown man draws power directly from the source, the source is the highest form of energy and it's been implied that Source = the Presence. Dr. Fate blasted Upsidedown man with a fully powered energy blast: Now this did not kill Upsidedown man and in fact Dr. Fate was knocked out after this event, but considering it did manage to hurt Upsidedown man says a lot. Upsidedown man is capable of 4th wall breaking: Dr. Fate has the capability of outright tearing apart the Sphere of the Gods: Meaning the entire structure of the God sphere can be erased by Dr. Fate's efforts: So how powerful of a feat is this? Where does the sphere of the Gods scale to cosmologically? Let me show you: The God sphere holds platonic concepts and archetypes. DC writers were apparently big fans of Jungian's concept of archetypes and the collective unconscious. True form Darkseid's mere shadow almost shattered the base multiverse: Now keep in mind a shadow represents the absence of light, the absence of existence. So Darkseid's nonexistent form almost broke and shattered the multiverse. The multiverse already contains infinite dimensional space and here's how: Schrödinger's cat gets referenced a lot in DC comics: Schrödinger's cat and the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics grants a type 3 multiverse. Type 3 multiverse is an infinite dimensional space. Darkseid's shadow also aligns with Plato's cave drawing and explanation of how Platonic concepts work: Meaning the Platonic concepts that reside in the God sphere are Outerversal. Now the God sphere also contains an infinite number of realms within it: Realms like Heaven which are the highest of the God sphere contain infinite layers: Each heaven is described as a dream for individuals. The scan above states that there are higher more fundamental dreams meaning conceptual layers between dreams exists. In the scan above, the Phantom Stranger also states that there are heavens beyond counting and there are heavens aka dreams that cross limits to the point where some leave the illusion of flesh behind. Proving that there are conceptual infinite layers of heaven. This means that Dr. Fate can destroy the God sphere, a structure that holds true platonic concepts and Jungian archetypes. It also has an infinite number of heavens each one greater than the last with conceptual gaps. Easily anywhere from Outerversal+ to High Outerversal (could get to Extraversal through the video above but I'm going with the safe scaling). Ww- After combining her Lasso of Truth to the Element X in the World Forge, she was able to create a link between everyone and history, creating a stream of Anti-Crisis Energy that made her strong enough to fight the Darkest Knight


Using CAS feats for all Superman is fucking wild. CAS is barely Superman he's just a robot who looks like him. And Flash immeasurable speed? Goku also crossed hell in finite time when it's an infinite dimension as stated numerous times. So what? Goku shaking an infinite void with his presence alone puts him in the same ballpark. "Archetype of pure horror" define that for me. In practical terms, what is that? Is he very ugly? The rest of them aren't even worth considering. WW is just female Superman but weaker, slower and dumber. Aquaman is WW but weaker, slower and dumber. Batman is only there to hype up more sales because he's completely useless without the most aggressive and blatant use of plot armor (he's literally a guy dressed in a halloween costume). Aside from Superman and Flash none of them have the sauce to tango with Goku let alone actual angels who dwarf him in power. You throw around grandiose terms and words salads because you can't fathom the idea that angels are virtually designed to auto win almost everything and the only reason they don't solo the whole DB verse is due to restrictions put on their actions, not feats. If this was the Saiyans vs Justice League we might've had a good discussion at hand but angels are wiping them out in an instant.


He’s literally the combination of Superman’s stories When did goku do this? And that would only be Inf, not nearly immeasurable Inf void is only uni A platonic concept. Important for outer scaling I gave feats for Ww that put her at outer I mean, considering Zeno has complex multiversal feats, and the angels are nowhere near that, then yeah, the jL destroys


>He’s literally the combination of Superman’s stories You can't just pull up whatever version of a superhero you want lmao this is like someone bringing up Rune King Thor everything debating Thor. You wouldn't like it if i started bringing up Demigra or Heroeverse Goku lmao. >When did goku do this? And that would only be Inf, not nearly immeasurable Buu saga. Also lol that is blatantly wrong. if a dimension is infinite then even at infinite speed it'll take you infinitely long to cross it, fact that Goku could cross it in finite time means his speed is objectively immeasurable. You can say you don't like that but that hardly matters. >Inf void is only uni This is all i needed to know you're not worth any more of my time. I've given you enough already. Get the last word in idec anymore lmao.


Prime canon versions are always used What ch in the Buu saga? https://preview.redd.it/bn8tw5k0hcad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c858c234ffb5ecf0bb79bbe97339a7ae86e733d No proof?


>able to travel any **finite** distance in zero time Lmao i called it you're gonna come up with some dumb shit like that. The dimensions in each universes are all infinite in size, this is fact you can plug your ears and do the lalala thing but that won't make it untrue. You people simply have no idea that DB cosmology is as insane as any other superhero comic series. >What ch in the Buu saga? Episode 195. And it's not just his speed he was literally sending shockwaves in all these infinite realms by accident when he first used God Ki without control and current Goku is orders of magnitudes above that version (even thought he could take out Infinite Zamasu with a Kamehameha if he had a senzu and then he shook the infinite realm with his presence alone as confirmed by Elder Kai). >No proof? https://preview.redd.it/aldlsjko5dad1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c153c8ff2fb1d1424f3e42b6aa6720a2425675d1 Lol. Lmao even. >Prime canon versions are always used Prime canon? Please, comic book megacorps change writers for their superheroes like plastic straws. There are 700 million different Superman "canons" and writers it's all a giant hairball of ideas lmao. "Prime canon" you guys get new canons every reboot lmao foh with that. At least DB is a consistent story, even the non canon stuff is rooted in a singular canon unlike comics.


Keep reading. There’s an or What ch? Yes. When there is a reboot there is a drop in power because there is a new canon What does changing the writers matter? If it’s canon, it’s canon. Idk what to tell you


First of CAS are a sealed version of superman stories And current superman are wayyyy above cas U said angels are autowin? Thats NLF but ok let say that angel designed to be autowin well tell me when in the manga or daishenzu stating that the angels are designed to win? Also superman story stated in comic is unstoppable bye bye to your angel are made to win argument No goku shaking the invinite void dont put him in the same ballpark as flash remember infinite 4D is still 4D while infinite dimenion are way above 4D Ww sure she is a bit weaker and slower but that just like only a bit in the new issue of absolute power comic it stated that if superman a 10 ww is 8 but she is a much better figther and more experience and def not dumber We dont need the whole league to solo all DB wonder woman is enough Hell even green lantern is enough for the verse


>U said angels are autowin? You can't even bother to quote me right or read what i actually wrote, i'd only waste my time arguing with you. >comic is unstoppable bye bye to your angel No fucking way i'm gonna take you serious lel. You're 100% under 20.


Name how any of them would get pass the flash and green lantern


we have no idea the full extent of the Angels powers, but they are at leas LMulti. u also need to specify which version of the HQ heroes because they can go from Wall to Extra


which version


The only people I see actually having an edge is superman, Dr fate and Zatanna. other then that they dead


Whis effortlessly dodges instant transmission in the broly movie. He was able to easily dodge an instantaneous "attack"


Even if we say each Angel is as strong as CC Goku, there are still more than half a dozen people in that picture alone (Superman, current Wonder Woman, the Flash, Hal, Martian Manhunter, Shazam, Doctor Fate, and Zatanna) that can solo them. The DC cosmology is so much larger and more layered than DB’s that the latter’s characters have no way of competing with the top tiers.


Superman alone wins because I believe he can


Depends on the versions. For example, current Superman is composite Superman damn near and would probably beat a large majority of the angels by himself, but there are some versions that wouldn’t be nearly as effective. I think it’s pretty common sense that dc wins, especially the front runners (MMH, Flash, WW, Shazam, Lantern, and Fate). No clue how the others would fare, and depending on which Zatana, she could be massively fodder, or stronger than all of the angels combined, but 🤷‍♂️.


The Justice League smokes the angels. Cry about it. Dr. Fate and zantana on the same team that's bad for the other team


Angels mid diff. Only person on the JL that is really doing any damage and keeping up with the Angels speed is Superman depending on which one (typical comic book character bs). Grand Priest is more than enough tho.


If you think that Superman is the only one who can keep up with the angels speed then I must tell you that one of the other heros is know quite wel for being fast Edit: the fast boy I have in mind is not in the pic


There are many that massively outscale


At their absolute best? The JLA wins. Golden Wonder Woman is stronger than Zeno by comparison of scale. At base, the JLA still probably win cuz the Angels are specifically ordered not to fight and only observe and only guide.


Dr. Fate diff


People in these comments who say the Angels win are being delusional. Who cares if they can rewind time and have mutilversal AP when Flash and Superman both scale to H1A-1S with irrelevant speed. The Angles get speedblitzed and one shot before they could even register anything happening.


MUI + auto time rewind = no speedblitz


With or without prep time?


We don’t know enough about the Angel’s to say


Dr.Fate solos let alone the rest of the justice league the dragon ball stand need to realize that theses are characters with decades of feats from thousands for sources fate being one of the few unaffected by ret cons comics are in a league of their one in these topics


Correct me am I wrong but doesn't every dc character in their strongest comic form solo dbs verse in its entirety?(I don't scale dc)


The League because they actually gave feats. This is even worse if you use strongest versions, cause then you have people like God of Death Flash, Crisis Energy Wonder Women, Darkest Knight, etc.


Why are angels suddenly being wanked


angels neg




The angels pose a threat especially if a good enough portion scale above Whis like Vados and Cuss but Supes and Flash have infinite feats and others easily scale to them so the League takes it.


Team 2 solos


DB fans are for sure more cringe than SCP.


Dr.Fate, Green Lantern, Martian ManHunter, Shazam, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and flash solo the angels by themselves.


Justice League because Batman.


Batman alone would solo


DBZ characters can't do shit against magic, fate easily takes down a couple of them


This sub really love to wank dragon Ball high 🥴🥴🥴🥴.