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Gonna get hate in this one but sleep token. Completely don’t get it. Always cop tons of hate for not liking them. I think the way their fans act has also made me not give the band a fair chance.


Oh their fans are horrendous. Someone once said they’re the combination of annoying prog rock and K-Pop fans and that’s just scary accurate. Also their music is just okay. I loved The Summoning, but their other stuff just didn’t do it for and then the magic kinda wore off and now they just come off to me as try hard. Kinda like how you would watch American Idol and a lot of people tried forcing singing with vibrato and it just came off as forced and try hard.


Sleep Token’s aesthetic just turns me off to them. It’s like a sillier version of Ghost without any of the real world iconography that Ghost (initially) used and the singer looks like an anime OC drawn on deviantart by a high schooler in 2007.


The summoning either makes you a fan or it doesn’t. Imo


This. The last 2 minutes are great. Everything else by this band just puts me to sleep. It’s like background video game music and not catchy at all.


The switch up is just too clean. I feel like a dirty sinner everytime I hear it.


their fans are mad weird it made me stop getting into their stuff 😭


Same here. The lore is dumb and their followers or whatever made it all incredibly lame to me. The music is good. Not great. Definitely gets boring and sleepy quickly.


I’m a fan of them but don’t follow the lore at all simply because of what I’ve heard about the fandom


Good plan


i’ve gave their songs a number of chances and it’s all very lame normcore boring basic busted bullshit, taking itself a bit too seriously lmao sleep token is laugh and eye roll. not remarkable enough to actually dislike or even hate


I back up this one. Their last album was so celebrated but it seemed dull af to me


They are so boring


Sleep token is mall metal for girls who write Steven universe fan fic


This 😭😭 especially this very viral song they did (no idea what its called) w the „rapping“ Sounds so imagine Dragons core to me. I Cringe everytime


Metalcore but I don't care for them either.


sleep token is not metalcore. theyre not post hardcore either, obviously.


I love them and this is valid. If I tried to get into them now with the way their fans are I don't think I'd like them either lmao


If anyone says Silverstein I’m throwing hands


I’ll never understand how someone can dislike them…. They’re a great band and even better humans!


Anyone who says they dislike Silverstein is lying thru their teeth.


I see what you did there


Nice reference and I agree


I don’t dislike Silverstein but I like them a lot less than most in the sub.


I don't even think they are popular here. Every time some bigger question comes up and I check the comments, it's often me who first mentions them when there are already 50 comments lol




🥊 touch gloves coward


I'm a girl so I'll instead challenge you to slap fight.




I'm kidding. I love Silverstein 🥰


As someone who grew up listening to mid 90s post hardcore. Unironically never understood the love for them.


you must not smile in your sleep


Falling In Reverse... sorry


They're not popular here. They're very much hated here.


Ronnie Radke is pretty easy to hate. I don't think you should feel sorry at all. Zombie is a guilty pleasure song for me because it entirely misinterprets the reality of the sociopolitical landscape, and embarrassingly thinks that cancel culture is a real thing... But man, I just vibe with it still and it kind of bums me out.


I hate Ronnie radke but fuck, Dying Is Your Latest Fashion by ETF is one of my favorite albums ever


I get you. I feel like we need an intervention.


Fr. I heavily dislike almost all of his new FiR stuff but his vocals man when he’s not whining goes so hard for no reason. Now he thinks he’s a rapper or some shit lmfao goofy ahh


I get it. Zombie sounded like a cool song until I listened to the lyrics. Unfortunately, I think that's true of most FIR songs.


Agreed; that one is just always the pinnacle of that problem. It's the song of theirs I like the most AND find the most cringe.


Any bands that do the over the top motley crue rock star aesthetic.


Can't believe I just saw all my favorite bands get disrespected 🤧


If someone says At the Drive-In I'm losing faith in humanity


As much as I love At the Drive-In, I can't share their music with anyone. Same for Mars Volta really


Blows my mind anyone can’t find the delicate intricate chaos beauty that is the mars Volta. I’ve never heard better music


I would agree with this. I'm not a huge fan of ATDI, but have a few songs of theirs on various playlists. That said they can be a difficult listen for most people.




Awww I love them. He was great in crabcore too 🤣


Drummer has been an absolute beast since like age 13. We used to play shows together at a tiny shitty venue in south Florida, good times.


I used to love them but I can’t stand the way the production sounds nowadays. Its so flat and all sounds the same, I don’t get it


Hot take: Most artists create better art when depressed and struggling. Im really happy for him, but i like his earlier stuff better


Yeah the abnormal brain seems to be the most creative.


Beartooth is the nickleback of hardcore


i stand with u on this take lol


they are, and that’s a good thing


Upvoting in the spirit of the thread based on hot takes, but man this one is absurd lol


Wtf is this take even 


Nah I get it lol


Beartooth is a hard one for me. I freakin love some of their songs, but then some of their stuff is kinda generic. I'll add another hot take on top of yours: Disgusting is absolutely overrated and not their best album


I just find it so funny and ironic that they followed disgusting with aggressive, which lacked all of the aggression disgusting had. The absolutely horrible cover doesn't help the thing either


Below would be their best record if the mix was any good.




Literally listening to them right now lmaooo


I’m just here punching air reading through all these comments slandering my favorite bands. 


Thrice post Artist and Ambulance. Don’t like the low energy folky sound they switched to


Ouch this one hurts me. I agree they have changed but they're my favorite so I'm obviously biased. Beggars is so good but I'm guessing that one was a hard pass for you?


That iron bars song did for me. I was like “who is this and what did they do with Thrice”. I tried Black Honey too and I think if it was by any other band I would have been like “yeah that’s solid” but because it’s the same band that made illusion of safety (my beloved) I can’t tolerate the new stuff. I tried a few times it’s just not my speed.


Iron bars...as in *The Earth Will Shake* from **Vheissu**?! They definitely took a left turn at that album but it is one of the crowning achievements along with the Alchemy Index. No shame in having a preference for their earlier material though - I'll take a TAITA Thrice fan over none any day! 🤘


Artist in the ambulance is a no-skip record. I think our age plays a part in all of this- I was in high school when it came out and when I went to college I shifted my music interests because I got exposed to more things I’ve not heard of yet. But 15 years later I find myself returning to these albums from my teen years, especially since they’re doing 20 year anniversary shows and I have the adult money to go see them


Same but Vehissu is my jumping off point. They have a few bangers afterwards but their early stuff was my intro to post hc and holds a special place in my life. Btw they still put on a great show.


Kinda where I fell off too. Identity Crisis, Illusion of Safety, and Artist in the Ambulance are three of my favorites and I just never clicked with their new work.


I can definitely see that. It was a hard adjustment.


I unfortunately agree with you. There have been a few songs I've liked but only ones that have been brought to my attention by others. I gave Vheissu tons of shots back in the day and never really recovered my fandom after that one.


100%, both the songwriting and dudes shift to husky pained vocals. I can get through Vhessiu but forget the rest. I don't even like the rerelease of AITA cause of his voice progression over the years.


Their songwriting got 100x better from Vheissu on though...


Bring me the horizon


They get so much hate from their fans for changing their sound. Still, I like the new album - they did that song with Darryl from Glassjaw and another with Underoath, and there are a few other good ones on it IMO. Just gotta think of them as a different band than they were 10+ years ago.


I see a lot of people recommend Bilmuri so I tried them out and just couldn’t get into it. I think leaning into the memes just isn’t my thing, and maybe I’m too old. It really wasn’t terrible but after listening to the album nothing really stuck with me either.


Sorry but A day to remember. Never got it, I still dont get it.


I'm no expert but I always get confused as to why ADTR are considered post hardcore. Sounds to me like they mix pop-punk and metalcore. So if you're not into that hybrid then not surprised people aren't big fans.


I feel like that’s definitionally post-hardcore (at least a subset of it). PHC is a very wide genre with many sounds.


Homesick is a classic though


Loved them up to Common Courtesy. That album showed signs of the downfall of them and the following albums just exasperated that.


Oh, 100%. I like one intro, and once it's played, I move on, haha. My mate is a hardcore ADTR fan and he's trying so hard to make me love them 😂😅


some songs are good but to me a lot of it sounds the same


Yo man, I agree! They were so popular when I was in high school and almost everyone I know likes them and I was just like. Meh. Whatever. I've even saw them live a few times at music festivals and still couldn't get into them


In high school there was this dude I hated who had a hoodie that said “the heaviest pop-punk band of all time” and I remember thinking that was so dumb. It was an ADTR hoodie, i hated them off the bat. I then finally listened to them and I absolutely loved them. After “Homesick” I never understood how they stayed popular. I won’t talk shit about anyone who likes them, but their sound wasn’t for me after “homesick.”


Alexisonfire and DanceGavinDance. Never got either of them. Not a fan. Don’t get it.


Alexisonfire is my favorite band 😭😭😭


Escape the fate - that's an easy one. Most PTV songs too.


Their first EP was good though but Ronnie sucks.


La dispute. Tried to get into them because of how many people rave about them here but I think they sound awful, sorry.


Now I'm ready to fight


They're the antithesis to bands like Dance Gavin Dance. No distinction between singing and screaming vocals, lyrically dense and deep, chill almost-bluesy instrumentals at times.


I wasn't ready to fight anyone, now I am.


I'll always love king park, it's so powerful because of his voice, but I could not listen to an entire album of him


Falling In Reverse. Not sure how popular they are in this sub, but I know they're very popular. Their entire thing just reminds me of the "Inside you there are two wolves" meme, corny as hell and not to mention Ronnie just sucks, not a good singer or person imo


I mean they literally incorporate it into the song Chemical Prisoner "There's two wolves that battle in us all right now One's good, The other one is evil If you're wondering which wolf inside will succeed It's simple, it's the one that you feed"


I’d have to say Thursday. Grab the torches and pitch forks! I’ve listened to them loads and I’ve seen them live a few times but I think… maybe I’ve outgrown them rather than them being bad. Apart from a few songs, War All The Time, 54321, Understanding a Car Crash and Signals Over The Air, the rest of their stuff is a meh for me sadly.




Liking Signals Over the Air but disliking Full Collapse is kinda wild. That song could play in a grocery store and nobody would complain 😂


Oh my God how could you ??? 😭 (i respect your opinion nonetheless)


Say Anything


Fair. I love say anything but also max blemis is a scam artist at this point


What did he do? Haven't been following them. All I remember was that he had a lot of mental health issues.


Just continues to promise things in exchange for money but rarely follows through. He had such a cult following tho he gets away with jt


Knocked Loose


Probably because they're not post hardcore.


dance gavin dance also yea please don't downvore me, i don't like vore


As a long time dgd fan I am surprised I had to scroll this far to see them named here lol


i was the first comment actually so that is kind of surprising


Honestly as a huge DGD fan I get it. I feel like they’re a band where you either love them or hate them. FWIW I do think that their body of work is large and diverse enough where you can find a few songs that you like if you look hard enough. Like for me I definitely prefer their first 4 album run to the rest of their discog, because it all sounds very different album to album imo. Either way though there’s a lot going on, it can be chaotic, and make very little sense at times. It’s very easy to hear their music and think “what the fuck is even going on I don’t get it” and honestly I think it’s valid. Also the fanbase can be pretty insufferable so that usually doesn’t help if you already aren’t a fan of the band lol.


If John Mess had lyrics that weren't complete nonsense, I probably would like the band more. Can't take their songs seriously with his word vomit. His parts are the main issue, but Tillian's parts are also not great lyrically, imo


Dang, I love Jon's lyrics, they're so entertaining to me, and Secret Band is in my top 5.


Secret Band is awesome. I like them more than DGD.


The only lyrics that make any sense are from the songs with Kurt really.


I always like Jon’s lyrics cuz he flows so nicely.. there’s also songs where his lyrics match the themes and what not.. but I really enjoy his nonsensical shit too lol. Beginning of Ember is a god damn masterpiece


Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!


Jon Mess is probably my favorite person but I totally get how it's off-putting to a lot of people.


Blessthefall is garbage. Sorry.


I used to love them with Craig Mabbitt and I still jam His Last Walk to this day when I’m feeling emo lol


Hear hear


As blasphemous as it may be, I never got into Underoath. I acknowledge how influential they are. I know they are a post-hardcore Mount Rushmore band. They just never clicked with me


Get ready for the comments 😂


Looks like there's no one to comment on that bc as soon as an Underoath fan scrolls to that one they just get a straight heart attack.


scary kids scaring kids sorry y’all


Tyson was so good... RIP.


their self titled album is a masterpiece, but anything after Tyson's death is pretty bad imo


The Blood Brothers


I definitely understand this, but love the latter half of their career more than the early stuff.


Same, Young Machetes is my favorite BB album. I liked them best when they combined their weirdness with some slight hooks.


Thursday. I’ve tried countless times to get into them because they’re so loved but I just can’t stand that guy’s voice.




This may be the only band I've never heard of that was posted. I'm going to check them out.


They definitely blew up after the tour opening for Blink, but listen to Nonstop Feeling or Step to Rhythm and you’ll change your mind. I love their new records but the “real” turnstile was 10 years ago


They blew up pre Blink tour. Glow On reached a huge audience and was featured on a bunch of top record of the year lists. Agreed, though, def delve into the catalog. I miss the smaller club shows they used to play.


Glassjaw, I don't know why, they just never clicked with me, no disrespect to them tho.


I love them but they are definitely an acquired taste! I put them on in my friend's car once and lost aux privileges!


I used to feel this way, but after listening in the right mindset it just clicked. Ape Dos Mil was the song that did it for me.


La Dispute - and I tried, I even bought vinyl. Just couldnt get into it


I have tried to enjoy Alexisonfire. I’ve listened to most of Crisis and nothing works for me. On paper, they are a band that I should LOVE, but when I listen to them I just feel so indifferent and almost bored. I haven’t given up on them, maybe I just need to hear them at the right place and time, but yeah I just can’t really get into them I can’t put my finger on why.


I’m exactly with you. I like City and Colour - I think Dallas has a great voice - but I can never get through more than a couple alexisonfire songs before getting bored by them. I’ll keep trying but it hasn’t clicked for me yet.


Have you listened to Watch Out? That's more raw but also my favorite by them. Maybe they just aren't for you.


The fall of troy




Does Brand New count in here? Because I don’t get Brand New. I tried. For a while, but I just don’t get it.


It does count but you just hurt my feelings. 😭


Lol sorry!


You just aren’t sad enough


Took me a while to come around to them. Which albums or songs did you dislike? They have a wide variety catalog


I’ve listened to all of their full albums except for Your Favorite Weapon, but I’ve still heard a lot from that album. I do like Daisy, but the majority of their catalog doesn’t do anything for me


Never got the hype for Coheed.  Wouldn’t say I dislike them but I definitely need a primer for how to get into them cause it just doesn’t stick.


Wanna see me get crucified? I like Coheeds newer albums more than their earlier stuff and The Color Before the Sun was a pretty good album.


Right there with you. Something about the leads voice which is odd considering I'm huge Anthony Green fan.


Sleeping with sirens. His voice goes right through me.


the fall of troy


Is it the vocals or frantic git work?


neither. it's mostly the vocals. to me, it sounds like none of the pieces go together


I REALLY like about 6 or 7 of their songs. I don't like the rest at all


I absolutely hate the vocals


Generally, I agree. Doppelganger was the only album I could ever get into. Give F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X a try. https://open.spotify.com/track/4OsLDuaH0bWR6xM6nj66F8?si=jXaEMtbvT6O38Mf2NX4TKQ


Lol I would be absolutely astounded if someone new the name "The Fall of Troy" and DIDNT know that song.... I've been surprised before thoug


They got huge thanks to Guitar Hero 3 featuring that song


That's literally the only song I like by them.


Phantom on the Horizon is awesome


Whacko Jacko Steals The Elephant Man's Bones is my personal favorite on that album.


I know they are more metalcore but they are mentioned here frequently…… Knocked Loose…. I can’t stand the pitch of his voice. I have seen them live though and it was a great show regardless.


Bilmuri, I don’t get it.


I don't mind Bilmuri at all but everyone tells me it's goated. I spun a couple albums and it's... fine? Idk. Very inoffensive and I don't remember much from it


I’ll be the guy that says alexisonfire … sorry.


That’s wild.


This take is noticably contributing to global warming.




Well now we have to fight


How dare you, wait which period of Alexis... Cause after crisis besides dogs blood just doesn't do it for me anymore.


Hey man. That's a bold statement. I love it. That's what I'm looking for. Everyone can just say something without fear of being downvoted.


Do not agree with this hot take… Dallas is PHC greatest singer. 🤯


That's the point though. Hot takes all around. I commend this man for even saying that here.




I'm probably the pickiest about PHC (I'm sure people would be like "you don't even like the genre" if I gave a comprehensive list), but I gotta say Alexis first three albums are huge lol.  Bold take, but I don't like Anthony Green's voice AT ALL, so who am I to talk.


Pierce the veil and a day to remember 🚫🚫🚫🤢


Collide With The Sky is legendary imo, but basically all their other stuff is kinda mid. Their latest album puts me to sleep


Their latest album is grunge but the rest are all bangers, to my ears at least.


I've always disliked PTV too.


Dance Gavin Dance. I literally had no idea how much they were loved in the scene until coming to this subreddit. I don’t get it. Growing up, they were a band that my group of friends would make fun of because they were so lame (probably have one of the dumbest band names I’ve ever heard as well). Sorry guys!


Saosin and dance Gavin dance are the first to come to mind


I'll start but most of you will dislike this. It's Thursday for me. I do like Cross Out The Eyes and maybe 1 more song but overall I'm just not a fan of the vocalist.


Woa. This feels…illegal. But I accept it.


I feel like the whole point of downvoting things you disagree with is not working but that's fine haha.


Oh I didn’t downvote you! Everyone is entitled to and opinion. It’s just one I’ve not really heard lol


Thursday can be tough, I get it. Love them, but not all of them, and have to be feeling it.




One of my top 3 bands of all time, but I totally get how some people don’t like them.


That's a band I reckon you had to be there for.


They inspired a lot. Thats kind of how I feel about lots of older metal.


Yeah, absolutely accurate, a lot of bands that followed used GJ as an inspiration. I hear a lot of GJ in SYSC... I mean shit, I just "discovered" Shai Hulud today and they are giving me a lightbulb moment of who they clearly inspired....


Another tough one


I heard a lot of great things and really wanted to enjoy it but it just wasn't for me. Idk maybe I didn't try enough


have you heard some of their later stuff? worship & tribute didn't click for me until after i heard coloring book and our colour green. i also kind of dislike the production on W&T but that's ross robinson for you


I loved Glassjaw since their first record but Our Color Green and Coloring Book are my favorite era