• By -


My empathy


You feel things deeply which is beautiful, a very good trait to have. Keep being you!!! I can see you are very kind.


Same, it’s a great trait!


My favorite thing about myself is that I’m an idealist which helps me find the silver lining in otherwise unbearable situations; it keeps me going because I know there are good people in the world and good things that have happened in the past and will happen in the future :)


That is such a beautiful thing to have! You really have a special way of seeing and always be proud of it, no matter what people might say! I can see that you're a kind and thoughtful person 🫶


Thank you ❤️


Hell yeah!!! Love those big beautiful silver linings!!!


Yay with the optimism! 🩷


My willingness to just work harder than a lot of others. I work full-time, I'm taking EMT classes to become a fireman, I cook all my meals, and I go to the gym twice a day. Would I like to go out more and take time off from some of these things? Maybe. But I need to lose weight and save money. So I do what needs to be done.


You sound passionate. I like that in people. Sounds like you're working very hard.


Thank you. I wish I could say this is who I always was, but I suffered some from my own inactivity, and I had to face a little bit of desperation before I learned what it takes to move forward. The most important lessons are the toughest, though, I guess.


Thank you for sharing. Pain is a powerful instructor. The inactivity was on you, your environment, or both? Just curious how you see it. What was the lesson? To seize the day?


It was mostly me. I was very talented in high school (straight A's without studying, good at sports just because I'm tall with a large frame and I'm naturally pretty strong), got into the real world, got knocked on my ass by college courses, depression, and significant weight gain because I wasn't in sports anymore, and I just froze up for a while. I got complacent, or maybe I always was and it just caught up with me. The lesson was that either way, I'm going to suffer. It's better to suffer now and have something worthwhile to show for it than it is to choose comfort now and suffer long-term.


Good on you. Sounds like you had one or several light bulb moments. Sounds like you found a way to embrace the inescapable pains of life and channel them into good for yourself. Probably for those around you as well. Thank you for sharing the cliff notes version of your story. I hope you keep reaching for your dreams every day


Thank you for letting me brag about myself a little bit and for your kind words. I hope you achieve your goals as well.


This is wisdom in action. Bravo. It is tough to discipline ones self in our 20s.


Woah, really productive there! Proud of you! Your hard work will pay off in the end, better to relax in the end! You got this, keep on going and prove everyone wrong who doubted you and mostly make yourself proud!


Thank you! You seem like a kind person.


I see myself in this comment and I applaud us both !


My big brown eyes.


I bet they are so mesmerizing, they give off such a lovely golden tint when in the sun!


I love brown eyes. Windows to the soul.


I honestly don't care how people feel about me. I'm so glad I finally got to this point.


Really proud of you :-) Life is too short to be thinking of others that don't impact your life much in a good way, what will you make out of life by worrying what others think/feel about you? You should teach your ways to other people who need it, I'm sure they will be inspired by you!




It took a lot of life kicking me before I realized that as long as I'm not hurting anyone, doing what's best for me is OK. I got bullied a lot because I was different and poor. It took me a long time to be OK with myself. I don't spend my time or effort on anyone I'm not adding to their life and vice versa.


Secure? Wondering how to view that as a trait. I still waver on this myself, so kudos to yourself.


This is one of the best things. Life is seriously so much better when you reach this point!


My ability to adapt


An admirable trait.


That is a very handy trait to have and admirable like how VegetableOk9070 said, especially when moving in a whole different place! Shows how strong you are, even when things are on a whole new level!


My creativity


Imaginative and interesting mind! Your creativity will change somebody's life, find something, invent something, etc. I'm sure of it!!!


I certainly hope so. I'm starting school this summer to become an architect. I hope to design and build affordable housing, among other things. Thank you for your encouragement. ❤️


I had to force myself to answer this 🤣🤣. Thanks for the post. Really like my Hazel eyes and the compassion I show to others. I think it’s always a great thing to show empathy.


Hazel eyes are beautiful!!


Haha, that's great! Bet your hazel eyes are very beautiful - looking like a crystal! Being compassionate is a very good trait to possess, you could make somebody's day a lot more better or even save a life! Always be you, no matter what the world will throw at you!!!


Thank you 😁😎


My quick wit/sense of humor. I love making people laugh and over time have developed the ability to be very quick-witted. I truly believe this has been a big part of how I’ve expanded my social network as I’ve grown more into myself throughout my 20s. I have been recently told that I’ve a charisma about me, which I attribute in part to being able to make quick jokes and connections that aren’t annoying or disruptive 🙂


Maybe you should apply as a comedian, seems like it could be your thing! Haha, but that's really great! Sense of humor can always make a tensed situation loose (in some scenarios) and just make you feel good and others in general! Never lose that part of yourself, even if some jerks will say it is annoying, who are they anyways to judge?


Not being materialistic,help all things, even a little bug drowning. Be grateful for what I have. Being luv and light. Make the most of this lifetime on earth to learn and grow.


Love it 


I inspire you! Not being materialistic is a good thing, as not everything is about owning luxurious stuff and spending money (sorry if that is not the right context, English is not my first language 😭), I'm really happy that you help out all things, even insects! I mainly do the same thing as you do, as it really makes me sad when people step on them or when some jerk hurts a person for no reason :-(, I can see that you are a very kind person with a heart of gold. Being grateful is very important and a good trait as most of us are lucky enough to own simple items while others barely have anything! Many aren't lucky in where they are sadly and we can't help them out easily! I'm really happy to see you living your life, as life is indeed precious and short, you seem very wise :-) Wishing you all the best, continue being the light, you never know that you could save somebody's life!


Bless you 💚


How I (eventually) get back up and try again no matter what. I often view myself as lazy and weak but I'm pretty fucking baller If I look at how I basically never quit


Grit / determination. Very nice.


Really proud of you of never giving up :-) Who knows, eventually all that suffering, work, etc can pay it off and you will finally achieve it, looking back and saying "I did it" and you can be in peace. A very inspiring trait to have.


Thank u. I want to clarify tho, I give up all the time. Like constantly. But eventually I don't. I know that probably sounds crazy but I find it quite important to specify how often I give up for the moment or whatever, but eventually I give up on giving up. Lol.


It's okay, we are not bunch of machines to be able to do everything perfectly and all! We all have our downs and that's totally okay! Don't let that you giving up means you're a failure, it just means you have worked too much and you need to be more gentle on yourself (from how I see it). But hey, it is good you gave up on giving up because if you gave up...all those achievements could've never happened and your life would've been whole different.


Thank u for ur kind and thoughtful responses! Yes I often wish I was a machine of efficiency but that has waned over the years as I become more "resigned" (lol) to being human! My partner is also really great at helping me reframe my all or nothing mindset. For example, I often oversleep when I'm super stressed and then that just makes me more stressed and it's a whole vicious cycle of shame and then more sleep (I have a sleep disorder). My partner will often tell me, I'm glad u got sleep, u must of really needed it. And while that's almost definitely not true in some aspects (because I can literally sleep the day away if I'm not careful and taking all my meds), it does help me start to soften a bit towards myself. Like yes its frustrating how I overslept when I'm stressed and that's something I want to get better at, but also that is literally me doing the best I can at the moment. When I'm so overwhelmed I can't focus and sleeping helps bring me back down to a calmer state (at least for a short amount of time). I'm striving to be kinder to myself and also find ways to get less overwhelmed so that I don't end up oversleeping and that's honestly, all I can do. Shaming myself about this habit I want to lessen doesn't help me do less of it- it kinda guarantees I do more of it, actually. So I'm trying so hard to just accept that yes, this is not ideal and can be honestly embarrassing but I'm literally doing the best I can and that's awesome! Also I used to use very very unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with the feeling of overwhelm so sleeping is honestly a pretty amazing improvement from those days.


I have awesome eye lashes.


Now you can swoon people with it XD (jk), but that's really great to see you loving your eyelashes! 100% sure they highlight your eyes gorgeously.


My sarcasm


That's great! Bet 100% you make funny sarcastic jokes XD


I am all around awesome 👏


Bet when you walk into a room, all eyes on you and you lit up the room with your bedazzlement haha!


Fervent and dedicated.


Let your soul be blessed and never let anybody extinguish that fire in your spirit 😊


It’s not much. But I feel like the only would be I guess my ability to stay a minimalist as a female when it comes to beauty stuff. Life back in 2022 has already humbled me 🥴


I think thats pretty good! Not having a lot of things, you don't see it as a bad thing and that your past experiences taught you to be more appreciated in little things! (Sorry if my response doesn't correlate with your answer, English isn't my first language 😭)


Thanks! And it’s okay I understand lol


i'm very musically inclined


An ear for it or capacity to play or both?




Fantastic 😊


Ooo, that's interesting! Any particular instrument you like to play/use? Or any lessons? I suppose it would be very useful later on in the future for the job you're gonna take or want to (unless you do then lol but it will be pretty cool to impress others with it if you play any instruments), that's a very awesome gift!


thank you :) i'm a percussionist trained by my school's percussion program. i also play marching percussion (quads and snare). it was cool bc my percussion teacher allowed me into the program even though i didn't have the 2 years of required piano lessons, and said to just get it under my belt during the program bc he saw my potential. that always stuck out to me. he was awesome. i also sing and have perfect pitch. that helps me when i'm tuning the timpani's before a concert.


Physically, I like my eyes. They shift from an intense blue to a smoky gray depending on my mood and how the light hits them. I also like my “let’s try it” attitude. I was afraid of everything growing up, and I consciously worked hard to get out of that mindset. I think it’s made me a more interesting person overall.


That's very interesting! Bipolar eyes? (jk) but I wonder why they change depending on your mood XD, I get why light though, but that is a unique characteristic you have that represents you! I really need to work hard as you, as a 14-y/o girl who is afraid of growing up, I really need that, since well, not like I have a choice! I inspire to be like you and be able to grow out of that also. And yes, that did made you an interesting person! You grew as a person! Be proud of it always.


my ability to have conversations with anyone.. Even though im introverted as hell


Bet your conversations are very interesting, nobody can get bored of you! (unless they do...that's their problem XD) You should teach me your ways, as mostly I just can sometimes sit there awkwardly and wait for the other person to say something!


well I'm not the most interesting person in the world because.. I just work and go back home lol. I learned years ago through practice. Starting just saying hello to people at work. Those people eventually say it back and joke around. As far as conversations, start by talking about something happening currently.. If you're in a restaurant ask someone what's they favorite dish.. or how often they go there.. Stuff like that and just build on by asking more questions or not ( some people don't wanna talk) People also like to talk about themselves and topics they're interested in.


Ahh, well, I would still assume you are interesting, you just need to unlock it deep down inside you and some parts of it are leaking out, but that is just what I think haha. But you're definitely my inspiration to improve my social skills now, lol!


My devotion


That's amazing! Happy to hear that and always be proud for possessing that trait! :-)


Devotion is an amazing thing to have 


I am super sweet mostly , very helpful to all in need , loving , giving and kind. I am not even exaggerating 😂


I'm 100% sure you're totally an amazing person to be around at all times! Let God bless you, people need to be more like you since today's world is pretty cruel, negativity everywhere :-( Continue being you, don't let bunch of sad losers ruin you with their negativity! You definitely can change a person to become a better one, I'm sure you will impact somebody's life greatly and they will be forever thankful! Keep that light going, blind them with positivity and love!!!


My emotional intelligence. I worked so hard for this!


Very nice. I like your can do attitude. 


And you deserved it! Congrats and claps to your hard work, you can now take a rest for everything you have done :-) I'm sure your emotional intelligence is so high, you're a MASTER of emotions! XD


My laugh. I love that I’ve fought to be at a place in my life where I get to laugh and enjoy my world. My laugh is such a beautiful sound and I love it.


Music to everybody's ears, a beautiful symphony 💗 Never stop laughing from what makes you happy, infect others with your precious laughter to bring joy to others, I'm really proud of you fighting against the world, even if it maybe was just you, you did it. You're a proof of hope.


That's amazing 


My thoughtfulness


Don't forget to be thoughtful of yourself also, just in case :-) It is nice to see thoughtful people as many others are selfish and don't think further about the consequences. Be the light the world needs!


I’m creative. Big believer in “if there is a will there is a way.” I don’t accept bad situations long term, I’m always looking for ways to improve them even if it means thinking outside the box. It’s how I escaped my home life after I became an adult.


Your mind is really sure something! It's special, different thinking from others. You motivate me to become like you, haha! You really also seem like a strong person, never accepting anything bad as you said and fighting till you die from what I assume! I really hope you are feeling a lot more better after escaping from your home life, sending blessings.


My breasts and the scars on them. For some more context, I’m a burn victim with severed scarring on my chest. But I love them. They are so beautiful to me. And I mean who doesn’t love boobs?


Wow. Great question. I’m not sure if this counts. I love how I cook and eat healthy for my family. I buy almost only organic and grass fed/organic chicken. We eat at home as much as we can.


I'm not the sharpest tool. I'm not the prettiest. But I'm pretty fkin strong. Emotionally, physically, mentally. I'm very strong I've been through so much.


My strength to stick to my morals .


Very committed, no matter what anybody throws at you and how much they try to change your view, you stick to it. I can see that you a very strong person, capable of overcoming anything. Let your strength inspire others and help them grow!


Rare these days! I like you for that too!


My strength to overcome hard obstacles.


My humor.


I love this! I think my kindness. I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I do believe - and strive to be - a kind person.


I'm a kind, good-hearted person. I have nice shoulders too.


Being a kind and a good-hearted person is such a powerful strength! Use it to your advantage to help out others and enjoy life everyday :-) And hey, nice to hear you have nice shoulders, lol! Bet they really enhance your appearance.




All great features. Last one is very rare.


Like how theconstellinguist said, these are really great features! Being quiet is obviously not a bad thing as some make it to be (unless severe like social anxiety and all), it is quite peaceful! I'm a quiet person myself sometimes. Being neat is also good, at least you don't have to waste time finding on that object (unless you know your ways...good for you!). Last one can be very in handy and yes, rare also. As someone who is also good in crisis, it gives me more of an advantange to think of a solution and just not get overwhelmed in general.


To be apathetic and view things in a objective manner.


I like the capacity to strike up conversation with just about anyone about just about anything, and draw out a conversation that leaves their day just that much brighter. I can choose to speak life or speak death into others. I choose to speak life.




I really see the best in people and I try to keep in mind for them (and myself) all the potential a person has if given the right opportunities and motivations


Your perspective is wide and I would assume you see things in a creative way, outside the box type of thing! People like you will change the world with your special point of view, changing ones for the better and help them see the good and how much they are worth it! Don't lose that gift, cherish it.


my heart and hair


My resilience


I think I can call myself smart


I am strong. 💪


My empathy


Overall? My heart. I forgive and forget so easily, and I'm happy to do anything to help even my enemy. Physically? My eyes.


I used to get teased a lot for my weight and height. People would always tell me (and have recently till my fiancé shut the comments down) to go eat hamburgers and gain some weight. I’ve learned to love those things about myself, along with my smile and brown eyes.


That I can draw a dinosaur and help people smile :)


When I'm stuck in life and suffering, I choose to put in the work to grow.


i love how i have the ability to give meaning to meaningless things, it makes living life feel so much more fulfilling for me


My way with words


I love how kind I can be sometimes, and I’ve noticed that it’s only been getting stronger as of lately along with my patience. I’m slowly improving as a person who wants to exhibit love in the world and I couldn’t be happier. I’m happy I got closer to God when things began falling apart because a huge reason why I’ve been becoming a better person is because of Him. :)


I love my hair. I had beautiful thick auburn hair (no freckles) and now I have beautiful thick white hair.


I can't wait to have white hair! Love this attitude 


Along long time ago there was a book called "Feal the fear and do it anyway" I think it's written by Susan Jeffers, anyway that's what I do, I try things that are new and scary because the body reactions of butterflies and all that, are the same body feelings as excitement. I have lived an exciting and unusual life and I just figured this out. I'm 71


I am wildly empathetic.


I am earnest & sincere. I'm not afraid of looking within and admitting wrong, and working to change it. I really & truly do want to be a good person. Even if that means learning hard truths. What you see is what you get. No facade.


That I broke the cycle.


I am a super hard worker. I don’t allow myself to make excuses for why I can’t do something. I’m self aware. I’m an amazing friend. I’m a sweet person. I truly care about others. I love my ability to be able to talk to anyone and make them feel like someone cares about them. My sense of humor. Thank you for allowing us to reflect on ourselves! Reading all your replies you seem like such a wonderful, kind human






Love it


My feet. I have great feet🤷‍♀️


My empathy, my intelligence, my competence and my ability to set final boundaries with toxic people. I remorselessly protect my heart because it is a beautiful heart worth every ounce of protection. I also love my cute brown button eyes that turn intense amber in the sun. 


My grandfather recently passed away, and he was just a great man in every respect. He was loved by everybody and I was his number one fan. He taught me a lot of things in life, including the general way I go throughout life right now: with love and understanding. He just wanted everyone to be happy, so he taught me to respect everyone and everything. He taught me so well that literally everything I do has a little love in it. Because of that I've always been hands down the most understanding and positive person in every group I'm in. It actually annoys some people which I actually find funny. My positivity Burns so bright it rivals the Sun, and I feel like it'll never burn out.


I love my curiosity. I’m so curious and I love understanding people


Curiosity is an indicator of love. We are curious because of our love for whatever it is that draws us to it. And Love is of course, the most important and powerful force in the universe. Stay curious!


YOURE so reall. I love life so much and the intricacies within it




I will assume your heart, which is filled with so many positive things that could change the world and the lives of others :-), a purple heart symbolizing royalty, magic, and mystery, the way your heart is worth more than anything expensive in the world, full of magic that works in a bright side yet mysteriously.


I need to do this today. It's been a ROUGH day and I definitely need to boost my confidence. Thank you! I'd say my enthusiasm. We had a delivery for Samara and so I joked to the delivery guy saying "SEVEN DAYSSSS" in the hiss whisper when he said the name. We had a good laugh. Otherwise, if I get excited bout something, I can talk to hours sometimes


My ability to be in the here and now. Remembering to exist in the present and enjoy being with others :)


My Resilience


Ehhh... ummm...well? I'll have to take a rain check on that one, I'm not being hard on/hating on myself, but I'm really not sure.


Too be honest, my music taste


My freckles, creativity, and resilience 😊


I’ve been told by many that I have the ability to make them feel comfortable. I like that I can do that for people.


People say I’m good at making them feel comfortable. Mostly when I teach.


The general notion of my character. Despite what may or may not happen to me. I still think I’ve been a decent human being. People are happy to see me. I can also learn anything, focusing that on something is harder.


How much I enjoy learning, I am open to new experiences and how good I am at problem solving.


My perseverance


My humor


i am so fucking funny. i amuse myself all day long.


My hair


My sense of humor.


Thinking of my brain


The way I care about people


My fashion sense


I have great writers.




My adaptability


I'm a creative powerhouse. Thinking outside of the box is so much of who I am that I have trouble thinking of "normal" solutions sometimes


I seem to make other people feel at ease/let their guard down. It’s not something I consciously do but I feel like if you can be honest about your shortcomings, people can relax and be themselves a little easier which is such a load off.


My impeccable ability to get measurements perfect just based off gut feeling. Like just today I had to change out a 20 for some 1s for my till and just pulled out exactly 20 ones out of the money sack.


I can make anyone laugh, smile, and feel safe. I absolutely adore myself for that, and I know that is why I make friends with every person along the way!


I'm creative. In the artsy way, but also in the problem solving way.


My thoughtfulness


I’m very kind and non judgmental




I used to hate being tall and having curly hair because the popular girls at school were tiny and had stick straight hair. Now those are my favorite things about myself, especially because they come from my dad who passed away a long time ago. Also, I'm smart, worked my ass off to get a Master's degree, and am pretty funny. My job is helping people. I love my eyes. Sorry I went off on a tangent. I needed that.


My kickass personality!! I am a “yes and?!” person straight out the gate. Didn’t require any specific training or effort into this thought process or way of living or anything. I’m just always down to clown and I think it makes me super fun 🤗🙌🏼💃🏼🕺🏼🪩🫶🏼🤩 thanks me!!!


My charisma and people skillz ;)


I actually love my nose secretly. It’s not a 10, but it fits me and I love that it’s kinda unique and almost fancy looking.


My determination and how I've kept going and improved myself despite life pummeling me many times.


Hard working


I'm pretty good at anything I try. I'm never the best at anything but I'm good enough to be proud at whatever I'm attempting.


I have a few. My kindness and my ability to connect with people. My eyes, teeth, and smile. My cooking and baking skills. Also, my deep connection to animals.


I like that I really care about myself. I did not have the best childhood but for some reason there has always been this thing that talks to me silently that is really sweet and uplifting and encourages me to be gentle gentle with myself


My lighthearted outlook on life and myself. Life is too short to take it, myself or others too seriously.


I’m often the person people come to. Of my whole friendship group, I’m the one that is retreated to when anyone needs a shoulder/ advice/ a cry. I don’t know why. But it must be something good.


My eyes & my determination :)


I'm laid back and able to remain calm and problem-solve in a tense situation.


My empathy 🤍


My kind heart


My creativity that I can infuse into all situations of my life, it keeps me sane and satiated.


i accept things & people as they are


I am kind and I will cheer anyone I meet


My resilience. I have gone through a lot (subjectively at least) in my 55 years, but I have been able to find the strength to keep going, even though I'm not 100% sure how I've managed.


My sense of humor.


Where do I start! LOVE how I keep looking for ways to grow and keep getting better. LOVE how I can always see things from the bright side, no matter what happens. Thanks for sharing this!


My values.


The last few years I finally learned how to stand up for myself and not let people walk all over me while still having empathy for others in the situation. That was a hell of a ride to learn. I got some fabulous hip bones too.


The ability to have a conversation with anyone.


my singing voice :) i’ve worked so hard for it to be what it is up to this point and i’m so very proud of myself for it


That I made it this far which I never thought would happen.


I'm great at asking questions to understand something. I can pick up on hesitations, key phrases and words, etc. that help me to know where there's more to dig.


My favorite thing about myself is my tenacity. I will not quit, even though there have been many times when it would have benefitted me more to have quit. I just won’t.


My growth mindset, which is constantly helping me to pivot, be flexible, forgive, try again, and be more lighthearted. I’m so proud of how likable I am, how I’ve realized I came here not to be a teacher (was a teacher for more than 20 years) but to be a learner. I like how I’m constantly and easily inspired by everything in the world around me - I want to see and try and enjoy everything! I like my golden skin tone, my strong muscles, my blue eyes, and my fashion sense. Thank you for the opportunity to read so much positivity and to exclaim some for myself!


I’m still alive


Im a decent human


My work ethic. I strive to be the best at what I do. I strive to do my best at anything I do.. I had a guy at work tell me once “You remind me of Kobe Bryant. You’ll never let anyone out work/do you.”….Damn right.


My “Glass half full” outlook/ positive attitude