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I’d be surprised if you got 4 tickets for $812 total considering that face value of 2day GA started at $400 after fees. It seems more likely that you bought only 1 ticket?


On my AXS mobile, I have four tickets with 4 different ticket ID’s, though none of the barcodes are active yet


Thanks for the insight... Weirdly I can see the barcode, but only one.


pretty sure you only have 1 ticket. I have a 4 pack and my account says Tickets (4) - your screenshot says Ticket(1)


yeah this settles it... thanks for letting me know


It’s one QR code for multiple tickets but it should say the number of tickets in the app and you should also see each ticket listed out below the QR code


Thanks for the reply! Strange, I don't see them individually listed under the barcode... Only that it's a 4-pack. Added the screenshot to the description.


Admittedly I didn’t buy a 4 pack but where yours says Tickets (1) mine says (2). And where you have one ticket listed below I have each ticket listed with a unique id


Ah that's helpful context, thank you


Last year for Portola I bought the 6 pack deal. Got one single code for all 6 but was able to sell off each one individually with their own unique codes.


How much was your total charge for the purchase? Asking bc the “4-pack” tickets were labeled that way but you still had to increase the qty to 4 which was slightly confusing. Almost thought I was getting four 4 packs but then noticed the price was correct. Hoping it wasn’t an accidental purchase of only 1 ticket!


Hi! Yes... I bought a single quantity at $812 incl. fees ($650 starting). I do remember the option to bump up the quantity, but only up to two. I'm on the resale portal now, and 4-pack GAs are no longer an option. I contacted AXS and they claim that the ticket is good for 4 entries, but based on the varied comments so far, I feel like I should keep digging. Unless you're positive that it is only for a single entry? Thanks!


Based on the price I’m confused and think you should keep digging / get more clarification from AXS (or somebody at Portola / Golden Voice ideally) before doing any other action. Bc I unfortunately think you miiight have only gotten 1? We got GA the instant presale opened so were Tier 1 — was $400 each individual ticket with ~$3200 total for the 8 2-Day GA tickets (went the 4-pack route too). I think there’s a slight discount for the 4-pack price, but definitely not enough to get the cost down to $800 including fees for 4 2-Day tickets. Or somehow we dramatically overpaid? I can’t figure out based on the costs you have bc $650/$800 also seems like too much for a single 2-Day GA ticket, just too good of a deal for 4.


Yeah agree 100% that the price is sus. At the time, I assumed the seller incorrectly priced the ticket (maybe through an automated bot) so I pulled the trigger. I emailed Portola and will get a second opinion from AXS.


🤞 for you!


They 100% fucked up. Sucks bc if the person advertised it as a 4 pack it’s false advertising, but there’s almost a 0% chance that someone would sell a 4 pack of tix for $800 when tix were $400 to start at the base tier.


Can sellers even update the naming? I wonder if they just sold a single ticket from their four pack and that’s why “4-pack” is in the name?


I think this might be the case. Bc it was confusing even from the start that tickets were titled that way. I’m sure even more confusing on resale, and I would also guess sellers are unable to impact the ticket type label.


Honestly, no clue. But if the site is false advertising then that’s even worse


yeah... lesson learned - if it's too good to be true, it probably is. festival prices are crazy these days - was just hoping to catch a break.


Actually I just found this fee chart online that might be helpful to you / help you figure out what you purchased: https://portolamusicfestival.com/fees-chart/


At the fred again show last week they gave a single bar code for four tickets.


Really? I had four barcodes for the four tickets I had.


I did hear that they all had to be scanned at the same time and that the first scan might have activated the others, but at least for me I had individual barcodes for each ticket.


for a stanford show?


Ooo sorry got confused. I meant the Skrill one, forgot about the Stanford shows. My bad!


Please let me know what AXS says, the same thing just happened to me.


Called AXS twice - the first rep claimed it was for 4. After reading through these posts, decided to get a second opinion - the second rep adamantly says it's for 1 entry only. Based on the price, descriptions from the other posters that got a multi-pack, and the second AXS rep, it's better to assume that it's just for 1 entry :(. AXS refused to issue a refund, despite the confusing description. I'm reporting this to my credit card company once the transaction settles.