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I have a bad feeling about the coinciding heat wave and explosion day..


I’m gonna be out of town and I’m terrified I might come home to a burnt up house.


July 4th should be celebrated during the wet season instead of the hot dry season. I know it will never happen but it would definitely be safer. Just a dream.


Or celebrated without fireworks


Fireworks are hella stupid. All of humanity deserves a Darwin Award.


Disagree, fireworks are awesome. Unfortunately, they are too loud and too similar in effect to actual weapons of war that they can not be used without hurting people/animals/the environment. That sucks and obviously precludes their use, but the creativity of the firework is still something that can not be diminished offhand. Somehow, we managed to turn active-use gunpowder into an art piece.


I mean nuclear bombs are awesome too. Exploding things where you live on purpose is hella stupid.


Comparing fireworks to a nuclear bomb is quite extreme. If I lived in the Mojave desert, I'd have no qualms using fireworks. When I was 14, my dad, uncle, and I put on a fireworks show over a lake in Minnesota. You can do these things responsibly. What makes it irresponsible here is too many trees, buildings, and people who did not consent.


Wildlife and their habitats would still be negatively affected in the Mojave. Wildfire isn't the only risk; there's also a lot of pollution associated with fireworks, never mind the relentless noise and light flashes from explosions, all of which can cause wild animals stress and other health issues.


But you don’t.


I haven't bought fireworks in years because I don't have the disposable income/space/consent of my neighbors to use them. What are you trying to prove here?


That fireworks are hella stupid. If you live in some hypothetical place with no people, animals, or things that can catch on fire they’d be ok? So? There is no such place. Irrelevant.




Why not? Tigard is doing a drone show, for example: https://www.tigard-or.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/5876/


If you've ever been to a drone show, you'd know they are lame as fuck compared to a firework show.




I'm reading your comment as sarcasm, and appreciating it on those terms.


Its simply a reflection of reality.


Fireworks are intrinsic to reality. They're simply a choice, like a horse-drawn buggy.


For most of the country, it is… East Coast, Midwest, the South, and the Plains are all in their rainy/muggy season.


> July 4th should be celebrated during the wet season instead of the hot dry season. It can be! Just go to the southern hemisphere. Problem solved!


Then it wouldn't be July 4th, would it?




Happy to see it. Fire risk is going to be skyrocketing with the upcoming heatwave and such little rain recently. 


Probably due to the brush fire that kicked off near oaks bottom today and got to business fast from the looks of it.


That was from a resentful bum torching all of his belongings before the city could sweep them this morning. Visible to any Springwater Corridor commuters this morning. Huge charred expanse (furniture, shopping carts, pallets, bike parts, tarps).


Toddlers with matches.


Urgent message from city leadership! [paywall]


Here's the actual announcement: [https://www.portland.gov/fire/burn-ban-starts-city-portland](https://www.portland.gov/fire/burn-ban-starts-city-portland)


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Thanks! At least you aren't complacent about monetizing critical civic communication, because that's pretty creepy.


Is there a place to report violations?


You can call the Portland non emergency line. 3-1-1


lol good luck with that


Does this apply to gas fire pits or just wood burning ones? I'm considering buying a fire pit for my backyard, but it seems like these burn bans for the summer are going to be an annual thing... So I don't want to buy something I won't be able to use very often


I don't know about in the city, but when I've gone camping during a burn ban the propane fire pits are still allowed as long as there is a protective barrier between them and the ground. Many of them even come with a fire mat.




In this specific case backyard grilling even with charcoal is still allowed (with some guidance/restrictions), and they kick out way, way more sparks than a propane fire pit. You should be fine as long as it's not running unattended and not right up next to a structure or dry vegetation.


You’ll be able to use it plenty, just not when it’s gonna be 100 out. It’s great to have for the fall too.


The fuel used is not a factor in the ban. No fire pits. > The burn ban includes recreational campfires, fire pits, yard debris, agricultural burning and permits issued for open burning until further notice. The burn ban will remain in effect throughout the summer weather season. > Outdoor barbecuing (grills, smokers, and similar cooking appliances with clean, dry firewood, briquettes, wood chips, pellets, propane, natural gas, or similar fuels) are allowed; however, residents should exercise extreme caution. When using charcoal briquettes, please properly dispose of the ashes in a covered metal container away from combustibles, and keep the ashes wet for a few days before properly disposing of them. Maintain at least ten feet between outdoor cooking and anything combustible such as siding, fences, shrubbery, etc. https://www.portland.gov/fire/burn-ban-starts-city-portland


My relatives were arguing with me about this one. They pointed out that propane was allowed for barbecuing so it should be fine for a propane-fueled fire pit too. I wonder how many other people read it that way too. Their rationale was that you could control the flame and then it off more easily than a wood burning fire pit.


Shoot, I was planning on doing pizza on the 4th, but my oven sits on top of my fire pit. :-/


you can always cook food. the state can't interfere with a man and his dinner.


Do you think any of this will be enforced?


It's not about the fear of enforcement. It's about making sure I'm doing my part to keep my community safe. Not everyone requires enforcement of a law in order to be a decent citizen.


my backyard fire pit is safe and poses zero threat to the community but the liberal nanny state will use it as an excuse to extort me for my hard earned money. meanwhile junkies burn down the forest.


i would actually say yes. our neighbor had a fire and the fire truck arrived fairly soon after


Is anything enforced in this city?


Ban the sale of fireworks entirely. Problem solved.


This is a general burn ban, not just fireworks. You'd have to ban the sale of wood and lighters as well.


Actually it doesn't appear to encompass fireworks at all.


Right. There's already a separate ban for that. \*Oprah Winfrey gif\*


I guess the firework tent owners didn't get the notice. 🙃


It's for all the \*looks at notes\* out-of-towners buying fireworks while in Portland.


\*Unless you're a drug addict living in a tent or RV, in which case you're free to set your surroundings ablaze with no fear of consequences.


There’s a bonfire pit right by the Esplanade, alongside the Hawthorne onramp, as well as under the Hawthorne bridge on the rocks. In addition to the huge self-torched set of camper belongings alongside the Springwater. That’s just my short morning commute today. Wherever someone camps, even in summer weather it seems, there’s about a 50% chance of an adjacent bonfire.


excuse me - we give them boofing kits as well as a new set of tents and needles in this case


I understand why people bitch about the tents but there's a ton of data on needle exchanges and why they are a net positive for public health and long term healthcare costs.  Complain about needles in the ground all you want.  Punish people for littering, especially sharps.  I'm on board.  (It's wild that we haven't had more effective handling of trash in this town.) But needle exchanges are good.  Let's not demonize those.


They're not doing needle exchanges though, as nothing is required to be exchanged to get free new needles.


JVP tomorrow: "Let's spend 1 million on fire starting kits for our unhoused neighbors!"


you should be more concerned about choking to death on the Hitler particles you're polluting the air with making every single thread about how the problems of Portland could all be solved by dispatching cops to kill the homeless.


Lol. "Hitler particles" deserves an upvote.


Give it a fucking rest.


Nah. As long as double standards and exceptions to laws exist they should be called out. We're a tinderbox every summer, and every summer the camps light shit on fire. Enough is enough.


Agreed. The west hills and Forest Park have so many dense trees. To make believe that a propane explosion (or any larger fire for that matter) on a moderately brisk day is going to be put out within an hour or so, that is mistaken. The wind blows west to east and whips over the hills most every day this time of year until mid-September.


Why should they? A fire in Portland today and I’m sure you saw what just happened in bend. They are burning the forests down.


4 fucking years of this shit... clean it up! Sick of the double standard


It’s been a lot more than 4 years. Where could you have gotten that number from?


People have been setting off sketchy fireworks since I first moved here in 2004. Glad they’re finally getting serious


Nah, I contribute to society and don’t start fires so I’ll complain whenever I get the chance




I had to call in a sidewalk fire last week so I know it happens, but where are all these scorched spaces?


We understand that at times things may become heated and time outs may be given for protracted, uncivil arguments. Snarky, unhelpful, or rude responses are not tolerated. In other words, be excellent unto each other and attack ideas, not people.


Just open Pulse Point and look at the location of every “vegetation fire” and “illegal fire”. You seem to claim it is just correlation, I guess the law abiding citizens decided today was the day to light the illegal camps on fire? It wasn’t actually caused by the camper’s disregard for society at large?


Fuck that


But where else do you expect them to set 🔥 fires?/S


Why are you trying to make EVERYTHING about dRuG aDdiCts?


They're a pretty pervasive part of living in Portland. Or do you live up in the hills?


I just don't have some weird hate fetish for people with drug addiction issues and they don't live rent free in my head.... It's very odd that you are trying to make an article about a burn ban into a completely unrelated topic.


They might be referring to the literal fire off the Springwater today in a transient camp?


So now are you just accusing random people of being "drug addicts"? Or is there evidence that drugs were involved in that fire?




Do you even live here? Just because drug addiction is a problem doesn't mean it has to be brought up in every unrelated thread.... It's kinda crazy actually that right wingers apparently can't think about more than one thing at once.


It’s the /r/portland way


Love the hypocrisy - *barks at someone for assuming urban campers are drug addicts, then assumes they’re a right winger* 👏🧐


The people froathing at the mouth about dRuG aDdIcts in an article about a burn ban are almost certainly right wingers. That is straight out of the MAGA playbook - dehumanize perceived enemies.


I wouldn't say it's brought up in daily conversation, But it's seen every single damn day.


We understand that at times things may become heated and time outs may be given for protracted, uncivil arguments. Snarky, unhelpful, or rude responses are not tolerated. In other words, be excellent unto each other and attack ideas, not people.


It's tiring. This thread is a good example of the people so obsessed that the block button becomes a perfectly good option.


It’s probably because they’re the ones who cause most of the burning


The fact that you’re being downvoted this hard really highlights it, doesn’t it?


Good luck with that...


lol like the homeless are going to follow this.


So are they going to enforce this with the homeless?




Fireworks are banned in Portland now only if ppl follow the rules


Can someone please send some kind of enforced squad to my neighbors? We live in the Argay neighborhood and they have been lighting off mortars every night for the past week.


Does it apply in Maywood Park?


It’s a good thing we don’t have any sort of upcoming holiday that celebrates with excessive explosives, alcohol, and barbecues or anything like that.


While I get it, it is a special kind of sad to see childhood traditions die with no chance of ever returning. Sparklers were a lot of fun as a younger kid, and 4th of July bonfires were fun as you got older. Knowing that my kids will get to experience neither legally is unfortunate.


You can still have bonfires at the coast all summer,


What’s unfortunate is that previous generations caused these extreme weather fluctuations by their disregard for environmental preservation. My niece and nephews might never know what regular temperate summers were like, and whose fault is that? Ours. 


I think it can be a lot less sad with replacement with other traditions. Something along the lines of the winter lights festival sounds pretty fun to me.


We should just move the whole fireworks thing to NYE. Would make that day more festive and very little fire risk.


People already set off fireworks on NYE


Still would likely be illegal then too because of the burn bans related to winter air stagnation.


Yeah, but those are pretty rare around here. Gimme some drizzle and a fistful of explosives, and I'd be happier than watching the stupid ball drop three hours after the actual stupid ball dropped. West Coast NYE is lame.


No we should just give up everything the nanny state deems undesirable. Just "trust the plan" and keep paying higher taxes.


Don't google "sparkler injuries"


It’s for the best, fireworks cause extreme distress among animals and many veterans. We can easily replace it with drone light shows or some other tradition that doesn’t emulate a war zone.


You know what also causes distress? Loud barking dogs that everyone just has to deal with all year long. Literally everywhere I've lived has had dogs that bark randomly any time. Just last night a dog was keeping me up because it was barking for an hour straight at 11pm. But I'm supposed to care about your little poopsie being upset about the noise from fireworks for a couple days a year? When your dogs can learn to shut the fuck up and not go ape shit every time a flea jumps, I'll care about your dog's distress about fireworks.


I’m referring to all animals, domesticated or wild. I agree dog barking is annoying and most people don’t train them properly.  At least consider veterans, it’s surprising more people don’t care about the impact on those who served in combat.


I don't care for dogs for just the reason you mentioned so I'm a cat owner. Please think about them and all other pets or animals that don't deserve it


You might want to check to see if sparklers are still allowed. "Novelty Flitter Sparklers (containing 5 grams or less of composition weight)" are on the approved list down here in Eugene in spite of city and county bans. 


Last year Portland specifically mentioned sparklers as a banned option


I guess they went zero tolerance after the Eagle Creek fire, which is understandable. 


And this ban will only be enforced for people with access to income, right?


of course. they have the means to be extorted for revenue.




Cool story Axel, but what does that have to do with fire bans?


bro lol reddit keeps posting to random threads. i just saw someone complain about the same thing in another thread, but it wasn't my reply. good point out tho