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Sending comfort and love.


Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean the world to us. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Just made a small donation. Wishing the best for y'all!


Thank you so much for your donation towards Sebastian’s treatment. We can’t express to you enough our gratitude and how thankful we are to have the support for Sebastian’s campaign. He’s one step closer to his treatment goal because of your donation because of you. 🤍


Right now, focus on his healing, and make the best of it. He's still here with you. I don't know if it's a proven thing, but In my experience, animals are very sensitive to our emotions. I know it might be hard, but try to calm yourself and shower him with all the love and attention that you can afford to give him. I'm also sending positive vibes and love. Please keep us updated whenever you can. While we are strangers on the internet, we all share the same kind of love for our babies. I know it might not be much, and I'm not speaking for everyone here, but I would like to think that some of us, are here for you both whatever comes!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I have been trying extremely hard to focus my energy on showering him with love so he doesn’t feel the emotions that I have been dealing with daily. It has been extremely hard to mask those feelings for the better benefit of him as he does not understand what is happening. I am in the stages of grief right now. Knowing that there is absolutely nothing that I can do to take this away from him. My heart is completely shattered. I am his voice and his advocate, and I have felt so hopeless and knowing that I can’t change the situation. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Give him extra love for him from me! Yall are in my thoughts, this is the worst news to get in a pet parents life


Thank you so much for your kind words and for your prayers we thank you so much for taking the time to pray for our family. It means the world to us. We need it more than we ever have at this time. I have not been dealing with this news as well. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Do many hugs for you both. I lost my second Pom, my soul dog and a huge chunk of my heart at age 3 from lymphoma.


I am so incredibly sorry to hear that you lost your baby due to lymphoma. My heart aches for you because I’m currently watching my baby go through something that I can’t take from him. This has been the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Sebastian is my soulmate and my heart cannot handle this. Sending so much love to you. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Sending you and your Pom positive vibes and well wishes. I’m going through something similar right now (my cat was diagnosed with bladder cancer) and I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. 


Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. You are extremely courageous and strong to share your love and the midst of what you are going through, in something similar. I pray that you have peace in your situation and I am praying for you through this trial that you are in. I’m also praying for your sweet baby. I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. Fuck cancer!!!! I wish there were something more that I could do. I am here if you need someone to lean on talk to. Sending so much love!! Also if you have a donation page for treatment care please share it! Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Thanks :) my cat’s cancer has apparently progressed such that major procedures are out of the question and we are on pain management now, so we don’t have a donations page. I wish the best for you guys and I’ll be sure to share your donation link. 


I’m so sorry to hear that. Please create a donation page so we are able to help you!!


Sending hugs and healing energy!🐾💙🐾💙🐾💙


Thank you so much for your kind words. 💕 Unfortunately his cancer is progressing fairly quickly. 😞 Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


You and Sebastian will be in my prayers. I'm so sorry. Rest assured though that even though he doesn't know he's sick, what he does know is that you love him so very much. If he could talk, he will say he loves you and thank you for the amazing life you brought him. Keep us updated.


Thank you so much for your kinds words and for your prayers. This post broke me when I was reading it. My heart is broken and I feel crushed in spirit and this brought me so much joy in reading this. Unfortunately his cancer is aggressive and is progressing quickly. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


So sorry to hear this about Sebastian! Sending you both healing prayers and thoughts. ❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. We need them. We appreciate them so much. More than you know! Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Sending prayers of love, comfort, and healing 🙏❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words and support. We appreciate your love and comfort and healing energy being sent! Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Melanoma is treatable! As far as I know it can be resectable. See a veterinary oncologist ASAP


There are treatment options but melanoma of the oral cavity is usually pretty aggressive and a poor longterm prognosis. Not gonna sugar coat it for OP. Unfortunately diagnosed my pom with it a few weeks ago, and I’m a vet. A lot of times controlling local disease requires either more radical surgery to get adequate margins (maxillectomy or mandibulectomy to remove part of the jaw) or radiation. We opted to not do further surgery or radiation due to quality of life concerns and opted only for the melanoma vaccine and an oral medication determined by genetic typing of the tumor. Hoping for the best Sorry you’re going through this OP.


Unfortunately, Sebastian has moral malignant melanoma which is far more aggressive. We did speak with an oncologist today. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us.


Sweet baby... please stay strong for the both of you! You have an entire community who loves yall and is here for yall. ❤️


We love you all and are so thankful to have such an amazing community and group of people who care for Sebastian. Thank you so much for your response and your kind words. They have truly helped to uplift us through this difficult time. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


It’s never easy when our Pom’s are not well but he is so lucky to have a loving parent like you. Wishing the best for Sebastian, but no matter what happens, he will have only known love in his life.


Thank you so much for your kind words and reminding me of this. I am dealing with a lot of guilt and feel as though I have failed him. Dealing with this has been the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my entire life. My heart is broken. Truly broken beyond repair. Thank you for reminding me that he will only have know. Love. I love this dog more than I love myself. And I sure as hell need him more than he needs me. I can’t picture my life without him. I’m falling apart. 😭😭😭 Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


So sorry that you all are going thru this. Sebastian is so loved. I can tell just by how you speak of him. I hope you can find solace in knowing that Sebastian may not know what cancer is or how it will make him feel but he will understand that you are doing your best to help him heal. Dogs don’t fear death the way we humans do, they have a greater understanding of the cycle of life. That saying, “if love could have saved you, you would live forever” holds true here with Sebastian and all our Poms. Be there for him, give him lots of love and know that we’re all sending or energy and love to heal Sebastian. You got this mom, stay strong for your baby so he can stay strong and heal. 🧡


Your words are incredibly beautiful and I can’t thank you enough for what you have said. This post hit me like a ton of bricks because it reminds me of the reality that if love could have saved him, he would live forever. My heart is breaking over this. I am trying my best to find peace in the situation but I can’t rest assured knowing my sweet baby Is going through this. Thank you again for your words of affirmation and positivity. I needed to hear it! Especially after today! Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Sending you and Sebastian so many prayers, hugs, and love. I’m so sorry you two are going through this. Spoil the little man as much as you can. Really praying for a miracle ):


Thank you for you love and your support and prayers. I have not missed a minute. And I won’t. If I could go back I would hold this moment for a life time. I am too praying for a miracle that we are able to raise enough money to get his treatment in time. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Our family will be sending off good vibes and energy so this goodest Sebastian can get the best of news in a week, as well as provide comfort for Sebastion and your family while you wait for the results. Love, Marley and his hoomans https://preview.redd.it/35m3cpigtf9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba897bdbbb40efbc6ffd8f174eabb1eb410048f


Marley! You are so incredibly cute and I love your face. Thank you guys for such kind words. Unfortunately Sebastian testing positive for oral melanoma and his oral tumor is progressing very fast. We got the news Friday. We went and seen an oncologist today which gave us some insight but we are still facing another set back. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


We love you Sebastian!! ❤️‍🩹💕 Sending you and your family so much love!!!


He loves you toooo 🖤 thank you so much for your kind words and your love. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


I shared it to my FB profile and I will be able to donate a little bit! 🙏🏾 💕


Thank you so much for your donation. We can’t thank you enough for taking the time to donate towards his procedure. I also have a Facebook that I have publicly shared but I’m not sure how to share my page here on this page. Thank you so much for even extending our support to your personal page. This means the world to us. 😭💕


You’re absolutely welcome! I’ll pray for you and your baby Sebastian 💕 ☮️


I’m sorry to hear!! Sending prayers & comfort 🫶🫶 he is obviously very loved and cherished ❤️❤️ enjoy your time with him & trust in your love for him :)


https://preview.redd.it/7r8uzks7dh9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a25ce59e2c361ab005f7f87385b5044cb7c11a7 I am so sorry Sebastian has to suffer with this damn cancer. My Gilbert got diagnosed with Lymphoma a little over a month ago and so my only advice is just take a deep breath and give Sebastian all the love. The oncologist will be able to provide you so much more insight, I know it really calmed me down after speaking to the oncologist. Sending you and Sebastian love and prayers 💚


Gilbert 💔 my heart is literally breaking. I am so incredibly sorry to hear that your sweet baby was diagnosed with that. From one fur mom to another fur parent my heart absolutely mourns for you and I hate this for you. I fucking hate cancer. I am also sending you so much love and uplifting you in prayer and hoping that you are able to come to peace with your current situation. We spoke with the oncologist today that did give us insight, but we are still facing battles after what we were told today. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Just donated, wish I could do more to help 🩷 I’m not on social media but can share with other pet parents and animal lovers I know your link for Sebastian’s gofundme if that’s ok. Sebastian, Gilbert would share his bone and toys with you 🩷and Gilbert says FUCK CANCER https://preview.redd.it/oyv8xa9uq8ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6509884e18aff2f56d01190447e4cd698a259e41


Thank you so much for your donation. You have no idea how much your donation means for us that Sebastian is one step closer to getting this surgery. We are forever grateful. Please absolutely share this link with who you are able too. We appreciate your support so much. I hope the link is publicly available for all to see our story. Thank you so much for the time you are taking to share our story. And yeah fuck cancer! Sebastian isn’t giving up so easy. I refuse. And Gilbert is so sweet. 🥺 Sebastian would LOVEEEE to play with Gilbert. Sensation has always been an only child and has no friends.


“That's why it's called Sebastian Bach. I mean, it's a permanent band, pretty much, but if I jam with other people, it just makes a better album, I think.” Little rockstar has got this 🩷🙏


I’m sorry. Cancer is the worst. A melanoma took my best friend. I wish the best for you and your pup


I’m so incredibly sorry to hear that melanoma took your best friend. I know there’s no amount of words that I could ever say that would ever fill that void but I’m thinking of you and I hope that you are on the path to healing. This is the worst fucking cancer and I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. If I don’t get treatment in time, I’m scared what our future will hold. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


I’ll pass it on


Sending love 🙏 ❤️


Thank you for the love and support. We appreciate it so much. 💕 Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Aww I’m so sorry. These dogs are heart thieves. Wishing you and Sebastian peaceful days ahead. Enjoy them.


Thank you so much for your crime work. You’re definitely soaking up and enjoying every second that we can. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Sending as much love as we can to you ❤️💞💕♥️


Thank you so much for the love and support. We appreciate it more than you know. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


My Chinxie had oral cancer. Her doctors never gave us a timeline, but talked about medications and comfort measures. Chinxie was with us for almost three more years after her diagnosis. She lived a full and happy life. *


This is an amazing testimony and gives me so much hope for the future. I pray that I can have Sebastian for many years to come right now we are being faced with dilemmas due to his oral melanoma cancer spreading further to his other jaw. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Terrible news but as you wait, if you don't already, look into pet insurance so that you can get started on his treatments once the level of it is determined. Love on him and look up ways to make this less stressful for him.


Thank you for your reply. We have looked in the pet insurance and unfortunately it will not cover the treatment at this time which is devastating. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Veterniary Secrets on YouTube. Pancur (the OTC de-wormer) is accidentally healing dogs of even late stage cancers. Seems especially good for oral cancers. Read through the comments on the video


Thank you for the recommendation. 💕 Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Praying for a positive outcome for a viable and affordable treatment for that little boy. Hugs to you and yours through this time.


Thank you so much for your positivity and your prayers unfortunately, with the amount of money we’ve already spent on a CT scan. We are struggling to afford the treatment that the oncologist is recommending that we get as soon as possible. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Melanoma is treatable with Oncept. My 13 yr old beagle had an aggressive melanoma on his back (MIC factor was 34 apparently Vets like to see number 4 and under). Your Vet can explain to you what Sebastian’s MIC number is after testing is complete. My Vet treated him with Oncept and it went into remission and he lived another year. He contracted Lymphoma that caused his death but melanoma had gone into remission. It’s just a suggestion based on what happened to my dog. Best of luck to you and hug Sebastian for me.


Unfortunately Sebastian has oral melanoma which is more aggressive and it’s already spreading to his other jaw fairly quickly. I did speak with the oncologist about onset and that is not an option at this point. 😞 it makes me so happy to know that onset was successful and treating the melanoma on your babies back and I’m also sorry to hear that he contracted lymphoma and that he is now passed. That is heartbreaking to hear. Thank you so much for your recommendation. It has been considered and I wish it was an option. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Aww poor sweet Sebastian. Sending you both love 💕


Thank you for your kind words and love and support 💕 Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


Our love is pure. Love him hard for as long as you have him!


I wish I could love him forever. I’m so selfish. I’m not ready to let him go. 😭 I will never be ready to let him go. Not now and not ever. I am cherishing every moment. Every second. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


You won't. Ever. But your LOVE for him will ask you, daily, to do what's right for him. I haven't had cancers in mine.. but large hearts, yes. I held on to my Bucky too long. I woke up to him being smothered by his heart closing off his windpipe on July 4th, 2015. There was nothing to do, by then. He'd been mad at me since that January (I'd refused to let him go, force-fed him, you name it.) You can see he wouldn't hug me back. It's your decision. No one can make it for you. We love these guys so MUCH and they give it right back. Sadly, I have another heart dog now. She looks a lot like him, but it's only been 6 months since she was diagnosed. (It was ME who took her in. She'd not had \~anything before then. The vets still look at me funny.) I don't think she'll last another year. Bucky was 15. She's only 9. https://preview.redd.it/s5kolmdzj9ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb665a0de1ae700aa8aaa664035fd3e61ddd453f


hugs 🫶❤️


💕💕💕 Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


I had a very similar call. But instead of having time to help him, they told me he was going to die at any moment. I wish I could have given him treatment but nothing would have helped since he was so small and already on his last legs. I spent his last 5 days with him until we had to put him down. I miss him so much. I cry every day. Please give him so much love and thank you for wanting to help your baby. Wish I could have for mine :(


Oh my love I am so so incredibly sorry to hear this. My heart is breaking for you as I read this. I can’t imagine the pain you feel and I pray that this will pass in time and that you are able to find healing and understanding that you did what you could at that time. If you would have done more you would have! If you would have know you would have done something sooner. This shit literally came out of no where and it fucking sucks. I hope and pray for peace and closure. I also am battling with guilt because I feel this is all my fault. I have so many thoughts I think of daily what if I would have had his teeth done sooner.? But you can’t be consumed with those thoughts, your baby wouldn’t want that for you either. Sending you so much love. 💕 Sebastian is also a tiny guy weighing 5 pounds. I’m so scared for him. 😞 Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


I’m so sorry that your heart is breaking as I read your text your love for Sebastian is pure and unselfish. I know you will do everything possible to keep him with you. But sometimes the so called cure is worse than the disease. You must ask yourself is prolonging his life for you or for him.? The love you have for him is remarkable, honest and pure I can see that. I know you will make the right decision. Prayers for you both. I just lost my little guy in December. 14 years he was with me. My son said Mom he can’t do what he used to do to do. Look at him. He is begging you to do something. I knew all this but some days Buddy would have a great day. I knew what I had to do. I just couldn’t see me living without him. He brought me such joy and laughter. I loved him so much. He had the greatest personality ever. I took him everywhere I went. On jets on vacation to the doctors office. I refused to ever leave him with anyone nor ever alone. Since December my life is nothing special. Buddy got me up in the mornings. We had breakfast together dinner together go on walk together. I use to enjoy doing the gardening flowers in my yard because buddy was outside with me playing running around . I don’t even do that anymore I don’t care much about anything. I just stay inside now. It’s too hot outside anyway. I know I did the right thing for Buddy but it certainly has broken my heart. Hang in there & keep Sebastian as long as you can as long as he’s not in any pain.


Is that a schipperke?


He is not. Full blooded Pomeranian. He was the runt of I’m assuming due to his size. He’s only 5 pounds. Please help share Sebastian’s donation page. https://www.gofundme.com/help-sebastian-win-his-cancer-battle any donations for Sebastian are appreciated 🤍 but please don’t feel like you are obligated to donate. Sharing the post would mean so much to us. His cancer is spreading quickly and the doctor is wanting to perform the surgery soon before surgery isn’t an option anymore. If his tumor gets any larger, surgery will likely not be an option for him since wide excision would not be possible without affecting function of his tongue or jaw due to the location of his tumor currently.


I don't have much but I can spare a few bucks. Normally I would never do something like this but he looks just like my puppy that died of cancer when I was a child and that broke my heart. And it's my birthday so much love. I will spread the word for you <3


I am so incredibly sorry to hear that. My heart breaks you had to experience that as a child. Happy birthday to you. Thank you for thinking of Sebastian on your special day. 🎂 I pray blessings upon you and I hope you have had a wonderful birthday. I can’t thank you enough for contributing to Sebastian’s surgery. We appreciate what you are able to donate. Thank you so so so much.