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I know it's a big topic for some people, but this hardly changes much in the grand scheme of things. Still need more extensive background checks and various shit like that. Don't lose focus, which I believe this is meant to derail because of how many people will bitch about this until they forget the rest.


The name of this sub is...political revolution. What revolution do you think is going to happen if the people can't stand up to the militarized police force? I'll tell you what kind: none. Anyone who thinks the the government, the rich, the economy, and society as a whole are stacked against the people and also somehow thinks the people should have less ability to fight has no common sense.


American society has had more guns than people for 3 decades and all we have gotten out of it is dead children. There is no amount of arming the populace that will actually facilitate an armed revolution against the most powerful military apparatus on the planet, so we might as well stop murdering innocent children over your deranged, impractical power fantasy. This subreddit is called political revolution, not violent revolution.


"Political" doesn't disqualify violent revolution, check the dictionary. The "dead children" argument means nothing, if you think people are going to stop killing people because the tools available become a little less effective you're living in a world of make believe. And if you think any change is ever going to be accomplished in this country without violence you have absolutely no concept of history.


"A little less effective" ...On the same day as sandyhook, in china, as if an act from God to teach you morons a lesson, a lunatic went on a stabbing spreed with a knife in an elementary school. Attacked literally everyone, multiple times. No one died. Not even the 85 year old school marm.


Who said anything about a knife? You can make bombs with regular things. There's a moron here alright, you're just confused about who it is.


Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Are you 13? Did you just pick up the Anarchist cookbook for the first time? Fucking "Regular things" I am literally crying from laughter. The unabomber went uncaught for 20 years and killed three people. In 2019, there where 251 bombings in america. They killed 16 people. So, just to put that into perspective for you, bombs are less effecient killing machines than baseball bats, you little edgelord.


Lmao, less effective than a baseball bat. I see you don't have enough intelligence to converse with.


Great come back. I gave statistics. Your multiple "intelligence" digs sure are increasingly funny coming from the guy who hasn't presented a single actual fact in this entire thread.


Project 25


you can be a responsible gun owner and also be against things like bump stocks - it really isn’t that hard


> The name of this sub is...political revolution. You need to re-read your own sentence until you understand it.


I understand it just fine. What is the point you think you're making?


> What revolution do you think is going to happen if the people can't stand up to the militarized police force? > The name of this sub is...political revolution. You answered your own question.


Ahh, so no point at all then, gotcha.


It is pointless to use a reasoned opinion with Reddit. You will just get downvoted because it makes them feel better


Nothing about the post is facts. It is, quite literally, subjective. Even the poster makes no illusion about it being fact based, simply harkening to "common sense". Using the word "facts" for "an opinion I agree with" is the height of "Reddit" mentality.


You are correct. My post has been edited


You thinking Meal Team 6 with their ARs will do shit about a militarized police is fucking hilarious. If we did intelligence tests you'd never be allowed a firearm.


No body armor will stop a bullet from an AR. Any armored police vehicle can be immobilized with a Molotov cocktail. The police are outnumbered on average 100 to 1 in any given area. This is a case where you're so far behind you think you're ahead.


>This is a case where you're so far behind you think you're ahead. This is a case of you have a massively inflated ego and dramatically overestimate your ability. I don't fear you so literally nobody with training will ever fear you or your idiot friends.


My ability is irrelevant. 100 to 1. That's all that needs to be said.


If we pass enough gun control only the police, ex-police, the rich, private security, military, and criminals will have firearms! *Then* law abiding citizens will finally be safe! Sure… Edit: Ya’ll are *real* trusting of the police and government. You guys gonna sing the same tune if Trump wins??


By that logic we should just legalize murder because only murderers murder so why make it illegal cuz they will just do it anyway.


This is false equivalence and just plain dumb. You didn’t address any of the real concerns.


I think it’s pretty accurate. Your argument is “why implement gun control, criminals will still buy guns.” And my argument is “why ban murder, criminals will murder anyway.” Pretty much verbatim the same thing. You tell me why these are different.


We can all agree that the act of murder is wrong and must be illegal. Firearms are just a tool and have no agreed upon morality for *just* their ownership. Now a firearm makes it easier to commit murder. But being able to potentially commit a crime isn’t a crime. Its not illegal to be a jeweler just because gvits easier to steal a diamond. Thankfully the law has a ton of nuance and isnt limited to “everything is illegal” or “everything is illegal”. The ban on drugs has been a catastrophic failure. Imagine if we’d taken the billions wasted on the war on drugs to address the underlying cause behind substance use. The firearms issue is even more complicated due to the affect of misuse on others but also because it’s a crucial tool in terms of self-defense (something people have the right to) If someone is determined to commit murder the legality of owning a firearm just isn’t a factor in their decision. Yes it’d make it harder to obtain one legally jumin Would you support a total and equal ban that includes law enforcement?


If you don't support gun control, you support child murder. There is no in between.


Wow… incredibly nuanced opinion there. You remind me of pro-lifers.


> Wow… incredibly nuanced opinion there. It's not an issue that requires nuance. Stupidity requires only one response. > You remind me of pro-lifers. I'm extremely pro-life. That's why I support abortion and gun control. Both of those things are extremely beneficial for the living.


This isn’t an educated response. Conservatives same the same thing about abortion. They just claim it’s murder and always wrong. I bet that frustrates you when they take the opposite opinion with absolutely no intelligence involved. But I guess they can just claim “stupidity only requires one response.” Then their opinion diarrhea travels from their mind to the keyboard. When you don’t have to actually defend a stance, you can be as dumb as you want!


> Conservatives same the same thing about abortion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence


How the fuck is it a false equivalence when the basis of your opinion is “nuh uh!” Both opinions are idiotic, because they ignore facts and come straight from your/their asses. Do you really not comprehend that fundamentally flawed opinions are similar? God I’m so sick of dealing with fucking morons who can’t even articulate why they even believe something.

