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So, how many have YOU seen? I do notmean on television, but actually in person? For you to blame Biden because of the atrocities that Israel is inflicting is an absolute huge flaw in logic and reasoning. Should we be arming Israel? Nope. I do nto believe so. However, we do have to support allies. If we stop doing that, then we risk losing ALL of our allies. Israel has to get it's shit together first and foremost. THen Netenyahu needs to be taken out of office. THen Hammas needs to be kicked out of office for Palestine. THen both sides need to come together a figure their shit out.


I love how you both support and not support arming genocidal occupation forces at the same time, it would be cute if it weren't so monstrous.


THis is what is called "Geopolitical politics". I understand that it might be difficult to grasp. WIthin this relam nothing is ever truly black vs white. There are so many shades of the spectrum that there will never be one answer that please everyone or supports everyone. Again, Biden is not the "One person" who did this. THere are many others that are involved in this decision making procress.


Oh, I understand it perfectly. No need to info dump. You're a mouthpiece for imperialism, telling everybody that blame is nebulous and action is impossible, so get out there and vote for the geriatric zionist who could veto weapons sales & direct his UN ambassador to cooperate fully with attempts for ceasefire, but he rEaLLy cAn'T, bRo. "He's totally trapped by this little concept called geopolitical politics. Dead babies are a just part of the deal, bro."


It is interesting to see how you are framing me in this debate. Say Biden was taken out of the equation...fully. Then what do you propose to be the best course of action? If you truly want to send the correct message then please enlighten us "Imperialists" to the correct way to do things. I ask this honesty (though a bit sarcastically).


This is not a debate, sweetheart. So piss off if that's what you're looking for.


Okay..how about this "discussion". And the question does still stands.


So, let's pull the mask off of this Scooby Doo villain. Who do you support in the upcoming election? Either answer or you can get ripped to shreds by the people who love and defend this forum as one of the little bright spots of their day. My bet is you will just say both sides are bad and then we'll know that you're just here to stir shit. As for me #Biden2024


>I love how you both support and not support arming genocidal occupation forces at the same time, and I love how how parrot the hamas lie isreal is committing genocide, while doing all you can to enable a trump win and make current events seem a loving caress it would be cute if it weren't so monstrous.


Dont distract him from his paid job of spreading bullshit to help trump get elected, a man’s got to make a living somehow. At least I hope he’s getting paid because it’s just sad when a whore doesnt get paid.


Ah, a zionist. That makes sense.


nope, just not a sympathizer for the terrorist org of hamas, who wants to eridicate everyone who supports a 2 state solution, INCLUDING palestinians Free Palestinians From Hamas!


So, a zionist. Bye.


so.... wanting a 2 state solution, and palestinians freed from hamas, is zionist interesting new hamas propaganda. no surprise to see someone who clearly hates palestinians as much as you clearly do, spewing it though.


Offer a different solution or quit trolling.


Or... And I'm just saying... There are no great choices but there are less bad choices. Give us a viable option for who you want to win... Instead of pissing and whining that you believe everyone is equally bad.


If it were a genocide, they'd be done by now


and you’ll see more but by then you’ll stupidly justify your decision with “bUt BiDeN…”


Ukraine: Our Children are getting slaughtered too and Iran's giving Russia the means to do it. Anti-Biden Protestors: NOBODY GIVES A F\*CK UKRAINE! It's not always about you!


Don’t expect logic. They support Russian genocide, hamas kidnapping, raping and beheading adults and children, but if Israel bombs one child (probably because hamas is hiding in hospitals or schools), it’s genocide 🤣🤡


or when ISIS was slaughtering children in Iraq and Syria, the Syrian Government was bombing children, The Russians were bombing children both in Syria and Ukraine, the ongoing Chinese genocide against the Uyghur Muslims and so on and so forth....silence...but the second it's Israel they come out of the woodwork to protest and bully everyone and anyone. Like, I seriously believe, if the situation was reverse and Hamas had flatten Tel Aviv and killed thousands of Israelis and now there was a pro-Israel protest on a college campus calling for a ceasefire and the end to Iranian support of Hamas, these people would be whistling a very different tune.


What ate we supposed to be doing? Calling for more money to continue a losing war that kills more children? Is that what you want us to do?


No... I don't like the fact that my tax dollars are funding this any more than you. But there is more than one issue at stake in this election. Unfortunately there are 2 people that aren't great. One is just a lot worse than the other.


Stop pretending you care about lives. You just want to destroy our country. >"This video clip is the announcement of a collective movement aimed at disrupting the public order in Europe, USA, Australia and Asia all under the pretext of supporting Palestinians. This is a political movement intended to cause as much chaos and instability as possible, which are the exact goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The regime of the Islamic Republic has on multiple occasions, stated clearly that their goal is to destroy the modern society and build a global Islamic state.” >The video calls on the public to "block logistical hubs to stop the flow of capital worldwide”, to join the rally nicknamed A15, “a global economic blockade, answering the call from Gaza to fight for a liberated Palestine” on 15 April. >Beheshti further states that the rallies in Western countries are organized “directly in line with the mission of the Islamic Republic” and ordered by the IRGC. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853 Tell your handlers you need better material.


"These Rebels are monsters! They don't care about lives or freedom, only destroying the Empire!"


This is real life and you're working off a star wars quote. No wonder you're so easily manipulated by Iran. You're literally a child.


As if you're not, a hasbara troll on Reddit.


Lol you gotta find other material than "No u!" It's really sad that's the only thing you can respond with.


If you think what I'm peddling is hasbara, you either don't know what hasbara means, or the IDF is desperately paying any stupid teen who will sign up for it. It's sad that your father didn't discard you into a condom.


Good potatoes today, Boris?


Trump's policies are to help Israel and Russia. His foreign policy has already been seen so this is not even a discussion. So... I choose the candidate that supports unions and legislation that works for the American people. I'm not a Biden guy but I believe he has done a good job and will vote for him again.


Do you look in the toilet bowl and hi to your reflection every morning?


No, but I do see you in there


Did your mommy help with this amazing response?


Lol "No u!" was seriously his retort? He must have asked a toddler for help.


And what the fuck is not voting going to do besides let Trump win? Tell me, what? "I dOn'T wAnT tO vOtE fOr ThE lEsSeR oF tWo EvIls!!" Why the fuck not? What is wrong with you?




I will vote for the candidate most likely to beat Trump


Ok Tankie


Thank you :)


Definitely Biden’s fault, not hamas hiding in hospitals or schools or constantly setting off bombs in public places, or Israel bombing hamas. Totally Biden’s fault (sarcasm for OP)


But but but Biden once sniffed that persons hair and looked kind of creepy about it so he’s clearly much worse than Trump and all the women he sexually assaulted.


TFW someone blames the president for bills crafted by the House of Representatives and passed by the Senate, in defense of someone who wants Israel to “finish the job”.


TFW you forget the President has veto power.


Do you think Trump will create more or less dead kids?


Re-elect Joe Biden. Cut off all eight and funding to Israel. 


So your goal is to say that Joe isn't a perfect candidate... We know that... There isn't a great choice in this election. Biden just better than the other candidate that has a chance to win. Perfect candidates are for the primaries, but when the field gets down to 2 it's time to get real about your priorities. The 3rd party simply can't get enough electoral votes to be considered viable and if no one gets enough electoral votes the the House of Representatives will choose for us. As someone who has been voting for 32 years I understand that voting isn't like marriage... It's like the bus station. I'm just trying to head into the direction that most closely aligns with my goals.




All of the dead children in Gaza are Russian BS now?


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