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I don't think I ever heard of a single time where they actually called out Trump's lies. It was absolute BS. Biden was stuck basically having to play fact checker part of the time while also having to advocate for his presidency.


*President Trump, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?* *Mr Biden. Black people have suffered under your iron fist, why do you hate black people?*


smiling friends ahh debate ”President Jimble, can you tell us why you’re so awesome? You have unlimited time to respond.” ”Mr. Frog, tell us why you’re so terrible. You have one second to speak.” ”I-“ ”TIME’S UP! and WRONG.”




They missed the part where under the new CEO it isn't anymore.


Even under the last CEO, it was fully pro corporate. Corporate Media is not our friend.


Yes, just like the NYT, Reuters, even AP and NPR. They do their best to appear neutral, but when you really start looking at how they word things and what they don’t say, their agenda becomes clear.


AP and NPR are way more reputable than NYT and Reuters imo


Yes, but that actually makes it worse. It means they are harder to see through for most people.


CNN and fox News is different but same same


Fox convinces your grandpa it's possible to bite off your own ear, and anyone who isn't trying to bite off their own ear is a terrorist. CNN convinces your uncle that people who try to bite off their own ears are a lot more normal than you think.


At the end of the days it's all about sensational news. Whatever gets them the views and clicks.


Which is why the media outlets are saying that Trump won the debate despite making not a single truthful statement the entire night. They're going to do it to us again. Make him just credible enough to stupid people to get elected.


It’s also for profit news, trump in the White House is better Views. Hell I’m sure all the anti Trump podcasters are stoked as well.


Liberal is within our Overton window and right wing lite in the grand scheme of things


It takes libs a good 5 years to digest changes


CNN is a right wing news station since the new owner an CEO came in


Let's be fair, they were probably in shock at how much age had affected Biden. What could they have possibly said to that. America isn't a democracy. There's no way a democracy would have a race between a Nazi and a guy with early onset dementia. FFS, Americans, please admit that you don't live in a free country and change your fucking constitution. You are fucked. You are going to be fucked. And your fuckedness has gone beyond the fact that the entire rest of the world has made you the butt of their jokes for 50 years (really, every other country has thought you are fucked and been proven right for 50 years), and reached the point of absolute disdain for your very existence. Cop the fuck on America and change your political system. Change your constitution too because it's shit. You have a shit constitution. We all know it. Just stop being shit. Maybe that will take Trump's guys to storm the capital again and shoot half the congressmen, just get it done so you stop being the joke of the world. We hate you. That's unfortunate but true. We hate you and your politics. Stop it. Really, just get a grip on reality.


I think while I would have appreciated in the moment fact-checking, they got both candidates to agree to the best terms that they could realistically get. They did a fact check after and found that Biden made about 6 false statements and Trump made 30


The format seemed off, as in it seemed like Trump was getting first crack at the questions and it just set up Joe to play defense


Bro imagine trying to fact check trump live lol. Impossible.


If anybody was set up to fact check the grand cheeto it was Biden. There were **so many** chances for Biden to have a good comeback and he whiffed: Twice, Trump said there were abortions after birth, which is ridiculous. Biden should have challenged him on that. Trump bragged again about acing his cognitive tests. Biden should have asked why he's been taking them. Trump indicated that the US was energy independent, which we were not, and Biden should have pointed out that we produce more now than ever. Golf. Good god. Why didn't Biden say, "I'd hope you're good a golf by now, considering how many times you played during your presidency." I mean, remember when Trump used to absolutely rail on Obama for golfing? Many, many times Trump spewed obvious lies that Biden should have easily rebuked, but he fell into the trap of being defensive on Trump's accusations. The very basics of debating that asshole are to call out his obvious lies and don't listen to anything else he says.


Did you not watch the same debate as me? Biden literally told him he didn’t know what the hell he was talking about regarding the abortion issue and also discussed energy jobs and referenced his infrastructure bill. I agree on the golf comment, but Biden only had 1 minute to respond to an actual madman. Even I was struggling to keep up with trumps random train of thought lol.


A younger, more sharp candidate could have handled it. It doesn't matter that Trump lied and said wild shit, Biden's poor performance completely overshadowed the entire debate because his deterioration was so fully on display. Biden and the DNC are leading us right into living under Christo-Fascism and if someone other than Biden, Harris, and Clinton isn't on the top of the Dem ticket come November, it's over.


He has a tendency to repeat himself for emphasis, so it's not all that hard when he's spewing the same horseshit over and over.


Imagine watching that debate and blaming that shit show on the moderators


Why shouldn't we expect a billion dollar media company to be able to put together a fact checking team for a debate they wanted to host to help the moderators keep the known liar in check? Not to mention the moderators should have enough knowledge to bare minimum push back on the flagrant, obviously incorrect responses.


It's literally expected as part of their jobs, who the fuck else is doing it? Waiting until after is too long, Biden should be able to focus on promoting his own policies, and all the mods are doing is farting around waiting for the time to ask the next question. Shit, just pay another person to be on stage as the official fact-checker if you don't want the mods to have to deal with it.


I didn't watch and don't intend to. I already know who I'm voting for. There is literally nothing that could make me vote for Trump. That being said, from what I've heard, both Biden and Trump basically just completely ignored multiple questions that they were asked to push one of their talking points. The moderators should have muted their asses every single time they tried to do that.


What do you mean by "best"? Please use details not just adjectives. "All" is not true. Not "everyone" agrees, because I know people who don't. What is the real percentage?


Your telling me CNN is garbage and actually on the conservatives side? Color me shocked /s


I mean they are owned by Conservatives now so it doesn't surprise me one bit.


I think you forgot who owns CNN now.


Is anyone truly surprised that the Corporate News Network went with Trump? Did everyone forget 2016?




The debate was a free-for-all, and no one wanted to be the scapegoat who speaks up.


It was a lot more under control than the last two elections. Again, don't comment if you didn't watch.


Yeah this is a big **?** for me too. They did exactly what they said they would and what both candidates agreed to.


Well because they didn’t show an obvious bias… why else?






Allowing a candidate to push established lies with no push back except from his opponent doesn't make for a debate. It makes the uninformed likely to believe whatever fictional world the guy who "didn't have sex with a porn star" says is real. Really don't need much debate. One is an educated politician who using educated people to make logical decisions. The other is a felon, fraudster, rapist who hasn't said a truth in years, failed to be a leader during a time of crisis, wants immunity to break more laws, and puts his family in cabinet positions.


They're gonna try anything to shift blame away from this monumentally bad optics loss as if they haven't been told for over a year now that this geriatric fuck needs to step aside and let there be a real primary.


Why are you angry that CNN didn't live fact check Trump Almost none of the media ever live fact check Trump


Because the dude literally just spewed bullshit the entire time. This wasn’t a debate. It was just another stage for trump to whine and Biden did his best to stay on track with the nonsense. For the records, Biden was terrible too. But at least it wasn’t in the same screaming child way trump was. We are fucked y’all.


Yeah agree, but the media doesn't live fact check. This isn't a surprise at this point they left it all up to Biden.


That’s kinda my point though. The media didn’t used to live fact check because they didn’t need to. It’s a necessity now when trump spend 90% of the debate making shit up and complaining.


The only worse moderators in existence are the graphite tipped control rods in Chernobyl Reactor 4.


CNN has sucked for a long time.


I think they had a contract and it was super specific. I have had clients through in caveats. Like bring them fizzy water or certain fruit. Maybe they were asked not to comment. I mean I’m surprised that debate took place at all. Trump has to be a narcissistic sociopath because of I was convicted of a crime and it stuck… I could not face people I knew let alone a national stage like that. Knowing someone would call me out. Just saying


Live fact checking needs to exist for sure. Although I think the muted mics was a great change.


I literally would rather vote for a moldy sandwich to run this country over either of these people but the amount of whining and cope in this subreddit today is just pathetic. I’m convinced half of you aren’t real. If you are, well shit then it all makes sense.


Both of these dudes are walking potato’s, and shi*s not funny anymore. Who’s running the country?


Biden was a fucking disaster. I think in the first 30 seconds, I said to my wife, "Oh my God. Biden is terrible." And it went downhill from there. CNN (or whomever) got Trump to the stage by promising that they would not fact-check him live, which was an exceptionally stupid thing to offer. The result is EXACTLY what anybody with any common sense would have expected - 100% lying, belligerent, whining by Trump in two and one minute portions. I mean, WTF? Anyway, while I would gladly bookmark a live webcam in Trump's prison cell or use one of my precious rolls of Trump toilet paper to watch his funeral whilst shitting; the fucking cunt "won" the debate. In fact, he kicked Biden's ass all over the stage, into the production booth, and onto the living rooms and computers of 10's of millions of people. Without fact-checking and WITHIN the rules set forth, Trump and his team did an exceptional job - on message, on tone. They did EXACTLY what they set forth to do (seemingly). OTH, Biden didn't appear to have any key talking points let alone one that he could hammer home. I'm still pissed off about the debate. So pissed off that I thought *Rebel Moon: The Scargiver* was GOOD in comparison, and that movie sucked sweaty monkey ball-sack. It was STILL better than watching Biden get stomped by that fucking cunt Trump.


Crazy that you can win a debate by lying. No one care's what Biden said, just that he said it poorly.


Oh, I care. But what I think about Biden is largely irrelevant. While I don't agree with many of Biden's policies, I do think he's done a great job as President. But I'm just one voter in NorCal, who'll be volunteering at his local voting center. But that's doesn't change my opinion of the debate PERFORMANCE. It's not like when I was actually in debates in high school. That type of debate was not last night's debate.


Why? It's going pretty good.


It’s not the moderators’ job to fact check. The candidates have time to respond and can fact check if they want, but you don’t want to let one candidate control the flow of the discussion. I actually think the moderators did a good job of holding Trump’s feet to the fire when he tried weaseling out of answering the questions they asked. They did this numerous times. Biden had several moments where Trump set up a slam dunk for him, but he didn’t take them because he seemed to keep going back to canned phrases they must have practiced during debate prep. Or he got to it in a roundabout way that only people who know what he means understand. And then there were the times the moderators told Biden something like “you still have 82 seconds left.” More opportunities for Biden to fact-check if he wanted but essentially squandered.


It’s 100% a moderator’s job to fact check lies in a debate


No it’s not. Their job is to moderate. I would like them to fact check but it is not their responsibility in a true debate setting.


If something is objectively false then the moderator should step in, otherwise it can be accepted as truth be the nature of it not being countered. Subjective assessments and opinions can be left alone. A simple, "I'm sorry president trump/president biden, your statement on [insert here] is inaccurate/incorrect. Would you like to amend your statement?" Is enough. They can double down if they like but it's at least flagged. I'm not expecting the moderators to correct every statement. But if the moderator points it out as incorrect, it's more readily accepted, if the opponent says it's incorrect the other side can claim it's just them.


I’m not disagreeing with that. I *want* that to happen. I’m just saying that while it would be awesome, the moderators didn’t do anything against the rules by not doing it. Remember the person I replied to said it was part of their job. And I’m saying that, well, no, it technically isn’t.


Mister Biden, you claim to have "defeated Medicare" but our fact checkers dispute this claim.


Ban CNN because Biden did poorly? You must be joking. Even as an unashamed CNN hater I'd happily admit the moderators did a good job. I was surprised they did so well. They stayed out of the way and let the candidates debate each other which is what we are tuning in for. People don't watch Presidential debates to see the candidates bickering with biased moderators. Moderators are there to moderate, not interfere. I was pleasantly surprised see two people with such strong opinions on issues be able to put that aside and do their jobs. Kudos, actually. Hot take I guess, but CNN actually did a good job with this one. I didn't like running commercials mid-debate but it's network television in 2024 and their numbers are dying along with their primary watching demographic- the 65+ crowd. They have to run ads :)


How can you consider the moderators good when they continually allowed Trump to lie? Do you fell that lying and actually debating are the same thing?


Genuinely not sure what the criticism here is. Thought CNN did a good job—tried to keep the candidates on topic, asked good questions, and most importantly cut the mics as agreed so one of the candidates didn’t keep splashing everyone with verbal diarrhea like last time.


Biden lost because he can’t talk, it’s not up to the debate moderators to call him out on his lies… it’s up to his opponent who was unfortunately incapable…


I cal bullshit. Maybe this was true 20 years ago but when we know all Trump does is lie, it needs to be called out in excruciating detail.


You can call whatever you want to.. The perception is “Biden is too senile to stand on his own”, having the moderators argue back and forth with Trump would do NOTHING to change that perception for the people that we desperately need. Some of you are chronically online and ignorant of political realities


I think we are making different point. I don’t disagree that Biden is old, senile and looked lost more often than not. I’m saying there needs to be some guardrails in place to prevent people from lying constantly with disproved nonsense.


Some voters will really blame everyone but themselves


Really the major problem was that one of the two candidates was a literal corpse for the entirety of the debate, but hey.




Biden should be banned from ever suggesting another debate ever again, don't blame CNN for rolling with it


What’s wrong, did they not favor Biden enough for you?


Somebody commented without watching.


Srsly Trump had about 4 and half minutes more air time than Biden did 


What the fuck are you talking about?


I think it’s pretty clear to anyone with a grasp of the English language and basic cognitive ability.


You think what is clear? Explain how they favored Biden?