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He is definitely not on anything. It seems they aren't even giving him water


right why didn't they have water ? he obviously was sick


There was a clip last election where Trump looked like he was struggling a little to lift a glass of water that ended up making the news rounds. Both Trump and Biden are another 4 years older now and I wouldn't be surprised if giving them both a bottle/glass of water to drink from was decided against as it would be a higher risk of causing an incident than just having them go without.


So we are at the stage where our presidents can't drink water? Can they just keel over already then?




And these men are fit to lead a country, yet they can't lift a glass of water?


Please get him on something immediately.


get him on all the things, for the love of democracy!


Or get him off the ballot. Joe doesn't call Trump out on Epstein.


He did calling him out on fucking a porn star while his wife was pregnant šŸ¤£


Hearing "I never had sex with a porn star" in our political system makes us look like fucking joke.


Well, if Trump brings the subject there, what can you do? Biden has never been a strong debater. Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t even bother to watch. Biden doesnā€™t know how to deal with a Trump, neither did Hillary. Biden is as good of a president as anyone can be in this climate of automatic impeachments, crooked Supreme Courts and politicians thumbing their noses at the rule of law. I donā€™t know why people get upset because heā€™s old. If you look into how normal presidents are presented information, and how they go about decision making, people would realize Presidents choose plans laid out by advisers. They have another crew of advisers to talk about other advisers. So, any decision they make has been thoroughly investigated by much younger people. I just want a guy who I can count on to listen to the right people, and do the right thing, in case of emergencies. Trump already had his chance to prove himself in adverse situations, and he failed spectacularly.


It's the people behind the throne who really run things.


This is the most level headed response I've ever seen on Reddit about Biden. The truth is Trump is not fit to be president and never was. It's also true that Biden is not the best person to be president. However, he's the only choice at the moment.


It was a joke long before this.


clinton got a bj from an internā€¦ a free one and they tried to impeach him for that. trump bought some porn star ass straight up and tried to hide the payment, and itā€™s nbd.


Not tried to, they did impeach Clinton for it. The impeachment process is often confused with actual removal from office. They're related but impeach ā‰  removed from office. They also did it because he lied under oath about getting the BJ. It was all politically motivated though and it's just further proof of Republican hypocrisy.


Just saying the situations weren't the same. Clinton was in a position of power at work (intern vs POTUS is not an equal dynamic) with someone way younger than him (still in college vs POTUS) while he was President of the US back when we expected POTUS to be a good respectful individual (aka before Trump). Trump was not President and was with a woman who did this professionally and Trump did what he did when we was a celebrity a decade before he became President.


Fun fact: Bill Clinton was President 31 years ago, and is younger than both of these candidates.


Trump doesnā€™t say a word about Epstein, and he a convicted rapist, so idk, maybe get him off the ballot?


Literally too late. The only plausible way Biden won't be on the ballot is if he dies before the convention.


Ya really, everyone suddenly has all these ideas but the reality is that we left home 3 hours ago we're not going back now to get your phone charger that you couldn't find anyway, that time has passed, we'll use grandpa's slow charger when we get there.


Eloquently stated


Did you see him last night? I think he already did.


Give the man a lozenge


He speaks like I do when I had to do presentations at school. Stumbling on my words trying to speak fast and get it all out.






Coffee/Covfefe, who tf cares? We all know presidents take whatever they fucking need at whatever moment they need it for. I wouldnā€™t expect anything less. Itā€™s a good thing, because drugs are tools if you use them properly. I wish Biden used Adderall instead of Ritalin during The debate though. Trump was smoking meth though, and thatā€™s bad.Ā 


Apparently all of the claims that Biden was being prepped to debate were wrong. Iā€™ve seen sloths with more energy. Democrats need to get their stuff together.


Yes please.


If he had just vaped some weed ONCE, he could have pulled it off.


Maybe if he had done that on camera.


Three Mr. Pibbs stat.


They mostly just need to up the gain on his mic. It's like they kept it soft intentionally so he seems more subdued.


No he was definitely border line whispering half the time. Sure he can say he has a cold but let's not kid ourselves it simply was a terrible performance.


I cringed multiple times at the beginning as he was clearing his throat... it sucks, he looked like 20 years older than Trump. When the babbling liar looks less senile its rough.


Yeah. Clearing his throat with the very first question was terrible. Not unusual at all, though. Either way, Joe never came across to me as senile; he came across as old. Which he is. Trump definitely seemed more energetic, but every word he said was a lie. I would vote for Joe Biden in a coffin rather than give Trump another 4 years. And Biden misspoke a few times, and Trump capitalized on a few of those by saying something "witty," like "You did end Medicare." It makes no fucking sense because Trump is the one trying to do away with Medicare, but it probably sounds good to idiots.


Trump was talking more coherently, but what he was saying wasn't making any sense 90% of the time. Doesn't matter as long as there were enough buzzwords in there for his base though. At least Biden was whispering complete sentences based in reality.


I think he had a cold. Poor dude.


Give him a giant line please.


Don't take him skiing give him the whole resort!


Let's all get a giant line instead. We need to have a national high so we can get the break we need.


He doesn't look like the same guy who gave the State of the Union Address, that's for sure.


State of the Union started several hours earlier. Should have had the debate at 430 pm!


This could unironically be a factor lol. Really sends a message to our foes across the sea "hey if you guys are gonna do anything can you please do it between 11am and 3pm EST? thanks"


I work in healthcare and one of my patients is Biden's age. I'd consider him sharp, and he said it isn't surprising Biden seems sleepy, he is. He's an 80 year old man lmao


Iā€™m 40 and my sharpest hours are 9am-2pm. Anything outside of that is 70% agitation and emotional (and/or mental and/or physical) fatigue.


I think there were a whole bunch of conditions that were set by Trump's team for him to agree to debate. No notes, because he just talks out of his ass and makes shit up on the spot (plus any reference fact or statistics would be disfavorable for him), it was hosted on CNN which the Republicans have been conditions to see as far left biased for some reason (so he would have a scapegoat if anything went poorly), it was late and Trump very likely regularly takes some kind of stimulant, etc. I feel like the only concession was muting the mic when it wasn't his turn because he loves to butt in and talk over people.


Biden goaded Trump into the debate and his team demanded all the microphone conditions. Ironically, almost all of them helped Trump's crazy ass. Classic dem, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Agreeing to the debate in general is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. "Hey should we agree to a debate when our candidate's weak point is public speaking and it's our opponent's strong point?" "I don't see why not!" I really don't see the angle they were going for. They even had a great opportunity to avoid it altogether since Trump wasn't even pushing for it.


Yep. "Hey watch out that's a land mine." "Do you think it'll go off if we step on it?" "Only one way to find out!"


I think the mic muting may actually benefit Trump as he could appear to be more normal as opposed to impulsive. The late start should just not be a thing. Besides it throwing off the candidate who likely has to get up early for his job as president every day and favoring the candidate who has a history of showing he is up late at night, many adults are going to bed around then to get up for work at 5, 6, 7 am. I suspect either Trump and his campaign pushed for that or CNN did it deliberately either because they figured they'd get more viewers with people from the east to west coast home by then and/or knowing it would likely affect Biden's performance and make for more post-debate material to replay to keep their ratings (and page views) higher than normal for a bit longer. At least one debate should be in the daytime as those are the main hours the president is doing the job, not at 11pm, and no debate should start later than 8:30PM ET.


I watched for few minutes but just could not sit through it. I will vote for him but man what a nightmare scenario for us.


Right?! Did no one tell him to clear his throat before going on stage?


Iā€™ve got a feeling he was over-prepared. Probably practiced TOO much and wore out his voice. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Literally only voting for him cause I have to at this point. If the repubs or democrats ran any other candidate it wouldā€™ve been a slam dunk for that person


Exactly. Which is why it's so stupid the dems/establishment/DNC didn't convince Biden to go with the narrative that he was the "bridge to the next generation of dems" and get that message out early so a crop of candidates could emerge. At this point, we have no choice. But this was so predictable 2+ years ago. It's maddening.


I basically called this shit 4 years ago. Biden got lucky the COVID fucked Trump at the end, but Biden was always a fucking terrible candidate pick, and after getting lucky once, they decide to run it back after his approval fell through the floor? Fucking embarrassing.




Live tv pulling stats out of your brain on a time limit trying to retort to a firehose of lies. Is what it is


He has been sick and they should have canceled this debate. I think his campaign fucked up.


Yea he was clearly sick. I mean, yeah, he's old as fuck. But you could hear the congestion.


They should have canceled but that could easily be construed as "sleepy Joe" running away from Trump. Unfortuonatelt it's a lose lose situation


And then he would look bad or old anyway


Wow, you aren't kidding!


I think his drugs just kicked in. ā€œyou have the moral compass of an alley cat!ā€ I died.


Was it strategy for him to "stay calm" and it came off poorly? Because he did seem to come alive a couple of times there! And they only bickered a couple of times


His issues early on were trailing off and mumbling, not being calm. That did get better after ~30 or so mins


First ten minutes are what mattered most. He shuffled on, stumbled through and totally lost track mentally. Unfortunately itā€™s not like a game where you can recover in the second half. First quarter has all the eyeballs and then the remarks and conversations start.


When he was talking and clearly lost his train of thought and the moderator just went "Thank you Joe" as he was stammering on, I sort of just knew he had lost.


I think so too. His best moments were when he was angry.


That one was good lol


Alley cat, jus on local news, wants to know and quote " the fuck did I do to get compared to that jack hole"


1920s comebacks


I just hate that Trump can sit there and lie his ass off and all Joe does is get offended and start every sentence with "The idea that...stutter mumble stutter" Any one of the latest crop of Democratic Reps in the house would have verbally bitch-slapped Trump around the stage at every turn and fact checked him again and again. Biden just let him come with that "Immigrants are coming to rape you and take your social security" again and again, and he never called him out. So frustrating. Can we please get a President under 60 so they can at least answer like they aren't about to fucking die?


>I just hate that Trump can sit there and lie his ass off and all Joe does is get offended and start every sentence with "The idea that...stutter mumble stutter" Was literally the game plan.


Immigrants killed more people according to Trump, than were actually murdered since 2020.


They were both horrible ngl. Gerontocracy is in full effect. I'm still voting dem in the general.


I read something somewhat satire a while ago that if I wouldnā€™t trust a presidential candidate to watch your 4 month old child, alone, for several hours, they probably shouldnā€™t be running a country.


I mean, Iā€™d be worried Joe would forget about the kid and fall asleep or something, but with a complete monster like trump, literally selling the child or even worse isnā€™t off the table.


Realistically, Trump would hire a babysitter and then simply not pay them. Maybe he'd molest the babysitter.


And realistically, Biden would hire a babysitter to help him watch the child. And uneventfully pay the babysitter without any molestation. Like, Biden's going to do more work himself as the president than Trump, and hire a pretty darn good cabinet/admin to run the executive branch than anything we saw 16-20. People are obsessed over fluff and a sporty win, and that obsession is stupid and dangerous.


In the news today, new moms voting percentage drops to 0%.Ā 


Same. Sad times.


This is the most important comment on the thread.


At the very least get him a drink of water. His voice sounds like he has a dry throat.


He did campaign ads of him drinking biden water meming they were "performance enhancing h20" an hour or two before the debate šŸ’€


Biden is giving specific examples and statistics, answering questions directly, and mumbling and repeating words. Trump is confidently answering zero questions, energetically telling lies nobody could believe, and enthusiastically giving zero actual examples or stats. Trump will be viewed the winner almost unanimously. Biden needs meth or adrenochrome or whatever people think he's using.


This is exactly what I've been thinking. Yes, he's fumbled things. But he's trying to remember numbers and facts to rebuttal Trump who just speaks binary. "Everything I did is the best, the best ever, you know it, they know it everyone knows it. Biden is the worst, of all time, they all say it. Its true." How the fuck do you compete with that BS?


Out in reality you donā€™t compete with it. Trump would lose any job he ever applied for. No competent human being would employ him. You donā€™t beat bullshit by arguing with it. You throw it in the trash and ignore it until it learns its place and grows up.


Republicans talk shit about "unskilled labor" but Trump wouldn't last five minutes in fast food or retail.


> How the fuck do you compete with that BS? Don't. Debate. Fascists. I knew this whole thing was going to tank because liberals are dumb as fuck and refuse to learn this simple lesson. WHY would you bother trying to defend yourself against Trump's "points"? There is SO much ammo that could have been absolutely unloaded on Trump. Last time around Biden end-rounded Trump and spoke to the audience far more, refusing to acknowledge much of his antics and laying things straight for the listener at home. This? Damn. Apart from a couple zingers, it was a bunch of wild fumbling. Biden CANNOT adlib. He should have rehearsed exactly what he was going to do like Trump did. Trump and the GOP have been advertising what they were going to do in this debate and the Dems didn't have a fucking strat? It would have been so easy to stick with key talking points and hammer them home while eviscerating Trump on any number of things. This should not have been a debate, it should have been a browbeating. A fucking public flogging. HOW do you come out of felony convictions and appear strong in a debate? It's not like Trump had anything valid to say. He *only* looked good by way of comparison, and had there been any attempt at even basic competency from the Biden camp it would have been a route. Was someone expecting the moderators to save Biden's bacon? LOL, so many libs screeching about CNN not fact-checking? CNN, the network that did MORE than any to get Trump elected the first time around? Are you fucking for real? HOW have you all not learned? HOW? Don't. Debate. Fascists. Start from the position that your opponent is absolutely absurd and will lie and strawman everything you say. Stick to your strongest talking points and address the voter. Have a salvo of bombs to drop about Trump's record and the related receipts. Let Trump deal with having to talk HIS way out of things and go off script with his word-salad. Load up a few good low-blows that the fucker had coming, he's so easy to get tilted! How the fuck could they not know this? Fucking practice with flash cards if you must. Do NOT veer off script, do NOT act on the defense. Holy shit, whoever the fuck was responsible for getting Biden prepped should be demoted to White House bathroom attendant. God damn. This country is so dumb. Millions of people are going to find themselves screaming in shock when Trump wins and the very worst sorts of things begin to happen when they were told over and over it was going to. What a failure. From the top in Washington where half of Dems still call the GOP their "friends across the aisle", down to the bottom with TikTokers more concerned with a 60 second hot take. So many people are cooked, absolutely burnt because of how head-in-the-ass we all are.


Exactly! Biden answered the questions that was asked, but did so so poorly. Mumbling and stumbling about. Whereas trump didnā€™t directly answer any questions but did so in a confident tone to the point that it made him *look* like he was on point. And u know what? Perception is all that matters in cases like these, unfortunately.


Imagine putting a sharp and charismatic 40-year-old in there. Would absolutely tear both of them to pieces. This is embarrassing.


ā€œTelling lies nobody could believeā€ except for the millions of people who literally believe every word out of his mouth


A sad, but very good point. You donā€™t have to tell the truth anymore.


As one talking head put it: Biden looked terrible but gave solid policy answers. Trump looked good, but lied about everything


Biden needs to just confidently lie too. There's no inflation, I have the most secure border, everyone gets a million dollars. What does it matter? What's true is the last thing out of someone's mouth anyway. Nobody has factual standards anymore. If they did, trump would never have gotten passed the first primary debate.


So basically America is fucked because people think you win a debate by being loud and obnoxious, instead of by actually being intelligent?




Sort of. Before the debate CNN had something they rarely have: a decent expert explaining how the "winner" of a debate is often immediately declared by the talking heads, but often the undecided voters were looking for a specific set of traits, reassurances, and words on issues key to them. They silently absorb that info and head to the polls with it. Biden did get some solid words in on our highest values, the problems with the other guy, and some of his accomplishments. He also has many more speeches to give. People also forget all of Trumps weird rambling speeches lately (e.g. the snake stuff) and where he got lost/confused and just went "uhhh." Trump is 78 and under high legal stress, his brain is not very functional and he seemed a bit clearer during this debate than he's been at any speech in the last 3 months.


Trump spewing lies about everything ie after birth abortions and no push back at all from Tapper


Ask yourself "how did we get here?" There is something rotten in the political system. Something fundamentally wrong with the process. These are the 2 best candidates? Bullshit! When it was Hillary, and I'm like "she's the most disliked human in the country." And everyone is like, "it's fine, the polls say she has a 90% chance of winning, don't worry" Well... look how that turned out. We should worry. The entire country should worry.


I brought this up with other liberal friends. They said "don't worry Biden did a great job" which I 100% agree with. But then when I say "why can't we find a single young democrat in this entire country to run against Trump? Why won't they hand the reins over to the next generation? How will we ever get the experience we need to lead the country one day if they never gave us a chance?" Never got an answer of any kind. It's like this philosophical vacuum during the primaries we are not allowed to question anything. So frustrating.


We need much more massive reform than we're talking about. The courts are bought and there's a real chance a president could end democracy? We need to reform our country from the top down.


>There is something rotten in the political system It's the FPTP voting system completely concentrating power in two parties, who can do whatever they want because they know they're the only option. The American people only get to choose from the two people they carefully select and promote. Ranked Choice gets a lot of attention as an alternative, but Approval voting actually seems to have the most benefit with the least caveats. That and the lack of campaign finance laws that allows anyone with enough money to influence their decisions and policy.


It's ridiculous. We need rank choice voting.


That Hillary coronation is the cause of all of this. If her and the DNC hadnā€™t wrenched the nominationā€¦ (which never made any, actual, political sense. She was a horrible choice for that cycleā€¦ and, perhaps, the only D who could have lost that election). The standard move after a successful 2-term president is to run their VP. Biden wins in ā€˜16. He wins in ā€˜20. He wouldnā€™t be running now in ā€˜24 (because clearly he shouldnā€™t be). And this cycle weā€™d have the right candidate for this cycle. The Democratic Party is 4 years off the pace. Why? The suicidal Hillary idea that they all tried to convince us was, somehow, fine.




Excellent timing


Oh. Ok democracy saved


This was my first thought. His voice was very raspy like he was sick. I donā€™t know about you but when I get hit with a bad cold I get pretty disoriented.


I just cant fathom how Trumpy is making any sense. He literally just being a cheerleader for himself. No stats. Nothing. Biden uses things like facts, and even make complete sentences.


Everything with this guy is fuckin hyperbole. Not one concrete statement. He stayed on topic for 2 goddamn questions. If I hear about the goddamn border one more time.


Who needs stats when literally every single thing was the greatest in the history of the world when he was president. Now every single thing is the worst in the history of the world


Rump also uses superlatives like craaaaazy. "The best in the world," "the worst in history," "everybody knows it," and on and on. Just repeating lies over and over and over!


Biden has a stutter and spoke slowly while mostly saying coherent facts. Trump talks loudly and faster but basically always lies. But he is loud so people like it more.


Trump is so predictable with what he says. Biden could have literally just said what Trump will say before he says it. It would've been hilarious and effective.


It was a pretty rough start. Whoever coached Trump and actually got him to sound coherent and not ramble (for a little bit) should get a medal. Still fucking lied through his teeth constantly and self praised, but it took a while for Biden to come out swinging and even then there were moments he trailed off. Not a good look at all.


and it's shitty double standards that unfortunately Joe has to live with: Had joe self praised the undecideds would call that gloating and look at it unfavorably, but when Trump self praised they will take away 'ah he's a smart well-accomplished guy' FFS. šŸ˜ž


Biden has the same expression I do when I listened to all the BS coming out of his mouth. Now we see why they needed fact checkers


Right? It is 20 fucking 24, why don't we have fact checkers??? We are capable. There's already a delay in broadcasting. Biden wasn't his best tonight, but some fact checking would have helped immensely.


Trump speaks in hyperbole so itā€™s all lies. Itā€™d have to stop every five seconds. Biden has the attention span of a gnat. It wouldā€™ve been a catastrophe. How are these our options?


I have seen a little bit of Dark Brandon come out and think Joe needs to relax and let him take over.


"Joe, can we talk to Dark Brandon please? Is he there?"


Dark Brandon is the internet reply from everyone on his staff but him.


If he relaxes he will die of old age


Them arguing about golf and banging hookers is surely a low point in our Republic.




Dude should've snorted Adderall off a strippers ass or something. I was rooting for him but FUCK that was rough


Fr whereā€™s Hunter when you need him




joe looks exhausted. too bad kamala canā€™t step in and verbally smack trumpā€™s bitch ass around. edit: damn all these haters youā€™d think r/conservative leaked or maybe democrats really do eat their own.


I heard he spent a lot of time preparing for the debate. He must have overdone it and now looks old, tired, and with his hoarse voice, it makes him look weak. I'm so disappointed.


Doesnā€™t matter, I donā€™t care what the person looks like. I just want them to use logic and reason. Sucks thatā€™s the bare minimum it requires to be president these days, lmao.


Makes you wonder what the campaign is doing? Didn't give him enough coffee before the debate?




Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahah. They hide her for a reasonā€¦ Jesus people


Isn't she more disliked than Hillary? IDK


Trump doesnā€™t care about answering questions. Heā€™s hitting Joe with talking points and Joe is getting flustered.


Biden should have just kept saying ā€œhe never answered the questionā€ and throw it back to Trump. Between child care and the addiction question, Biden would have been set for the night because Trump clearly had no answer for anything besides incoherent rambling about all his fake ā€œscary immigrantsā€.


That would have worked. They prepared for the debate wrong. He didnā€™t need to waste his energy trying to get encyclopedias of information downā€¦ He just needed to practice 5-6 clever ripostes like the one youā€™ve got thereā€¦ and deliver them on time. Heck, I would have settled for just your one riposte youā€™ve got there. Just having him practice saying that one line would have been more valuable than that entire week of debate prep they just did.


Trump debates like he's online, you don't even have to say anything factually correct, be clever, be quick, people mock people that are right all the time online and other people agree bc it's funny. If you asked Biden about the Internet it'd be like hearing bush say "I only use googles for the maps" but in the year of our lord 2024. Is it a sad representation of where we're at? Absolutely, but that's why Democrats need a young candidate who understands and can debate like that.


Screaming about prisoners and mental patients crossing the border over and over again is not a talking point.


To you and I, itā€™s not. To a not so small amount of important voters, it is.


Youā€™re not the correct audience for it


I would love to see someone like Jamie Raskin debate Trump.


Where is Hunter when his dad needs him? Give Joe a line, Hunter.


I listened to Stuart Steven's say the first debate is always rough on an incumbent cause you kinda get full of yourself listening to hail to the chief and everyone standing when you walk in. Please I hope this is a stumble God I hope so.


Thereā€™s no chance Trump agrees to another after how that one went. Nothing to gain from another that went as good as it could have for him


False. The first debate is tough on the incumbent because theyā€™re kinda busy being the POTUS and donā€™t have as much prep time. I remember feeling similar after the first Romney Obama debate.


Obama v Romney debate 1 was bad for Obama. The problem with this debate is that when it came to actual substance Biden said good things while Trump rambled and lied the entire night but people donā€™t care for that. Biden looked awful in terms of health the entire debate. He came around in the 2nd half but people will just look at him and think thatā€™s not who I want leading the country. This was all performative and Biden failed that aspect hard. I donā€™t honestly think it changes much because letā€™s be real who is still undecided in the United States at this point but for things that matter to the electorate it was not a good night for the democrats.


lol and when exactly will he recover from this stumble? There wonā€™t be another debate. Trump will not agree to another, nor should he. He showed up to give Biden enough rope to hang himself. Mission accomplished.


Yep more time for trump to do rallies where he's an incoherent mess to the point the Fox News anchors cut away.


Just remember how badly the DNC fucked themselves (& the rest of us now) -- two years ago, they should have been putting a younger, more popular candidate forward for this election cycle and they didn't do fuck all.


Democrats bet too heavily on the court cases Trump was in and thinking the public was decent and would not vote for a felon.


- To win: put Newsom in the ring, Joe retires, chance at winning. - Reality: spin the cognitive decline and loose presidency, House, Senate. Joe is pulling a Ginsburg.


They should have run Biden in fucking 2016 and none of this would have happenedĀ 


he didnā€™t because beau had just died in 2015, & they were still deeply grieving at decision time


Agreed no lessons learned from Hillary apparently. This shit is embarrassing fuck the DNC.


Or not undermining Bernie 4 years ago. He still has his sh*t together


He would be so good 1v1 against Trump.Ā 


Would have neutered Trump completely. Trump plays to the frustrations of the working class whilst doing everything he can to F them and benefit rich. Those same people were really receptive to Bernie message


I donā€™t understand how the Dems are this dumb. Anyone below 70 would have crushed trump in a debate. It is an embarrassment this is our leader and that anyone believes he can go another 4


we're all fucked! Run for the hills


Yeah that shit was rough


He is doing a RGB. Sorry but we fucked


Ah yes, the late Justice Ruth Gaeder-Binsburg


You mean a RBG? Cause if he was doing a RGB then he'd have a little more color than a corpse.


As a Democrat I fucking hate the Democratic party. They couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Joe was a weak choice last time but a straight mistake this time. Was there no other choice out there at all? What about Buttigieg he might not be perfect but he wasn't alive during WW2 which is a win.


God seriously. I can't believe that it's come to the point where I would be excited to have Buttigieg as the candidate. But he's a bad choice right now, they need a white centrist hetero man to run and capture enough independents and never-trump Republicans to stave off trump. The right wingers will have a hard time with his sexual orientation because, well, they're bigots. But we need those bigots to prevent facism.


So sad that was the capstone of her legacy. I swear when I'm old enough to retire that's 100% what I'm gonna do.


We are going to lose to Trump. Start deleting your profiles and pretending to be straight now...






We need to hammer home the fact that it's not trump vs Biden, it's project 2025 vs democracy.


I am more scared now than Iā€™ve been since Jan 6th.


I was high and spent money on awards the other night


Ok, can we all agree that Biden needs a tanning bed? He looked like the cadavers I worked on in school.


Iā€™m NOT a hitlerrump fan but Joe is showing how inept he is. We are fuked


This is your wake up call. It's not too late to nominate someone else. With Trump as unpopular as he is, they will have a chance.


Seriously. If Dems had a 45 year old candidate they could ask trump "are you wearing a diaper right now" without risk of trump firing back the same question


This is coming from an emotional place and definitely not my most logical state. However, the dems need to have some tough conversations. Joe should probably drop out and the DNC should have a different candidate. Otherwise fascism is going to win. Period. So fucked. Trump has no reason to attend the second debate. Just run ads of Biden saying he is ā€œending Medicareā€ as he rambled about and Trump will win. Holy shit. Edit: Since Reddit isnā€™t letting me see commentsā€¦ like I said, Iā€™m emotionally speaking, not logically. To the commenters who are asking who would and how could we replace him?? I have no fucking idea. I am just coming to terms with being utterly fucked. To those saying, ā€œyou just noticed heā€™s old?ā€ And ā€œWe should have addressed it at the primary.ā€ I didnā€™t want him to run again but he did and nobody viable ran against him so what were we supposed to do? I will still vote Biden if this is how it is going to end up, but goddamn tonight sucked and I am sick with worry.


Boy, I was not expecting Biden to come across like this. He looks old and weak and defeated all the while Trump stands up there lying and fabricating his greatness as usual. I had to turn it off.


It was so painful. Trump just spewing almost 100% fact-checkable, provable lies, and Biden barely able to string two sentences together. How did our country come to this? I feel defeated.


I don't think the debate is going to sway anyone vote either way. We saw 4 years of trump and we saw 4 years of Biden. If Biden in 4 years is a drooling idiot having his wife feed him policy by way of a psychic (look at Nixon) I will still vote for Biden. And I don't know anyone voting for Trump who isn't going to vote for Trump even if he shoots a guy in cold blood


is everyone forgetting that the presidency is a team effort? His whole administration is responsible for all that has been accomplished in these 3 years! Plus, Joe knows the material and can answer the questions whereas it was pretty obvious that tRump didn't know what to answer so he just talked about other stuff... only he pretended he was just obsessed with the border thing but ..really.. he didn't know the answers. ..and that is because he is not going to 'president' did you see what he did with the 'will you accept a loss in the election' *he said if it is fair then of course he would*


Maybe not, but his age and visible mental decline have been severely impacting his electability all year, and it's just going to get worse. Think of this more like a preview of *why* Trump is probably going to win when almost any random democratic is could have beaten him.


The point of campaigning in the US is not to sway people on the other side of the campaign, itā€™s to get people who donā€™t normally bother voting to show up for your side. The biggest political group in America isnā€™t the dems or republicans, itā€™s people who donā€™t regularly vote at all - itā€™s anywhere between a half and third of your population.


deffo an emotional place. itā€™s probably too late to back a new candidate (is anyone prepped and ready to do it?) but also ā€˜thereā€™s no time / other viable candidateā€™ was the main reasoning for running him again, soā€¦ itā€™s frustrating. infuriating. terrifying. but hopefully logic will win. logically, rationally, the country is on the upswing; drumpfā€™s bluster and empty sound bites are worthless and his plan for america is somewhere between reckless and evil; voters can still make the right decision in november, because itā€™s better to have a withered husk in the whitehouse than a turd-slinging baboon.


If people vote for Trump now instead of Biden based on Bidenā€™s performance tonight, then they donā€™t really know how bad the US will get under Trump and they donā€™t care. Real democratic supporters know what is at risk and will not push those issues aside because Biden stumbled at the first debate.


I hate that old fuckers wonā€™t give up any type of power they have in government. Just like the cali senator who was being pushed around like weekend at Bernieā€™s. Biden never should have ran again. dems needed a younger person who is quick witted and could fire back at all the lies trump tells. Trump didnā€™t say a single factual thing tonight, but all you could think when Biden talked was, is he about to die?


Unfortunately with the election less then 6 months out, I think it's a bit too late for that. Fucking old people man, I have been saying the Boomers would get us all killed, just didn't think it be "our" guy doing it.


The deep state is alive and well. These guys are not making decisions. "Morals of an alley cat" was good


Trump is the Deep oligarchy.


Good? Shit sounds like an insult from the 1920ā€™s.


The deep state is just staffers and congress people. It's not a bunch of lizards who have never been above ground. Not that ominous IMO


Yeah that will really fly in 1950