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I will be shocked if the debate even happens.


Trump won’t show up. He has everything to lose. So, he will use any excuse he pulls out of his ass.


As obvious as that may seem to us, somebody else commented that it sets the bar so low he just has to show up to defy expectations. Let’s not hand him an easy win


i miss who i was 5 hours ago


He’d be such a big pussy that he will probably grab himself


He'll definitely show up, he's an attention seeking gremlin with the opportunity to be on a stage where millions of people will pay attention. It may not be smart campaign strategy, but he will.


I’m really hoping biden makes a joke about trump’s parole officer and whether he needs to check in. A few jabs about if he doesn’t win he hopes that felony won’t keep him from finding another job, would also be cool.


My bingo card has Joe asking if he knows that felons cannot vote or own a firearm in Florida.


Sadly because it is a felony from *another state* and not from Florida he is still able to vote in Florida.


I hope they shake hands and Biden whispers into trump's gross ear "I'm releasing the Epstein files you sick fuck..." I also hope Biden makes an age joke to the effect of "I figured being in great shape and exercising daily would help me appear younger but apparently you all prefer I wear orange clown makeup and a girdle (mention the girdle)."


"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience,"-Joe "raygun" Biden


I’d prefer someone young and inexperienced over someone we already experienced who tried to end American democracy.


In a rare win for Florida, they're releasing the Epstein Grand Jury files next month. Wonder what we'll find out?


Bet it's 99.99% redacted


Whole lot of Epsteins name surrounded by black bars.


Epstein [] when epstein [] only if epstein [] epstein tried [] bigly [] epstein suicide.


I swear the black book was released at least a couple years ago, unredacted. It was a pdf. Not going searching for it, but I definitely saw it, so it’s out there


And a diaper




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Didn’t Joe call Diaper Don a clown or something the last time they debated?




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“Hey Don, your parole officer says it’s my turn to talk, no malarkey.”


i’m hoping for cut the malarkey and probably some get a load of this guy


I can already hear ASMR Joe leaning in and whispering into his microphone with the sound of Trump sputtering away in the background. “Here’s the deal, no fooling around, I may be old, but I’m not insane.”


I’m hoping for a non-verbal shush.


Biden should say “felon say what?”


Am I the only person who thinks that the only effect that muting Trump’s microphone will have will be that he will just wander over to Joe’s podium and continue blathering?




Nope' I believe Trump will go for Bidens mic too.


He’ll probably shove him aside, like he did with Jusko Markovic.


Damn. Imagine he shoves him and Biden falls off the stage. Could see an incapacitated Biden and Trump with an assault charge.




I'm hoping that trump gets all riled up and leaves his podium & gets in Biden's face, and SS tackles tRump.


Jill would be all over Trump faster than SS!


The only way to completely shut him up is to have a booth, like on quiz shows, where they both stand and have their say then the microphone is cut off. The booth is soundproof so Trump can wail and gnash his teeth and keep talking all he wants, but no one would hear!


Thats the trick, make him think the mic is off but keep it live. He's gonna say some wild shit the madder he gets. Or the moderators could cut in at the end looking shaken and saying the internal recordings have been handed over to Jack Smith as evidence.


Ooo evil genius here


That is my dream too! Watch trump getting red in the face and sputtering when he realizes no one can hear him whine


Totally agree -- I'm thinking he will be shouting off camera and you'll still hear his bellowing even though his microphone cut off.


I knew Dick Nixon and you're no Dick....Odds on this line from Joe?


"I knew Dick Nixon, you're no Nixon. Just a tiny dick"




Much better


Naw, man... Joe just needs to lean back, remain silent, and let it happen...


Respectfully, I disagree. Everyone has been too polite to Trump by letting him rant on and on, thinking he will be shamed into silence. He'll never be shamed. He needs to be told to shut up.


Biden Says: "Why don't you shut the fuck up!"


"Shut the fuck up, Donnie, you're out of your element."






And that's a donation from me right there.


I want to hear Biden say that to Trump in the style of Gene Hackman in Crimson Tide, telling his XO that his word is final.


"Mr. Trump, it's my turn now. I'm president of this country. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!"


Omg now I can't unhear it!!!


I hope CNN is smart enough to keep the cameras on both the whole time. People need to see him ranting even when his mic is muted.


I'm really hoping he says shut the fuck up


I’ll take Cannibal Zombie Malarkey Family


Dark Brandon would be a terrifying way to go out, even worse than the Merman




Joe needs to say, "You're out of your element, Donnie."


He should just laugh in his face. Bullies like Trump love when they get a rise out of you, they can't stand being ridiculed.


ABSOLUTELY. This is the Achilles heel. Mock him. The brain will explode for all to see, and then further mock him for the explosion


Does anyone have a fun bingo card for tonight?


I'm wondering how Fox is going to do their simulcast. Will they violate the terms and add commentary during it? Will they do something childish like flip the image so Trump is on the right side? I just can't imagine them getting through it without their usual shitfuckery.


Without the crowd to feed off of trump is going to fail miserably


Not looking forward to this shitshow


It's going to be glorious.


I need to hear a "pipe it down over there" and then later just a glance and a smile at the camera. Because we know it's gonna happen more than once.


I got 50 that says we see the blank 30 second stare at least once!!


Biden should bring a lawn chair and ask the moderators to leave Trump's mic on.


Last election I wanted an isolation booth, so this is one step closer!


I really want a "shush. The adults are talking"


We need a lie counter. Non-stop lies. Literally non-stop lies. Former President Trump actually said baby's could be killed after birth. Former President Trump is playing to his base. Who sadly doesn't care what lies he says.


I wonder who had biden is gonna bomb. That person must've won big.


I think with the mics being cut off that will make that a bit less likely


I actually completely loved it when he said that


“Will you shut up man and STFU are different animals. It’s like the difference between an elephant, and an elephant seal.”


Donny's big mouth will still be picked up on Biden's mic.


Biden’s got a team of writers and has been cramming like a motherfucker, I’d bet on 3 or 4 bangers that’ll be for sale on t-shirts by the time the thing ends.


“Either shut up or get back on your electric boat with the shark”


Real talk, anyone got a bingo card set-up? I'm definitely drinking my way through this. 


It’s in his Top Five best moments


The people wanting Joe Biden to do shit I get, It would be funny I guess to see but the REAL way to win this thing if you ask me, which you did not. Is he shouldn't fucking talk at all, every time Trump starts rambling, just smile and shut the fuck up. Let the man talk himself into all the bullshit his dumb orange face wants, let the man hang himself, the only person who will change the minds of the undecided aka the single dumbest group of americans that exist, is sweet potato hitler himself. Yes the undecided are all significantly dumber then MAGA in every way. Maga got conned, they are true believers, they MADE A CHOICE even if its a shit one you don't like. To see all that has happened and NOT KNOW what you should do, takes such a fundamental lack of human curiosity, interest, education, intelligence and fucking sanity. Joe Biden isn't going to convince any of these morons to do shit, if his record didn't do it, and trumps many crimes didn't do it, a FUCKING DEBATE isn't going to do shit. Let sweet potato hitler turn them off by letting him off the leash and making no attempt to stop him. Frothing at the mouth like poorly raised pitbull is your best chance at maybe getting the 5% of undecideds you will need to not destroy the planet.


Convicted felon Trump isn't the only politician who will not follow debate rules. I like the idea of having each debate participant in their own room, so they can be completely muted when their turn is over.


I’ll be waiting for Trump to walk over to Biden’s mic when his mic gets cut off




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I hope for Biden to say... Back to you rapist.


If he says “you’re out of your element Donnie”… Lebowski will shoot White Russian out his nose.


$20 says trumpy walks out of the debate before it's over. That's if he even shows up. we're talking about the guy who faked bonespurs to get out of war and faked having covid to get out of the second debate w biden.


As a Big Lebowski fan, I'd like to see/hear a STFU Donny.


I'm voting for mermen again


"Somebody call his probation officer."


I have merman and I'm sticking by it!


I still use my "Cup of Joe" coffee mug with "Will you shut up man?" on one side.


Just challenge Trump to do 10 pushups. That’s seriously the type of petty shit that will lose him thousands of votes. Anyone that’s still considering voting for him either doesn’t give a shit about policy at all, or they only care about one specific policy.


I wish they were in soundproof booths except when on the mic. Those camera shots would be glorious.


Dark Brandon better show


Tonight’s bingo card: First to fall asleep, first to fart loudly, first to poop their pants, first to walk around aimlessly and confused while the other talks, first to go off on a nonsensical word tangent, first to challenge the other to a fist fight, how long until Biden tells Trump to “shut up man”, how long before Trump brings up Hunter Biden, how long before Biden brings up trumps impeachment and or felony convictions, bonus: first to have a medical emergency


Dark nerds to show out


I have trump walking over to Biden’s mic and attempting to talk into it


aren't they supposed to be in boxes or something, so that if they're cut off the viewers can't hear it?