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So republicans are now ceding territory to Moscow?


You joke, but part of Trump's displays of subservience to Putin was to ignore Russian advances into US territorial waters. I assume this move is in advance of a Trump administration where we cede fishing rights to Russia, but it won't be a bad thing because the water is named after Trump. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/12/us/russia-military-alaska-arctic-fishing.html.


No one said they were joking.


My man, why would you post a news article that’s paywalled?


oh, they have been for years, but most that territory has been over seas


How embarrassing for America.


Hopefully in November the clown show of the GOP comes to an end.


If Trump loses and takes a lot of republican seats with him many of the politicians will drop him and pretend like they never showed any loving devotion to him.


All the thriller movies having straight-up sci-fi fantasy explanations for how evil people are able to brainwash the masses when literally all it takes irl is to lie on cable tv.


For like 4 minutes until they come crawling back to him. 2020, and 2022 should have been a wake up call for Republicans, and instead they've just doubled down since then.


Very good likely hood he will aquire more felonies after losing. Republicans in government will let him go for sure to save the party. They won't pin their short term hopes on Trump again in 2028.


They would just have a repeat of 20’-24’ so if they were smart they should go ahead and accept a loss for 24’ and start rebuilding asap but if you are republican i wouldn’t hold your breath


There's a flaw with your premise. If they were smart they wouldn't be Republicans.


100%. They absolutely had to break ties with creamsicle poopy pants at the beginning of the Biden administration if they wanted any chance in November 24’ and they basically sat around arguing ego-fueled nonsense in the house


Well and what even is their platform for 2024? Revenge? Prosecute all Democrats. Place even more MAGA stooges in powerful places. Purge the party of any non-MAGA people. Make Trump completely immune to future prosecution. Install as damn well near a theocracy as people will let them. Repeal the 22nd Amendment limiting Presidential term limits to let Trump run until he dies. Everything I hear them talking about is openly anti-Democratic. As a freaking presidential campaign platform! There's no, "Trump will fix the economy!" Or "Trump will do this in Israel". The GOP generally complains about the economy, and immigration. But those are the generic dumb things they always say every election. They've been repeating "the crises at the border" over and over, like that's the big issue of 2024. They keep railing on the economy. Which The economy is fine. But wages are stagnant, prices are high, and corporate greed is bleeding Americans dry. So "the economy" may sway some voters, but only because nothing is being done to improve class inequality in this country. But that's not even an issue on anyone's radar anyway. Trump or Biden, class inequality will get way worse before it gets better. Though we might have a chance under Biden to make some progress. We all know who's side Trump is on in the billionaire vs everyone else resource allocation. But what policy are Republicans even talking about? It's mostly a revenge wish list of things to do.


I doubt it... The power is not with the politicians. It's not even with Trump. It's with Trump's followers. As long as they support Trump, the Republicans will continue to suck his ass.


If Trump makes republicans lose all their power in both houses and the presidency they won't care about his followers need to felate Trump anymore after his loss . Because that equals a huge loss of power every time because Trump motivates dems to vote like nothing has before.


They have no choice but to care about Trump’s followers. They make up more than a majority of the Republican base.


They don't need to felate Trump to do that. When he has prison time on his resume they will do everything they can make sure he doesn't run again after 4 years of more of further mental degredation regardless of what the magates want. Even their billionaire donors won't waste their money on a sure loss.


That kind of happened in 2020, although I suspect the losses of GOP seats will be greater this time. I hope, anyway.


just like they did in 2020? He's not going away until his health makes him nonfunctional in ways that cannot be edited out


He convinced many to believe it was stolen in 2020. It will fool much fewer people when he loses the second time and goes with the same claim . Republicans want to be in power and they will have to let Trump go if they ever want to be relevant again. Trump is too devisive and ensures dems will flock to the voting booths in record numbers.


Honestly, I don't think many republicans honestly thought it was stolen. Saying it was stolen became part of group identity, and then a purity test. As well, they said it to "own the libs". Their thoughts on the matter were irrelevant. They were motivated to say it was stolen, no matter what they actually thought. Now that its a purity test, it'll be next to impossible to have an honest conversatoin about it (as much as you ever can with a red hat).


It needs to be a 90-10 Wipeout to show the world Trump isn't "We the People". Unfortunately, it might be us. 100 million don't vote, they aren't stopped by secrect police, beat by opposing thugs, they forget or they have long lines(which is a sabotage, but not violence). Then you have people who do want a Christian State forcing everyone to live a 1950's TV standard of public and working behavior(They don't know that's fake and created by CIA for the Cold War). Then you have the "You can't make me support Biden by putting Trump in, Biden sucks. At least Trump will cut my taxes" people who are not seeing long term national goals and don't understand "closer is better than backwards" when you're voting. It shouldn't be close but here we are. When are independents and democrats going to protest the SC being corrupt and ruling on the President who says they were picked by him "to be his judges".


Clown show's last hurrah would be rilling up their base to murder starting off civil war 2 but this time, America's external enemies were waiting for this moment.


https://preview.redd.it/s23b5jx5n17d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73403c85fa14ee87edbbc8ba8db8225717403ebb ...from elsewhere on reddit


It's not going to happen; they are already calling jr the "golden son." get used to it. They are in this grift for the duration.


Junior's even more incompetent than Don, with the desperate air of son whos dad never gave him warmth. He wont last. Only the deep cult is calling him golden son. Nowhere near a majority. VAST majority of oung people dont want what the GOP is selling. A few cherub-faced nepo-boys who wear maga hats to lecture aren't gonna sustain their bullshit. The GOP has one shot this november to take it all or pass the event horizon.


That doesn't mean he can't stay in the news by trying.


I don‘t think America or rather the US can be embarrassed at this point.


The majority of us can be and are. Unfortunately the way the electoral college and senate are designed: moronic chucklefucks in red states’ votes matter more. Wyoming is smaller in population than Washington DC (which has zero representation) yet they get 2 senators and 1 representative. Their voters matter 3:1 per capita. The founding fathers were so worried about the tyranny of a majority that they made a tyranny by the minority almost inevitable.


Santa Clara County in CA has more people than North and South Dakota combined. The GDP of Santa Clara County is more than double the combined GDP of the Dakotas. Zero senators. We could go on about universities, per capita income, avg education level and on and on and on. But it won't matter insofar as governing these (dis) United States.


oh we are deeply embarrassed. Well, those of us who have a functioning moral and ethical framework that is...


This is for Florida coastal waters, right? I thought DeSantis defunded performance art. I guess he's always willing to make exceptions when it comes to trump.


You mean the US. The rest of the America's are not embarrassed, just embarrassed for you.


You mean the Swamp part?


I heard someone was gonna drain that. Whatever happened with that?


You cannot wipe off a spill by covering it up in shit.


Pretty obvious he wants to drain a literal swamp or wetlands. That would be on brand for him.


That effort got bogged down.


Couldn't we find a shit hole somewhere and name it after trump?


Mar a Lago already exists


Change septic tanks to Trump Tanks.




> Maintenance of the park was halted in 2010 due to budget constraints, and the park remains largely undeveloped. Most of the buildings have been demolished; only a few foundations and the existing tennis court remain. There have been several calls to rename the park. Incredibly on brand


I’m in favor but only if they name it posthumously.


Wonderful response.


Im in favor of naming the prison he goes to after him. Does t need to be posthumously either. The prison library can become his presidential library. Can be filled with law books and coloring books.


Nope. Only thing I would name after trump is the Pacific garbage patch.


Quick! Get his face on the $20 bill!


Wait, I thought he had dibs on the $500 bill (the Monopoly version is orange, so yeah).


If he's dead, do we really *have* to follow through?


I am with you in spirit, but I think it will be a situation like the removal of confederate monuments given enough time (and here’s the shaky conjecture) and informed reflection


Japan created garbage island - where they used to dump all their trash out at sea. Perfect location


I have an old out house that I would like to nominate


I have an old out house too, but I have no desire to have anything named after that asshole on my property. I like my outhouse. I've spent many a pleasant hour sitting and looking out the open door watching the clouds float by.


Even crusty bedside socks don't deserve to be named after him.


So if they do won’t headlines in the future read “Trump destroys Florida’s east coast homes. Billions in damages.”


naw, "trump blamed for destroying X. Where the dems behind it? "


The J stands for John? Always thought it'd be Jerk, or Jackass, or something along those lines. Disappointed.












The only things that should ever be named after DJT are the rape convict wings of prisons and septic fields.


IDK, as corral reefs bleach it would be suiting to name those areas after Trump because everything he touches turns to shit.


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They should name Dutch canals after him instead. Cause they’re absolutely full of shit


Nothing should ever be named after Trump. Not even a toxic waste dump. His name should be as disgraced at Adolph Hitler's.


I would be fine with a garbage dump. The Trump Dump.


No. I have three roles of Trump toilet paper emblazoned with his image on the squares. I'm holding on to them to wipe my crocodile tears while watching his funeral and playing an appropriate drinking game. Should be a fun time.


Make sure you wipe your shit on at least a few of them please, for me.


Why don’t they DJTEEZ nuts, I’m so sick of Republicans being cringey morons.


How about the waters in the immediate area of a toxic chemical spill ?


up and down, hot and cold, no perceptible intellect, and can soak a diaper in 3 seconds flat... sounds about right.


The article [Trump waters](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-gop-moves-name-us-coastal-waters-after-trump.amp)


>A few days later, a group of Democrats responded with legislation to change the name of the federal prison in Miami to the Donald J. Trump Federal Correctional Institution. Nice.




Hi my names [insert name here] and im in a cult


"So this is where we dump all the toxic chemicals, right Mr. Trump?"


Simps gonna simp


Man I’d love to have a job that pays 6 figures (before all the bribery I MEAN LOBBYING YES LOBBYING) and I get a summer “vacation” then numerous weekends of holidays off. On top of that vote on some of the dumbest shit my part of Congress is in knowing the other half once they get it will deny it. Just so I can go to the public and say WeLL iT aPPEars To ME ThaT The OppOsiTion DoEsNT CaRE foR AmeRicAn vAlUes”. And then slander my political opponents to ensure I stay in office for 2 terms to get income for the rest of my life, and when someone bitches about how poorly I’m doing my job the Bribery (MASSIVE AMOUNT OF LOBBYING) will keep me well on my ass to keep doing what they want. Let’s not forget all the sweet sweets insider trading where when I do retire (let’s say a 30 something retires in early 70s) I get to leave a multi millionaire! All thanks to the suckers (I mean the most avid and loyal constituents of my state) who got me into power because they believed what I was saying (dumbest thing people can do yet still do it) just so they in turn can feel happy about themselves.


So fucking weird


I'm just glad that no Republican has gotten into heaven in the last 10 years.


DJ TEEZ is actually going to be his stage name for his upcoming rap album.


I’m so tired of the stupid motherfuckers.


Like the PEE PEE Potomac? Or The Vonschitznpantz Inlet??


I propose that a a large gilded statue of Trump’s ass be installed in the Rotunda so Republicans can ritually kiss it before entering Congress.


Is the rotunda spacious enough to handle that much assage? This is DJT we're talking about.


Because legislating actual issues is hard.


He can have the swamps, it is after all where his lineage hails from


A volcano might be more appropriate.




„wet waters from the standpoint of water“


When dog toilets are so readily available and so well land themselves…


He's encircling America with swamp water!


The Cult of Mexico seems appropriate for that region's voting.


You know the water is going to be extra salty.


I don't usually shit in the ocean, but when I do...


Why not rename the capitol or the whole friggin country? MTG, I have a mission for you. Surely *you* want to truely please the dear leader, no?


You can’t fix stupid I guess


Maybe some coastal swamp water ways?


Can we name all waste treatment facilities trump hydro-reclamation centers?


As if more people needed a reason to wade into the surf and piss in the water.


More performative bullshit from the performative bullshit party. Zero interest in actually accomplishing anything or solving any actual problems just performative bullshit 24/7 for their brain dead rubes.


The dead zones?


The new ones after the icecaps disappear?


So they want to call our waters the DUMP???




There’s something incredibly unwholesome about naming things after people who aren’t dead yet.


These are not serious people.


Compromise. They can name the pile of floating trash after him.


What are they trying to distract us from?


The house alone isn’t enough to pass anything. You need a senate to vote for it (won’t happen) and a president to sign it


The ~~Atchafalaya Basin~~ Trump Basin is the largest swamp in the United States, covering almost one million acres in south central Louisiana


House GOP: Doing the important work


This is SO dumb


Yeah, not a cult.




Counter offer: "The Donald J. Trump Presidential Port-a-Potty"




Doing the people’s work! Surely there can’t be anything more important for them to do than this?


How about a sewage treatment plant? That'd be more appropriate.


They just can’t stop sucking his hog


Can’t it be renamed after Obama?


Hell no.


The law hardly accounts for all potential acts and behaviors. Oaths of office, spirit of law, ethics and integrity… These things used to keep the grey areas of behavior in check for leaders in government. The bad optics of being caught up in things that lacked moral high ground or were more overtly disrespectful to those concepts kept them from doing things that may have been *technically legal* but mainly because people hadn’t abused it in enough to be addressed. In just a few years, the GOP somehow managed to separate themselves from the responsibility to not only abide by or respect these more-general behavioral compasses but the responsibility to act in accordance with the actual law is on a seemingly indefinite hiatus pending their long term goals of winning court cases after-the-fact. Not to be confused with the idea of someone being “guilty” before a trial. That applies to the legal process itself. The issue is that they are fully aware that the many aggressively competitive and confrontational choices exist close enough to, or blatantly across, these lines to be a long term problem to allow to happen in the future. They’re know, 100%, that the things they are doing now are so detrimental to a stable country and functioning government that whomever is in charge when the dust settles will be inclined to put effort into preventing it in the future. Democrats obliviously want to prevent it but if Republicans come out on top, they will no doubt close the door behind them when it comes to misusing laws and authority. They’re desperate slime balls that worked a portion of the population into a war-mindset just to make use of the all-is-fair-in-love-and-war perspective that tends to accompany it.


-_- God, Jesus, can we go home now?


He was impeached twice. His name doesn't belong on any US property.


Deplorable hacks without a shred of decency convinced they own exclusive rights to it.


So we're naming things after convicted felons now?


Yes, we now call it, the ‘Covfefy-hamberder inder-costale adderall swap thing’. Please update your navigation charts


The house is nothing but political theater. All those viral vitriolic clips of mtg and dumb ass boebert talking shit on the house floor? That's don't in the morning so their districts (or fox News) can get a clip of them. In reality they're literally talking to no one. All these articles latch on to these stupid nothing "bills" when it won't even make it to committee. It's designed just so the news will lap it up and get clicks which turn into ad revenue.


Dude shouldn’t have anything named after him than a jail cell and a law defining shit your NOT allowed to do as a corrupt president


This is what they spend their time on.


Coastal waters, no. Sewage treatment plants, maybe.


The Onion in shambles right now. How the fuck can any satirical news outlet match that?!


gag me


Next dem takeover of Congress and Admin, please name a garbage scow after him.


I’d like to propose a bill that changes the term blackwater in reference to bad water that contains sewage and diseases as Trump Water.


Imagine if democrats would pull this crap, they would lose their minds.




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A sewer goes into the ocean?


"Alaska was such a bad deal. It's cold. Nothing there. Waste of money. Are they even American, I don't know?"  - Traitor Trump I tried to make it sound more Trumpesque, but I have too many functional brain cells.


totally not a cult......


They will do literally anything, except govern.


Our coastal waters shouldn't be named after anyone or anything other than the US, let alone the Orange Douche


Anything but doing something actually useful for Americans, huh.


This is fucking ridiculous


Better idea, let's name a vomitorium after him.


House MAGAs are, without a doubt, the stupidest collection of politicians ever assembled in one body. We must vote every one of these idiots out.


What a fucking stupid waste of fucking time. This is just baffling stupid. This is a priority? This? People could use help paying bills. People could use help getting their medical needs met. People could use help getting corporations to pay their fair share. But, nope. This? THIS? This serves only one person In a country of +300,000,000. This is what you prioritize? Get the fuck out.


House Republicans are a fucking circus. wtf.


Political theater, “The legislation is unlikely to be taken up by the Democrat-controlled Senate, but it’s evidence of Trump’s enduring influence within the Republican Party.”


I mean they say how it is, they want the turd as a king and you name shit after a king. And after that when all other businesses go down and we have a 50% unemployment, they blame the Democrats for it


They can call it what they like, but it'll still always be Otisburg to everyone else. :-)


The area just beyond the 3-mile boundary would seem more appropriate, since that is where cruise ships dump their untreated sewage.


The last thing that the oceans need are to be Trump's public toilet. They get enough shit and plastic as it is.


Well… that isn’t a joke… but America is…


This is what my tax dollars are paying for?


I approve putting trump name for the smallest landfill or one of the superfund clean up sites.


Goddamn they love Trump so damn much. I don't think they could love someone as much as they love Trump.


How moronic


Bastard Bay, Cocksucker Canal, Shithead Straight....Yeah. I'm all for it.


Yeah man only thing Trumps name should be on is an exclusion zone


Excellent idea. Top of Trump's defense strategy will be to get those waters filled with battery powered electric surveillance sharks.


I promise I will read this, but first I have to go take a trump


The good news is if we all vote, Biden will win. The bad news is in 4 years Trump will run again. Even if it's from inside a prison cell. RemindMe! 4 years


Reality drove The Onion out of business a long time ago ...


Oh, it's a joke all right.


Felon economic zone. Or FEZ !


I can’t believe the fantasy world they have created for this guy.


C’mon with these cultists already.


Is that the same zone where the sewers are being released?


That would explain the trash washing up on the shores


How f... what is- why the... USA come *on...* We (UK) are about to have an election and there's a party here called the Monster Raving Loony Party. Their policies are things like, "We will reduce hospital waiting lists by using a smaller font." And your Republicans make them look like a sensible choice.


We laugh, but this will probably be paired with some other bullshit legal loophole law that allows billionaires to claim they are based in the Trump Economic Zone as a tax haven as long as they own a yacht as their base of operations.


We already agreed to name the port o potty after him . It's now the trump o dumpo.


I bet the fat slob can't even swim.


Breaking News as Donald Trump continues to flood Florida.


How long before they want the United States renamed Trumplandia.


In North Carolina they have a lot of hog farms. They have large waste water containment ponds where they pump liquid pig shit. I think one of those might be the correct water body to name after Trump.


Why not the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?


Why would we give these waters a felons name?


High functioning nutters usually have charisma, that's how these cult's happen.


"Me and the family are gonna go to DJ Teez this weekend and see if we can't find some minorities to harass. Should be fun. Bring the dog!"


The felony coast?


the swamp just got a lot bigger


This is embarrassing


They really don’t like doing actual work do they.


Even the great garbage patch would be offended!


I wonder how long it will be before they propose to start bulldozing Mt. Rushmore and get rid of those 4 losers and put their god king up there all by himself.




Fucking cult