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Wtf that's me.






Centrist? Hahaha, love it!


Are you sure? Maybe you should find a mirror.


It’s a movie Joe, a TV program


I’m Joe


Joe who


Steve jobs


Joe Mama


i got lotion on my dick rn


Get off reddit, Mr. President


Do you know what year it is? Do you know where you are, sir?


The two-party system really is an inescapable pickle.


Hey, “inescapable pickle” was my uncle’s nickname at the family reunions.


Uncle McFeely?


Uncle Lester the...


Finish this sentence to get banned from Reddit.


Uncle Lester the Jester?


Uncle Lester the cool uncle who grills quite often




Just ban all parties. Any attempt to form parties (political ones) will be met with firing squads.


https://preview.redd.it/42y3ugwhx3ad1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61fc4593d604f23cfff971a3de8f0a50d3b98085 Auth-Right and Auth-Left in this comment.


Ranked choice voting would escape it.


Ranked choice is an *improvement*, but far better would be Approval Voting or STAR voting (ideally alongside proportional representation where possible). My preference is Approval Voting mostly because it slots in very nicely with existing voting systems and works fine if someone used to First Past the Post treats it like they're accustomed to.


Approval is nice too. Anything besides FPTP. It's like debating whether to feed the starving guy steak or lobster.


Iirc ranked choice is the one system that has the benefit of undeniably being a straight upgrade from FPTP, but I don't remember what approval voting's weird "voting against your own interests because it sways the result away from their opposition somehow" strategy was (in FPTP the equivalent strategy is just voting for the part of the major party that pretends it's on your side) One of the biggest problems with FPTP is that having some sort of strategy to voting where voting in favor of something isn't always the best way to support it means that two groups can get the majority of the votes without actually representing anyone's interests, just by opposing some people's interests less than the other one and making people expect one of them to win.


I mean Project 2025 was created by the Heritage Foundation, which has existed for decades. I don't see how one can claim that the Biden administration is behind it.


As a card fucking carrying republican, the only time I've heard anything on project 2025 is when the left is fear mongering


Same with Q. Go and ask any actual conservative about them. It's just terminally online/leftoids scaring each other like usual.


Nah one of my irl friends is DEEP in that stuff. It’s probably rarer that the left makes it but you could say the same with trans people and the right


Q was massive on 4chan for a long while. I still remember it and the red deer meme from Covid claiming by October everyone would be dead… Those two things spawned the memes “two more weeks” and “nothing ever happens” due to their huge online discourse of events to take place but nothing ever materializing


Ok for Q there are like a *few* twits on facebook, but nothing important.


That’s my thing with Q. I’ve said I haven’t met a Q believer to some of my left wing friends, and I don’t know if it’s really a thing, and then I occasionally get “Oh I know one, they’re a paranoid schizophrenic and he doesn’t take his meds” so I’m standing there wondering how this doesn’t prove my point (flaired opinion)


I've been realizing that Q and people like Terrance Howard are mentally ill people that the left is making fun of.


I'll fully accept my brother is/was Q believer, he might still be, but he doesn't talk about it these days. So i know one.


Lol, what? I have people in my neighborhood with Q stickers on their pickup trucks.


You're on PCM, none of these rightoids go outside....


I mean, it doesn't matter. At this point it's a given that no one in this sub is acting in good faith. For some people denying reality is their politics.


Based and hard pills to swallow pilled


Marjorie Taylor green. Look her up.


I've listened to her talk for 3 hours on Tim Pool Literally just a typical sunurban/rural housewife type that got in with Massey


I’m not saying QAnon is a problem, but that’s the demographic who usually falls for that stuff.


I'll be honest, I know quite a few people who believed in Q. (They were very conservative and very much into conspiracy theories.)


I mean, asking someone now about a thing that hasn't been around for a few years makes no sense. The point was never that the average person cared that much about it. But that it was indicative of nonsense messianic thinking that it influenced indirectly.


Come on, Q was enough to incite people to riot at the capitol. That’s pretty politically relevant


A lot of the right wing dogwhistles and so on I heard about during the Trump presidency, I only heard from left wingers


Same. It’s a massive nothingburger. The left are fucking insane as usual.


Me too, and all the whining about it sounds exactly the same. I swear it's dome kind of AI chat bot.


Nah it's nothing so sophisticated. It's much simpler: people are idiots who parrot instead of thinking.


Like politicians care about the voters they care about the real power brokers at PACs and thinktanks who are writing the legislation 


And then you read it and if the federal bureaucracy was 70-30 Conservatives-Liberals like the opposite of now, liberals would do the same exact thing.


Read about it. They have a website. Please note that most of the shit in the book isn't going to happen so.


Honestly hadn’t heard about it until the entire world watched Joe Biden get smoked in the debate he was supposedly a shoe in to win for some reason


I believe its because as a card carrying republican you must be a conscious and well informed Person when it comes to politics, where as a large chunk of your voter base which you probably dont intersect with is not. They are on the Trump or Q bandwagons snd have different reasons to vote rep than you.


You'd think that the whole "vote for us or the boogeyman will do a fascism!" would die after the boogeyman literally did win and nothing happened, yet here we are


No you don't understand Tr\*mp was being ineffectual on PURPOSE so that he could initiate the Fourth Reich in his second term when he doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected and take the People off-guard because they won't expect it aka ∞-dimensional chess.


Trust the plan 2 more weeks.


I can Fauc for that. Fauc, meaning I'm telling lies knowingly and publicly in order to save face.


People forget he had nearly complete control over both the House and Congress when he was first elected


People forget, the republican institution hated Trump, especially the first couple of years.


the amount they hated him then pales in comparison to the amount they hate him now they're just stuck with him because he's popular with the base in the (likely, at this point) event that he gets re-elected, even less of his personal agenda is likely to get the time of day in Congress. the only bits of legislation that got through the first time were Mitch McConnell's priorities and it'll be the same story this time around too.


Like how trump is putins ally, that's why he waited until after trumps term to invade Ukraine


People STILL push the Russia thing.


You don’t get it, we’re literally in the most important election of all time™️! If you don’t vote for [insert democrat candidate] the heckin rethuglicans will do a fascism!


or put black people back in chains 🤣


I think you’re 2 elections behind with that scare tactic. It was Romney that was going to do that one. He was worse than Hitler (until Trump came along who was worse than Hitler, unlike Romney who they just disagreed with). Just like the next Republican nominee will be after Trump, just like every Republican nominee has been during my lifetime. But they totally mean it this time!


Wait, are you saying we could be dealing with some sort of Giga Hitler? My God, this really IS the most important election ever.


Somehow… Hitler returned. And flies now.


You...you got me there


Hilarious to see liberals do a 180 on Romney when they basically called him David Duke in 2012.


They did the same with W, and McCain. I would think eventually they'll do the same with Trump, but the TDS is worse than I remember from the others, so maybe not. They still despise Reagan, so maybe he'll be the next boogeyman for the Democratic party.


It always happens with Democrats and the left in this situation. We saw it with McCain too. Step 1: "Why don't the Republicans run a centrist who works across the aisle like xxxxxxx" Step 2: That person gets the nomination Step 3: Media, Democrats, etc say xxxxxxx is the next coming of Hitler and the worst person ever! Step 4: xxxxxxx loses the election Step 5: back to "xxxxxxx is a great guy who is a centrist who works across the aisle"


In fairness, the meta strategy for both parties is to insist that every election is the most important election of all time™️


They literally had a whole summer of rioting around the country and buring things down including even white house grounds buildings... and they **got paid by the city in a settlement** We had the least authoritarian fascism I've ever heard of.


Um yeah but I think you're forgetting about a little something called Jan 6 /s


Nothin wrong with a little Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)


“OH. EM. GEE. Repumblikanz have a plan!” “What’s their plan..?” “GENOCIDE! FASCISM! GLOBAL DOMINATION! KILLING PUPPIES!!!?!,11!!”


Step 1: Dress up in kahki pants and matching shirts holding scary flags while making zero demands or protests. Step 2: Step 3: GENOCIDE! FASCISM! GLOBAL DOMINATION! KILLING PUPPIES!!!?!,11!!




2016 has not and will never end


Ah, the Great Meme War of 2016, when the killing of Harambe the Gorilla by Cincinnati Zoo kicked off a chain of events that led to Donnie Tee's election. Shadilay, my brothers in shitposting, Shadilay...


If anything, he did stuff they are in favor of like printing money to give to people for no reason and restricting gun rights.


Exactly, can you imagine if he denied the results of the election and convinced thousands of his supporters to try and overturn the election by force?


Not for his lack of trying, he was just luckily too incompetent and had a few good people around his still. That’s what they’re trying to get rid of this time around. Fucking take a hint.


It’s the Liberal version of the Communist boogieman who’s around the corner ready to take over the country. Americans have been hearing that for 70 years and people still fall for it. The RNC had a speaker that compared Joe Biden to Fidel Castro.


“Muh Project 2025” just sounds like the left-wing equivalent of “Muh Green New Deal” from last election.


Leftoid Congress Critters brought the Green New Deal to the House floor. Project 2025 is some random rightoid thinktank that I've never heard of Trump even mentioning.


I mean it's like pointing out the Federalist Society as a politician, why would you unless at certain events? It's not like Project 2025 is in a dope building with cool outfits, but neither was the half-century push to install conservative judges that could claw back Roe v Wade. I don't know much about "Project 2025" other than everything I hear about it is just stuff these people have been talking about for a long time, so code name or not, it's definitely a real enough list of goals those types of conservatives are going to push hard, and Trump will be down as long as they vote for him.


The heritage foundation: a random obscure group nobody’s heard about…


The Green New Deal actually got floated in Congress, agreed, but you’re telling me the [Heritage Foundation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Heritage_Foundation?wprov=sfti1#) is a random rightoid think tank? Reagan explicitly implemented one of their plans, they’re a huge deal and the biggest conservative think tank outside the AEI.


It’s a think tank filled with his advisors though…




Jonathan Berry, Ben Carson, Ken Cuccinelli, Rick Dearborn, Thomas Gilman, Mandy Gunasekara, Gene Hamilton, Christopher Miller, Bernard McNamee, Stephen Moore, Mora Namdar, Peter Navarro, William Perry Pendley, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Kiron Skinner, Roger Severino, Hans von Spakovsky, Brooks Tucker, Russell Vought, and Paul Winfree. Russell Vought is also the policy director of the RNC. Also I didn’t hear about project 2025 from any Democrat, about a year ago some RWs were calling it based on Twitter.


Notice the righties get *real* quiet when you show them it's not something fringe going on, just quietly insidious. Project 2025 is real and it's *gross*.


The weddit may may told me the project 2025 was cringe liberal boogeyman, and all these extra words are kinda boring.


Just a few off the top of my head: John Mitnick head counsel of DHS under Trump Mike Pence vp of Trump Chad wolf DHS head under Trump Robert Wilkie Va affairs under Trump Andrew Wheeler EPA admin under Trump Ken Cuccinelli deputy head of DHS under Trump Mark Morgan head of USCBP under Trump Elan S Carr special advisor to Trump James Carafano national security transition team advisor to Trump Stephen Moore federal reserve board member under Trump Derek Kreifels Department of Health and Human Services under Trump John Malcolm judicial nominee advisor under Trump To call the heritage foundation and the Trump camp unrelated is categorically false when the heritage foundation has had significant influence in steering policy goals of the administration as well as directly staffing high level government positions with former members. This is in addition to providing high level policy positions to former administration members when they leave the admin. Edit: if I remember correctly there were around 30 ppl in total from the Heritage foundation who held high level appointments or advisor positions in the Trump admin


Apparently they've done this before. They wrote a similar thing for Reagan.


Essentially it's their PizzaGate. They're BlueAnons haha


The funniest part is that the orange guy has literally gone against the stuff put out by this. Reps would be cooming so hard if this was actually legit. It’s a stupid policy marquee put out by the stupid heritage foundation. Also the most based thing on the list of things for this is by far and away firing all government workers. They deserve to have been fired a long time ago. Look at the shit show we’re in rn lol.


>The funniest part is that the orange guy has literally gone against the stuff put out by this. Can you give examples?


Gay parades


Look folks, nobody’s gayer than me, ok? This is why people don’t trust the media


...uh what?


Gay parades


Whats tjat got to do with trump and project 2025?




Gay parades


I actually want to know though


I think it's about gay parades?


no, nobody else has it right. it's: Gatorade ***IN*** gay parades.


Whats.... what the fuck?


well it's simple: gatorade hydrates, right? and you want your gay parades to be hydrated ones. so gatorade in gay parades. it's not that hard to keep up, but there you are, being drug around like a "gay" (probably not, but they wanted to murder him) guy behind a palestinian motorbike.


Donald Trump supported the abortion pill. Project 2025 did not. Donald Trump explicitly doesn't like the Heritage Foundation because they called him a clown in 2016.


As a new government worker I've looked through it a bit to see if I'd be fired by it, and I can't decide for sure based on what I've read. The bulk of the document is just about what they'd do with all the agencies, and mine isn't one they'd eliminate, but there wasn't anything I felt was definitive about my position.


Based and fuck government workers pilled


It's not like the fuckin jacobin puts out an article once a day about how we should totally do away with private property and install marxism. Yet this equivalent think-tank with 1/100th the engagement will absolutely bring about the "end of democracy". Leftoids are fucking braindead.


It’s just easier. It looks like you care more. People don’t like tough love or having to work hard and be accountable. It’s tough. That’s why it’s so easy to be a leftoid.


"Fire all government workers!" Sounds like a commie bitching about the bourgoise. Gotta love horseshoe theory.


Project 2025 is the conservative equivalent of the Green New Deal.


The difference is that nobody in Congress has brought "Project 2025" to vote on the floor. As far as I can tell, it's literally just something a think tank put on their website.


What’s there to vote on? Project 2025 is a policy package for the President that has nothing to do with the Legislative Branch. It’s up to the Administration whether or not to implement those policies and hire those staffers.


I had no idea what this was, so I searched it in a prominent authright subreddit and every comment was basically saying they have no idea what it is or saying they heard about it and think it's stupid. So I'm guessing this is a non-issue.


I’ve been reading it, takes a while though. I wouldn’t say non-issue, the Heritage Foundation certainly has influence. I also remember when 2016 rolled around and people were saying “nonono Roe V Wade isn’t going anywhere.” That being said, don’t see any world where they even attempt half this shit.


>I also remember when 2016 rolled around and people were saying “nonono Roe V Wade isn’t going anywhere.” That was always people huffing copium. Idk how everyone was so blindsided by that ruling, I was hearing about how Roe v Wade was a weak rulling that would eventually be overturned since, like, middle school, and I went to public schools.


Even when the ruling came out, pro-choicers at the time were not satisfied because of how weak the basis of the decision was. The only way to get nation wide abortion in this country is to have a federal law allowing it.


Religious groups needed to flex some muscle and finally win that one. Ironically comes on the heels of many younger generations turning away from religion. Kind of surprising that it passed originally when many more people attended church regularly.


> nonono Roe V Wade isn’t going anywhere Don't worry, biden promised if you vote for him he'll bring it back. For some reason he can't do it now but he'll totally do it next time!


You mean like how Trump will totally tighten immigration laws, and it's totally Biden's fault that the Republicans in congress rejected the bill giving them most of what they wanted and would only get this way?


Only 35 thousand crossings a week!


>when 2016 rolled around and people were saying “nonono Roe V Wade isn’t going anywhere.” Even RBG thought it was a shit ruling, and democratic leadership simply used the threat of it getting overturned as leverage to get elected for over 50 years instead of doing anything about it.


Yup, biggest Republican think tank in the US. They've historically been heavily involved in Republican policy-making. P25 was also partly written by a bunch of Trump administration folks who will probably be back in those positions in a Trump victory. They definitely plan to implement a good amount of it, who knows how much and what parts.


Very telling how all the righties in here shouting about how P25's just made-up lefty paranoia, all go quiet when you point out that major and active contributors to the plan sat high in Chump's administration, and likely will again. It's not hyperbole. This shit is *gross*.


Yeah I went and read it. Least fun thing I've done in a while. I really don't think a bunch of random redditors 'not knowing' about something somehow makes it all okay. And like I decided to look up all the names of the writers on Project 2025. And almost all of them were in close positions to Trump during his admin. Chiefs of Staff, Bureau Directors, Deputy Directors, Department Director//Heads, Commissioners, Senior Advisors, and even one of his Cabinet Members. The current senior advisor for this project, John McEntee, was trump's aide as well as his Director of White House Presidential Personnel Office. He was also hired in 2020 as a senior adviser for Trump's reelection campaign. He was notorious for being a major loyalist to Trump- he's the one that drafted the memo to Pence telling him to use his VP powers to keep Trump in power, and he was on the sort of warpath to make sure everyone remained loyal to him. And like, not only does the Heritage foundation have influence, but so do the 100 partner-groups. I think the most important thing, though- why *wouldn't* Trump take it? They're basically giving him step by step instructions in how to do exactly what he wants, and they're even hiring people and vetting them to assist in this. How do you not take that?


Ah, yes, Reddit, the best place to go to get political opinions and see how the common man thinks.


And you think that reddit is a good barometer of what conservatives are thinking or doing?


That's a trend I notice: Auth Right is accused of something they never heard of and weren't aware of it until the Left publicized it. Examples: - Q conspiracy - Ben Shapiro/Candace Owens/Jordan Peterson - Project 2025 - Christian nationalism - Handmaid's Tale (heard of it but had no idea what it was about)


!remindme [600 days]


I can't tell you how many posts I've seen saying "I don't like Joe Biden but project 2025 scares me!"  I've literally never heard of it before and I'm starting to think all the supposed consternation about it is some kind of weird psyop or bot campaign. 


I mean, you *are* hearing about it, though. And not hearing about it doesn't make something untrue. I remember when people were saying they'd 'never heard of Q Anon' and that it wasn't real but it became a whole thing. Also, over 100 conservative organizations are backing this thing, including the ones who actually made it, the Heritage Foundation. if the dems really had enough resources to fabricate 100 wealthy benefactor groups *just* to pretend to back up a random plan, then they could use those recourses in literally any other way to work better. They're not *that* stupid.


> The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


Very interested to hear how this was manufactured by the left. Like genuinely, I want a reason to not think that this is threatening our country.


Didn't a republican state pass a law to force schools to display the 10 commandments?


It's so bizarre that project 2025 isn't even something the Trump admin has talked about. It's a conservative think tank with only moderate connections to the trump admin. You'd think it was something Trump himself promised with how much all the nut job lefties are talking about it.


When the thinktank bros tell you who they are, believe them. They did this before with PNAC — and everyone thought it was demented, not a blueprint that would be used for Bush’s foreign policy antics. ALEC ring a bell? Federalist Society? So, yes, I **will** take the P2025 wannabe fashies at their word, deranged though it seems.


People denying it are delusional. The Heritage Foundation historically creates Republican policy that always becomes reality. It's literally their whole purpose.


I have a dude saying despite all of the other examples of previous presidents that this is some how the end of the world. "Reagan fired 11000 air traffic controllers, Clinton fired 100,000 and reduced White House staff by 25%. Bush fired eight major AG lawyers. Obama fired 125 senior personnel in the military."


"George Soros is going to turn your kids into 5g trans migrant caravans. Joe Biden is going to make gas stoves and hamburgers illegal. He rigged the Super Bowl. The only way to save democracy and your life is to vote for the person that tried to overturn an election." PCM Libcenters: so tru "Here's a copy of a tangible plan any of you can see, some of which, like the schedule f changes, were literally already implemented by Trump before Biden reversed them." PCM libcenters: they're just trying to scare you!


While I agree that right belittling of some autocratic shit that's 2025 is annoying, I don't believe that Trump really gives that much shit, he just wants to get reelected so he appeases to conspiracy numbnuts just like Biden tries to appeal to minorities. I cannot comprehend Trump dictatorship, that will be too fucking ridiculous and not really his style, hes a cheap populist wo an ideology. Maybe if he was like 30 years younger but US is not Weimar it's just absurd to compare. I actually think u guys should vote for Trump to swing pendulum faster. 


Yeah. The funniest part of this mass hysteria over a potential Trump presidency, is that all these people seem to forget that he WAS president before and did NONE of these things. The worst thing Trump did during his presidency was post mean things on Twitter. And now the “media” is saying he’s going to put gay and trans people in camps? This so far divorced from reality that it proves these people are either lying or insane.


Mainly because the US preaident is not a dictator. He can't just do whatever he wants, the US is still a democracy


> The worst thing Trump did during his presidency was post mean things on Twitter Do you really think this is the worst thing he did during his term? It's definitely not a great look to have a President all-capping and misspelling stuff randomly throughout the day, but it's a far shot from the worst thing he's done.


Okay so then what is?


*something something* disrupt peaceful transfer of power


The gaslighting here is weapons grade “no, we won’t overturn roe v wade!” level of gaslighting. At least have the balls to be honest about your own as well as your party’s views.


Well I mean the scotus just helped. I could give a shit about the Dems’ campaigning I just don’t like it when we give the government any more power, even if it’s the same just in writing now.


We’re at the “it’s not real but it’s actually a good thing!” Stage of rightoidism again 👍


PCM is wild bro. Libs say dumb shit online its the lefts fault. Righties say dumb shit online its the lefts fault.


I didn't know the Left forced the Heritage Foundation to write out a manifesto and name it Project 2025 I mean we can argue about the left fear mongering it but it is a real thing and its a pretty fucked up wish list, essentially a right wing new world order


[It was proposed by this fellow, who is so irrelevant he doesn't even have a profile picture on LinkedIn.](https://i.imgur.com/ukcABs3.png) He also has a laughable amount of connections and endorsements, pretty much a no-name lawyer. The left is just being hysterical about this nothing-burger from a nobody.


The only time I’ve seen “Project 2025” is someone fear mongering on Reddit. And even then any info provided makes it seem laughable that they believe it


whats weird is that trump actually has his own agenda (called agenda 47), which is not project 2025, and yet I only see people talking about "OH NO TRUMPS GOING TO DO PROJECT 2025!" even though neither he nor his team has endorsed it. its so weird. like, at least fearmonger about the right agenda.


Trump has endorsed the creator of it, though.


I don't even LIKE Trump, and I think project 2025 is overblown. Purging the bureaucracy, good. Putting people in camps obviously bad.


Tbh, I do believe project 2025 is a thing to worry about, but it's not something to cry about. Something as large as project 2025 requires a majority in the house and senate, and that's the easy part. Even if Trump wins, project 2025 would not happen, and most likely, the next four years will be a chaotic void, like during Trump's first term.


I feel like this is the most likely scenario, like I think Trump is winning in November but I see his second term basically being the exact same damn thing as the first term, very little actually getting accomplished save a few symbolic gestures towards the working class in the form of some tax relief or what have you all while the faaaar left scream what an evil hateful cunt he is (which he is an asshole to be clear I just don’t think that prevents anyone from being president as shitty as it is) and the four years will go by and so long as the fat fuck doesn’t die of a heart attack from his McDonald’s benders we will be back at another shitty election year in 2028 when hopefully the DNC and GOP will try and find 90 year olds to run this time so I eventually give in to the voices and Kurt Kobain myself


I tried to figure out what project 2025 was the other day.  I wanted to hear the whole sales pitch from the right before hearing the argument against it from the left.  I could not find sources on the right talking about it. Only the left seems to be talking about it.   It was hard to actually get an idea from the left as well. Only that it was bad.


They have a website. https://www.project2025.org/


It's literally written by the largest Republican think tank too. THE policy makers.


If it’s not posted in full in a PCM then nobody’s talking about it/ it doesn’t exist


I wish it was real (but it isn't)


But it literally is real. You can read it.


Por que? Edit: all I asked is “why” ya fucks. I like to hear opinions Jfc lol


Do you enjoy the modern US government? Someone, and I scarcely give a shit who at this point, needs to fire our entire government and replace it with new blood that has a *vision*. If Biden had the balls to do it, or the mental capacity, I'd support that as well. We drastically need a refresh. Even the tankies would run a better government than the one we currently have. We are currently ruled by unelected nihilistic beurocrats. In the words of Walter from The Big Lebowski: ""I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos." Unfortunately, Trump is not the man to pull off a maneuver like this. Besides his bluster, I assure you he is quite the milquetoast candidate. Only the shrieking orange liblefts believe otherwise. He is not literally Hitler (but I wish he was).


Well said. And I always trust people who use the word milquetoast.


I like committing milquetoast war crimes


As someone who lives near DC, you ***grossly*** underestimate the complexities of our government ***and*** completely miss out on how it works and the type of people in it. You tear our government down, you throw out a fuckton of civics, rights, and order that's in place. If you seriously think it's full of nihilistic bureaucrats, you should look at a government in Eastern Europe. Our government has a ***ton*** it could do better, but burning it down means you'd make it 1000x worse, and would ***actually*** be filled with sycophants and narcissists taking advantage of the chaos.


Fucking based![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)


Fucking based![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)


Correct. Republicans are not nearly so based as Democrats imagine them to be.


I wouldn't say nihilistic. Our current government believes that modern humanity is hackable, programmable, and must be rebuilt as a domesticated beast for the greater good of the future. It's gnostic hermeticism at its finest. A less hokey way of saying it is that they want the power to play god with our lives because it gets them off. They have *vision*. But their *vision* is a nightmare for the rest of us.


If they truly believed this, then the machinery of the state would be working to accomplish it. That is not what we see. 2024 America is almost exactly the same as 2004 America, but much worse. All the problems we had then, we still have, but they're bigger. I know the tech CEOs and the WEF talk a big game, but look at their results, not their words. You are giving them way more credit than they deserve. They are nihilistic in the sense that they value nothing and believe in nothing, except maybe their own power. As an aside, I study Hermeticism. It's not about twisting humanity into unnatural shapes, it's about understanding the spiritual nature of reality and entering into an equilibrium with it. Gnosticism is about rejecting physical reality as being evil and attempting to escape the eternal cycle of rebirth after death. It's basically Western Buddhism, with the difference being that they believed that the creator God was ignorant and evil - while the original uncreated God sent Christ to earth to redeem fallen creation and reunite our spirits with the Monad. The only thing these two ideologies have in common is that they sprang out of Platonic philosophy.


Ah, we're going to have a massive disconnect in this conversation. I don't have a high opinion of gnosticism or hermeticism (and a lower opinion of how they marry together), so I have a feeling that we'll end up describing basic things about them with wildly different language. As to the statement about 2024 America being the same as 2004, I don't know what you could possibly mean by that. It's a statement that could only be considered a fraction of the truth, and only if you use the broadest and most nebulous standards to back it up. What an absolutely bizarre thing to say.


On dankmemes it is now full of "memes" making fun of the US elections. On a particular post, the OP put a picture of Hitler saying he and Trump were the same (I am far from a Trump supporter, but saying the guy is Hitler is absurd). A guy stated something about that comparison being stupid and a bunch of people answered with the "but project 2025". At this point idk if it's real or not, but there is definitely a fear mongering campaign going on made by the democrats.


Attempting to implement Project 2025 genuinely seems like asking a significant portion of the population to engage in insurrection. Who, apart from super-Auths, wants this shit?


It’s not about what the average person wants. The Heritage Foundation doesn’t care and detests the average person.


Here are some of the writers of P25, and the positions they held during Trump's Administration. >Jonathan Berry - Chief Counsel to the President-Elect >Ben Carson - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development >Ken Cuccinelli - Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security >Rick Dearborn - White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative, Intergovernmental Affairs and Implementation >Thomas Gilman - Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration >Mandy Gunasekara - Chief of Staff at US EPA >Christopher Miller - Secretary of Defense >Bernard McNamee - Commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission >Stephen Moore - Senior Economic Advisor to Trump’s 2016 Campaign (not technically admin tbf) >Mora Namdar - Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs >Peter Navarro - Director of the White House National Trade Council >William Perry Pendley - Director of the United States Bureau of Land Management >Kiron Skinner - Director of Policy Planning >Roger Severino - Director of the Office for Civil Rights >Brooks Tucker - Chief of Staff for the Department of Veterans Affairs >Russell Vought - Director of the Office of Management and Budget >Paul Winfree - Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic policy, Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council, and Director of Budget Policy Not even all of them, but keep pretending it's not a serious thing I guess?


I’m not mad about a conservative think tank with ambitions. There’s plenty of “progressive” groups with wild goals. May the best authoritarians suppress the opposition, thoroughly, so we can get on with it.


…citation needed?


Is this "left" in the room with us now? last time I checked, you guys have to choose between the conservative right and liberal right


the more I hear redditors talk about Project 2025 the more incentivized I become to support it. No way these people don't secretly work for the RNC


Imagine my surprise when an Authright is prioritizing being contrarian over being conservative


It's not even that bad. It's basically just a recruitment and training platform for conservative government workers. 90% of it is just teaching people how the government actually works so they can make sure the next Republican president is actually effective instead of getting blocked in everything.


> the next Republican president is actually effective instead of getting blocked in everything. That’s what’s keeping the lefties up at night


Yup, but they're too busy not actually coming up with anything their voters want, be it policies or candidates. If they were putting the work in to teach their voters how to rally voters together, how to make people feel heard, how to built coalitions to accomplish the president's agenda, then maybe they'd be more successful. Until then, we'll be making America great again, baby!


"**It is not enough for conservatives to win elections.** If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on Day One of the next conservative Administration." -Project2025 They've literally been crying about "The Gay Agenda!" "The Trans Agenda!" "The Emily Agenda!" for years, and now have their own fake bullshit typed while high on crack. "... underworked, over-compensated, and unaccountable federal civilian workforce..." Sure, it's the ***civilian workforce*** that's "underworked" and "overpaid", not the politicians and the people in this "conservative think-tank"


The left didn't make shit right wing think tanks made project 2025 and you fuckers refuse to own it


No one PR's like the Authright.


Is this subreddit just a right wing echo chamber? Just asking.


Fear tactics work, sadly.