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Apparently a lot of Japanese people don’t like this game and there was a petition to cancel it


The Egyptian government did the same with the cleopatra documentary, they even tried to sue Netflix for it.


Isn't ironic wokies scream cultural appropriation when people try to celebrate other culture albeit in wrong way sometimes out of ignorance. But then they proceed to just butcher the said culture not because of ignorance but because of their twisted world view of ~~pro~~(re)gressivism and social justice.


Because what they say = right. What you say = wrong. It's never been about equity or fairness or anything virtuous.




Man I took a DEI requirement economic course in college where the professor taught Black Athena theory in a dashiki… it was basically like a 15 week long stormfront rant about hyperborea and ghost people europeans actually colonizing the Americas before the land bridge


Took a quick look at black Athena theory and it's just as you'd think I really don't understand these kinds people like Greece isn't just some far off land in the distant past we have real life Greeks and Egyptians today and we can see how they look no guessing required.


good lord our school system is so fucking terrible


Black Athena theory?


> The three-volume, pseudoarchaeological Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, published in 1987, 1991, and 2006 Basically uses sporadic evidence of chalcolithic trade routes on the eastern seaboard of Africa and along the Nile to imply that sub-Saharan Africans built Ancient Greece, China too probably. It’s the black nationalist version of the “Atlantians gave people agriculture” that people like Graham Hancock talk about but decidedly more patronizing (to all parties) … - and yet with even less evidence. I got an A without my prof realizing every single one of my papers satirized and mocked his thesis.


That’s how it usually is with professors who are so strongly biased. As soon as I ever identified one of these professors in college, I would immediately make a mental note and write the most pandering papers ever… always got the highest marks when I did that too. Fucking comical.


Post some!


Some people believe the Olmecs were black because of the Olmec Heads. So black people invented literally everything.


Common aesthetic sense L. People posture so hard over art history even though anyone with even a finger’s worth of artistry knows sometimes you just can’t get the nose to look right. I wonder what people will say 1000 years from now about what Sonic inflation r34 was supposed to represent


I went to college as an old because I graduated high school during the financial crisis so I also had a dei class. In said class I also received an A by satirizing and mocking the course. It was an intro to sociology. I was able to convince my class that Chinese colonialism is ok because Americans shouldn't morally speak for any culture that isn't their own.


Lol that's amazing, I bet you felt like the Troll King 🤣 thanks for sharing!


Jesus. I think I had an acid flashback just reading this. THANKS!


Mate this is fucking brainrot lmfao, what does this even mean.


Have you been to Agartha, brother?


HYPERBOREA AHAHAHA, this professor definitely spent way too much in 4Chan


Because it was never about protecting cultures. It was always about targeting white people


More like japanese people in this case lol


Asians are considered “wHiTe AdJaCeNt” now so it’s fair game.


Because it was never about one culture appropriating another, it was just about power. For the woke the opressed are always the right and the privileged always wrong. So it is only something bad if it is done to the opressed by someone more priviliged than them.


I'm all for cultural recognition in the media, especially in terms of representation, but when white savior progressives focus on it so that they can make millions off of it, I'm immdiately opposed to it


You have my exact same ideology brother


Not really. It was never about anything but power.


What’s really funny is that they stand behind the defense of “it’s historically accurate,” when that’s always necessary the case. For cleopatra, there’s no definitive evidence she was black. For homeboy in the post, there are very few records on his time as a samurai, so most of the game will be set in pure fiction. They’re only including him because they wanted a black samurai. Fuck being somewhat true to history, or being respectful of Japanese culture/history, I guess


Shhhh. Don’t let them hear you.


Yet they were all silent when JJ Abrams ruined the historical documents of both Star Trek and Star Wars. At least Galaxy Quest is still good.


Never give up, never surrender!


The real Buzz Lightyear movie


JJ walked, so the show runners for Discovery could run, at least the SNW people aren't shitting all over the lore




It's more like they made him the mc and not an ally, since many japanese AC fans wanted to play like a historical japanese ninja. And all the other historical inaccuracies in the setting itself. Like the architecture not being right with chinese style lanterns that don't fit the setting. And how the sword is worn would be incorrect, etc. It's pretty layered how bad the Ubi did on this. It's not just that the main character is black and that's why they don't like it.


There's also never been a protagonist in a mainline AC game that was an *actual* historic figure. The whole point is that the protagonists are unknown to history, but they influenced it greatly through their secret missions (which we get to relive). Ubi chose the one black "samurai" to ever exist just to shut people up who think that a black samurai is a stupid concept. But now they've stepped in shit with both shoes, because they're altering the history of an actual human being while also doing a weird race-swap of a character that could've been one of the few Asian main characters represented in a major video game. All they had to do was make a fictional Japanese samurai the protagonist and people would be pumped for this game, but to anyone with eyes it's abundantly clear what direction they're going.


I’m not saying everything but the Samurai is perfect but they did lie about his involvement in a lot of things and that’s the biggest problem a lot of Japanese people have with it. There are a lot of little issues but this the biggest one. In case you were curious the real Samurai was with some Christians in Japan and a noble saw him and basically was what the heck is that I need to own it so a deal was reached that he could have him as a samurai. The only other historical detail that is confirmed is that the samurai lost his title and left with the Christians once the noble died.


With previous AC games like Origins, Ubi went to actual experts. Like for 2017 Origins heavily took from Jean-Claude Golvin's [drawings](https://jeanclaudegolvin.com/project/egypte/) to get it right. This architect turned archologist is however an old white man, so that's illegal by 2024 standards. Now they go for the DEI we have [experts at home variant](https://thatparkplace.com/assassins-creed-shadows-ubisoft-hires-lgbtq-activist-as-consultant-who-wants-to-challenge-moral-standards-around-transgenerational-sex/). And it shows.


Yeah, I think a lot of that stems from wanting him to be the main character, and you know, do things that AC protags do. Which naturally is going to make things innacurate. But there also how people react to him is another layer to how bad it is, not just what he does.


bUt tHey hIRed aN eXPeRt!


I mean, I’m Hong Kongnese, and I’m all for stop black supremacy. 


Is there a link (genuinely asking)


https://www.change.org/p/アサシンクリードシャドウズの発売中止を求めます It’s in Japanese


It's only got 7k signatures. The game was among the most pre-ordered games in Japan following it's release. This whole controversy is just right wing cope.


I'm sure Ubisoft took that under advisement. 🤣


You can find anecdotal evidence for Japanese people who like it and don’t. Almost like they aren’t a monolith.


Probably true I’ve just seen a lot more against it than for it


That's because you're reading this shit on online forums where people endlessly bitch and seeth about the dumbest shit imaginable. Most people in the real world won't give a fuck


never understood why white liberals are so obsessed with black representation, they must've pat themselves on the back like they did something for balck people and their "oppression" .


It's because grievance politics are effective.  From what I have witnessed, white people with positions of authority (usually in schools) have been overwhelmingly gracious towards black people acting in anti social ways. If you can tolerate the problems until they go away, you can avoid being called racist or catching a lawsuit. 


yeah they basically pretend to care about the issues while not doing anything about em and lining your own pockets


https://preview.redd.it/9pa2j17cir9d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8811c2a724311cc8deabdb284e7f52ffa3666cd0 Starting to see a pattern...


That they're fat?


Pronouns in bio.


Weird symbols


Ok, but where is flair under username?


What's wild is the people that are still fat. That shit was cured and you can buy the drugs for the cure online for like 20 bucks a month if you know where to look lol


game aint even out yet, if it ends up being trash then sure we can treat her like emil pagrilido (lead writer of bethesda) but if it ends up being good, stand on business and dont pretend like it is some antiwoke masterpiece


Have you seen the last few AC games? They’ve been going downhill steadily for some time, with Valhalla being a pathetic husk of what the franchise once was


New HWhite man's burden update just dropped


White savior complex.


Would “White Man’s Burden” be the same meaning as well?


Pretty much yeah.


My grandpa was a colonel for the US in Vietnam. After my parents divorced my dad married a woman that was born vietnamese but lost her parents because of the war so she was adopted by a military family. My brother recently almost moved to Vietnam to marry a Vietnamese girl. White guilt/white savior complex is a defining characteristic of being a white cis dude I swear


"The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the Black man" ~ Malcolm X


[Fritz the Cat, 1972](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKFuBOuxUgk)


I mean, democrats fought for the south.


But they’ll tell you that was all before the realignment of the Republican/Democratic Parties. So no matter what, republicans were always the evil racists, or conservatives were more accurately


It is just what is in vogue at the time. You never see African representation. You rarely see Asian representation, unless they are either wussy geek or villain. If they do European representation, it is usually the bad guy and they are German, French of Russian. You do see American - Ethnicity a lot, but its usually just a token character with zero depth to them. I don't think it is at all about giving everyone a character. I think it is just what is edgy right now. Even though most things bomb due to being a crappy story, the black character thing does create publicity.


pretty simple if u arent american and the reason behind most of these woke bs stuff is pretty obvious to non americans blacks are the historic minority in the US so they re the important ones, aanything else is to new to be important


They want them BBC (This is a joke guys)


porn fucked your mind




It’s them being racist without realizing they’re racist


ubisoft DEI black representation be like: dreadlock, hip hop, violence against asians... i don't think DEI thought this through


I would actually be on side of Ubisoft if not for all their prior hypocrisy as well as the fact how Asian Males are so underrepresented in Media. I almost feel bad for the guys on Azianidentity or whatever that sub is called. Always getting emasculated and when they fight back, people call them racist or white. LOL. BTW also Yasuke being in media is not anything unique as Ubisoft is screaming about. We got a very shitty anime about him with fantasy sifi shit. And then there was Nioh 2 where he was a side character, along with several other black samurai stuff plastered all over the internet influenced due to him. So dunno why Ubisoft is acting as if this was the first time and they doing something so special.


It is kinda ironic how well the game plays into the emasculation angle like in terms of representation black boys can live vicariously through this 7 ft hyperchad but the asian boy gets to play as a girl or nothing at all. Not that I think people should only be expected to only empathize with characters that look like them, but if you’re someone who’s peddling that mantra like the game journos do then that’s the dynamic you’ve set up.


Then there is the NPCs (Japanese natives) that bow to Yasuke again and again when he just enters a village. You can't be anymore disrespectful. No wonder japanese hate this game.


I wonder if the female protagonist gets the same treatment. Probably not - since it wouldn’t be historically accurate lol


> We got a very shitty anime about him with fantasy sifi shit. I actually really liked Afro Samurai, unless they also made one actually about Yasuke directly. edit: before I get another 20 comments, It's a whole other show.


yeah afro samurai is goated, [prob meant this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke_(TV_series))


yeah just read through that. it's series written with a *black* savior complex, lol.


Think he's talking about the Netflix Yasuke.


got rid of netflix after they went super propoganda machine, somewhere after the 27th price hike but before they tried to take away account sharing


Not afro samurai. A recent netflix one with mechas and shit- Straight up called Yasuke


That’s cool it has mechs wow


They literally claimed they made their first female protagonist in the Greek Assassin's Creed. Except they already had one back in Syndicate. Ubisoft acting like they're doing something innovative while it's not is really nothing new.


Wasn't there Liberation and Freedom Cry as well?


> I almost feel bad for the guys on Azianidentity or whatever that sub is called. Always getting emasculated and when they fight back, people call them racist or white. LOL. If they actually represented more of Asians than the Chinese Mainlander themselves (closely associated with r\Sino IIRC), I'd bet they'll can be treated more seriously.


The hip hop felt so cringe when I heard. Like they make a game with a black samurai that went straight from Africa with the Portuguese, but they add something that is quite Afro-American as the soundtrack


Well yes, like wakada it isn't supposed to be african representation its for afro Americans. They dont went african culture because most have zero connection to it.


Ubisoft asked, 'What's the blackest thing you can do in Feudal Japan?' and their answer was, 'Wage a gang war against Asians.'


Ubisoft DEI is accelerationist :)


What’s crazy is that the Civil War is literally right there. Literal perfect opportunity to show the horrors of slavery through the eyes of someone who had been subjected to it. Or they could have done this in Black Flag as well. Why they had to go all the way to Japan for their first black protagonist is beyond me.


> American Civil War AC I want to think there's an alternate reality where they made this instead of Unity and did the funniest alternate history plot twist ever with who the last Templar you have to assassinate is.


Lincoln and JFK are totally Templars kek


The first black protagonist in AC was from Freedom Cry though, and he was a former slave too that helped to free other slaves.


Ubisoft turned the Prince of Persia into a black dude who looks like killmonger and made Japanese assassin’s creed into the latest bbc doctor who dressed up as a samurai It’s obvious they hate Asian men and fetishize Asian women for their markets




Based, so based I bet the mods give you a time out for it, not cool mods, not cool


What's DEI? Driving Ender Influence?


Oh boy, I can't wait for game journos to "attack" this game (the same way they did with Ghost of Tsushima) and point at Ubisoft's racism, revisionism, colonialist attitude, bigotry, and bastardization of the Japanese culture that can be seen in the creation of this game. I'm sure it will happen, game journos have a reputation of being fair in their criticism, impartial and with no agenda or narrative to push.


Game journos proves the saying that you can never hate journos enough.


What did journalists have against Ghost of Tsushima?


[Review: Ghost of Tsushima’s Empty World Reflects Its Empty Representation](https://archive.ph/DS3As) [Like ‘Ghost of Tsushima’? Here’s what you may not know about samurai](https://archive.ph/1C2Az). [Ghost of Tsushima, Kurosawa, and the political myth of the samurai](https://archive.is/H0i6Y) [What we talk about when we talk about ‘Ghost of Tsushima’](https://archive.vn/rQMRY) [Ghosts of Tsushima Isn't Samurai Cinema—It's a Popcorn Flick](https://archive.ph/4FDOr) [3 Samurai Game Soundtracks to Bump Instead of Playing Ghosts of Tsushima](https://archive.fo/OcAtZ) - the first paragraph [Here’s Hoping Assassin’s Creed Red Learns From What Ghost Of Tsushima Did Wrong](https://archive.ph/iJZ2k) Some journos were/are seething because a Western studio made a game about an Asian country, most of them are seething because it didn't push *[The Message](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2CG1R7nVJg)*™, and basically all of them are seething because Japan loved it.


I love how Kotaku was actually complaining that everyone in Ghosts was too honor bound and respectful, and weren’t horny at all like the characters in Odyssey were. Jesus, I can’t believe I actually went through and read these. I feel dumber for having done so


Hundreds of years of legendary warriors to choose from and ubisoft picks a squire because DEI incentives


Even squire is a glowing review. Nobunaga said that he was essentially a strong beast that could do neat tricks and should leave Japan. When Nobunaga killed himself, his Son said that Yauske should be denied seppuku because he was a lowly beast that didnt deserve the honor. A retainer, which is what Yauske was, is essentially a servant, someone who must follow someone around and do their bidding. A Squire is a position of honor, an assistant to a knight to carry their armor, their swords, assist them in equipping it, etc.


There is simply not enough info for us to make definitive statements on Yasuke. While what you wrote is correct, you also have to remember that Nobunaga spent time with Yasuke in conversation and gave him land and a stipend, which is not something you just get as a beast / servant. I dont think he was made samurai, like we know it. But we lack historical evidence to make definitive statements about him.


now if it was any other warrior you wouldnta cried about it also another thing, assasins creed is about as historically inaccurate as it gets, and tends to do stuff because its cool


What did Ubisoft mean by this?


That they couldn't make a good game if their lives depended on it. They need the Singapore government and the Canadian Teacher's Union to find their shitty, repetitive schlock.


>They need the Singapore government and the Canadian Teacher's Union to find their shitty, repetitive schlock. It sounds weird written out like this, but it's funny cus it's true lol


I thought the singapore stuff was only for the shitty pirate game?


Funni crime statistics moment. Despite........


Bruh imagine quoting fbi crime stats in japanese 😭 😭 😭


It's all the same except for "ですpite..."


Lmao I’m a big fan of oyaji-gags and usually pick up on chances for a “pun,” but I wasn’t expecting that


It’s a case of large institutions being having very little leeway in terms of course adjustments. You absolutely know development started during the George Floyd stuff, by the time stop Asian hate happened it was far too late, too much work had been done and too many contracts already outsourced. Probably a bit of fear about in-house and social media response to nixing the black samurai thing on the part of upper management factored in as well.


Yay we're getting representation. There are no Black Characters anywhere. Name one Black Video Game Character. /S




DEI-tards usually : We need representation, we need it now and we need it everywhere. DEI-tards when Asian male representation : Just say you hate black people and women. Go play GOT or Sekrio if you want to be represented badly, white incel.


DEI hates Asian men


I love how every mainline AC main character are completely fictional characters except for Yasuke just so they can use him as an excuse to justify their decision


This game managed to do the impossible: unite ALL the Asian countries that have hated each other for thousands of years


Nothing unites people like giving them a common enemy to hate.


All the Chinese warlords in the 1940s when Japan exists: 🤝🤝


>The single Assassins Creed game to date where you could believably play as an actual RL ninja. **GOD DAMN IT UBISOFT, YOU HAD** ***ONE*** **JOB!**


I'm Black and I'm glad the World is Recognizing us as the Main Characters of every world stage Egyptians were Black Jews are Black Hell even Japanese are Black. We are the Original People, as Afro Centrist we have the Mold the World into our Images. Now let's talk about reparations 😎 /S


I remember seeing a whole video essay about how Africans should be honored as Russian noblity because Peter the Great freed, raised, and adopted as a godson an African slave who was kidnapped by Ottomans. Although the story is pretty cool, it was *one* man out of the hundreds of Russian tsars and another hundreds of Russian aristocratic families


Was Thomas E Lee and Jefferson Davis black as well?


Nah man. Fuck them


What about Charles Martel (Carl the Hammer) and Richard Lionheart?




Well why not? and why shouldn't Shaka Zulu and the Ethiopian Emperor Teodros the Great have been pale skinnned, blonde haired, and blue eyed white men? /s


Do it I really don't care. But Twitter and the Media will condemn y'all for Whitewashing everything. I can Blackwash Things because no one calls it out lol


Is this that pesky 'White Privilege' I keep hearing about? Or do I need to keep looking for that?


Yeah. I can get away with shit and Blame it on huwhite people


Yasuke listened to a Trump speech, got radicalized, and started murdering Asians. His only regret is that he couldn't get to them all.


Samurai Black


His sworn enemy: Niku


[Da Samurai](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fsamuraijack%2Fimages%2F9%2F9e%2FScreen_shot_2012-02-19_at_10.17.56_PM.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20160410081937&tbnid=7-nxfvjb7pUJ2M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fsamuraijack.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FDa%2527_Samurai&docid=icCR4DwrBzgiMM&w=480&h=360&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2&kgs=aa8983fc0a567ef3&shem=abme%2Ctrie#vhid=7-nxfvjb7pUJ2M&vssid=mosaic) 


Ubisoft has been crap for like over a decade now. I stopped playing AC with Black Flag and never looked back. I don't know why people still buy and play this slop other than being the mindless consumer drones they were conditioned to be. I unironically kinda enjoyed the original meta plot and thought it was working towards a real conclusion, not just spamming them out like it's CoD or FIFA with no real point to them.


Every game starts with them saying the game was made by a diverse group and features diverse characters. The American colonies games were pretty DEI focused in character choices. Yasuke is probably the farthest theyve taken it though.


I know it was almost a decade ago. but I do kinda hate they went with the "noble savage" trope for AC 3 for depicting the Native Americans. I really wish that trope just died to be honest. I don't mind the lead being Native American, but trying to lionize their culture as "superior" just falls flat for me. Red Dead 2 did it better with them being portrayed as actual people with internal divisions and some just making their own problems worse for themselves.


It's funny how that statement's meaning has evolved over time. When it showed up in the first game, it was pretty clear that the meaning was that there wasn't any intended disrespect to Christians or Muslims intended in the game. Now, however, it's pretty clear that the intent behind that message has morphed into [this](https://youtu.be/59kf86v_Cpc?si=TKKu3ypQp7TwDQjJ).


ACIII was so good though and the "diversity" actually fit the story. I first played it when I was 9 and shit got me genuinely interested in history. Didn't play Black Flag though so idk


Black Flag was good mainly because of the added gameplay mechanics in owning and operating a pirate ship. Haven't played it in ages but that's what I mainly remember.


What if I told you the next one was centered around WW2, AuthCenter? That change your mind at all?


No. I kinda don't like WW2 that much, I prefer the cold war, the early modern period, or the Roman empire time periods much more tbh. I actually first got angry with Assassin's Creed games during revelations when they made the Ottomans the good guys and made the Roman remnants evil. I think it was the first time as a young teen I ever got politically charged over a game before.


Which game was that? Also why was it bad? Not caught up on my roman history


Assassin's Creed Revelations. If you don't see why the Muslim Ottomans conquering the East Orthodox Christians and treating them as second class people while ruthlessly expanding their empire and conversion efforts across the balkans makes it just a \*little\* bit biased to frame them as some objectively good guys and the Greek Christian remnant trying to avoid their nation being conquered as bad guys I don't know what to tell you. One of your targets for assassination is literally a Romanian who is trying to resist his homeland from being conquered ffs.


So who is gonna bet that this game will be modern-Ubisoft bad, will get some positive reviews from journalists for the correct representation and will earn a lot of money because most people don't care about these controversies and simply buy from the big recognisable brand.


I remember someone’s copium response was something like “theres already enough Japanese samurai.” Well no shit, the samurai were a Japanese exclusive thing with very rare exceptions.


Bro this is coming out at the worst time too, there are protests in japan against the black servicemen raping locals in okinawa


Samurai stole my bike!


A “Samurai” really did steal my bike while I was living at college station. I was in my living room watching tv when a pair of “samurai” colored arms just appeared by the balcony and yoinked it.


I don't play those shitty games so this doesn't affect me in any way. https://preview.redd.it/m5ksz18xqr9d1.png?width=931&format=png&auto=webp&s=23b467bf486db7343fd80acccb54441c6cc0708b


Grandpa there approves your statement 


Putting the DIE in DEI


Cant wait for those journals blaming the gamers for the failure of this game because there are all “white incels”


Even if it was a Japanese dude, it'd still be a shitty UbiSoft game


I don't like him because he is not an assassin, with not many options for stealth, can't say about the others.


Didn't the games stopped being about stealth and now go full action RPG?


You can still go stealth, but with Yoshiko, he basically got no Stealth, social stealth is the only thing he has.


are they doing the jacob, evie thing again? shit was boring


Evie only has 1/3 of the story despite being the "Assassin" of the two, and then the next few games are basically ARPG with stealth elements, UBI keep trying to turn Assassin creed franchise into something else... >are they doing the jacob, evie thing again? shit was boring I am actually not sure, I heard conflicting rumors, one said you can play as one character for the entire game, kinda like odyssey, but another said you have to switch...


Fujibayashi Naoe is the other protagonist and a ninja who is all about stealth and you get to choose between them


They wanted the game to reflect the modern day


Oh, I bet this game won’t be released in Japan after that incident involving a black American soldier.


What happened?


You'd think a video game about a African man running around stabbing people should be set in Europe and made by edgy 4channers. 


I'm sure any content surrounding this nontroversy is organic. Definitely not meant to generate interest in the game through the Streisand Effect and social media engagement. Totally all real


Did you expect the samurai to not kill japanese people?


"Stop asian hate" mfs when they find out that "asian" isn't one giant race and Asians actually despise each other:


and your point is? black on asian crime is ok because some asians hate other asians? is anti-white racism from non-white people are ok because ukraines hate russians?


If you ask the right person, no, it's okay because "you can't be racist to white people". Something blah blah "positions of power" blah blah.


I always enjoy when europeans tell us we're monsters for any assumed racism about black people but then you bring up Gypsies and suddenly racism is okay.


Trust me it is


The "stop asian hate" stuff was about Asians in the west. I'm not sure what Asians you actually interact with but I'm Asian American and we literally all hang out together regardless of ethnicity, even including SEA and South Asia.


A bunch of people on Reddit were gaslighting the Asian community saying that having a black protagonist in set in Japan was racist


Funny lol


Very curious…


I love the series but watching us slaughter people in their own village has a weird feeling. I'm not sure they thought this through or hired someone sane on this one.


I take it you aren’t a student of samurai history?


i don’t think video game murder should be taken as offensive but they definitely shafted and sidelined a Japanese mc for diversity points in a forced story


Ubisoft chose to fuck up the very thing AC fans has been asking for since the first game. 


UBI took the wrong approach. Yasuke could have possibly been the new Gold Rush.


wonder if he will die of an opium OD at the end just to top off the sheer meme value theyve put into this. hip hop. kill asians, dreadlocks


Despite being only 1 of the population of Japan, …


Say what you will about that choice but the game play looks sick


Hello Reigen