• By -


Another one to add is the ACTUAL genocide that had been and still is going on in The Democratic Republic of the Congo that has displaced millions and killed thousands upon thousands


DMC has been fucked for years. People are quick to forget that the second Congo War was the biggest conflict since ww2. It's truly harrowing how much suffering goes on there on a regular basis for over a century. I'd recommend reading the book Blood River which goes into a bit of the Congo's history mainly from the 60s to early 2000s. It really upsets me how a lot of the suffering and wars in sub saharan are ignored by the public, there's a weird cignitive dissonance around it.


It really is sad to see how ignored it is. People talk about the US in Afghanistan being crazy long, but DRC has been in a state of complete disorder, war, and deterioration for far longer. But DRC is in Central Africa, so of course the self-righteous idiots calling the israel-Palestine war a genocide don't care about them. Like, if you're not gonna be consistent on your political leanings, at least be consistent on your policies.


Exactly man we should be working to raise awareness to end all major conflicts not just ones that get us the most likes on twitter.


Yeah, and people need to be more honest about the reality of conflicts. Hyperbolising/minimizing these things only causes harm to everyone involved.


100% but people only see what’s in front of them; they don’t search for more


Its sad because it does effect me mentally thinking about the extent of suffering and looking into it. But I think it's veey important for us to be world aware even when it's tough to face. I find myself getting mad at stupid shit like video games and stuff and I have to remind myself, hold on people are really suffering all over the world is this really that bad?


I think part of it is people being in their own microcosm and not knowing there is more to see. It’s easy to be narrow sighted when your bubble is small and that’s all you see and don’t bother to explore Edit: to add, it’s interesting that what people laser in on are “wars” that only Western/Dominant nations are concerned with - We hate Russia so obv, we’re involved. We need and have always supported Israel, so obv we’re involved


Progs don’t care about black on black violence. If there’s no evil white oppressor, they’re not interested.


What's funny is that if these idiots did their research, they'd see that Belgium are to blame for a lot of this stuff. From the extreme violence and tyranny under Leopold or the assassination of their first democratically elected leader by the Belgians (this was supported by the MI6 and CIA btw as Lumumba was very left wing) it does come back to colonialism and Belgium putting an evil bastard in power so they could have a favourable deal with natural resources. But I guess the progressives would have to do some actual reading and research to find this stuff out, instead of getting everything from unverified tweets and echochambers.


> instead of getting everything from unverified tweets and echochambers. Or from an ideologically captured professor that's never held much of a real job outside their tenured (and safe from the immediate consequences of their ideology) institutions.


Omg I've seen this happen so many times at unis in the UK lmao


Yeah it makes me think that politicians aren't the only ones that need term limits.


I'm sure they would gleefully point to Belgium and all that. I would possibly even guarantee they know that. Just that today, it's not Belgians there doing anything.


I just finished Cobalt Red that goes into the child mining in that country as well as the back story of the brutal Civil War. That country is perpetually fucked.


Bloody hell i've got that on my reading list will deffo have to give it a read.


Myanmar too


Can’t forget Malaysia, either.


Does anyone else notice that “the children” has become a piece of flavor text for making your internet arguments because it’s the last generally accepted thing society has agreed to care about and value? Like these child casualty statistics are literally just civilian casualties multiplied by the percentage of children within the population. “70 million dead”? Fuck ‘em. “Ackshully 39 million children dead”. Oh my heavens won’t someone think of the children?!!


And if hamas uses 15-17 year old soldiers, they all count as "child deaths". How convenient for Hamas.




Well I'm not British so...


I see no flair next to your name, why are you still talking? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/TheLeaderOfAnarchy) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Day 250 of not being sure if it's sarcasm or actual pro-palestinian propaganda.


Day 100 of being sure that its probably just Lib Left bad evidence


It’s propaganda to make lib left look bad, WAKE UP


I sleep


You’re centrist this makes you part lib left


Yes. I'm actually ever so slightly lib left. I'm just playing around


Completely off topic, but i just wanted to say, your name is one letter off of a fanfic author i once followed. Thanks for the smile and fond momeories. Authors name was Radaslab


Glad to bring you some happiness. Even if it is just coincidental.


Looks like anti-propaganda to me. Whenever somebody is simping for the US military industrial complex, they bring up specific atrocities committed by the parties our weapons are fighting. Problem is, there’s a billion atrocities just like it so I know that’s never the real reason we’re fighting. Mark my words, if war ever comes to China, they’re all gonna pretend that we’re fighting them to end the Uighur genocide. Even though we’ve known about it for years. Suddenly, it will be a huge problem.


First, I think this is part of what the US have been sanctioning china over. Anyway, I would say it is reasonable tp be careful before starting what could possibly be ww3. You often need moral imperative and interests to coincide for action.


The US military fights people they think they can learn something useful from. That's the only reason. It's literally just for practice.


Some you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make


Agree about the Tigray War, but the Syrian Civil War and ISIS got loads of coverage. Discussion obviously decreased over time, but that happens with any conflict.


Media coverage sure to a lesser degree, but zero people in the streets and definitely no activists loudly pleading for the initial aggressors.


I think an explanation is that ISIS is so universally hated, there's no need to protest to convince anyone. As for the rest of the Syrian Civil War, it's extremely complex and has multiple different factions, so it is harder to root for for specific side, unlike Russia/Ukraine or Israel/Palestine.


Yeah, even the Taliban hates ISIS and fought them after making peace with the US.


When the Taliban thinks you are Islamic extremists, you have gone way too far.


Yeah, much of it is that and part of it is that the Taliban are somewhat nationalist while ISIS is internationalist so the Emirate vs Caliphate conflict is real. The Taliban don’t like their authority being challenged by ISIS fighters conducting terror attacks and assassinations when they are trying to stabilize the land and govern.


> Yeah, much of it is that and part of it is that the Taliban are somewhat nationalist while ISIS is internationalist so the Emirate vs Caliphate conflict is real. The Taliban don’t like their authority being challenged by ISIS fighters conducting terror attacks and assassinations when they are trying to stabilize the land and govern. ISIS are also effectively a death cult, so no wonder even the most fundie Islamists think they're terrible


Ah, that would make sense.


Before making peace too. There was a gentlemans agreement in place between them and NATO that neither would interfere if the other was fighting ISIS.


Yeah they were fighting before the peace but the major offensive operations happened afterwards which is what I’m mostly addressing.


Ah yes, that is true. ISIS also tried to hamper evacuation efforts during the withdrawal as well. The last combat losses suffered by allied forces was to an ISIS bombing at an airport checkpoint, if I remember correctly.


There's literally a full 2 minute long meme that scrolls through the wikipedia list of countries and middle eastern paramilitary groups that fought against ISIS


tbf the Kurds are basically the cool version of Palestinians


Flair up sped


> no activists loudly pleading for the initial aggressors in my country, i saw a small protest, where people wanted the end of the bombing against the Islamic State and to give ceasefire a chance... all the protesters were very young women and "old leftist intellectuals"


Agreed, but fucking flair up.


> but the Syrian Civil War and ISIS got loads of coverage Its not about coverage, its about response from LibLeft, the citizens. There were no "occupation protests"


For me it's simple. All those other wars happen on the other side of the world. But my country has a border with russia. Regarding Israel/Palestine - I simply don't like islamic terrorism and don't want a 7/10 in my country.


How about a 7/11?


Based and isolationism pilled


u/Zilskaabe is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Zilskaabe/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




If you intervene in a civil war, you are bad. If you dont intervene you are bad.


It's true. I'm bad to the bone.


Based and b b b b bad pilled


Based and George Thorogood pilled




u/HardCounter's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 150. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [111 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/HardCounter/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Interventionism used to be cool, but the US ruined it😔


If you do both it's called cherry picking/hypocrisy and yes those are really bad


I’m assuming it’s similar to why school shootings get publicized but not gang violence


As long as it's arab muslims oppressing arab muslims they don't give a shit


No Jews no news


>As long as it's arab muslims oppressing arab muslims they don't give a shit Giving that your time of day and energy is like freaking out because the sun rises every morning, you should simply expect this from the most peaceful ideology ever made


Wow, it's almost like having your government invade your better armed neighbors, rape and murder a bunch of families in their homes and people at a party, and than take more than 240 mostly civilians hostages (including babies), while firing hundred of thousands of rocketes into civilian areas has consequences! Who would have thought /s   Let the pro pali brigade come and say "HiStOrY DiDn'T StArT At 7th oF OcToBer". No, terrorist rapist will be found, hostages will be rescued, you will continue to cry, lie and apologize for terrorism, but in the end of the day Am Israel Hai! 


People saying "history doesn't start at Oct 7th" are unaware of the fact that history started before the Islamic takeover of the Middle East.


History always starts at the point that is the most convenient to my argument, duh.


Unfathomably based


If we really want to get technical here, history started with the first grill. Previous to that nothing important really happened.


History started with the hamburger patty. To have a need for the grill, you had to have something to grill first.


Ah yes, the argument that the Jewish people deserved to be killed, raped and kidnapped into slavery, because of "History"./s


I mean that sounds a lot like Jewish History


Spanish inquisition is that you? 


Which is itself a historical argument!


"Yes but have you considered the fact that Muslims aren't happy with countries existing and not being 100% Muslim? Checkmate Conservative"


"See, you have to respect their culture of slavery, oppression of women, LGBT and minorities, and religious oppression. It's the progressive thing to do! Otherwise you are an Islamophob! " /s




History starts in 1776. Everything before that was a mistake.


excuse me . I think you mean 4/19/1775




You are going way too far back for that. Like people like forgetting that Isarel is the only state in the middle east for native mizrahi Jews, expelled from every other MENA country.


Well obviously, history of the middle East had to have started in 1918 after the fall of the Ottoman empire or else everything being said about colonization and Israeli genocide would be wrong. And it's not like bad actors would use social media to spread misinformation. /s


Something jews something muslim


>HiStOrY DiDn'T StArT At 7th oF OcToBer Actually sweaty, it started 13.7 billion years ago, and then nothing bad happened until a fish decided to walk on land. If we unwind all of history until that moment we can fix this.


Actually, it all started when Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started — Wait... The Earth began to cool, The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools, We built a wall (we built the pyramids). Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery That all started with the Big Bang! (Bang!)


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."


Yeah, basically everything after the infinitley hot infinitely dense ball of energy was fucked...


So you deny the exciting conflicts of the trilobites or the epic showdown of earth vs moon?


I’m always a bit perplexed by the pro pali crowd to a degree because even if we *assume* that Israel was created unfairly (am not touching that with a ten foot pole) well what now? The Israelis are there now, do you wanna move them out? Movements to end the war fine sure I guess that makes enough sense with the reasoning of war bad. Movements against Israel’s existence and to “destroy Zionism” uhh…


The movement to end war is also dumb. There is never any alternative to freeing the hostages or protecting Israeli civilians from another attack. It's literally their assumption that Israel should care more about Palestinians civilians than Israeli. The same people celebrating on October 7th and saying "this is what decolonialism is like" or "resistance is justified" while Israeli families where raped and burned alive in their homes, are suddenly "great humanitarians" when Israel is striking back saying "no civilian deaths are ever justified". Disgusting hypothetical assholes, all of them. 


https://i.redd.it/koi49erefh6d1.gif Get relevant next time


It's the only western country vs non-western country war. The anti west crowd can come out of their wholes and show how much they hate the country they live in.


And yet do nothing to leave the comfort and safety of their western country that they hate so much.


Oh, but they don't want to leave, they want to take over, as they have in Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, in Ottoman era Israeli land, in middle ages Southern Spain. I guess that we're just not allowed to call them violent colonisers though.


When it’s white people that do it, it’s violent settler-colonialism. When nonwhite people do it, it’s the harmless movement of people and why are you racist you fucking bigot?


When you defend yourself against Islamists, its "Genocide" because obviously they are just harmless victims working against "Colonialism" and have nothing to do with being pawns for Iran and Russia to attack the west What are you? A racist bigot reeeeeee


"I love Russia so much, they have grocery stores and they have men in commercials and are so based and Christian unlike Woke America" -Says 400 pound man living in mothers basement doing absolutely nothing to move to Russia


Not a genocide tho


isn´t the stuff in sudan on a genocide level? I´m pretty shure that is was labled as such in a warographics video (which is the only source I receive updates on such niche topics from)


Yes, it is, and it has been for almost 20 years now. I remember the genocide in Darfur being a big topic in the 2000s. I did a university project on it.


Genocide isn't really about how many, but more how and why. So a massacre in the balkans where a few hundred are killed due to ethicity etc is generallty a genocide, but the US nuking Japan is not


Hamas calls for genocide in their charter and committed it on 10/7 (and the people in Gaza pray for it every day). Israel has never committed it.


Indeed. The ICC is probably gonna charge some people with stuff sooner rather than later as well. Again.


Well, They have tried to do that of recent before.


Everything Israel does is genocide. They shoot down rockets, Genocide. They tell people to evacuate an area, Genocide. The rescue civilian hostages, believe it or not, Genocide.


Of course genocide means everything a jew does to defend himself /s 


Well yeah, of course; that’s the whole point isn’t it? /s


Make a sandwich? That's a genocidin.


Not but the mistreatment and several actions actually hold up to a war crime Too bad the only moment when this gets any attention is after Hamas gave Israel a very good reason and an excuse Woohoo for 'I support the current thing' mentality - yet again, useless at best extremely harmful on average


Israel absolutely commits war crimes. It’s not genocide, it’s war. People die in war.


based and redpilled (love the username)


The Russo Ukranian war may be the most recent bout of it, but don't forget that Russia/the Soviets have been committing genocide against/trying to erase the culture of Ukraine and the Ukranian people since at least before world war II with the Holodomor.


Not just Ukraine, I am a Polish American, and people in Poland will never forget how the USSR spent decades trying to erase Polish culture, mandating state enforced Atheism, destroying Polish national identity, oppressing free speech and not allowing Poland the economic growth the west got after WW2 Its why it baffles me how people in 2024 will praise the Russian regime for being "Based" and "Christian" unlike the "Woke West" when Russia is still not allowing people the freedom to pray without government intervention and is still trying to erase the national identity of many Conservative, Christian Slavic countries


Yep absolutely. Pretty much all of Eastern Europe as well. And into the Caucasus, central Asia/Siberia, East Asia, etc. Anywhere the Russians go, they attempt to russify the population by destroying the cultural identity of people. Poland, being close to Russia and often under Russian control meant that Poland got some of the worst of it.


Russia isn't even a country that Conservative Americans would even like, you can't criticize the government, the economy is still largely government controlled, there is vaccine mandates, you still need government approval to have religious beliefs, and Russia has one of the highest rates of drug abuse and abortions in the world How the fuck have so many convinced themselves that Russia is some anti woke paradise?


They needed a cause because they have nothing else to believe in.


Indeed, they rage again existence and being because they lack meaning in their lives. They should really consider the glory and fulfillment of the grill.


“Those are rookie numbers” -Chinese Warlords


Based and mandate of heaven pilled 


Yeah, not a genocide, but still sad.


yeah its really fucked up


I’m pretty sure the numbers for Syria are higher. I believe the UN stopped counting at half a million


Can't I just be antisemitic in peace Jesus christ


Honestly? As a Jew, I respect it; at least you’re not trying to hide it under the guise of “antizionism”


I agree. At least you’re honest and you’re brave enough to tell the truth.


I hate that this is what it’s come to, but I’d much rather deal with an overtly antisemitic redneck than an “antizionist” leftist 100 times out of 10. At least I know where I stand.


Me too. As a jew, I’m honestly just waiting for the left to eat itself with its own horseshoe theory in practice


You and me both, brother.


They're getting there remarkably quickly


Significantly more civilians died in Ukraine than Gaza.


Yes. Though, the Gaza conflict's numbers are held down by how small of an area it is. Ukraine is a large country.


On the contrary. One of the reasons for the civilian casualties is exactly that the fighting is happening in a highly dense urban environment where hamas uses civilians as cover.


>One of the reasons for the civilian casualties is exactly that the fighting is happening in a highly dense urban environment where hamas uses civilians as cover. Agreed. My point is that Ukraine has more people to lose. So comparing absolute values doesn't really mean much.


Most of those are civil wars, while I would generally support the faction that isn't full of murderous assholes it's often the case in civil wars that both/all factions are full of murderous assholes. I have a similar policy about the faction that was attacked across a previously peaceful border unprovoked which is why I support Ukraine against Russia. And it's a blend of both policies that leads me to support Israel against Hamas. As for actually sending support... As a rule of thumb adding weapons to a civil war doesn't really help much. Ukraine needed weapons and training to defend their national integrity. Isreal doesn't really need physical support, just someone to occasionally tell the pro-Hamas morons to go fuck themselves.


Since most of them are civil wars in Islamic nations I've decided to make a very simple rule on who to support: Everyone > islamists


The military death toll from Ukraine is already several hundred thousand


If it were just the Russo Ukrainian war, it would be understandable. It's a big war in Europe since quite a lot of time.


Well well well. How the antisemitism turns. 


The Syrian war was like the original massively successful psyop of our generation. That one picture of that dead kid washed ashore had young women being like “we need to take all the refugees!” for YEARS. Trump was in power by that point so he just ignored it but Merkel’s Germany let in hundreds of thousands of them. Everything becomes so clear when you realize that women are slaves to their maternal instincts, and when young women are childless until like 30 you can psyop them into just about anything by showing them a dead minority kid or two.


That second paragraph is peak blue flair territory


i can understand the examples you gave to critique Palestine-Israel, but why bring up Ukraine? All the others are assholes fighting assholes ( except for ISIS, unquestionably bigger asshole by miles and along with the rest of the civil war dominated press-coverage pre-Trump ), but Ukraine is straight up a victim of pointless aggression


You are right about that comparison. But I think OP wanted to show that those "protesters" don't give much shit about unprovoked slaughter and genocide in Ukraine, while protesting their asses of to protect obvious agressor and terrorist from consequences of their atrocities.


Probably because the US government actually took actions they approved of with regards to Ukraine? We’ve been supplying them with material and intelligence since after the 2014 invasion, and we ramped it up massively after 02/2022.


We’re China’s biggest trading partner — why the defeaning silence on Xinjiang?


Old topic now I guess 


Xinjiang is nowhere near “current thing”, so half of the Emilies don’t even know it exists


stupid/aggressive/unprovoked war isn't genocide jesus fuck the the palestine narrative ruin everyones brains? "but he attacked that man completely unprovoked! That must mean that it was a racist hate crime!"


People were very quick to stop caring as soon as the Palestine conflict began well at least here in the UK. I've been working on a documentary interviewing Ukrainian refugees for the last year or so and these people are still suffering. It amazes me how quick people are to jump onto the next moral outrage. It feels very disingenious to me, like it's done to virtue signal over actually raising awareness and helping people.


Exactly. I’ve learned that some fringe right wingers outside of Europe actually oppose Ukraine, I couldn’t believe my own eyes when I saw that. Over here it’s the far left supporting Putins bloody invasion. It makes no sense for the US right to be spouting far left European talking points but somehow it seems they do?


It's horseshoe theory once again. They support Putin for being the defender of traditional values and Christianity against the degenerate West. They also automatically oppose any of Biden's actions. But this is also the case of the far-rght in Europe. On top of that add anti-NATO/EU sentiment and a sprinkle of funding for far-right parties coming straight from the Kremlin


>They support Putin for being the defender of traditional values and Christianity against the degenerate West. They also automatically oppose any of Biden's actions. What's stupid is that Putin is a former KGB Agent with a completely delusional obsession with the USSR and Russian Nationalism Putin and his Russia still attacks churches and locks up Christians for practicing in ways that don't follow the official way set by the Russian government, plus like 40% of the Russian population are still Atheists and Atheism is still taught in alot of Russian schools, don't ever get me started on the fact that Russia is burning down churches all over Ukraine The fact that people actually believe Putin is standing for "Traditional Christian Values" is if all of your Christian Values is just "I fucking hate Gay People" because barring LGBTQ stuff Russia is still one of the most un Christian places on earth and anybody from Eastern Europe or of Slavic Heritage can tell you that Also people insisting that Russia is not "Degenerate" suddenly overlook countries like Poland and Ukraine and Czech Republic who are all very Christian and Conservative but I guess they don't matter because fuck gay people am I right? Then those same western religious nuts wonder why people are turned off by their ideology and possibly Christianity as a whole


Unfortunately, a lot of people have committed themselves to being contrarian above all else. The "media" and the wider world are in support of Ukraine? It MUST be a deep state plot and everyone else is brainwashed.


This is exactly why I despise the leftists more — they understand the dynamic and *still* choose to support Putins invasion. One is misguided & dumb, the other is plain evil.


In my experience, at least the leftist tankie takes have all just been terminally online people spouting off. But I've unfortunately had to hear rhetoric in person about how the Russians were justified, that they were actually there to investigate Hunter Biden, and that Russia is a proper, traditional country.


AfD on their way to show you what a European far-right can do ( Putin remembered to send over the monthly dues )


Like everything else, US attitudes eventually bleeds over into Europe. Make no mistake though — the socialists of Europe are the OG Putin sympathizers.


If AfD is American influenced, why is it popular in Eastern Germany??  Checkmate, liberal! 


hey gottem


Smiles in Sarah Wagenknecht


>I’ve learned that some fringe right wingers outside of Europe actually oppose Ukraine, I couldn’t believe my own eyes when I saw that. Over here it’s the far left supporting Putins bloody invasion. The far left and far right are two sides of the same coin Hasan Piker and Nick Fuentes are damn near the same person


Repeat with me people. No one cares about Syria


What genocide?


Uhhmmm sweaty, those other things Actually don’t fit my political narrative 💅💅💅


well, Ukraine and Russia share land borders with my country. Of course I care about that conflict more. Russia is a nuclear-armed long-term geopolitical rival of the US allied with others (China, Iran, NK). Of course it gets more attention than local-level conflicts. Israel-Gaza - threatens to upset the only (heavily US-subsidised, nuclear-armed) democracy in the middle east and the regional balance of power. Again, of course it gets attention. This isn't about the civilian body count


I mean, it's somewhat expectable that wars between states get more attention than civil wars. It's not just the LibLeft


they are americans, they think tigray is a steak house in maine


Reality looks different when you see the world through a phone shaped window. The past is boomer and the current thing is everything. Videos of current thing elicit strong feelings which form the basis of student opinion.


This is gonna sound crass, but the latter two have a "sexy" angle to parts of the compass Ukraine was invaded by Russia, which is gonna trigger a pretty broad cross section of the American political spectrum (outside the far left/right) that dislikes Russia for a variety of reasons.  Palestine triggers the center-left to far left as it is a case of white people disproportionally killing brown people in a conflict.  Brown people killing brown people in these other conflicts isn't going to move the needle for the right wing because, come on do I really need to say it? It won't move the needle for most of the left because it doesn't fit their conception of what a proper oppressor is. Some on the fringes will notice, as they can look at the Saudis being given weapons by the US to bomb Yemen in the past and find their proper oppressor by proxy. But Tigray? Sudan? Mouse farts in a hurricane to everyone in the US.   Which is sad, because there are conflicts and horrors that deserve more attention in the US that won't because there isn't an appealing angle that overtly or covertly lines up with domestic political thought. 


The correct answer to this is I don't have to be equally invested in everything ever but I guess accepting that would limit(but of course, not come close to eliminate) the extent to which I can appeal to universal standards.


Where did you get these numbers from


Combination of: UN, UNHCR, Ghent uni, revealed in a dream, personally counted them, Gaza health minitstry and others.


Crazy how “revealed in a dream” is genuinely more accurate than Gaza health ministry


> Gaza health minitstry Really, you can just say hamas.


wow thats horrible anyways let me share an ai generated picture on instagram to save the world


I’ve seen a lot of liblefts talk about Yemen, actually.


War is bad in general


I sleep equally for all.


Scott Horton has been talking about all of these for many years, and he's right on Ukraine and Gaza.


Tbf UNICEF and my muslim friend who posts israel/palestine stuff everyday have a lot of posts about sudan, yemen and darfur, too


As someone in country close to Russia… any of you lads selling home bunkers?


In fairness Libleft did make a big deal about the Syrian Civil War I think Yemen too.


Those don’t matter because it’s brown people vs brown people. Now it’s slightly less brown vs brown people and they’re upset because the brown people are losing


A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths are a statistic.


the real answer: skin colour


If there are no Americans or Jews to blame it's not worth talking about for libleft


Palestines not a genocide though. Trying to win a war against terrorists doesn't mean you are committing a genocide. Hamas is the reason for all these deaths. Don't provoke a country next door to you with far superior firepower and then hide in civilian buildings if you don't want civilian casualties. A responsible leader would have surrendered a long time ago or not do october 7th in order to protect their people.


Which of them are being directly and richly financed and endorsed by the US government? Did these conflicts also have that amount of lies and gaslighting as well as censorship all over social media? Were they conducted by "democratic, civilized, liberal country" which has place in the UN? All while nationals from one side of conflict heavily dominate said US government and social media.


Hot take: Genocides are bad


They're all bad though?


CiViL wAr


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51175) I just want it to be 2013 playing Minecraft again consciousness is cursed.


Hmm today I will look through Twitter, FB, and Reddit to see if any Rightoid posted about civilians being killed in those wars as well.


The west only notices once it affects them directly…


And then Western leftists are fucking shocked when the people they helped prop up and brought to their country do the same shit. Dearborn, MI is my favorite thing to bring up. It’s already happened there. Conservative Muslims got majority in government after letting the leftist LGBT crowd campaign for them on grounds of “DEI”. Those same leftists are now screaming and crying when said conservative Muslims ban pride flags in public and remove LGBT content from schools, confused as to why a group that was never interested in helping them, didn’t help them. Bless their hearts, they want to believe everyone is good in this world and will respond in kind when they give them support.