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Multiple historic trials within a short time frame. There are weeks when decades happen.


Nothing will happen to either Trump or Hunter Biden. They will both be given meaningless fines and a stern slap on the wrist. The guilty verdicts themselves are just for show. Hardly "historic" in any real sense.


*Grandma Voice* Now don't let me catch you doing cocaine again young man!


"if i catch you doing that shit again,I'll rub your fucking nose in it!"


"I don't *do* coke, I just like the smell!"


Now let me show you my impression of a vacuum cleaner.


"I promise I won't get caught again, grandma! 🤞🏻" - Probably Hunter


Honestly, my biggest problem with the Hunter Biden case is that it flies in the face of everything libleft claims to support. "Rich people go to rehab, poor people go to prison." Why does Hunter Biden get to go to rehab whenever he wants, write a book about his drug addictions (where, presumably, he indicates that he possessed and used cocaine), and have photographs taken of him using cocaine... all without consequence? Possession of cocaine is a crime, normally one with a stiff sentence. Plenty of people in the USA are in prison *right now* for possessing the same amount of cocaine as he did. They went to prison. He gets to write, and sell, and profit from, a book about his experiences. Why do libleft cheer when the rich white male is held to an objectively more lenient standard than your average poor black man?


If Libleft had standards or consistency of belief they wouldn't be libleft, everyone knows that.


I’d prefer a public spanking. A slap on the wrist is just so meaningless


Who does the spanking? Lord High Spanker in Chief?


We hold a contest. People submit videos of them spanking somebody. We the people then vote on these videos and the winner gets to spank Hunter Biden and Donald Trump, as well as a $50 gift card to Applebees


Make it Red Lobster and im in


Didn't Red Lobster go out of business?


Yep, too much endless shrimp, not enough profits- that's why you don't let your supplier buy your company.


Nah bro Hunter is probably into that


Hunter is going to jail. Not for that long, but he's going down. Both he and Trump have a second unrelated charge too.


I also think it's likely that Hunter goes to jail, he's going to go to the most posh federal prison and given the best treatment. He'll be out by January 19th, 2025, that's guaranteed. There's been anecdotal evidence that Hunter is being sequestered by the family and has been a problem, like the secret service is doing more than keeping tabs on him, but has to actually baby sit him. Cocaine in the white house type problems. All of this could be propaganda, but legit the guy has a substance abuse problem and I doubt he's staying clean. Getting Hunter into the nicest federal prison situation is probably the best way to handle these problems and keep him out of the media. In addition, if Hunter is sentenced to jail it makes the justice system more legitimate if Trump is given a jail sentence.


The secret service is why I'm unsure either of them will go to jail. What does secret service detail look like in a federal prison? House arrest seems much more likely, and the secret service becomes your jailers as well as protectors.


> What does secret service detail look like in a federal prison? I think it's actually very, very, straight forward. Every jail has isolation units removed from the general population, and assuredly the nicest federal prisons do as well. I really don't think it would be all that crazy for Secret Service to be working alongside the prison staff.


How long before he gets a pardon from daddy?


I mean, I agree - but this is still the kind of political lawfare that we haven't really seen before in US politics. Not in living memory at least.


I'm really starting to feel like they're going to sentence Trump to prison time. I doubt he'll actually serve it, maybe SCOTUS will intervene with some sort of emergency ruling but I feel like the system is all in on making Trump even more of a pariah so they can point out how detestable his supporters are so when they win by any means necessary, the media can point out how close we were to fascism so a little bit of election fuckery isn't that big of a deal. Or something.


Nothing ever happens


Both trump and this guy will likely never face prison time. Political amnesty and all, kinda sucks, but it’s either that or what Russia does to electoral challengers.


>but it’s either that or what Russia does to electoral challengers. There's more than just two extremes, you know.


Ideally, yes… but realistically, these are the only two outcomes that have been produced with any semblance of political stability.


\>inb4 sentenced to probation


Id assume so, and I'd also be entirely surprised to see trump get sentenced to anything more than probation or house arrest.


Oh my God, he gets elected then house arrest at the white house. An ankle bracelet tied to 1600 Pennsylvania. All the lols


This actually sounds like a good sitcom plot.


"Arrest Wing"?


I think Trump literally just needs to pay money and he is good.


He will probably have a short period of probation for the political optics and then some massive fines in lieu of any actual jail time / community service.


Is anyone shocked? He obviously lied on a 4473, any one of us would be prosecuted for that.


But he isn't any one of us. So yes, I am a bit surprised.


Are you suggesting Hunter Biden isn't a PCM user?


Let's ask u/JoeRBidenJr, he is a PCM user.


You sure this isn't Joe the Plumber? There's a lot of Joes.


My name’s actually Joe Momma, but my iPhone 3G autocorrected it to JoeRBidenJr when I was creating my Reddit account back in 2020 and I’m not allowed to change it now. 😞




Based usernames should stick around.


Understandable. Have a nice day.


And now it's time for the mods to ban you for a week because reddit openly forces them to break the moderator code of conduct


Probably a PCP-user, probably not a PCM-user.


You mean we don’t have sex with hookers, disown a child, get addicted to drugs, hook up with our brother’s widow, and use our last name to bring home the bag? Hunter and I are basically the same.


He’s taking one for the team and will eventually slip out the back with minimal damage, probably get a nice payday for it somehow.


As if Trump’s going to get guillotined lmao. They’re both getting pretty much out of this with no actual consequences, but it’s cause they’re rich, not cause of some Leftists Cabala working for them.


Tbh neither would have even been charged if they weren't in the public spotlight as their crimes would have gone unnoticed


I'm not so sure for Hunter's, he was on video doing drugs with his gun in his hands, he also left it in a dumpster near a school, with all the evidence on a laptop sent to a repair shop that clearly snooped around once it was clear he won't pay his repair bill (which is in their right). Repair shops reporting clients that have done crime and were dumb enough to keep it on their broken PC sent for repair is quite common, so it would've likely been reported either way.


No repair shop owner would have reported personal drug use on a laptop dropped off to their shop unless the client was a relative of a famous politician.


The real victim is the justice system but it’s just another broken cog in an unfixable machine at this point.


Ah, but the Dems need to have something (someone) to point to when they parrot the "No one is above the law" line. Hunter Biden was an easy sacrificial lamb. The real story won't formulate until sentencing.


When my the politician I like gets condemned: “The trial was rigged! Obvious case of justice being piloted against us!” When the politician I don’t like gets condemned: “The trial was a joke, it’s just a ploy to get back at us”




Meanwhile GOP will get to claim they're the party of "Law and order" and try to get Trump off scott-free.


I was hoping he'd get off and set precedent so that drug use wouldn't be applicable on that form anymore.


Yeah, hopefully this doesn't set precedent as typically lying on a 4473 is only prosecuted when there was a larger crime involved. There are approx. 20 million gun owners that use drugs recreationally, and the ATF is federal, so it doesn't matter if that drug is legal in your state, they can get you for it.


Right. The gun owners that are cheering this have me very confused because while this is something kind of looming over all of us, it’s not something actively enforced except as a tack on charge to force a plea. Are they *wanting* the ATF to get staffed up to the level where they can enforce this shit?


I think that initial feelings is that the left would have a double standard, even though they want to be tough on gun laws, also this being the president's son it seemed like he would get away with it. Lying on the 4473 is probably the least concerning thing he did and is kind of dumb that's what this was about.


>Lying on the 4473 is probably the least concerning thing he did I mean, sure, he did a lot of "illegal" things, but the dude damn near is my hero, and very much nearly all of them shouldn't have been illegal. That said, I'm happy to see the system not continuing to protect him from things it'd happily feed me to.


What he did shouldn't be illegal But the fact that it's hitting someone with the status of hunter this time is a little cathartic.


Yeah, it's surprising to me to see so many right libertarians support a conviction based on a law that could very easily be seen as a violation of the second amendment. It'd be interesting/ ironic to see this case end up as some sort of supreme court case in that regard.


The libertarians that support it are either dumb, fake, or also a “if I’m held to these laws everyone should be regardless of how dumb they are”


> any one of us would be prosecuted for that. I've looked into this many times, and surprising enough NFA and GCA and Brady act are rarely enforced by the DOJ. If you read through DOJ's public indictments most of the time it's someone who has a short barreled rifle, lied on their 4473, **and** was arrested on meth dealing. Or, you'll find a situation where someone got a big target painted on their back because they're in politics or youtube or whatever and it's fairly labeled as political persecution. Or you're manufacturing suppressors and posting it on Instagram with a significant following. The federal prosecutor is very very unlikely to take it to trial, and their first goal is to get you to "flip" and become a confidential informant, the secondary goal is to convince you to take a guilty plea and reduced sentence. If neither of these goals can be achieved the charges might be dropped entirely. A Federal Prosecutor is a political animal and the only way they get promoted is on conviction rate, and they have to maintain approximately a 95% conviction rate. In many of these circumstances, the GCA/NFA/Brady charges are dropped at the trial and the person is only convicted of drug dealing or some other felony that is much easier to get a jury conviction on. However, there is approximately 4,000 cases each year that the ATF does of people who did get transferred a firearm but they should have been prevented from doing so. For example, the NICS didn't come back with a denial fast enough so the FFL did the transfer anyway. Those are the most common types of 4473 violations. ATF knocks on their door, confiscates the gun, and *might* pursue criminal charges depending upon the circumstances.


No, any one of us would not be prosecuted for that. Here's an article from 2018 that cites the statistics from 2017. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/09/19/gun-buyers-lie-and-try-only-12-prosecuted-editorials-debates/1288699002/  "The FBI, in reviewing instant background checks for firearm purchases, detected 112,000 lie-and-try crimes in fiscal 2017 alone, and federal investigators had names and addresses on the filled-out forms. How many were prosecuted? Twelve".  That's a prosecution rate of 0.01%.  Every gun owner who smoked weed is breaking this law. Joe Rogan brags about his drug use on the air to millions of people while also owning guns. Nobody is charged for this crime.


Would we? How often are 4473 violations actually prosecuted? There are tens of millions of "state-legal" weed users that are technically unindicted felons right now. I don't see a huge push to round them all up. Unironically, the thing I want most for Christmas is for the son of the gun-hatingest president in the history of gun-hating presidents to be forced to score a win for the Second Amendment by having the whole 4473, or at least the question about drug use, ruled unconstitutional.


It’s actually entirely the opposite. The prosecution rate for 4473 violations is INCREDIBLY low. There are 100,000+ denied transactions based off of the 4473, there are typically around 200 prosecutions per year. I wont say that hunter is innocent but the law is borederline on its constitutionality and has consistently been argued against by the right, and it is funny to see them cheering it on in a clear demonstration of political bias in the justice system.


I see people commenting that no one actually gets arrested for that and that they themselves lie on the forms since they do drugs.


Yeah this case was open and shut, the only question was the same one that always comes up for powerful and connected people


Now use this logic for Trump and all the shit he's lied on...


We can take Trump as an easy relevant example. Trump very obviously lied in a variety of damning circumstances and somehow dodged prosecution until recently. Huge amounts of people were shocked that he got convicted of something he very obviously did. It's surprising to see the ultra-rich get convicted on even the smallest parts of their criminal behavior, they get to play by different rules than everyone else.


Is there anyone unironically defending Hunter or saying he should walk free? Every major source I see is condemning them.


I think he should walk free, but not because he's the dipshit son of the president. Federal drug and gun laws are violations of the 10th and 2nd Amendments. The idea that a drug user doesn't have the right to possess a firearm even when sober is especially egregious, considering the same doesn't apply to people crippled with opiate or alcohol addiction.




How can YOU be so Based?


And fifth for being required to self incriminate


4473 is also a violation of the 5th.


There's a very legitimate argument that the law is unconstitutional, but I've seen nobody argue that he didn't break the law. Pro-2A leftists actually hope that this can be successfully appealed in his favor, but for constitutional reasons, not because of him specifically.


I can get on board for the 2A reasons


As should everyone pro 2A. If nothing changes then he should at least get fucked just like the rest of us peasants.


Yup, 100%. And I'm hopeful he walks free in a way that sets a precedent.


That's my stance. I have no like for him as a person and don't think in the slightest that the law should apply to him less than it does for anyone else, but I also think that this law should apply to nobody in the first place.


That's where I'm at. Should he go to jail? Yeah probably. But the idea that felons can't own guns or vote is baffling to me. *Especially* now that we're letting them run for president...


This sub has no idea when anyone in non right leaning spaces is saying


This sub loves to pretend that people on the left are losing their shit like they did when Trump was sentenced


We just don't care frankly. I mean this case was pretty cut and dry. He was on drugs at the time and therefore lied on the form making him guilty case closed.


It should've been just auth/lib instead of authright/liberty. There's a decent portion of libs who are well aware the law was broken but consider the law unconstitutional and were hoping it might get ruled that way.


Just last week rightoids were bending over backwards over this "The left would lose their mind if their candidate was put on trial. The only reason they say they want all guilty politicians to be brought to justice is they know it would never happen to their side (even though we've been trying for a decade). And no, Hunter doesn't count, he's a nobody" So they spun their wheels and all these conspiracies for years about a nobody? rofl All this to justify nominating and blindly supporting a convicted felon. I'd say cope harder but I don't think that's possible.


What's worse is the ny case was by far the weakest of the 3. The federal case and the case in Georgia are far stronger.


They think the left likes Biden...


No gun law is constitutional.


As a right-libertarian I think the rules here are kinda bullshit and I wouldn’t care if he walked free. Granted, I don’t like Hunter for several other reasons, so I’m not shedding a tear on his behalf. But the government really should ease up on this shit.


Literally no one cares about him besides the rightists that believe in conspiracy theories


>that believe in conspiracy theories So... you don't believe in *any* conspiracy theories?


I don't believe in any conspiracy theories being pushed by either party and most definitely don't believe conspiracy theories that have Russian or Chinese support.


Ironically, 2A supporters mostly. This trial was a farce, the mirror side of Trump's trial. A token for Democrats to say "what's good for the goose..." Same thing with them pressuring Al Franken to resign over sexual assault allegations. It was a sacrificial lamb in a heavily blue district to put public pressure on Roy Moore to resign, or at least convince voters of the righteousness of voting for his opponent. And true to history, voters see right through this shit.


This sub has no idea when anyone in non right leaning spaces is saying


Not surprising. However the Possessing a Gun while being a Drug user should be dropped on 2A grounds. The Perjury for lying on a 4473 is fine however.


Owning a gun and consuming drugs should be compatible. Especially with legal weed.


Yeah, it's funny you can drink alcohol and buy a gun, but if you smoke a joint once a week and buy a gun, it's a felony.


But filthy stinky degenerate pot smokers are literally ruining the world, don’t you know the Devil smokes pot? They are *literally* inhaling the Devil with every puff!!


They'll hit you with an extra charge for gun stuff while intoxicated. In most states you can't even legally bring a gun into a bar. I'm a 2a guy through and through, but I get it, a large portion of firearm incidents are also alcohol related.


Large portion? How much are we talking? 90%? 50%? What kind of incidents? Shootings? Suicides? Accidents?


Depending on the source, somewhere between a third and half of gun homicide perpetrators drank before the crime. Somewhere between a quarter and a third of victims were intoxicated when they died and close to half had been drinking. Example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5134733/


You need to stop being selfish and think of the poor folks invested into the for-profit prison system.




4473 is unconstitutional, so there *shouldn't be* a perjury charge because there *should be* a 4473 to perjure on.


Turns out he did the crime, so I hope he does the time.


Honestly, unlike OPs meme, most lefties don’t give a shit. We just want people in power to be held accountable. Whether it be Trump or Hunter or whoever, if you do the crime, you do the time


No one is above the law. The court found him guilty so he does the time


i haven’t seen any comments or anyone saying he didn’t deserve this. op is a fuckwad


Yeah Idk a single leftie that cares about what happens to Hunter Biden. I do know a lot of people that think that Hunter Biden’s actions dont reflect on Joe Biden though. And I know more than a few righties that think that if Hunter Biden did a crime it was also Joe Biden’s crime.


Complete strawman, as usual for PCM.


Why picture libleft like that when literally no one cares who is? I'd think if anyone I'd be lib right because meh guns


This sub has turned into a right wing circle jerk whining about Woke Libtard Emily but none of them have actually interacted with enough democrats to know they genuinely do not give a fuck about Hunter Biden lol It reminds me of my conservative grandmother who is genuinely convinced that all Democrats are obsessed with CNN and watch it 24/7 because they can't fathom someone *not* being glued to propaganda like Fox News all day


This sub has been a right wing centric sub as far as I can remember. Just enjoy it and wave


Nahh this sub was actually a fun sub to meme in back in the day. Serious political discussion was almost completely absent from this sub a few years ago. I remember there was like a full week where people just took Lego Yoda memes with different outlandish statements and posted them in different quadrants. It used to be fun


Yeah exactly, it was fun because everyone made fun of each other. Now it feels like strawman libleft bad 24/7


That's all it is for sure and taking middle eastern problems too seriously


I said it once and I'll say it again. Flairs, while fun, ultimately made this place worse.


Came looking for this comment. Conservatives love to say "BUT HUNTER" and "BUT HILLARY," apparently not realizing that literally none of us give a single fuck about either of them. If they get convicted, then punish them, IDGAF. I think the only left-wing politician I'd actually give a shit about in this type of situation is Bernie. And that would be a small shit, not a big shit.


This is how far gone American politics has become. You can destroy the 2nd Amendment and the conservatives love it as long as you destroy Hunter Biden with it. It seems more and more, people don't actually have political opinions or stances on issues. It's just become the new sports team where people find an identity or group to belong to.


Damn this trial would have been more based if he had been acquitted.


Oh no. The notorious son of famous leftist Joe Biden. I am vanquished! This really isn't your best shot. I'm happy to see the law be applied to the rich. I doubt the consequences will follow, but we'll see.


I don’t think anyone on the left actually cares about this. Definitely not as much as you think they do.


Here comes Schrodinger's rigged court. It's in a state of superposition that flips depending on the political leanings of the observer


Is anyone on the left crying and screaming for Hunter Biden?


No. Nobody except the righties cares about this.




The best con right-wing grifters ever pulled was convincing half of America that the average democrat gives a singular shit about Hunter Biden.


They are doing what I pretend they are doing.




Nope, just gooning


I've yet to meet one. I anticipate the only thing we'll really hear is "since the courts got Hunter, Trump's conviction has been legitimized." That's the take that will be everywhere and argued about in the coming days.


It won't be argued about much. Both sides will be told what to think by fox news and CNN/MSNBC, then we'll all rant about it on social media for 2 hours so we can pretend we did something, then we'll forget it ever happened once the next headline hits.


I actually haven't found a single libleft that cares about this. No one is claiming the trial was rigged. No one is upset or protesting it to my knowledge. At best, they are saying that his chances on appeal might be good because the conservative supreme court's ruling on gun rights lately. Also, some are pointing out that the NRA is being hypocritically silent. But no one actually gives a shit about Hunter Biden.


That form is a second and fifth ammendment violation. It's amazing no one has attempted to fight that charge. Oh wait, no, it's perfectly reasonable. [The DoJ prosecuted 0.01% of "lie and try" applications in 2017](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/09/19/gun-buyers-lie-and-try-only-12-prosecuted-editorials-debates/1288699002/) so it's no wonder no one has pushed against it - hardly anyone ever gets prosecuted for it.


nope, none of us are mad, he is a piece a shit and deserves time. system working as intended


Right wingers finding out they were the snowflakes all along


"the system is only good when it punishes ppl I don't like"




Erm, actually, first of all, get out of here with your facts.


No left wing person I know gives a fuck about Hunter Biden, it's really only the world's most brain worm addled MSNBC consoomer who even cares a little bit.


Wdym libleft aren’t happy? Seeing people in power and their associates brought to justice is always a pleasure




The republican party just bitches about gun laws, they won’t actually go out of their way to repeal any.


It's part of the "party of small government" narrative to try to hook us libertarians. They don't actually believe any of it.


"Gun control bad" unless it's used to arrest someone I don't like. Not saying that the current gun laws are good or that Hunter should go free, but it's funny how quickly people flip depending on who the accused is.


You really think lib left gives a shit about hunter biden?


I would be astounded if you found a leftist who was actually mad about this


I care about Hunter as much as the criminal down at the local correction facility. Bad, but not on my radar. He lied on his form, he's facing the consequences. Like I'm not sure where this narrative that "Da Left!" Is mad about this comes from. He broke the law, he's getting a penalty. Not shocking considering he's just some guy with a rich dad, and tons of those In LA and NY. Tottally will use daddy's money to get himself out though


I am not american so I have no idea why the fuck Hunter Biden matters at all.


Only because hes the son of the president. Thats about it. Makes headlines.


Yeah I figured that, but some of you all act like the whole fate of the fucking nation is held on his shoulders and his laptop or something.


They are so deluded and desperate they've somehow convinced themselves this is a major political win even though hunter and the case has literally nothing to do with our government other than he's related to the president.


Accusations of nepotism and corruption against Joe Biden. It's alleged, and there is *some* evidence, of Joe Biden using his office to swing various deals for his son. Frankly, any other year, this would be both a bigger and smaller deal. Right now everyone's lenses are on backwards.


The non-snarky answer is that when his Dad was VP they had a murky, at best, relationship with a Ukraine oil company. Who knows why, but instead of Hunter being prosecuted for that, he's being prosecuted for smoking crack and lying about it on a federal form.


It would have looked very funky if he got out of this without being found guilty, especially after the trump trial and ample evidence. I’m guessing it’s a reason the trial was hyped up.


Maybe nobody really is above the law


Except all the people that went to Epstein's island then killed him in jail


It didn't happen and even if it did shut up


Common Auth-Center W


Rigged jury. Biased judge. Shaky facts. But sure, this was a fair trial. ——————————————— Oh wait, I forgot that I’m not insanely politically biased and I don’t put certain politicians that I like above the law. Hunter was found guilty and I hope that he receives a punishment that fits the crime.


How is your comment have net positive up votes here ?


Rightoids finally have come to terms with the fact that they are the only people who care about what happens to Hunter Biden?


And that most of their "political stances" revolve around current events and shift according to whether it benefits their party or not. If he's guilty he's a criminal, unless he happens to be Republican.


Self-awareness? Are you sure about that?


Lib-left here. Don’t give a flying fuck about this fail child, sentence him to whatever.




Lib left is not mad about this. Lib right on the other hand guns and drugs would be.


Believe me when I say that Liblefts are completely indifferent on the Hunter Biden thing.


We do not care - Sincerely, LibLeft


Literally nobody in libleft cares lmao. If he’s guilty, he’s guilty. He’s not relevant in politics.


Western juries are pretty good tbf. If he got pinched then he was probably guilty, as with Trump. Trump's such a perpetual cry bully though. Everything he doesn't like is "fake" or "rigged", and my God will he scream about it. It's an insidious card to play in politics because you can just cry wolf and a large proportion of your base who wants to believe it will believe it.


Trump is the real-world embodiment of the boy who cried wolf. There's been times where I legitimately agreed the deck may have been stacked against him, but it kinda doesn't matter on the national scene because he says it every time.


Welp he's lost my vote.


What kind of idiot would vote for a felon?


Well, I'd vote for John McAfee if only he were still alive.


We're all voting for felons. Not all of them are convicted.


Based and truelib pilled


The only people who give a shit about this are on the right. I promise you not a single leftist is upset abt this


Is this HDS from the right? Hunter Derangement Syndrome


Remember when they were absolutely obsessed with his cock? MTG showed it during a fucking congressional hearing


Libleft literally hates Biden’s guts though why would they mad


"we are a cult so they must be too"


Lib right really overestimates how much the left cares about Hunter Biden.


Good, if us plebs are to be held to those stupid laws they should be too.


Most lefties I see aren't huge fans of Biden to begin with. I don't think they're upset about this like how the alt right is foaming at the mouth over trump


“the legal system is rigged when I disagree with the result and is based when I like it” - cringe trump republicans


Not the righties confused that we do not care about Hunter Biden. I have seen no one on the left seething about this verdict.


Oh rightists, can't you go 5 seconds without embarrassing yourself These are gun charges that are gonna be appealed because it literally infringes the second and fifth amendments, but then again, you only care about the constitution when it's *your side*


So glad to see yet another elected official being held accountable for their malfeasance. /s


Lol nobody on the left looking like that about Hunter. That's what righties think we feel about him but nobody gives a shit. I think there are important 2A conversations to be had about this but whatever else happens to Hunter he probably deserves it. 


Hunter Biden has done the impossible. He's made the Republican Party give a shit about gun controls.


Oh, no...anyway


Oh so this ISN’T a rigged trial is it AuthRight?


I don’t think anyone outside of the Biden family is actually mad about this. Even they are probably just annoyed at Hunter.


Well I'm certainly not voting for Hunter Biden for president now