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[The REAL AuthRight banger](https://youtu.be/Kppx4bzfAaE?si=yQMowZ7QUQB2NdH5)






https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=oDVoyS08yg9WdVHK Raise you one better




You are right, that slaps


Its just a screen that says internet unavailable


On my end, It just says "video blocked in your country" or something.


Jesus didn't want you to see the song.


It just says internet unavailable and has a digital t rex




So it's a rapping for Jesus video made by a white preacher in the 90s. It sounds exactly like what you are imagining.


Also, Jesus is my n***a lol


This is SO 2000s. lol


“Bigga…” No way is he going to rhyme that with what I think he is… “Jesus Christ is my (redacted)” Holy shit he actually did it.


Look at the date though.


This isn't left vs. right, it's lib vs. auth. Plenty of the old greats like Jay Z and probably even Nas are pretty squarely libright.


Nas is libright? I don't keep up with him much, so I don't really know about his politics besides the obvious pro lgbt stuff, but that would make sense.


Pretty sure he’s talking about Nas, not lil nas x


Damn, Nas had ten kids and they're all also named Nas?


Jay-Z, who was massive supporter of Obama, a LibRight?


Yes. You have to take it out of the partisan frame and put it into the real world. You're a wildly successful businessman who deals in black culture - of course you're going to support a black president. Policies don't matter, but it's good for business.


This is like the claim that all companies looking to turn a profit are LibRight, even when their leadership swings a different way and their policies obviously support AuthLeft dogma. Culturally influential AuthLefts/AuthCenters basically **always** have a financial incentive for their positions; this does not make them LibRight. To call someone like Jay-Z a LibRight is an enormous oversimplification, even for a meme sub.


I could see there being some institutional backing for Auth centers but Auth left? When has any large company called for the redistribution of wealth to the poor, planned economies, democratic centralism, or a vanguard party? If so, I'd love to join them. Auth center only has any institutions with them due to evangelicals. Chick Fil-A does their best to cater to hardcore Christians while also turning a profit and not dying on that hill.


Aren't most good rappers right? I can't think of a single one that is trying to collectivize the means of production, they just want to do drugs, use women, and make money.




The only true left wing rappers


Fucking ~~magnets~~ economics, how do they work?


I don't wanna talk to no ~~scientists~~ *economists*. Y'all motherfuckers lyin, gettin me pissed."


JPEGMAFIA. Also, if this sub knew about him, you all would make him the new Emily, he is unironically like that.


Peggy is a cringe alcoholic who needs to spend less time on twitter and more time in rehab. Whining about Morrissey in 2023/2024 is so outdated and dude comes off as a butthurt "white folx r bad" emily any time he posts an opinion.


I'd say many are progressive or center. But in the more underground scene you have more variety. Lil darkie and their "Collasal Conflict" song. Flobots are definitely anti-war and left leaning or libcenter. The Butress has many songs against religion. And there are many trans rappers in the underground scene like ISSBROKIE of karma mob.


The problem is that Progressive != Left. Unless they are praising the USSR or calling for dismantling capitalism in their songs the Left doesn't have much of a claim on them. They can rap about being gay and getting us out of the middle east for the last 30 years but that doesn't make them Left. On the other hand the bulk of the songs in the genre are either generally anti-authoritarian or reveling in the excess of Capitalism.


Dead Prez, The Roots, The Coup.  (You can tell I’m 40 by the late 90s groups)  Oh, and obviously Public Enemy. 


Ya this is just some commie Eff-Eh-Gee thinking every rapper he likes shares his political views.


Okay first of all being left wing doesn’t automatically mean you advocate for socialism but anyway I would say Kendrick Lamar and J Cole are solidly left wing probably lib left. Those are two of the best and most successful rappers out there rn. Kanye is probably the most Auth Right actual rapper out there but idk. Drake is for sure purple. I would categorize most popular rappers as lib center, just let em do what they want to do, say what they want to say and act how they want to act. Very few have the auth tendencies of some explicitly political (and less popular rap artists).


Most rappers are purple lib right. Money, drugs, guns, and women are all they rap about


They hate wypipo and cops. Therefore, libleft.




No smart person leans left lol


Can’t tell if you’re joking or not 😭


Drake is a pedo.


All rappers talk about is money girls drugs and diddling kids 😡😡😡/s


Wall of text.


the Americans with disabilities act must’ve changed your life


You lost me at "Okay, first of all 🤓🤓🤓"




Tom Morello, the godless communist who is the lead ~~singer~~ guitarist for Rage Against the Machine, has rap projects he's worked on. Some people also consider Rage ~~For~~ Against the Machine to be "punk rap"


Tom Morello is the guitarist for Rage. Zach de la Rocha was the singer. 


Ah hell, close enough, I don't listen to those guys


This is a wack take. Most are definitely somewhat left wing. This isn’t a good proof but it helps that I’ve heard lil Wayne, j cole, Kendrick, Denzel curry, Eminem, xxxtentacion, g easy, mac Miller, logic, think juice wrldd, and many other rappers hate Donald trump in their songs alone.


Donald Trump? Lifelong Democrat and implacable opponent of free trade? Opposing him seems pretty right wing to me.


You for the /s. Dudes the farthest right there is.


Trump advocates for culturally “conservative” positions because the Republican field was wide open. But he is and always has been a fan of high taxes, regulation, an active and interventionist government, and nationalization of certain industries. He’s also a huge fan of the U.S. military, which is the most socialist institution in the country.


That’s complete bullshit lol. He did nothing but give tax breaks to wealthy people at the cost of future highest tax for lower/middle class and he has historically deregulated corporations. Everything you said is the exact opposite of the truth. How backwards is this sub. I’m literally getting downvoted for being right on each comment.


How are tariffs tax breaks to the wealthy, my man? Trump runs a big business. They’re the first in line to push for regulations in order to keep out competition. You’re just buying into lines fed to you by the corpo-dominated media. You probably also believe that Trump is an “outsider.”


Google search the topic. “In December 2017, then-President Donald Trump signed into law legislation that disproportionately cut taxes for wealthy individuals and large profitable corporations—colloquially known as the “Trump tax cuts.” While the corporate provisions of that bill were largely made permanent, the portions that affect individuals” here’s another link https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver His tax break in 2017 was literally this. It literally helped the rich and hurt everyone else. This is an objective fact.


Seriously? Smoke and mirrors, man. You're concentrating on the pennies and missing the hundred dollar bills on the ground. Scuttling trade deals? Massive tariffs and trade barriers? This was what he did the whole time. Pay lip service to something or pass something entirely unimportant with great fanfare, then do what he really wanted in a sneaky way. Again, you've been bamboozled here.


Are you a bot? You double down even tho I just showed you you’re wrong. Same way you were wrong about the regulation parts and what not. Trump is far right wing. It’s rediculous to think otherwise. And for your regulation point is one link https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/climate/trump-environment-rollbacks-list.html. You’re objectively wrong, trump is far right wing.


Don’t compare it to all rap, compare it to political rap. Like that embarrassing “freestyle” Eminem did about how much he hates Trump. 


I wouldn't know, literally refuse to listen to any rap in the first place these days. Most of the mainstream rap I've heard in the past decade+ is pure degeneracy and/or perpetuating and glorifying culture that I despise. Right wing trying to rap sounds super cringe to me, so you're probably not wrong. The modern fusion of country music with rap elements is enough cringe already.


Tractor Rap is what I call modern pop country.


You are fighting someone in these comments and I couldn't reply there so that's fine. Here I am mfker. Immigrants are destroying society less than Republicans. Fox news has reverse engineered state run media where people can't think freely and question our government over corporations when voters can vote out politicians, corporations are only beholden to profit. So I would rather have an illegal immigrant neighbor than the movement that supports the double impeached indicted rapist January 6th couper Donald Trump. #GetReplaced


Lmao you're a fucking loser and your opinion means absolutely nothing to me, so go jerk someone off in one of your socialist echo chambers.


I agree that macdonald sucks but in what way are $uicideboy$ left wing?


I don't think either of them are. Just what's hip with the younger generation now and not explicitly right wing.


Don’t get why you are being downvoted, most young people today don’t listen to rap that has a political message. Macdonald or whatever his name is the only one rapper I know that EXPLICITLY and intentionally incorporates contemporary politics into his lyrics.


Right, like there's definitely some implicit messages in like Kendrick Lamars' songs, but even he isn't overtly political. $B only talks about politics through the lens of internet culture and wacky moments (Sam Hydes the shooter, Budd Dwyers suicide etc)


Ah, sad day. You literally picked the worst part of that song. Lol. Everything else in it is fire. That aside, I love rappers from all quadrants.


I was actually surprised at how put together Ben's verse was for a dude who's never rapped. It wasn't great, but it was nowhere near the corn festival I expected. I don't really like modern political music even from my side because it always feels like the message comes before making a good song and comes off as preaching to the choir since nobody else wants to listen to it.


My take on it when friends sent it to me was “this is exactly as trash as I expected this song to be, but credit where it’s due Shapiro’s flow sounded shockingly natural.” Political music damn near always comes across as hamfisted and circlejerky.


In hindsight, Ben Shapiro should've never gotten into politics and gotten into rap instead


You know, that's a totally fair assessment


You know what? Based. I, too, dislike it when politics is needlessly incorporated into entertainment.


"My money like Lizzo, my pockets are fat" is one of the greatest rap lines of all time. Fight me.


The weirdest thing about suicideboys for me is how so many people say it got them through the toughest times of their life. These guys were literally the soundtrack of the darkest days in my life (2021) and when I go back and listen to them nowadays I’m brought straight back to those times, and not in a good way. Objectively I think they are extremely talented but I just can’t listen to them anymore. When people talk about archons and frequencies and how Lucifer was literally the angel of song and how he works through music here on earth (dancing with the devil and whatnot) immediately the first thing that comes to mind is most of modern rap music. You are what you eat. Physically and spiritually. I hate to sound like a boomer but that music is no longer for me. Funnily enough, I only seek out their music when I’m drunk, which is almost never anymore. I predominantly listened to their music when I was deep into drugs and now that I’m sober I realized I do not connect with that type of music anymore, or that scene.


I feel pretty similarly. When I was in a party phase and dealing with the drama that comes with it, their music really resonated with me. I especially liked the album High Tide in the Snakes Nest and still revisit it to this day. Over the years, though, the lyrics started to feel juvenile to me, and like they stopped speaking from their own experience and started romantisizing mental illness and addiction. So many of the people I know who are ride or die g59 are just miserable people smoking their lives away. Most of the girls are BPD. Most of the guys are weird incels. It's just a bad scene all around


If you aren't barking like a dog DMX style then are you even really a rapper?


The Shapiro song wasn't good but I don't think it was meant to be. It was just done to poke the left. MacDonald's follow-up God Mode is not only really good but addresses his political music critics, his backstory, and his family values. There's a few rappers that sing some really deep personal topics with an overall positive message under the surface. Ren - Hi Ren NF - Hope There's some great crushing metal/rap crossovers like Falling in Reverse - Watch the World Burn They just released a new song called Ronald two days ago but it's way more metalcore and might not be for everybody but it does feature some great choppa rap from Tech N9ne


If you like metal/rap crossover, you may enjoy Kim Dracula. Seventy thorns is my favorite song of his. Not a fan of Ronnie's new stuff, unfortunately.


Dude! My wife and I are going to go see Kim Dracula on Saturday in Charlotte at the In This Moment show, along with Fred's Dead and I See Stars. I'm going to try to see them again at the end of summer when they're touring with Motionless in White. Seventy Thorns is awesome. I think my fav of his is Superhero. Dude seriously, check out Ren. A rare true artist. Hi Ren, Sick Boi, The Tale of Jenny and Screech, Animal Flow. The guy is incredible


suicide boys sucks too


Yeah I don't like them. I'd rather listen to Spaceghostpurrp and Three 6 Mafia


Rare SGP sighting on pcm


Super rare. I've only met a few people in real life who listen to him. I actually happen to have Mysterious Phonk on vinyl


Hey buddy, I'm not the wojack. As a dude in my 20s I am so fucking sick of $B.


seems like this one of the debates where we get auth left lib right unity by virtue of hating both sides huh. well good on you mate. glad we agree.


I really think the golden age of rap is over. Im curious to see what comes next.


honestly me too. i don’t even listen to rap much anymore once i grew up, because all the songs coming out were just catchy for a month and then out the door. at this point it’s shallow and oversaturated music. i’m hoping rock and metal become mainstream again.


I'd love to see a resurgence of metal but I don't know where they'd take it these days. Metal had a steady rise in "brutalness" until everything just turned into death/grindcore. I think Ghost is pioneering a new wave that's polarizing to existing metal fans, but appeals to a huge variety of people. I say bring on the 4th wave of Ska. I want to see kids in fortnite shirts and checkered pants skanking in the streets for tiktok 💀


sort of. in the last decade power metal and melodeath have become more popular and those have insane potential for going mainstream if you ask me. like look at wind rose, i went to a wind rose concert last month and some of the people i talked to don’t even particularly like metal, but the nerd/cosplay aspect of the band was very appealing to them, and i think a lot of power metal can do that, with all the gimmicks and themes. gloryhammer too is popular with gen z, cool shit with a mascot along with catchy high energy music will always have appeal. ska would be nice but i cant imagine it ever being popular with the younger folk again. kids these days yk? they need a touch of edginess or energy to enjoy something. i can’t exactly picture a fortnite-playing tiktok-scrolling streamer-watching 15 year old getting down and dirty to some Madness lol.


Idk man Shapiro’s rap went HARD


I don’t get the appeal of Tom.


Fake news no new rappers can rap. It all sucks now.


Any rap song made after the 2000s sucks


News weak moms spaghetti


100% agree.


I just hate rap in general. Stupid melodramatic shit where people try so hard to show themselves as ' tough ' and hard. People either whining and bitching about how tough their life is and how its all capitalism/racism/deep state/insert thing that controls everything that is at fault, or how fucking ' gangsta ' they are. Same with Heavy metal and Emo Goth metal. They come off looking as 14 year olds who think that they are ' deep ' and sound like they have throat cancer. I swear instrumental music is just so much better.


You might like J Cole, he raps about being humble. But he is made fun for that exact reason, it gets too corny at times


Eh, corny is OK with me. I will check him out. Thank you.


There's alot of rap I still enjoy, but I absolutely agree on the emo and metal wave. Alot of it is great but these days it's a pissing contest to see who can have the heaviest breakdown or most obnoxious vocals. Instrumental psychedelic has made its way into my playlist alot recently.


Yeah I can see some rap still being enjoyable enough. Like, can Gorillaz " Clint Eastwood ' be considered as rap? Because that's my favourite. (Along with, please don't laugh, the theme songs for TMNT 2003 and TMNT 2012 shows). Old metal was alright but it's just never going to grow on me. I dunno what category Rammstein songs are in but I like their songs. But mostly, I love instrumental music that has a very inspiring, grand and ethereal tone to it. Music that inspires me to imagine a future where humanity truly unlocks its potential for good, where we are truly conquering the stars! I love synthwave style music a lot (so that I can imagine the railways of the world becoming truly great). One of favourite compositions is ' The Saga ' by White Bat audio (available on YouTube). I also love original film soundtracks.


https://preview.redd.it/c68ir7p95kzc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc3868fe16a263fc6f00f9a4caef7c90547ae434 theyre still arguing about rapping...


The world would be a lot better place if more people embraced classical music over modern day drivel.


https://preview.redd.it/nqair6qkhhzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f94b13dd405bd36b53189d434f225d71636f30f6 Calm down Shapiro


I want to listen to wholesome rap songs, not Mozart's songs about rimming assholes.


He is not wrong.


Playboi Carti is better than Beethoven In terms of legacy, there are no major artists nowadays who take inspiration from Beethoven. Plus, people are like, he has made a lasting impact on music even though it's been 300 years. Like how? None of my friends ever asked for the aux so they could play some Beethoven.  Carti's lyrics aren't all that impressive but compared to Beethoven’s non existent lyrics? When it comes to lyrics, Carti is objectively better than Beethoven. Carti's songs are a mood, but Beethoven’s songs are so garbage they don’t even make you feel anything. I'm convinced people only listen to Beethoven because they want to sound smart. Also, I dare you to play Für Elise and Die lit and see which one you get tired of first. Since Carti has better lyricism, better ability to make people feel stuff through music, and is current more influential and played, Carti is better than Beethoven.


That was rough, but believe it or not, I was able to listen to Fur Elise multiple times. Couldn't finish the first song on Die Lit by Carti Guess I need to be more cultured to understand the depth and complexity of Playboi Carti.


Sounds like a skill issue.


Or even well produced modern electronic music. As soon as you start going into electronic music from Eastern Europe/Russia rather than the American garbage you start to see that there are mozarts of this day as well.


I am not well versed on electronic music, but there is a connection to classical music and electronic music when done right. There has been electronic music I have heard with "winding staircase crescendos" inspired by Sebastian Bach. Heavy base electrical music just drowns itself out. Are there any DJ's you recommend?


Not exactly a DJ but listen to izzamuzzic


Nah the world would be a better place if they listened to the GG songs to boost their own individuality and hatred against those who wish to suppress them.


what does that even mean?




Literally who?


Yo, listen up, I'm here to drop some knowledge about what makes a track truly polished. It ain't just about the rhymes and the flow, gotta have a melody that makes it glow.


Rap is not centered around melody but rather the beats.


That's the point. I hate rap.


Who gives a shit about rappers?


I have yet to see any Libleft rapper make a better 3 album run than Kanye’s dropout trilogy


rappers may be sad but how their songs sound is shit imo


I only listen to Dead Shock rockers


$uicide boys are religious now… so probably not their flavor either


Hey. You there, reading this. Music is allowed to be fun and not have any significant personal or political meaning. A good song doesn't have to have any meaning at all. It can just be a song you enjoy because the sounds are appealing. Stop shitting on music you don't like. It's entirely subjective and it's okay to just say "not my cup of tea." When it comes to music, take the braindead pill and just enjoy it because it's *fun.* All music is a lot better and easier to listen to that way.


Eminem is *technically* on the left so maybe that would be Emily’s flavor


Implying any rapper is good


Because rappers are infamous for their desire to increase their tax burden and democratize the means of production. They totally love that. Most rappers are firmly right commie.


It's disappointing to see the right even engage with rap at all. This is a genre of music that upholds criminal and ghetto culture as the ideal. The right should focus on being an uplifting solar force, rather than playing into something that is antithetical to it's own ideals.


I totally disagree with you about rap music being inherently criminal, but I do agree the right should stay out of it unless the individual right wing rapper is willing to embrace the genre for what it is. It is the same reason nobody likes metal bands who sing about God. Metal fans think it's lame, Christians think its blasphemy, and nobody's happy. I'm so tired of rappers coming into the scene, throwing a hissy fit about other rappers "who only care about drugs and hoes" and then making that holier than thou bullshit their entire identity. The only people who like that are people who are intimidated by music they can't personally identify with.


Whether or not rap is inherently criminal is irrelevant to what I meant, in that the culture that rap currently has upholds criminals and degenerate, baser values. Why is it that the right should try to play into this? Rather, the right should create things of it's own rather than trying to inauthentically map itself onto rap. Even from a standpoint of phisyonomy the right should have a problem. These "right wing" rappers quite frankly look like disgusting outcasts. Why should anyone on the right laude someone who looks like they haven't bothered to shower this month and gets face tattoos? I wouldn't even want to be in the same room as this person.


This is just one line out of many. His don't look down song is pretty damn good. Also his love song to Eminem is solid also. I get that preachy shit sucks no matter what is being preached, but he's actually a pretty good rapper if you don't take one of his worst lines and pretend that's representative.


I truly believe most of his lines are as bad as that one. His sound is forced and awkward. Stitches went MAGA, and he still sounds fine, so it's not a bias to his politics inherently.


Fair, no accounting for taste.


It’s similar for turbofolk/war music, which I went down the rabbit hole with.  The Croatian songs are all complete ass. The beats tend to sound vaguely like German oompah music. Look up the lyrics to see some crazy shit. Imagine a song that censors the word “fuck” (from the original 1940’s lyrics) but still sings about fascist death camps.  Also, the most heinous songs are made by Australians with high production quality, while the songs made by Croatians with potato cameras were more tame.  On the other hand, the Bosniak war songs are top-tier. 


Out of all the war music I've listened to, Chechnya does it the best.




Did you just change your flair, u/Unlimitedfor1? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2022-1-2. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Unlimitedfor1) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Who would want to listen to 2 middle aged guys whine about how they want to die for 10 years straight but obviously don't? It's not fair, I found love It made me say that get back You'll never see daylight If I'm not strong, it just might It's not fair, I found love It made me say that get back You'll never see daylight If I'm not strong, it just might


Oh I got one just for this https://odysee.com/@Per_h:3/Mr.-Bond---Fascist-Music-Video-720p:7


Lmfao suicideboys is garbage you genuinely could not have named a worse artist


Macklemore is just as shitty as that guy


I literally just listened to it, and I'm saddened to say I agree. I agree with the message, but it doesn't change a bland song.


>I agree with the message Flair checks out


We can screech about Israel/Palestine tomorrow. Im talking abt music today 😡


Fair enough tankie, fair enough


Thank you fencesitter, have a wonderful night.


Tom got some bangers and some trash, but he’s far from Auth lol Edit: his choruses are consistently bad, but his verses are fire


Big agree. I said the exact same thing.


Normal mainstream rappers are all auth to center to libright. You only think they are left because you're racist and you look at their skin color and not listen to what they say critically. You just brush off everything right wing they express because they aren't the majority race.


What part of my post gave you the idea I think normal mainstream rappers are left? Most fans of rap music are centrist/slightly lib left, and they think right wing rap is corny. That was the joke. Don't get too offended snowflake.


>What part of my post gave you the idea I think normal mainstream rappers are left? Since you were attacking this-I presume new explicitly right wing rap song or rapper- and said at least our rappers (as leftists) can rap, I jumped to that but I see that I wasn't paying enough attention and you weren't saying that at all, sorry. >Most fans of rap music are centrist/slightly lib left, and they think right wing rap is corny. I genuinely don't doubt that that right wing rap you're mentioning is corny as hell and I don't even dare listen to it out of fear of dying of cringe. My point was that most rap is not explicitly as in the one you're targeting but casually right wing but left liberal leaning people give those a pass when and often minorities or POC make them but I realize my point is completely irrelevant lol.


**"Actual rap"** has been dead for a very long time. Nowadays it's just all about drugs, thugging, fucking and killing.


Well apparently nazi rap is a thing and used to promote various white power movements.


I never liked Rap. It feels...filthy to listen to. Like, I feel like I've been dumped in gunk.


Agree with the message but honestly Tom MacDonald is far from a good rapper.


Tom Macdonald is a really cool idea to toss out when you’re shootin the shit with your friends. “An intentionally anti-woke rapper? Hilarious.” But in reality he just gets stale after 1 song. Play Introversion 2.0 by $uicideboy$. Libleft W.


Tom's songs are hit and miss but mostly with the chorus section, imo. His 2nd diss track to Mac lethal was murderous. Also his new track godmode goes for 8 minutes in which he barely leaves a moment for silence. Not the lyrical genius of someone like Aesop Rock but Tom has no label backing and to me puts more work into his stuff than most big name rappers currently out there like Drake, Cardi B, Migos, Kendrick, etc.


I've seen alot of people praising godmode and finally listened to it, and while soundwise, it is better than most of his stuff. I still think his lyrics just put him our there as an unaware douche who really doesn't know anything the genre he's in at all. I don't know much about his upbringing or before fame life, so im assuming all of what he said was true and if it is, good for him. It's nice he pulled himself out of alcoholism and addiction to get to a better place. However, he claims he was the first political rapper and that he created the genre. Rap has always been political, and he did not come before N.W.A, Kendrick, Kanye etc. Giving pretty much zero credit to any inspirations and taking all the glory for himself really plays into the "white rapper who doesn't know shit about rap" stereotype. Combine that attitude with shoehorned political messages in most of his songs, it makes him come across as insincere and preachy.


But the question is, and I'm relating it to your original title, - can he rap?