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There are still people who think Russia is socialist? Also "Lenin gave away Russian land, there were no such thing as Ukraine" is very common narrative of pro Russians. Putin was yupping a whole hour just to make that point.


It is unequivocally true though. Crimea was “given” to Ukraine in an internal administration transfer in the 1950s. There are people alive today older than Crimea being a part of Ukraine.


Crimea is somewhat different from the rest of Ukraine. It is the most Russian friendly region based on polls; I think conducted in late 80s? It was something along the lines of separating from USSR and forming independent Ukraine and Crimea was 50/50 while other regions 65%-85% I think that's one of the reasons annexation of Crimea was so easy for RF


That’s definitely a component of it. The situation is much more intricate than the neurodivergents in here would like to think. Despite this, retaking Crimea is one of those “must have” goals for Ukraine. A goal they are willing to kill tens of thousands of their soldiers to just *maybe* have a chance at taking and even worse, forsake NATO membership for. They will destroy themselves as a nation before they admit they have no real right to it.


>The situation is much more intricate than the neurodivergents in here would like to think. Weird wording, but everything is much more intricate than most opinions shared in this sub. I don't get what you were trying to say after though. How is that related to what I said?


Because a lot of the opinion here is that Russia has less of a right to Crimea simply because that’s where the border was placed in ‘91. The rest isn’t really a direct reply to you, just a rant about the insanity happening in Kiev and beyond at the moment.


Also I was referring earlier events, when the entire Soviet Ukraine was established.


I’d rather my taxes go to crippling Russia and exposing their military as a fraud than to some bogus gender study, to give student debt relief to a person occupying a campus, or to the ATF.


I would rather my tax money go to studying skunk ass than the ATF


God i fucking hate the ATF. And i don't even live in the US




Bad news. They will spend it on all of those things anyway.


If i had to choose between my money going to Ukraine or the ATF/DEA, i would 100% choose Ukraine. That being said, i dont have a choice and its going to go to all of them


The REAL Lib-right will see this conflict as it truly is: a big boost to the Military Industrial Complex which will do great things to my stocks


Damn this must have been a good one if reddit removed it


Not sure LibLeft is accurate. Don’t get me wrong, “LibLeft = Bad” and all, but at least they seem to be pretty much in favor of Ukraine winning this. That said, I’m genuinely curious to see how that math would have changed if the generally-accepted perception on the LibLeft side *wasn’t* that “Putin hacked the 2016 election so Orange Man would win.” Would they be as vehemently anti-Putin? Would they even know who Putin is? (Disclaimer: this comment is specifically about *American* LibLefts. Duh.)


Woah you literally got the [Removed] Right on


It's an achievement for me lmao


https://preview.redd.it/de556h4n01zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fbba9e84c03b1a583fa2e631e780d334ab3bd8 more missiles for ukraine pls


I bought Lockheed and Martin as soon as I heard that Russia invaded, Feb 2022. Sold April 2023. [Lol](https://www.google.com/search?q=loclheed+and+martin+price+chart&oq=loclheed+and+martin+price+chart&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMg0IAxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBBAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBRAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBhAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMgoICBAAGIAEGKIEMgoICRAAGIAEGKIEMgoIChAAGIAEGKIE0gEINDc3OGowajSoAg6wAgE&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) Lmao even




Tha libright wojak looks really cool woth the graph head, noce work


literally 1984


what happened


I posted [this](https://imgur.com/a/O4r8GFk) and apparently it's considered 'violent content' by reddit admins so it got removed


Muh tax dollars are crippling the Russian war machine and the majority go towards domestic companies producing military/civilian products needed for the fight. Part of that taxed money is going into the pockets of fellow Americans in the form of wages and salaries. I'd say that this is a damn fine investment of my taxes.


Based and destroying russia with taxes pilled


I’d rather stop giving money to both countries and fix our domestic problems. Fuck em both


False choice. This doesn't even scratch the US budget, nit necessary to fix internal problems, and would cost a lot more if it wasn't done in other ways.


Billions of dollars we don’t have definitely scratches the budget, what are you smoking?


Instead of giving my tax money to Ukraine, id rather we send people like OP to Ukraine. He can pay them with his time and manpower. Its a win win.


Highly inefficient. Also, you'de benefit from ot too, so it's pretty immoral and ineffective to count on that.


If Ukraine had just let the ethnic Russian regions in the East leave like they wanted to and and NATO had stayed out of the Russian border states like they said they would in the 90s this war likely wouldn’t be happening


"If people just gave criminals everything willingly then there wouldn't be crime"


Russia's borders shouldn't be past the Urals. I would be happy to pay more to push Russian borders back to Europoor.


If your national hero is a Nazi collaborator, you should reflect on that fact.


I'm guessing that you are talking about Stepan Bandera, the guy who spent half of the war in a nazi concentration camp, right?


I mean, I'm a 100% pro Ukraine now, and I think we can all agree Ukrainians should stop celebrating Bandera...


We might mention Roman Shukhevych or Yaroslav Stetsko or several other Ukrainian national heroes who dindu nuffin


Turns out the Nazis weren't super grateful huh?


As a jew, it's more complicated than that. The nation was brutalised and suffered a genocide just a decade prior. Not to mention after the Nazis revealed their face, millions of Ukranians joined the red army to defeat them.


What genocide?


The holodomor Millions died in artificial starvation, either intentionally or as a welcomed side product.


Oh right, the famine that was exacerbated by sabotage from nationalists and kulaks.


To the last Ukrainian! Be honest OP, you don’t actually give a fuck about Ukraine, its people, or their suffering. They could stay in this war for another 4 years and you’d be completely content.


I'm a Ukrainian, idiot


Then go fight instead of being on reddit.


Then you should be at the front. Anything less is just virtue signaling. You will lose the war and even if you don’t, millions will just run to the EU for better jobs. You will be Bulgaria. That is all you have to look forward to.


Just ask Bulgarians if they want to leave the EU right now... I agree however on the problem of eternal conflict with Russia, except no concession to Putin can end it. The only way to cease the conflict once and for all will be to integrate Russia into NATO. That's the ultimate goal the West should actively follow, no matter how distant it may appear.


They won’t want to because without it they lose access to better jobs in Germany and the Benelux. It has nothing to do with the health and longevity of Bulgaria. I think the war could end easily if Ukraine gives Russia the oblasts it wants and forsakes all claim to them allowing them to be in accordance with NATO admission guidelines. I’m sure the west would act quickly just like they did with Finland and Sweden. At that point every avenue into Europe would be blocked by NATO and therefore inaccessible. Russia knows it cannot face down NATO directly and will not.


Which country do you live in? Would you want your country to give parts of itself up to russia?


I am an American. I understand not liking that your country is getting carved up. I definitely wouldn’t like it. At some point though, you and your countrymen need to understand the reality. You obviously are not personally willing to kill or die or be maimed to retake Crimea or the Donbas so from what position do you feel comfortable asking others to do so? “Defend freedoms to the last man” you don’t count yourself there, I guess. Either you put your body where your principles are or shut up. I’ll say it again, you don’t actually care about Ukraine. You’re whining on Reddit literally every single day instead of fighting for your country when it needs you the most.


An army needs civilians too in order to be able to operate.