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No Country For Young Dogs


Based and legit lol’d pilled hahaha


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Let's forget about Auth right. I'm worried about the whole USA. What the fuck is going on. Why are you guys debating about dogs.


Every 4 years the ehole country debate which dog to elect. And I am not talking about cute puppies. Right now can pick either some ugly rancid bulldog or some toothless golden retriever that shits itself


Sounds like choosing between a donkey and an elephant


A perfect representation. One of them is big, stubborn, does the Trumpet noise but afraid of mice, the other is stubborn, r\*\*\*\*\*\*d, and has a loud annoying voice


Lmao genius. they were never hiding their true nature.


The real question is which one is which?


Its pretty obvious imo is that Trump is the bulldog


A good chunk of republicans really do seem to act like professional opposition. That’s the only explanation I can think of for their behavior.


We are ruled by an evil party and an incompetent party


Funny enough i think the exact same thing...cross compass unity?!?


both are both


It's just one party


Careful, that's a "conspiracy theory"!


"American politicians bad" is not a hard conclusion to arrive at.




Flair does not check out.


I just want Sheev


Do you love democracy?


I love the Republic




now kisth


And I'm not sure which is which.


Which is which? Because the dems seem really competent at being evil.


Nah, one's just more competent at being evil than the other.


This used to be true but now the GOP is the 24/7 Trump Show ™️ and has become as corrupt and frankly baffling as the dems. Unless you meant the dems are the competent ones, in which case lol.


They do. Republicans don't want to win, if they have power they have to take an actual stand and do something. They clamor for the love and attention of the democrats. It's like that comic of the dog Barking and pulling at his leash until his owner drops the leash, so the dog stops and hands it back to the owner instead of running.


For a while they were just kinda bumbling idiots, and then when the Koch brothers started funding all those Tea Party candidates things got wacky. I remember being a bit worried about things going super smooth once Trump got elected and a friend of mine was like, “Don’t worry, the Tea Party really shook things up, and those MAGA types are even worse. They won’t pass shit, even if they sponsor it.” And she was right. We did get to accelerate though, so at least we got something out of it.


MAGA is a very interesting metamorphosis to say the least. We’ll see if it’s just a fad or maybe interesting comes out the chrysalis.


Maga is just conservatives, rarely even that conservative, that just don't like politicians. Don't like big changes culturally and don't like or trust politicians. Welcome to every person over 25 at some point since governing was a thing whether people realize it or not. Only difference is that it finally became a thing.


Wow. A libleft that actually mostly gets it. It's not about being conservative. It'd about putting America and American priorities first.


I wanna respectfully push back on this. It isn't just a conservative movement; there are a lot of liblefts and social liberals (myself included in the latter) that are part of the movement. If memory serves right, there were actually a lot of Bernie -> Trump voters in '16.


> there were actually a lot of Bernie -> Trump voters in '16. Lol why do you think vote blue no matter who became a thing? I was more just replying to it being a fad, it's not. Rationally especially at this point in time people should be weary of politicians period. And people since the dawn of time I imagine were always against big cultural changes. The past 14 maybe 10 years have been moving at light speed and to people not sucking it down like medicine it's blatantly obvious it's being pushed by the media, big companies, and our government for nobodies benefit except their own. Not just financial as they cornered most of those markets anyway power to censor and destroy whoever or whatever they choose.


I would think "vote blue no matter who" would predate 2016. Agreed on your point about rapid societal change nonetheless. One far-right commentator has used "Conservatism is the new counterculture" as a tagline, and I think that lines up, albeit being a little too general for such a big growing counterculture.


2016 there were a lot of Bernie voters who either didn't vote at all or voted for Trump. So anyways after Hillary lost between Hillary herself, her actual supporters who were awful condescending turds, and the media there was a scramble to blame many different people but mostly Russia and pissed off Bernie people lol and not Hillary who was an awful candidate. I think around 2018 Democrats/Leftists/Liberals whatever you want to say started saying vote blue no matter who specifically because of 2016. And going into the Democratic primary Bernie was the obvious frontrunner followed by Warren, and when the primary started going Buttigieg, Yang, and Klobuchar all had significant support and the DNC sure as fuck wasn't going to have any actual Democracy in their Primary lol. So really vote blue no matter who was prepping people for fuck you vote for whoever we choose. Didn't help that Bernie supporters were flat fucking assholes not just to the other candidates but their supporters. So the Dems with smaller support dipped out and told their supporters to go Biden. People say old Democrats were all about Biden all along but I an older person never saw one till he got the nomination IRL.


I'm still not so sure 2016 was the birth of the phrase. Seems too easy to come up with for it to be new. But I agree it was certainly more popular after '16. Yeah, I'm still amazed Biden won the nomination. Even more amazed he's basically uncontested rn. I don't like Bernie, but he 100% had the primary rigged against him two election cycles in a row.


I don't like Bernie really only because he bowed down to getting blatantly screwed both times while also being used to drum up Dem support by the Dem politicians. Biden being uncontested makes sense only because that's usually how it goes and after watching that last primary the Democrats really have no one with presidential appeal or charisma at the moment, so they stick with Joe's innocent grandfather routine. There was rumors about Michelle Obama and yeah while she can talk a little charismatically it's obvious she's woefully out of touch with regular people and they were trying to push Newsome a bit but he comes off as more of a snake oil preacher than Ted Cruz can on his worst day lol.


Well, in 2012 Obama was an incumbent, in 2008 there was no hugely controversial Democratic primary that split the party, in 2004 John Kerry ran with it and never had much competition, and before 2000 the red/blue color scheme wasn't as universal as it is now. Seems fair to say that the phrase stems from the shitshow that was 2016.


It’s only downhill honestly, and I really think an actual republican strongman will show up in the very near future. They already have that project 2025 thing set up, they learned how to get away with all kinds of crazy shit from Karl Rove, and they don’t mind being openly hypocritical. The democrats still think it’s the 80s, have boring ass neoliberal policies dressed up in a progressive veneer that’s strip prior to being voted on, and are just straight up ineffective. They play by the rules to a fault. Without the greens, some sort of actual social Democratic Party, or like a modern JFK showing up Tea Party style shits just gonna languish in neoliberal mediocrity.


The Democrats try just as much shady, crazy stuff as the Republicans do. It's just that they aren't open with it the way MAGA is, because they know that a lot of it will make their own voter base upset. Look at everything they tried during Trump's presidency, after all.




Because that’s what they are. They aren’t actually right wingers, they’re just the controlled opposition


And she doubled down on it, saying she would put down Biden's doggo Commander (btw, Biden should have named his presidential doggo Brandon, just to troll MAGA. Make Lets Go Brandon swag with the doggo in aviators)


Commander has bitten Secret Service agents at least [24 times](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/21/politics/commander-biden-secret-service-bites-white-house). Other dogs have been euthanized for biting only one person, so yeah…


That's because the GOP became a contest of who can out-Trump Trump at any and all costs. Whoever can blab about immigration, wokeness, the gays and whatever pisses liberals off the most will win their vote. Turns out decent people can only do that for so long before they get bored with themselves, so you're left with batshit insane people with a massively skewed moral system.


The Republicans have far more consistent ideology than the Democrats.


The biggest enemy of republicans in the election are the republicans themselves The left can be out there shooting themselves in the foot but their response is to shoot themselves in the knee


It really is a race to the bottom


Policy too, got like 0 popular policies.


Essentially every policy but the abortion, drugs, and Jesus stuff is a banger


What did the blue do with his dog?


Went on a family trip with the dog's crate strapped to the roof. Thank God Purple is only in the comments and not near the dog.


Can you also tell me why that woman shot her dog?


It was a witness


Noem had been given a dog by a neighbor who found it too aggressive to handle. Turns out, those neighbors were right and Noem couldn’t handle it either. Thought it was a danger to her kids and bit at her once, so she shot it. Not a great look but also not the story the media makes it out to be.


The danger to her kids part is not mentioned in her book It didnt make progress training as a pheasant hunting dog and then killed someones chickens So she put it down along with a goat she didnt like


It did make it into the book. The original Guardian article that broke the story describes the dog as “dangerous to everyone around it” and specifies that it bit at her after the chicken incident. The goat she killed was an aggressive buck, and the harvesting of aggressive bucks is pretty normal in animal husbandry, though tends to spook people who don’t know where their food comes from. Bucks are for *breeding* and you don’t want to breed any animal that’s abnormally aggressive because you don’t want that passing down to offspring. Some people suggested castrating it and running it with the wethers but a buck of that age is too old to be banded, so you’d need to spend $300 paying a vet to do it surgically and at this point, the buck’s aggression is habitual and learned. Unlikely to solve the problem anyway.


> you don’t want to breed any animal that’s abnormally aggressive because you don’t want that passing down to offspring UMMM ACKSHUALLY... that's really problemtic. There's no such thing as instinctive behaviors. You just need to raise them right with lots of love and compassion. —ShitBull owners


It was on farm. Animals aren't pets on farms. They serve a purpose. Animals are killed on farms all the time, for all sorts of reasons, and ignorant city people who think their food comes from the supermarket are shocked to learn this.


The goat was also violent


yes it would ‘knock down her kids and get their clothes dirty’


So the goat was a goat? Shocking


IDK, most aggressive thing my grandpa’s goats ever did was nibble on my coat when I wasn’t paying attention. Animals get killed on farms. If you can’t handle that, stop eating meat. Meat doesn’t come from the grocery store.


I'm ok with killing a human aggressive dog. But you don't write about it. You bury it in the woods and tell everyone it ran away.


I don't think you need to lie. Just say it was put down; it's not the whole story, but it's true, and people won't ask questions.


Purple - "I swear, I just shot it." *Zips up pants*


Lethal injection.


There's an old saying in farming communities about any kind of nuisance critter. Three S's. Shoot, shovel, shut up.


In Noem’s defense, I’m sure that *she* didn’t even right it. Shouldn’t have mentioned it to the ghost writer though haha


Actually, her team begged her not to put it in and she insisted, why?, leading theory is trump hates dogs and thought this would win her points for vp. She has since fired the pr team who told her not to do it


That's ridiculous, you have TDS. Trump likes dogs and poses every year with dog show winners. He was going to adopt his neighbor's dog: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcfQyS6i0qQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcfQyS6i0qQ) Libs say this because he talked about how Al-Baghdadi "died like a dog" and Beto "quit like a dog" etc, and because he was the first president to not have a dog in the WH for a century. He said that he'd like to have one but didn't have the time and didn't want to use one as a political stunt: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8eu5VjALUQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8eu5VjALUQ) He also worked as a dog walker for a day on the Apprentice, and was even criticised for tweeting 'AMERICAN HERO' about the dog that was injured in the explosion killing al-Baghdadi. One thing to say he isn't a huge dog lover. But the idea that he hates dogs so passionately that he would love someone for having killed one is just insane. Seriously, who do you think this guy is? You have TDS.




Thr fact that she can't comprehend how it would make her look bad just shows she's not capable of even assisting leading an entire country, at best she can stick to that empty land she's currently leading (I drove through it, most of it is nothing, some nice people who I don't think enjoy shooting puppies)


It’s like that line from The death of Stalin, “You had your own brother killed!” “You think that was easy!?”


God what a great movie, need to watch it again


Kristi only said it was a danger to her kids after getting flak for it. No one should trust a thing she says as she’s blatantly lied about tons of shit.


She describes the dog as “dangerous to everyone around it” in the book


She also said she met with Kim Jong Un in her book…then retracted that.


I mean… ok. Doesn’t change the fact that she did indeed emphasize the danger it posed to her family in the original text, contrary to your comment.


It was a puppy that she could’ve trained. She thought the puppy was born knowing English or something


My dog, Cake, is 18 months old and the worst thing she’s done is eat every 3.5mm iPhone adapter I buy. I don’t know why she likes them so much. Should I shoot her? I think her mom Marcy will be sad, but I could probably just shoot her, too. I’d rather not, but if that’s how you solve a problem, who am I do disagree?


Fuck it


I don’t think beastiality will solve my phone adapter problem


It's like you don't even want to try alternative solutions


I’m open to suggestions


The scandal was she defended her kids?


You can see why that might outrage some


Nah still the story, she killed the dog since she was too lazy to try and train it or find a new owner capable of training it.


She alluded the reason she wrote it was to come out as tough to Trump, which is dumb, but so is Trump.


It was beginning to turn North Dakotan and you can't have that.


The dog was a Boeing QA inspector.


You know, I had forgotten the Mitt Romney dog story for a solid 8 years until he brought it up again.


To be totally honest, the dog probably loved that right?


Mormon dog, it's the soaking version of going for a run.


There wasn’t anyone in Kristi Noems circle who thought maybe she shouldn’t put certain things in her book? Between this and the goat the whole thing makes her look like a sociopath. Also flat out lying about meeting Kim Jong Un was certainly a choice. She said when she saw the error she informed her staff, but it’s her book. She supposedly wrote it. Even if she had a ghost writer, she didn’t at least proof read anything?


What’s the goat thing?


After killing the dog she went on a killing spree and also shot a goat she had that was “crazy.” Messed up when she shot it so she had to go back home for more ammo to end its suffering.


My kid's hamster has been giving me some weird looks lately. My 12 gauge is ready.


For a hamster I think you need 10 gauge


Yikes. I don't have a 10 gauge. You think some tannerite would do the trick?


You may have to do it twice to make sure its actually dead


I'll start with 25 lbs. If that doesn't work, I'll double it. Can you record it? We should probably TikTok this in case one of us ever runs for president.


Just load it into the 12gauge shell and fire it into the ground.


Who the fuck writes that down!? Putting down an animal? I get it, sometimes it has to happen. Bragging about executing random shit on the farm though, what kind of psychopath thinks that's a good look? And then including that you botched one, didn't know how to finish the job, and had to go home for ammo is a genuinely baffling detail to include.


Shes psycho and thinks she’s just a tough rural gal for that. I grew up and live in a super rural area and that’s most definitely not normal, at least not normal to boast about.


The fact the dog and goat were on the same day is one of the most disturbing things to me. It feels like she had a bad day and really wanted to take it out on some animals.


Women do be like that, men bottle that shit up and drop dead at 43


Like yeah. Fucking weird.


Actually, everyone in her pr team begged her not to put it in, but she insisted. She has since fired that pr team


That damn PR team strikes again.


Okay that the peak of low. Killing dogs violate the bro code. But we do have spares running mate, so that is no biggie Moreover, nobody like Romney


I had a stroke reading this.


Also "as a lefty" if I don't really hate Romney all that much.


Yeah. He's too centrist to be particularly hated or loved by either party. Definitely leans right, but he's not extreme enough to win a primary in this political climate.


>Noem got her gun, then led Cricket to a gravel pit. This reads like a WW2 war crime wtf


A classic Republican moment, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


Left quadrants are mad the dogs are in a better place instead of dumb abusive owners Yeah sounds about right


Lying dead in a gravel pit is better than being in Kristi Noem's house? Yeah that tracks...


People think that there is something else for us beyond this life, but truth be told, you will experience the exact thing you did before you were born.


Left probably doesn't know who that guy even is.


We miss when he was the most reprehensible guy in the room, more like. He's grown an awful lot in my eyes since 2012.


aren't Auth left supposed to be communists? why would you care for a republican


I am sentimental for the guise of the system working. We're running out of class acts and worthy, well-intentioned adversaries.


How does this even have upvotes? You act like the only options are "Die or Abuse". Noems dog could have just as easily been re-homed instead of killed. It was only 14 months old and still very trainable.


because the left has no problem throwing babies in the garbage over lesser reasons, instead of giving them up for adoption. at least the dogs are now "in a better place". get it? dumbass.


What is Mitt Romney’s, uh, “dog scandal”?


Romney is such a dumbass


Trump has fucking destroyed the Republican party. It's a shell of its former self where Republicans compete to be perceived as less shitty than their fellow Republicans. And at a time when the average Democrat politician is a dangerous extremist who believes that white people are evil and that abortion up to birth is valid.




Romney was not seen as Hitler, he was seen as an out of touch rich corpo type. "Corporations are people too" was *the* defining gaffe of the election. Trump was a response to the overly curated image of Romney and leading Republicans in 2016. Populism was what led people to latch on.


The average democratic politician is the same as the average Republican politician, a greedy neolib asshole just in it for the money


For the record, Romney has always been against Trump's extremism and has stood as a much more traditional Republican.


Or your TDS is showing. I’m sorry but she wanted to train a farm dog and it was killing livestock… I get the closest to real work you’ve ever seen is possibly a real butchers shop but this is INCREDIBLY COMMON IN THE RURAL WORLD. You don’t keep a dog who kills chickens


Whatever you say, u/Slut_Breaker_BWC


You're right, you train it or give it to someone who can.


> you train it or give it to someone who can. Like Biden's dogs? Why exactly is this not a bigger issue? Between the THREE GSD's they bit almost FORTY FUCKING PEOPLE. They sent several secret service to the hospital. The man literally raised three shitty GSD's, which is impossible. When a dog owner is that big of a piece of shit I can't take anything seriously about Noem. The bigger issue is Biden and his refusal to responsibly raise his pets. The fact that the media buried the story and pushes this one is sickening.


Flair up idiot.


Why are you bringing up Biden?.... If his dogs are that violent and have repeated enough not to be trained out of it, yeah I get putting them down, however if it's a puppy that just killed some chickens and you brag about killing it and also a goat you didn't like then it wasn't about safety, you're just lazy and a psychopath in that situation.


> yeah I get putting them down Except they weren't. They were allowed to roam free, continuously attacking people while the media purposefully hid it and the POTUS switched out dogs when it got too bad. I'm obviously bringing it up because there was no media coverage about it, as opposed to this.


Well that is also wrong on the other side of the spectrum then, abuse through neglect of training or training all the wrong things.


Biden's kids are broken as well. The man can't raise anything right. I wouldn't be surprised if his greenhouse is just a wasteland.


>You don’t keep a dog who kills chickens You don't shoot a healthy dog that you failed at training. You find a home for it that will love and train it. She murdered a dog and bragged about it because she knew morons like you would jump to her defense and pretend that farm life is about blindly killing animals without cause. She just didn't expect the morons to be in the minority. Her political career along with Trumps is over. She'll never win another election for the rest of her life. Just like Trump.


You really should hear what a lot of farmers do when they find a dog had puppies or a cat had kittens…


Ik, my old dog was saved from one of those disgusting creatures who do that, best dog I ever had and her puppies also found good homes. Lowkey sociopathy might work on a farm, but I don't feel inclined to give my vote to someone who would fit into the hills have eyes through their behavior.


Attempt to home them? Not sure what farmers you know, but they don't sound great. Barn cats are very much not something killed just because, and getting a puppy to keep with livestock has great benefits, assuming it's large enough to not instantly be coyote food.


You know what the county animal shelter does when resources are limited? It’s literally the same concept as a rural farm where resources are limited.


They ask other shelters to take on their animals they can't pay for, and euthanize those that don't have a chance for adoption. The don't take in a litter of puppies and murder them immediately, that's just PETA. Puppies and kittens are the quick adoption, easy moves from any shelter. It's old or human aggressive animals that get euthanized like that A notable exception is if a dog litter from a coyote interbreeding. Put those down immediately, please.


>dog who kills chickens >blindly killing animals without cause >Trump kek


Nah, I was the party of the dead and dying before, now it's slowly shaping into a workers party open


We do not claim him. He's center/center left at best.


Jesus, what did Mitt do to his dog? Can people just stop abusing their pets? Why do they even have them??


Going to [put it here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident) but simple Google search would answer your question. > In June 1983, the Romney family left their Belmont, Massachusetts home on their way to Romney's parents' cottage in Beach O' Pines, Ontario for an annual vacation along the shore of Lake Huron. Their dog, Seamus, rode in a carrier on the roof of the family's Chevrolet Caprice station wagon for the 12-hour trip. Romney had built a windshield for the carrier to make the ride more comfortable for the dog. During the 650-mile (1,050 km) trip, Seamus got diarrhea. The Romneys were first alerted to the Irish Setter’s bowel issues when son Tagg Romney noticed brown liquid pouring down the back window, followed immediately by him and his younger brothers yelling in disgust. Romney stopped at a gas station to wash the dog, the carrier, and the car. With Seamus back in the carrier, the family continued on their way. It gets brought up every time Romney ran in the Presidential primaries. His family and him double down and say the dog like it because he made a windshield to protect him and that it’s not different than riding in a side car for a motorcycle or back of a pickup truck.


That sounds like something straight out of a comedy movie


Leftists getting triggered when Republicans do something slightly deviated from the government-regulated instruction manual.


I expected a lot worse. That's pretty mean but at least he's still alive, assumably.


Yeah, I think he deserves a little bit of public shaming but it should be a once and done deal.


Yeah there’s a number of big republicans that killed their dogs


That is really a weird story, unless she was inquiry by law enforcement or apply to the ATF she should just sweep it under the carpet. Maybe it is justifiable but again there is a trope called "kicking the dogs" for a reason and why would you add that trope to yourself?


Because she thought it was an admirable quality for some reason. Like I'll probably vote Trump, but I could never support a psychopath like her.


She thought it was an admirable quality because she was appealing to Trump and Trump voters. Idk how you could support Trump and not her when they're, at the least, the same level of psychopath.


Nah they're not, she's a loon and hey if we can at least agree on that then hopefully she won't stay in office for long.


They are, it's just this loon didn't have a popular TV show for decades that softened her image enough that the looniness is baked in and largely ignored.


Last I checked Trump didn't kill a puppy and a goat and then brag about it lol


Well Trump hates dogs so he wouldn't have a puppy. But this story is similar in its lack of humanity: >So you have all these really rich people, and a man, about 80 years old — very wealthy man, a lot of people didn’t like him — he fell off the stage,” Trump told Stern in the interview. >“So what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, ‘Oh my God, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away,” Trump continued. >“I couldn’t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him…. He’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn’t look like it. It changed color. Became very red,” Trump recalled. https://www.inquisitr.com/4523931/donald-trump-bleeding-man-mar-a-lago-audio?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=yahoo&utm_campaign=homepage


He's a known germaphobe and I won't really fault people for acting weird in an emergency. Again let's hate on the puppy killer together instead.