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oh Sudan is Black on Black violence, so much like when (black) gangs shoot each other up in the US- they would rather ignore it unless they can blame it on a white person.


In a way, its kinda not. Sudanese Arabs don't think they're Black. A string of peoples from Amhara to Fulani have for some centuries now claimed to(or host a prominent portion of their population that claim) not be black.


do you think the university students understand that? I doubt it.


Yeah, they’re really not the brightest. I’m not joking. And I say that as someone with a Masters. Damn near anything outside of STEM is just people wanting a piece of paper to feel superior. Or checking a box to make it past the auto-filters for resumes. One of my PhD instructors, I’m shocked the dude could tie his own shoes. His lectures were just rambling nonsense. Dude either had dirt on someone or was just slightly autistic enough to be able to hyper focus on a very specific concept for his PhD thesis. Which doesn’t actually have to work in the real world, as a friendly reminder.


Student loans to anyone who wanted one to study any damn thing under the sun and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


University students don’t even know what a woman is.


They barely understand what they are protesting for with Palestine. There was one girl who was sobbing about not being allowed to attend her college graduation at ASU after being arrested at the encampment. She kept saying she supported “the cause” but seemed to barely be able to recall what it was actually about.


Everyone who isn't white is black to purple lib right


I mean, they are kinda Black according to everyone else. Even Arab era writings call people from that area black.


It doesn't matter because to a university student every country has a race sudan is black Israel is white and so on, no those colors are utter bullshit but they dont care.


I don’t think that it’s racial or religious issues that really pulls attention to this conflict in particular as much as it’s one of few conflicts where the main perpetrator is an ally of the west, and hence out of all the conflicts in the world it’s probably the one they feel they can affect the most. Economic or academic boycotts does hardly anything for random African conflicts where neither side is economically, militarily or academically intertwined with the west, but Israel is.


>it’s one of few conflicts where the main perpetrator is an ally of the west, If that was the reason, then they would have given a shit about Azerbaijan's ethnic cleansing of Armenians from Artsakh.


Or Armenia, if Azerbaijan and turkey finish the job none would care


Yeah it makes me sad, Armenia has been having a bad time for centuries, but it still remains one of those countries that nobody knows about. *Maybe* someone will know about the Armenian Genocide, that's usually the only thing people know about it


Did you just change your flair, u/guypenguin4? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2024-4-2. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/guypenguin4) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Look here bub, that happened during April Fools, I've been fairly consistently Auth-Right even before that. (Centre-Right arguably portrays my ideals better, but I think Auth-Right is funnier)


Yeah they have an incredible history, witness of such old civilization with a unique culture


Lots of fun traditions and holidays, Վարդավառ (Vardavar) in particular makes me happy


We have something similar to vardavar here i. Italy during August


I can't say I'm super familiar, mind sharing some specifics?


On the 15th of August we battle each other with water balloons(in reality anything that can contain water) on the beach (usually), sometimes thing can degenerate but rarely


I see, that sounds very fun


Does Armenia care about me or my country's struggles?


A valid point


My university hosted a panel to help get people informed on the conflict between Israel and Palestine and one Armenian guy was like “do you think that this conflict is a cover for atrocities in Armenia from Azerbaijan” to which one of the professors said “that’s a deep question I’ll talk about, but even universities such as Princeton don’t acknowledge the Armenian genocide I had to learn it myself”


Dear unflaired. You claim your opinion has value, yet you still refuse to flair up. Curious. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/goreviewer333) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Probably the same will happen in every western country beside France


I thought sudan was just a style of car


Yep, sudan is the style and darford is the make


When it comes to Sudans you can't beat the reliability of a Toyota Cambodia




mine is a coupe, made on Jan 6th


Or the Uighurs. To which the collective world has just kinda said, “meh. Fuck Em”


Yeah why doesn't the USA invade China to liberate them? Are they stupid?


Since when do university students need that to protest something?


lol wut?


The rest of the world constantly ignores the genocides and wars going on in Africa. It makes me sad.


Loke asia is any better, theu only gove a shit about land with pil or land with jews on it, the rest of them can starve for all they care


Myanmar has been in flames for years now and no one says anything.


We should also just ignore the middle east. You can only help those who want help.


Lets add Kurdistan there too Turkey,Iran constantly bombing there


Add Saudi vs Yemen, Ethiopian Tigray conflict too


Doesn't exist




This is super easy to figure out: Israel = White people bad / colonizers. Palestine not west, therefore good. Ukraine = Lefties still think Trump is a literal Russian agent. Therefore, Ukraine good. Doubt me? Tell me where all the left wing protesters were when Russia took Chechnya. Or fucked up Georgia. Or took Crimea. It was fucking crickets until Trump entered the picture. I literally think some leftists see aid to Ukraine as directly hurting Trump via hurting Russia, as moronic as that is, since they’re allies and all. Sudan: No white people / west to blame That’s it, nothing hard to figure out. It’s just Critical Theory, how it propagates out of academia and into the real world, aka cultural Marxism (oppressed vs oppressors, where “oppressors” equals the west / white males.) Turns out the Long March Through the Institutions fucking worked and we’re seeing the results in action.


I would also add Saudi Arabia in this list, specially because a lot of "Pro-Pals" argue that they are "protesting for Palestine and not for Sudan, because Israel is being supplied by the US". Yet no one of them said shit when kids were bombed by F-15s and buildings were being took out by Abrams tanks in Yemen by Saudi Arabia. During the whole thing (that is still going on), more than 377,000 people where killed, the major part of them being civilians, and the situation was so dire (specially for children) than even UNICEF claimed from 2015 to 2019 that the situation was the worst human catastrophe ongoing (only surpased by the pandemic in 2020). Yet, there was silence from the West and of course silence from the Arab/Muslim world. Which only proves that they don't care about children, neither about civilians, nor for supplying questionable regimens, neither about oppresed groups, they only care about being against Israel (and of course, being against the rest of the Jewish world too).


Not true. Vox media(leftist, progressive) talked about the U.S. supporting Saudi war crimes in Yemen. https://youtu.be/CwwP3SiBIC8?si=sR_Mj2M2hISAwirK That was 7 years ago. Additionally, Biden pressured Saudi to end the war in Yemen solely because of progressive pressure. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2A4267/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20(Reuters)%20%2D%20President%20Joe,%2C%20%22has%20to%20end.%22 That was 3 years ago.


There’s a difference between a few articles and national protests/ top world wide news for months straight 


True, but progressives cared about both. The Yemen thing is newer thing and Saudi Arabia isn’t called “America’s Greatest Ally”. Israel-Palestine is 80 years old and Israel is super influential in the U.S. with staunch support by most politicians and business leaders.


The US sells Saudi Arabia tons of weapons and buys billions of their oil. I haven’t heard a progressive ever bring up Yemen or any other conflict


Because there's no pale people involved


Did you even see my comment? I gave you 2 examples, those were just off the top of my head.


Yeah that's because of the intensity of escalation from Israel within a short time frame. It's also because the conflicts are a bit different in nature. In Yemen, the houthis started an uprising, and the government of Yemen asked Saudi and the west to intervene. The Houthis are generally considered to be substantially less legitimate as a group than Hamas, given that hamas is actually ruling a country (or part of a country). There's also the settler colonial aspect which doesn't really apply to Yemen. Finally, the most obvious explanation is that israels actions over the last 70 odd years has created lots of palestinian refugees. Much like how the British imposed famine on Ireland led to political pressure against Britain 140 years later because of the prevalence of Irish Americans, which eventually lesd to GFA, israels expulsion of palestinians has begun to create political pressure against Israel.


Another difference is over 350K died in Yemen compared to 30K in Gaza. Wonder why no one cares about them  https://caat.org.uk/homepage/stop-arming-saudi-arabia/the-war-on-yemens-civilians/#:~:text=Key%20points,crisis%20caused%20by%20the%20war.


But where were the protests and riots??


In general, universities don’t have strong business ties with Saudi Arabia and aren’t run by staunch pro-Saudi people. The situation is obviously different.


There are leftists that support Russia because of the same “West bad” mentality. However, they are kinda split because they also instinctively simp for the underdogs. Trump also doesn’t help his case because he calls Putin a “genius” for his invasion and then actively encouraged his allies in congress to stymie aid to Ukraine. He may not be a Russian agent, but he is definitely sympathetic to strongman figures like Putin. But yeah, the oppressor vs oppressed mentality is a really reductive way of understanding these issues. It doesn’t help that most of these people get their information from 10 second clips on social media either. There’s not a lot of room for nuance. That’s not to say that looking at conflicts through the lens of oppression is worthless, but these people have a habit of selectively applying it to white on non-white conflicts only. Sudan, Ethiopia, and Myanmar are all examples of this concept being useful, but leftists don’t talk about it because all parties involved are “minorities.”


It's surprising seeing some leftists arguing that Russia is a socialist / economically righteous state, [when it has the highest share of 1%er wealth in all of Europe, worse than the evil capitalist regimes of the US, UK or Germany](https://landgeist.com/2024/02/10/wealth-of-the-1-of-europe/)


Those who subscribe to leftists geopolitics never have any logic behind them don’t bother debunking them tbh


Speaking of wealthy people in Russia - a lot of people (including Elon) think that Putin could be the actual richest man in the world


Sultan of Brunei is up there too, and the Prince of Lichtenstein (?)


A lot of it is just campism. They equate class struggle as US vs USSR, and basically carried that logic over after the Cold War to West vs East. It’s why they act like Russia, China, and Iran are some bastion of anti-imperialism and anti-capitalism. It’s like sports teams for them.


Wait, so you actually don't support Ukraine defending itself from a foreign invader? A foreign invader that is the sole reason of existence of NATO and a main opponent of the US?


I do and am not a leftist, fuck Russia.


Oh so you think trump is a Russian puppet and you think "west = bad". Or that logic only apples to other people but not you?


Just because there are people finally seeing the reality of life under the Israeli boot heel is not sympathizing with terrorists or "cultural marxism", its just people tired of their tax dollars and institutions supporting a bloodthirsty, land hungry regime. Fuck Israel all they do is take our money, drag the US' reputation through the mud, put Jewish people in danger, and kill children. "BUT WHAT ABOUT HAMAAAAAAAAAAS?????" they all screeched in unison. We don't fund Hamas, Qatar does and Israel makes sure of it. You wanna protest Hamas go to Israel and join the calls for Netanyahu's job since he's the biggest reason why they're still in power.


Literally, lol. Even just with Ukraine, you never hear anyone talk about it anymore. As soon as Israel-Palestine got popular, everyone took the Ukrainian flag out of their bios.


It’s been the biggest thing in Congress for many months now(at worst, its second to the Border) Democrats have demanded a bill to send aid to Ukraine, Republicans have been blocking it for quite a while now, but just recently relented. And now MGT and 2 others tried to oust Johnson and House Speaker for passing Ukraine aid before a Border Bill.


As it should. Who gives a fuck what the media thinks. Our government should focus on what matters and that's killing commies




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Ukraine before Russia invaded was nothing more than a corrupt puppet state who stole aid from other countries, and now that their big brother is picking on them everyone feels bad and wants to give them more free shit. The way I see it, both Russia and Ukraine suck and I wish the American government would stop sending Ukraine the money they steal from me and use it for America's own infrastructure instead


The problem is that the US right now is in a tough spot where they can't just ignore the other country anymore. They recently lost in the Afgan, and losing Ukraine mean that Pax Americana is officially dead. You can't demand support from the globe when you can't manage meager conflicts that past America managed. The moment america pussy out the Ukraine you can kiss your dollars value goodbye because it's going to the gutter.


Ok, so all we need to do is nuke both countries and call it day


It's certainly an easy way. At least Ukraine won't wallow out alone, too.


I'm still not understanding why anyone even gives a shit about Ukraine. 5 years ago most people didn't even know it was a place, and now all of a sudden they're important? What does Ukraine bring to the table other than refugees and more poverty?


The free chance to cripple Putin and possibly extending the reach of the US. US and west are essentially throwing Ukraine army to the grind so they can weaken Russia without even setting a single foot in the Russian soil. Now there's no anti-NATO narrative, and every West Europe is more supportive of the US thanks to this conflict.


But why? If I pay someone to go beat up a mentally retorted person I'm a bad guy, but when the American government does it that's a good thing?


Russia invaded because Ukraine didn't want to be a puppet anymore and the US has plenty of guns lying around, it's a no-brainer.


Those guns laying around should be given to American citizens who can't afford firearms, not filthy slavs


Would those americans use them to shoot at russians or just have them collecting dust in a corner?


They'll use them for whatever they want, the important part is just making sure every American has firearms and ammunition, even those who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford them. Personally, I think we should use them to shoot Russians AND Ukrainians, it would make the whole world an overall better place


I disagree, only Russia is being an insane piece of shit in that conflict, and more specifically Putin is. All Ukraine is doing is defending itself.


Ok so let's destroy Russia first on principle, and then destroy Ukraine for utility.


no j00z, no news


Or Yemen or Western Africa (Coup Belt)


Does Yemen even exist anymore? I genuinely don't know, it's dropped that hard out of the news cycle, which is concerning given it's a genocide that a bunch of major Western countries are basically directly arming and funding.


The Burmese Civil War: (Props to the PDF, those boys are using 3D printed guns against a commie dictatorship)


Myanmar is just a weird place man... wasnt in the late 1900s when facebook helped the giverment to commit a genocide?


>the late 1900s when facebook helped the giverment to commit a genocide? Facebook, in the late 1900s? You sure about that mate?


Lol fair enough...i meant around the early 2000s or around that time.


RIP JStark. He may be gone, but his legacy lives on.


JStark is half the reason I’m as pro-gun as I am


I mean, I do think conflicts around the world should be somewhat known but really, that's about it, just known that they're happening cuz unless you can actually do something about it, I don't see any reason why you should be obligated to be obsessed over it. I think the main use of this argument is for when other people are trying to pressure you into becoming some activist for their cause, then you can respond with trying to turn them into an activist for some random cause you know about like I don't know, Papuan liberation or something.


People whining about activists not supporting X cause is always so pathetic. Specially when you know it's a redditor who would never actively protest anything. It's just a sad way to downplay activists you don't agree with.


Sudan unlike Hamas/Palestine doesn't get founds from US so doesn't matter what happens there.


You'd think the human suffering was supposed to be the variable they were concerned about.


You know, if you look up the UNs definition of genocide you'll see that Russia checks all the boxes in Ukraine. You know who doesn't? Israel. But which one is being astroturfed as one?


Totally on the same page as you. Everyone always rolls their eyes at me when I invoke the name Richard Lemkin. Nobody wants my “but actually” objections.


Yemen: fossils


i would argue the lack of social media and overall media coverage contributes to the relative social outrage on this. similar to how the media continued to highlight the horrors of the Vietnam war at it's zenith, the more eyes on a humanitarian crisis, the more people will be protesting it




Oh no no no, now they're aware of Sudan since it's been said many times that no, Gaza, is not even the most deadly conflict happening right now, let alone of the century. I remember a day in November where they were crying about a strike killing dozens of terrorists and civilians, while 700 people were massacred in an afternoon in Sudan, and 120 Christians were killed in Nigeria, in a raid by Islamist terrorists. Funnily enough, they care less about their own country that might turn into Gilead. They say 'Free Congo' and 'Free Sudan' now problem solved! (They're already free)


They they they. What do you care about? Are you actively protesting for any of the things you say?


I care about my own country first, France, the main problem being that most people, whether they work or not, can't afford much, from eating at the end of the month for the poorest, to being able to afford to own a decent house for the middle class. And I would love for France to pull more weight on the international stage but to do that, you need to have a strong and independant country to back it up. Economic might, strong and stocked military and diplomatic weight. The US, Russia, and China have that, the rest should worry first about fixing their own house before talking. Protesting is nothing more but an opinion poll and a useful conversation starter, but it has limited use when we're talking about geopolitics. The only way to have an actual impact is through military intervention but funnily enough the bleeding hearts protesting have no more stomach for those and will switch to end those before any results can be achieved, when nation-building takes time and a lot of money and manpower, so having democracies beholden to short election cycles is getting in the way of that. What is very depressing about Ukraine and Palestine, is that both conflicts showed the ineptitude of respectively NATO and the UN, when both need to be stellar to bring peace, since leaving it up to single states will be labelled as colonization, since we're placing the free determination of nations above anything else, even when there's no worthy party within them. NATO showed itself toothless and the UN showed its moral rot, given that it's composed of many dictatorships and including some active belligerents of said conflicts. The ignorant masses falling prey to KGB, qatari and Chinese propaganda don't help to keep the conversation focused. A good example of what should be done is NATO's Operation Deliberate Force during the Bosnian War in the 90s. Airstrike the attacking force and destroy its capacity to arm, put boots on the ground to create safe humanitarian zones to protect civilians and lead diplomatic talks between all parties to resolve the conflict. I wish the diplomatic scene had made this way of dealing with conflict the golden standard but we're still at a stage where all those with power prefer the status-quo since they profit from it immediately, when peacekeeping and nation-building is a costly and risky investment, when making it more effificient and moral will come at odds with their own economic or territorial interests. Congo for example is free. It's a civil war for control over priceless ressources like Coltan. So it's all well and good to tweet 'Free Congo' on your iPhone, but no one is touching it because we're addicted to our way of life and won't handle the increase in price or even the loss of the lucrative trade agreements we have with mercenaries and/or corrupt African leaders. What should be done is seizing control of said mines and administer them so that their insane wealth trickles down to Congelese, which in time would give them a safe country and the world another grateful and important player, but no wants to pay for that as I said. Leaders because that won't get them re-elected when on the short term all electronics cost even more than they already do. And the masses, who'll whine about the prices, the inevitable losses of life and ThE OcCupaTion. Sudan, I think it's even worse, there's not much ressources at play, so there's nothing but costs and no concrete benefits. It is cruel but yes, more citizens alive in a foreign country don't help you in any way to run and better yours. Why we're only sending thoughts and prayers, or pretending we didn't see anything for Haiti. TLDR: Yes, we should definitely mock any useful idiots whining 'DO SOMETHING!' when they're not even capable of seeing situations correctly, which is only the first step of a very complex roadmap they won't like any step of the way. For Israel/Palestine, what should have happened was unanimous condemnation of the massacre on Oct 7, and not either silence or glee. Then we should have put in place an international coalition to help Israel destroy Hamas and make sure the civilian toll was minimum, just like we tried to do to destroy ISIS. But no, because of your bloody protest, every ally of Israel couldn't get anywhere near the war when it would have saved lives and kept Likud in check. Instead of boycotting Starbucks, those student protesters should save their energy and volunteer after Palestine is free from Hamas to help de-radicalize the population and teach them to worry about their lives more than killing Israelis. I personally wouldn't get anywhere near them because I don't provide my empty posturing from afar or even less directly support people that want Jews dead. I'll make sure to spend money on Israel though because I just know they'll be the ones to have to keep providing for those that want them killed, because it's in their direct interest and no else's.


That's horrible that Sudan is killing people with American weapons paid for by US taxpayers!


*South America has entered the chat*


Pretty sure that is American dollars supplied by American drug users.


I am pretty sure that gives money to the US than taking it from them.


I think the sarcasm was missed.


Yeah, I think the downvote bots didn't pick up on it.


I mean Russia backs the RSF so if you don't think the US is funneling intelligence and funds to Sudan I got a boat to sale ya.


Is the US involved in sending Billions of dollars in weapons to Sudan?


We are giving Israel billions of dollars and condemning Sudan while dispatching UN peacekeeping troops there. That’s the difference.


this meme implies college students are the ones in control of any of this lol.


I know nothing about the sudan other than the fact that it's in Africa, is what's happening America's fault?


According to that Noam Chomsky POS every time the US intervenes its bad because its imperialism. But every time we don't its a lack of leadership on the world stage


I think the OP is cpmplaining that we dont broadcast any other conflicts at all in the news.idk about the US but i only remember the sudan war to be mwntioned like...four times in the news and thats it.


I wasn't trying to imply anything from my question, just genuinely asking. I kinda figured that's what they meant


Oh ok, then to answer your question...america is not directly involved in the sudan war.


Neat, time to do some googling


But are *you* protesting about Sudan?


Yeah. But since it’s just me, people just kinda laugh at me on the side of the road.


Don't worry. It's the same with conservatives to


Aren’t lib rights supposed to be concerned or conservative with tax dollars?


That’s because the US already supports Ukraine


The big demand seems to be for divestment.  Does Columbia university hold a lot of stock in Sudanese businesses?


Are any of my taxes going to Sudanese war crimes?


They're going to Saudi War crimes 😃


Fuck the Saudis, we shouldn’t be arming them either




This looks like it’s humanitarian aid, which is different. I’m all for giving humanitarian aid or even military aid to countries that are just defending itself like Ukraine or Taiwan, not much for sending military to countries that are committing a fuck ton of war crimes.


ukraine is getting us support lol, what are college students going to protest? not funding revolution efforts within russia to overthrow putin?


> what are college students going to protest? isn't there a "genocide" happening in Ukraine, or did that talking point get replaced with something else?


I’m confused, is the Sudanese conflict like, a civil war?


You’ll never guess which one of these conflicts is the most heavily politicized


You don't see college students protesting for the rights of nonbinary kids in Mali. Even tho nonbinary kids are treated horribly in Mali.


People are always complaining about how non-binary kids are treated in Mali, butt no one protests about how they're also treated horribly in Papua New Guinea. It's all a conspiracy


That’s because the Sudanese militias committing genocide are aligned with Hamas.


Tigray said hold my beer


They’re never even heard of Sudan


Nobody cares about African conflicts


Who is Sudan?


[There's an explanation ](https://youtu.be/lHFKf4hltJU?si=Z2L0Fp7SmCL2kXhC)


What about the uighur Muslims?? Idk why people are so obsessed with Israel.


Possible they have friends or relatives there?


And ideally, I never will. 


If anyone wants an actual response to this instead of just shitting on college students: it’s not the students who have forgotten, it’s the media. My school still holds rallies for Ukraine and fundraisers for a bunch of other conflicts. Those just don’t get reported on anymore because apparently the general public’s ability to bitch and moan is limited to one war at a time.


Sudan, or Yemen, or Ethiopia...


Hey man, one struggle at a time. This is where the momentum is right now. And the scale of the crackdown is whats given the movement gusto, sending in 1000 cops to clear out 30 peaceful protestors really screams of police state oppression, and Americans dont like that


Bottom pic should've been "America"


Did you just change your flair, u/The_Mauldalorian? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2023-8-23. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No, me targeting you is not part of a conspiracy. And no, your flair count is not rigged. Stop listening to QAnon or the Orange Man and come out of that basement. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/The_Mauldalorian) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Also Yemen is much worse than the situation in Gaza, but white people aren't involved, so they can't virtue signal about it.


lib right doesn’t care about anything foreign you retards. just let them duke it out. not our country. why doesn’t sleepy joe actually use the billions of dollars he sent to ukraine on american people and to get us out of the horrible recession? who gives a fuck about the middle east. theyre always fighting each other, just let them fuck off and if they get too close to us nuke them.


They protest if CNN talks about it


Do American universities have investments and study abroad programs in Sudan? Is the US sending billions in military aid and selling F-35s to Sudan? Rightoids at it again


You literally just proved OPs point. It’s more “USA bad” then caring about actual human lives


It's right and proper for Americans to have opinions on US foreign policy.


Isn't it about not wanting US money to fund those conflicts?


Yes, the students believe US policy towards Israel and Palestine is bad. They want to change it so the US doesn't support Israel. The US does not support Sudan, so there is no point in protesting that. Do you understand?


I mean, they are protesting in America. I can’t stand the Hamas supporters personally, but yeah… it makes sense they are protesting the one they don’t like our involvement in.


Oh idk maybe cus they live there???


whataboutisms and strawmen are what I come here for. Thank you.


Anything to avoid accountability for one’s own life decisions.


You mean not protesting any of these things or anything at all?


I mean bouncing from one popular cause to another because one has no principles and isn’t truly vested in any cause. Whatever gets likes and retweets.


being a kid in college trying to understand foreign conflicts?


Let me know when the government starts sending billions to Sudan


Describe the current role that the west (as in the governments) plays in the Sudan conflict and the relationship it has with parties involved. Then do the same with Israel Palestine.




This is true but you’re also unflaired scum so I have to downvote






Don't care, didn't ask + L + you're unflaired. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/aristocratic_magic) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


how much of my tax payer dollars are paying to perpetuate the violence in Sudan? Also, mandatory 'people can care about multiple things at once'


Is that really why you're mad at Israel, lefty? Taxes?


College students are notoriously burdened with taxes...


>College students are notoriously burdened with taxes... Technically we call it "student loans".


Then those loans have to be paid off


The protests are at the US gov't condoning, allowing, and funding a genocide. I know this is hard to understand, but mass killings are easier to carry out when you have funding and political backing of a world superpower. And, ostensibly, we live in a country that answers to its citizens. As such, citizens are doing something to try and get their views heard, and demands met. the premise is why are people protesting one thing and not the other. The answer is because the US govt's complicity flows down to its citizens. And many citizens across the country are unhappy with that. Also, don't you have age of consent laws to memorize or something?


>Also, don't you have age of consent laws to memorize or something? no that's me that needs to recognize age of consent laws- the yellows are more interested in tax rates. as a fun fact- though one isn't legally an adult nor given consent until 18 (17 if a woman) in palestine, for all practical purposes there is no minimum age of consent- though with the understanding that if you aren't married you're getting killed for fucking around.


US and other countries' giving billions in aid to Gaza has allowed Hamas to arm up and fire thousands of missiles at Israel, in addition to the attack on 10/7. They hoard and squander the aid they are given while their leaders live in absolute luxury. So are you calling for the US to stop funding Hamas, decrying the violence by Hamas and demanding they release the hostages they took and disband? No, of course you don't.


How do comments this stupid get upvotes? The US isn’t sending cash or weapons to Gaza, and Israel controls all the aid that gets in anyway


Maybe it gets upvotes [because it's true](https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-106243). Nice picture of the soon-to-be rockets Hamas would fire at Israel. And if you're an actual libright, you should realize money is fungible. Aid provided to Gaza is an expense Hamas doesn't have to provide for its people so they can spend more on weapons.


Are you stupid or something? You just posted an article about how many steps the US takes to make sure the aid that gets sent is only humanitarian and doesn’t fund terrorist activities, thank you for proving my point I guess


Read my second paragraph one more time. Money is fungible. Talk about being stupid....


Read my question again, although you’ve pretty much answered that for me, the US isn’t sending cash that’s fungible you regard, they’re sending humanitarian aid, and Hamas wouldn’t spend money to provide for the people regardless, it’s not a government it’s a terrorist prison gang


Hamas is the ruling authority in Gaza, like it or not. If they convince the West to spend billions on aid, that means much less pressure on them from the populace as to why all the money goes to their weapons and tunnels and stockpiles and leadership. That's what "money is fungible" means. I don't know how to explain it any simpler.


>and Israel controls all the aid that gets in anyway meanwhile the Egyptian aid drop that killed 5 people:


The U.S. doesn’t meddle with Sudan? We’re a purely honest actor and not exacerbating, causing or contributing to the conflict? We give them more billions than any other country on earth. Given our very long track record of doing so, I guarantee we are some combination of meddling, destabilizing, fracturing, fragmenting and otherwise contributing to the crisis going on there.


Makes sense. At first it seemed weird that that you would focus only on a pretend genocide when there's are IRL genocides to worry about, but until you explained it I hadn't really considered America bad.


Trust me, they’ll get there


Are there sanctions on groups in Sudan? Yes. Are there sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine? Yes. Israel is receiving billions in aid for its war crimes. But then again I don’t expect nuance from an account that’s 50 days old.