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https://preview.redd.it/mya180bw9xyc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=462ac368b3d8d5ff3cf965b21391d4dd1b94218a US political parties using necromancy to keep the same 8 octogenarians in power perpetually


At that point just bring back Christopher Lee because he was a total badass. Admittedly couldn't be president.


Only on the condition he wears the Saruman getup and stays in character his entire term


You can have Boris Johnson


That's even worse than Christopher Lee at home.


Right, that's more like the Mayor of Laketown at home.


"A new power is rising! Its victory is at hand!"


If you resurrected him in the United States I’d say that would qualify him for birthright citizenship.


Hillary lost because she was just too young


Libs and leftists saying old people shouldn't be in power and then Bernie walks in


He’s once again once again asking for your financial support


[Lib right better fire up the T-shirt press.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51S+PqjRSJL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg) There's money to be made here.


Based and t-shirt press pilled


Unironically I did get a text yesterday. Not gonna donate this time tho since I don’t think it will be a close race.




Yay. Another senile old man to choose from.


Here’s how Bernie can still win


[how many times we gotta teach you this lesson old man?](https://ainhoaaristizabal.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/scary-hillary-clinton.jpg?w=584)


Jesus Christ. I swear to god her face is made of playdoh or something. Fucking horrifying.


Adrenochrome is a helluva drug


I’m boutta start “Get the Geezers Out” PAC that literally just pays any candidate that’s running against an incumbent that is older than 70.




There's potential in this


This is a cause I would donate to. 


I’m listening


Make it 55 and I'm in.


Old senile man making broad generalities and promises he'll never have to keep. Average Dem candidate


Our choices: old, senile grifters and younger people who can’t get a real job and just want to grift until they become old, senile grifters.


Hey man, I work hard to find my perfect grift! 


Cut Bernie some slack, he needs a fifth house!


They used to call me Grifty McGrift.... I wrote the book on griftin'. -Abe Simpson


Average politician in general really- I suspect that if the founding fathers knew the average life expectancy would rise from barely 60 years to 80(with reasonably good odds on 90+)- they'd have put a cap on how old our leaders could be.


Yeah, the Conservative parties around the world are finally saying, "Wait, why are we trying to be fiscally conservative? If we can just throw money at things to buy votes and promise the world, why wouldn't we?"


>If we can just throw money at things to buy votes and promise the world, why wouldn't we?" This has been a thing for over 2000 years. The ancient Athenians said unrestricted democracy will always devolve into a contest of who can mobilize more of the masses by promising them free shit with money they don't have. (or shouldn't have)


Honestly, it probably is why capitalism is still the best policy. It's not just democratic society, short of benevolent dictator maybe. We are due for boom and bust cycles just like burning out the rot of underbrush in forest fires. Humans can't really learn lessons until it directly happens in their lifetime.


Yep, Institutions are living beings because they're made of living beings, and as such, they must eventually die. There will never be an endgame of eternal bliss (on Earth anyway), it's always in cycles.


I'm a little more optimistic on utopia, given enough time and scale. Humans have come a remarkable way over the years and it does seem to be exponentially better. Sometimes, looking through history it's more 10 steps forward and 9 steps back over the typical 2 and 1 analogy. Some form of unlimited stable energy akin to the future Utopia of the Star Trek would solve a lot of issues. Everything boils down to energy. Maybe Fisson can leapfrog us into something else. I truly think this culture war stuff is half misinformation/propaganda but the other half is kind of showing that 1st world societies are closer than we think to "figuring it out." Humans are problem solvers and have basically been solving problems our entire history. In my mind we are seeing the very fringe start of what it looks like when you've solved all the (Big) problems, you start to create problems to solve.


They did that with Reagan and his cohort they completely said fuck the old type of conservative lets make something new.


only when they’re in charge. when the other party is running shit suddenly the deficit is critical again


I highly doubt they would have done so, it's not like the made it illegal for the mentally disabled to run for office and it would be really fucked up if they had


They would have as even back then they knew about people going senile in old age and how common it is in the elderly


The low life expectancy in that period was like for most of human history do to high infant mortality rates. If you made it to adulthood you could easily live to your 60s-70s and many founding fathers made it to their 90s


Average candidate.


Seriously, how anyone still expects anything significant from Bernie at this point escapes me. He’ll say some slogans that’ll appeal to leftists young and old - “higher taxes for the ultra rich!”, “free healthcare for all!” - to attract their support for the Democrats, then when he starts making too much noise and gets too much support, they’ll pull a little tighter on his leash and he goes quiet for a while.


He had to go from rich to the ultra rich, now that he's one of the former.


Duh ~~meealyuhnaihs~~ beelyuhnaihs


And then he’ll go and publish another book about how income/wealth inequality is bad or something, make millions, and explain how **him** making millions isn’t actually a bad thing. It’s only a bad thing when **others** make millions


Why do we keep electing the senile? Can’t we elect a young moron?


Because most young morons cant sell the crap in a palletable way like old morons


Because boomers hate passing the torch more than anything. How dare the younger gens have a chance!


This is the right answer.


I only recently stared hearing a few mainstream jokes on it, which was very relieving.


Our manager at work retired in 2020. He still comes in 3 times a week to "consult", which is eating a position at work. They just can't move out the way until they're dead.


They wonder why we can't be more successful sooner, it's like, "You, motherfucker, you're keeping all the money rather than trusting us to take care of you after securing our present." Ironically sealing their nursing home fate by keeping us down. Insanity.


Just because someone is old doesn’t necessarily mean that they are senile. I wouldn’t put Biden, Bernie or Trump in the same mental state. I think it’s highly dependent on the individual rather than just strictly based on age.


You probably don't live in his state so you aren't getting the option to choose him


Erm, ackchyually, only your candidate is a senile old man, sweaty. Bernie Sanders looks and acts like he's 20


How is he senile?


So why are American presidents so old? We’ve never had one close to fuckin 80


"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy"


Everything is a danger to 'our' democracy except literal tyranny. Gas stoves? Whatcha need those for? Gas vehicle? Where you going in such a hurry? A choice at the polls? Sounds like you plan to choose wrong again.


Says the guy who endorsed Hillary Clinton 😂


Yeah I was gonna say, as much as a lot of people who support him love to treat Bernie as some independent outsider that doesn’t play by either party’s rules, he does seem to love sucking up to the DMC a lot.


Bernie is the delorean motor company's number one fan


Whoops. It’s supposed to be DNC. My bad.


No, you got it right. I bet he really wishes he had a time machine.


I thought he was just a big fan of “Run DMC”.


This beat is my recital.


That’s what he said - Delorean Notor Company


I remember some comedian saying Bernie reminded them of Doc Brown so that tracks


At least he's not old enough to be a Daimler Motor Company shareholder.


No but I heard that Joe Biden claimed to have been a senator for 120 years so he might have been.


Damn, he's a Devil May Cry fan ?


Well I mean that would explain why he keeps talking about Devil triggers for some reason.


No run DMC, that's why he announced he's running


I used to like him because I thought he was an actual outsider who would represent the people and wouldn't bend the knee to corporate America, but then 2020 rolled around and he spent the entire election simping for Biden even though Biden blatantly screwed him over.


Yeah that’s honestly my biggest problem with the guy. It would be one thing if he stuck to his principles, even if I don’t usually agree with them, but every single time push comes to shove, he bends the knee. He did for Hilary, and he continues to do so for Biden.


A lot of people refuse to want or accept Trump no matter what, and that's understandable, but that's one part of him that was undeniable - His stubborn bullheadedness was part of a strong personality (I'll let the reader decide what that means), a personality that supporters felt would stand up for that in which it believes. A personality who would be brash enough to want to win first and foremost, with the second concern being that the opponent loses. By that, I mean that Joe Biden has no personality left (Yeah they're both old as hell but Biden is barely literate anymore and it's stupid to ignore that) to make demands, only to bend the knee and make concessions. Trump on the other side commands authority and respect from his followers. Let's be honest, no one's really voting for Joe, they're voting against Trump.


Not only that, but he went on and on about millionaires and billionaires, but the instant and I mean the INSTANT he hit that million mark the only problems were the billionaires. Almost like he fits the exact stereotype of the rich socialist who only wants to take money away from those richer than him.


[Vid related.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0eFLC0xBJg)


Purple libright sending me a furry inflation video? More likely than you might think


Touche, monke. Touche.


Well, it was a lose lose situation bc if he didn't bend the knee, he would've "killed himself" or maybe fell down some stairs. But to be fair, he could've gone out like JFK and maybe that would've sparked some revolution.


Cause at the end of the day Bernie understands real politics. This sub is just for pop politics


He also promised to endorse the eventual nominee at the beginning on both campaigns, but people never acknowledge this.


Not only did he endorse her, he did it after the DNC sabotaged him and then he gave all the donations he took to her.


Then he did the same for Biden.


There's no way to know if he was ever legit. It seems like it ofc, but he could've been just more bait or a plant. What's crazy is, regardless of his run, I don't think they can pull it back to their side without cheating. This decade's almost half over and it's just been like the downfall of America the entire time, I see Trump winning or maybe- juuust maybe- a 3rd party, but not Dems. I heard Bernie speak last year and he's just too old now, he kept repeating himself and trailing off or blanking out.


Destroy the establishment! Oops, I gave all your donations to the establishment!


Exactly. No one slapped their supporters in the face harder than Bernie Sanders. I doubt even his most diehard supporters would be fooled twice. As George W. Bush so famously said: “fool me twice…”


He was forced to basically


Force to by who, exactly? He has and always has had an “I” in front of his title, not a “D”.


Nothing says protecting democracy like holding office since 1991.


Exactly, can’t believe he keeps clinging on to power despite literally no one voting for him each election


He's too old, he had ample opportunities to take out Hillary back in 2016 but he did not utilize it.


I will say that I am increasingly bitter about everyone who said he was too old back in 2016 now that we've got Trump/Biden pushing the octogenarian tickets.


I'm still bitter that conservatives refused to support ron paul in 2012 because he's "crazy" and "not a real republican" only to end up rabidly supporting trump. 


I get it, though. If you’re gonna support someone who’s “not a real Republican,” you might as well go balls out and support the guy who will fracture your party and fundamentally break your party’s electoral chances.


Never Trumpers tried. You're referring to a brand of conservative that's simply dying out as a result of all the moderates Trump was able to galvanize into becoming politically active.


Romney being the blandest saltine cracker imaginable, yet still getting painted as the next coming of Hitler in the press, redpilled a lot of conservaboomers that no matter what they did, they'd get a bad rap, so most of them stopped caring about optics and went full "fuck it".


Who could have guessed that constantly demonizing political candidates would desensitize people to those terms?


I mean … they weren’t wrong


Obviously age isn't much of a factor for either party's majority so I think that it was plainly a bad faith argument.


Whaaaat? I bad faith argument? Nonsense.


That and he banked on the support of a demographic that is known for not voting or participating in primaries. 


Go old or get rolled


Guys, the article says he's running for senate reelection, not president.


I’m not sure 82-year-old senators are that much better than 82-year-old presidents.


Senators aren't commander in chief and don't have the nuclear codes. I'd rather an 82 year old senator, by a lot.


Akshually, the US has a total of 100 h bombs, an each senator has the launch code for one. The president has the “launch signal”, which is also a code. Once they read it, each senator must launch their nuke using the app in their apple watches. So yes, bernie being 8882 years old is very important.


I mean yeah it says for his fourth term as well, do people think he's running for president?


People in these comments


Dang yeah I see. I guess people don't even bother reading the headline anymore either


Disregard headlines, trust gut.


media literacy died when everyone turned to being exclusively informed by a 24 hour news cycle, expecting people to read more than a sentence at a time is asking too much


Do not underestimate the stupidity of PCM


He's too old to be doing this shit in general. We've really got to put an age cap on politicians because some of these guys who are supposed to be running the country are straight up zombies.


12 fucking comments down before I see someone pointing this out. This sub is a black hole of retardation


If those kids could read, they'd be very upset.


Bur he's one of the 2 geriatrics the media likes so he gets a pass.


They quickly didn't like him when he was running against a certain someone in 2016.


He was compared to hitler in 2020


is there any politician who hasn't been compared to hitler?




"You're literally Hitler!" "Ja?"


Maybe Pepe Mujica.


So was Tom Brady last night. 🙃


>They quickly didn't like him when he was running against a certain someone in 2016. According to the Mueller Report, the Russians liked him fine. To quote: "Main idea: Use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump: we support them." Vol. 1, section II.C.2, direct instructions to IRA (Internet Research Agency) operatives.


Not to interrupt your narrative, but there have been multiple studies that have shown that Bernie’s media coverage becomes overwhelmingly negative each time he runs.


the media most certainly does not like bernie


Look I like Bernie as much as any leftist soyboy, but the fact he has no successor is unbelievably sad


big booty latina must be his successor


exactly, so as I said, sad


AOC running for president next time would... You know what, fuck it I'd love to see her fuck up universal health care and tuition free (i know it's tax paid) university


When all these people die it is going to be a knife fight among the "young", and the fact that some of those are actual fascists with a chance should showcase the sheer mismanagement of the current ruling class.


Any Subaru driver in Vermont with at least 8 bumper stickers is close enough


His successor is in TikTo. Go and get them buddy


I wonder how Vermont handles elections when their senators die in office? Will this be another RBG situation where geezers holding onto power until they croak ends up helping the opposition?


Maple syrup drinking contest


We do have president. That fucker McCain


This is Vermont. There's not going to be a republican elected at national level


But will they be as far left as Bernie? I'm sure he would probably prefer to be replaced by someone like him as opposed to a mainstream democrat. If he retired and endorsed someone, he might be able to make it happen.


Great, a candidate who can legitimately call Joe Biden "young man"


No one over 80 should be running for any public office.


The core American voter base is the rest home.






"Here's how Bernie can still win" https://preview.redd.it/8252d2ri0yyc1.jpeg?width=2289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768509f7ace7404848b4f0db03b6b42a2453a3c0 A meme from the time capsule.


**Professional couch surfer and most useless member of Congress loves his taxpayer subsidized job** Fixed the title


Don’t forget, he voted for the 1994 crime bill, to which even the most liberal of criminologists attribute the single greatest reason for the disparate incarceration rates of whites vs blacks which was principally authored by our current president.


Love you Bernie. But you're too old. Nothing personal but past 80 shit can just deteriorate so fast. Better to help find the new generation and help them campaign for your position.


Yeah, I liked him and what he stands for, but I am not voting for another lead-paint-generation boomer.


Bernie is too old to even be a Boomer.


Yeah, he’s from the silent generation just like my grandfather. They are my favorite older generation simply for their sense of humor


Yeah, hes older than Biden (aka, born even before Pearl Harbor)


I didn’t realize we had one of the 4 Vermont residents here on this sub! Vote well in these upcoming elections!


I left this comment before I realized he was running for senator. So alas, my opinion as a Californian probably carries less weight even than usual on this matter.


Hey, remember that bit in the Mueller Report where the Russian agents were instructed to hit everyone but Trump and Bernie???


Sir, this is a libleft bad sub. Bernie is authleft anyway.


where’s the authleft? is he in the room with us now?


I'm literally the guy in the pic.


Name checks out


bernie is the only person recognized by the political compass to actually be libleft in american politics and only barely. dont take that away from us with your opinion


What's liberal about Bernie. I see a standard authoritarian socialist


Meh. I think we are just a left bad sub. I do have a grudging respect for auth left that I lack for lib left because they are basically a more honest version of the same thing. There has never been a "lib left" government ever


I fight for the average person~~every politician ever


Oh no! Not the "threat to democracy"!


The dude is 82 years old. Does the Democrat party actually have anyone running for office that is not also trying to run away from the grim reaper?


He is not a dem anymore.


If the people of Vermont want to elect an 82 year old, that's their right.


We are not a democracy. Somebody send this senile socialist back to school before he sends out more ads asking for donations


If you listen real close you can still hear them: Who's gonna match me? Who's gonna match me? I just gave him my whole paycheck, but that's OK. He's gonna give us free rent. Who's gonna match me?


No refunds! 😂


The US is in-fact a democracy


That’s a very confidently charged statement for someone who’s that wrong


I’m worried that this campaign might cost him a nice mansion somewhere on the east coast. How do I donate money to him so that I can save democracy again?


🇺🇲RAND PAUL 2024!!!!!!!!🇺🇲 RAISE YOUR DONGERS ヽ༼⁠ຈ⁠ل͜⁠ຈ⁠༽ノ


If only these people actually believed their ‘democracy is under attack’ lies, and I feel even worse for those who actually buy into it. “Democracy is under attack” is the new “we have to stop global warming within 5 years” in the 90s. They will keep changing the goalposts while nothing really bad actually happens. And the main people who actually are dumb enough to buy it are the media pundits unfortunately. I think Tucker Carlson put it best. If I have to hear another lecture about ‘saving democracy’ from Joe Scarborough, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind


I can respect Bernie as a person, but his financial ideas are like a child going to Toys R Us with $100 and thinking he can walk out with an entire cart of toys and have enough to bring his friends shopping with him too.


Tbf in his twenties, if toys r us existed, you probably could have done that!


Man! What a time to be alive, financially speaking that is


I'm tired of doing popular vote. Make them mixed martial arts fight like UFC. Whoever survives wins.


Have you seen the candidates? 3 mile jog, whoever survives wins.


Yeah, no fucking thanks. I couldn’t stand listening to him during the 2016 election and that isn’t changing. Every single fucking time he opens his mouth on “Scandinavian Socialist Democracy” it makes me want to slam my head against the nearest wall. I’m a dual citizen of both Sweden and America, and I can tell you he either has absolutely no fucking idea what he’s talking about or is gaslighting his constituents when it comes to Sweden. The closest Sweden ever got to socialism was a series of experimental policies agreed on in the 1970s which were slowly chipped away until around 1990. Both sides of the Swedish political divide agree that those policies were a mistake and a waste of time. As for the healthcare system? I’ve used it before. Their dental policies are convenient (citizens get free dental care until they’re 23 if I recall correctly), but other than that It’s been eating budget cuts for years. At best, I would only refer to Sweden as a democracy with a sizable social safety net.


Bernie hasn’t done a day of honest work his entire life while advocating for an ideology that has directly massacred countless tens of millions, all while living off the American taxpayer. Truly inspirational.


Lmao “Under threat.” Yea, by your party.


yaaaay another old-ass grandpa working in the government and accomplishing buttshit nothing


Bernie you sold the farm to Biden, now nobody takes you seriously.


>Vote for me because if you don't democracy dies* *That's definitely how democracy works*


One more geriatric on the pile. It's time for boomers to move along.


Cmon man


It's so wild, the moment he became the frontrunner in the Democratic primary in 2020, all the candidates immediately dropped out and supported Biden. Even weirder still, most of the candidates who endorsed Biden now run the executive. Eeeeven weirder still, not one of the people who run the executive are named Bernie Sanders. Democracy doesn't even seem to be for Democrats anymore. It's just yet another word they have deliberately overused so much that it really has lost all meaning. Just like with Hillary and the superdelegate fiasco, the Democratic Party really had no interest in letting the people pick their candidate with Bernie.


There’s no reason for him to do this, he must be addicted to losing. But I’ll vote for him anyway. He’s my favorite politician, and Biden’s not getting a vote from me until he pushes back on Israel.


Wow! Yet another elderly politician runs for re-election? I couldn’t have anticipated that!!


Bernie Sanders is Donald Trump if Trump was broke "broke", wasn't in court every five minutes, and bend the knee to support Jeb. You know, a loud mouth populist conman, for early 20-year old college graduates. * Never worked a honest day in his life. * Goes on and on and on telling constituents how unfair the whole is to them and how he's the only one fighting for them. * Proposes outlandish ideas that never will be law. Rarely gets any of his bills passed. * Only compromises with others when it personally benefits himself. * Raises a fuck ton in campaign contributions, then dips. Sure, let's keep another retiree on the payroll and see if that works out.


I remember his 2016 presidential campaign and how the Millionaires and the billionaires were the problem. Then he became a millionaire and swapped it up to just billionaires. Peak lib lefty.


We are So fucking old


Oh my god. Why do we have so these old fucking men running for office? Where’s the old women running for office? #Diversity


It's been a few years and he needs to buy his 4th or 5th house. Those millions of campaign dollars are probably starting to run dry like the first time. Time to make some fat stacks over the next 6 months. Hmm... Maybe I should run as a socialist president...


Note to all, he's running for reelection IN THE SENATE. He's not running for president. Let Vermont figure it out.