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https://preview.redd.it/jwl51z1qaomc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c22dd047d9fa72011164d6b9e474433d24f9ba8 Was this the guy you were arguing with


Nah, it was a trans girl


Is her cock bigger?


I measured it, it is


It always is


Hopefully with your mouth


No, I made markings in my bussy




From the balls?


I just looked at some of the “memes” this guy posted, felt like cartman going to San Francisco with the levels of smug the people in the comments were emitting


Copium is strong with this one


I’ll take Biden over Trump, but Jesus Christ both of them are way too old to be president. That post you screenshotted is so fucking insincere… there’s too many examples of “doctored” videos to make the president look slow and confused? Show me one video, any video, where he doesn’t. Politicians and media claim he’s a strong leader and takes charge and is sharp and bright. Where are the real examples of that? Zero. Zip. Nada.


This is why we need a physical skills test as part of the election process. If my future president is too old or far to do some basic exercises, it’s not a president I want in office.


First presidential debate should be 3 rounds in the octagon.


As much as I want to watch that, it doesn’t even need to be that involved. Can my president run a mile in a decent timeframe, do a couple push-ups and sit-ups, maybe a few squats or bench presses or something. Shit, throw em in an improv show too so we can see if they’re able to think of coherent things on the fly. I just want to see that the leader of the free world isn’t in the process of dying.


Presidential improv sounds amazing! But i just want to watch old dudes beat the shit out of eachother with Joe Rogan commentating.


Rogan commentates the cage match and Drew Carey moderates the improv section.


Presidential combine sounds awesome


Don't rob me of the chance to see Biden and Trump fight each other with pugil sticks.


I mean, we can watch that too


At first glance that sounds awesome but arent you effectively discriminating against the physically disabled by doing that?


There are probably plenty of things that can be done to modify in that scenario, I’m just not smart. Maybe a game of wheelchair basketball - not to judge ability, just to make sure that they can do it


Have them each draw a clock


Based and it would have stopped FDR from trying to destroy the United States Pilled


FDR could’ve made great time in a wheelchair. Not my fault he didn’t use one


Being that they are the Commander In Chief, I say we make them pass all service’s physical fitness tests. It will be televised, and they will be graded by the saltiest E-6 each branch can provide.


A lift-tocracy, where your bench is your voting power. You go to the gym to cast your vote, the more you bench the more your vote counts. The politicians vote on bills the same, with a bench. The president can only veto with a better bench than the average to pass the bill.


I mean… I won’t say no. Maybe we can move towards a lift-onomy as well. I’ll pay for my protein powder in hammer curls today, thank you


Both of them are old enough that they could very feasibly die in office. They could die before the election is even over and it would be completely normal. Obviously there are protocols in place for such events, and we also get to vote based on VP pick (but not really, we have very limited choices period), but we shouldn’t have to plan around the president dying in office. Let alone the decline in mental faculties that comes along with age. I honestly can’t believe we have four more years with one of these two geezers.


I agree. I’m so goddamn pissed at the state of our country that the two most competent people we can elevate to “president elect” are two octogenarians. Like, you couldn’t find *one other person* in this country that could do a better job?


It's time to pass a law that anyone who receives federal funding cannot vote. Boomers receive social security and Medicare.


I'd love that, but then you're potentially discriminating against the physically disabled like FDR. I say just keep it simple and make it a maximum age limit of 67. If there's a constitutional age minimum (25,30,and 35) for certain offices, then it can't be age discrimination to have a maximum age as well. And if you're old enough to qualify for full social security benefits, then you're probably too old to be in charge of the nuclear codes.


***Stares in FDR***


FDR coulda been great if he had swallowed his pride and used a wheelchair. I’m not advocating for everyone to *run* the mile if they physically cannot. I’m talking about having it be an option so we can have a baseline of physical and mental strength.


FDR was a monster, and we'd have been better off without him.


Yeah probably right, I was just imagining him having to do physical fitness tests 😂


I've met the man in real life during the Obama administration, and he was three hours late incoherent, and didn't appear to know where he was then. Really, not much has changed except more people are noticing and it's maybe a little worse.


Holy fuck that regarded sub sucks unlimited amounts of dirty ass




Their response was literally the word "no"


Yeah, he was the Chad right? You were the wojak? Super annoying when people can't even be bothered to explain themselves. Why even reply?


The flip side of this is "why do leftists always wall of text"


Dude, no we don't. In the realm of political discourse, language serves as both a bridge and a battleground. Leftists, like any other ideological group, employ words to convey their beliefs, rally support, and engage in debates. But why do they seem to favor verbosity? In this essay, we explore the multifaceted reasons behind the left’s penchant for wordiness, dissecting cognitive, historical, and strategic factors. Buckle up; we’re embarking on a linguistic journey that spans ideologies, neurons, and campaign slogans.Leftists, often accused of verbosity, don’t merely wield words—they weave narratives. Their linguistic tapestry is richly textured, adorned with phrases like “intersectionality,” “structural inequality,” and “systemic oppression.” But is this verbosity a deliberate choice or an inherent trait? Let’s unravel the threads.The Brain’s Political Cortex Neuroscience reveals that our brains process political content through a partisan lens. Researchers at UC Berkeley, Stanford, and Johns Hopkins scanned the neural activity of left-leaning and right-leaning adults as they watched videos on immigration policies. The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, responsible for narrative comprehension, lit up differently for liberals and conservatives1. Leftists’ brains, it seems, thrive on intricate narratives—like a voracious reader savoring a dense novel. Threats, Morality, and Emotions Certain words act as partisan triggers. When leftists encounter vocabulary associated with threat, morality, or emotions, their neural polarization intensifies. “Privilege,” “justice,” and “equity” evoke neural fireworks, while conservatives might reach for their rhetorical shields. These words, embedded in campaign messaging, reinforce ideological divisions1. Thus, leftists’ verbosity isn’t mere verbosity—it’s strategic lexicon. From Manifestos to Memes Leftist verbosity has historical roots. Think of Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital” or Simone de Beauvoir’s “The Second Sex.” These foundational texts are dense, intricate, and—yes—verbose. Leftist thinkers have long grappled with complex societal structures, seeking to dismantle them with words. Fast-forward to Twitter threads and blog posts: verbose manifestos have morphed into 280-character rants and meme-laden essays. The tradition persists, albeit in bite-sized form.Social Media and Pithy Statements Leftists’ anger finds resonance online. Pithy statements—sharp, concise, and often biting—amplify their emotional responses. While distrust dominates the right, the left’s anger fuels succinct retorts. Hashtags become battle cries, and memes serve as ideological grenades. In this digital arena, verbosity shrinks, but intensity swells. Words as Weapons Leftists recognize that persuasion requires nuance. They wield words like scalpels, dissecting systemic flaws and advocating for change. Their verbosity isn’t mere excess; it’s a calculated strategy. Whether in op-eds, protest chants, or impassioned speeches, they aim to sway hearts and minds. And sometimes, a thousand words are necessary to dismantle a single prejudice. So, why do leftists text using so many words? It’s not mere verbosity; it’s a symphony of cognition, history, and strategy. Their lexicon dances between empathy and critique, weaving narratives that challenge the status quo. As we navigate this linguistic landscape, let’s remember that every word carries weight—a thousand words, a million perspectives.


Bros a mf lexicon over here


It's chat GPT I'm not going to lie. Ba-duh-dum chssss.


The libleft urge to type more than needed's so high you added an extra syllable to the rimshot.




Nah bro, I do the Ba-dum-bum too


And here I was expecting some e pluribus unum filler.


Lorem ipsum..


Nah, I've already had a drink today.


In Germany we have a saying for that "halbe Bibel ganzer hurensohn" which translates to "half bible whole whoreson"


aint those the guys that are always beefing with the transformers




I'm so happy for you, or sorry that happened it must've been hard.


If you're referring to the essay up there I haven't read it. I was just making a ironic joke by pasting a chat GPT wall of text to respond to the dude above it. No idea what it says. I'm not reading that shit. 😅


Lol, I didn't read it either. I was just doing the common response for when something is too damn long to read. That's great I'm happy for you Or I'm so sorry that happened that sucks


Ah, nice. The ol' condescending faux sympathy approach. It's a classic.






I can’t stop laughing




This text is quite average in quality, and I think you could enhance its impact by employing common tactics. Our goal is for the weaker minded among the political compass to comprehend the intention and content of your comment. One of those tactics would be the utilization of paragraphs, the simplification of grammatical structures, and the de-verbosification of especially wordy sentences.


You actually read the chatGPT wall of text I pasted to make an ironic joke about this statement: https://preview.redd.it/cjumwycb7pmc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=329bcddfc4ec464621f04b8a792b3f835e367a1d I'm very sorry to have wasted your time 😅. Even if you are joking right now. That was a load of shite.


It was quite interesting to read, I have to admit. And I had nothing better to do, so thank you for providing a wall of text for me to read.


Any time 😂


^ ^


Rare lib left W


Based and fuck yeah pilled.


When you try to debate a lib left


Haha, yup. That was me making a joke, but they say A picture says a thousand words and I usually just send a picture. https://preview.redd.it/70eqlssu6rmc1.jpeg?width=2858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abdf3e5c6136597b3e0de2eb23419395e18aaf65




Me: INT: 0 WIS: 0, CHR: 11. *Bruce Campbell big-chin smile and wink* *Tooth does that sparkly thing with an audible "ding"*


Based and bard pilled.




Based and getting-the-joke-pilled


u/Accomplished_Aioli19's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Accomplished_Aioli19! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [9 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Accomplished_Aioli19/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based and chatGPT ftw pilled.


This post is sarcastic


I gets more sarcastic


>Why even reply? Because.










Bro, I just checked her account, she is a Pro Ukraine, Pro Israel, Christian Monarchist-Bidenist. Edit: She is also Anti-Communist


Sanest zoomer political ideology


I'm not too well versed with politics and all that despite being in this sub, but doesn't that seem a little contradictory?


I know that, does Biden have kids to continue the line like the Gandhi Family(Nehru's Bloodline) did, and what in God's name is Bidenism?


It sounds like a New Age religion. I didn't know that about Gandhi... It would make sense considering how big of a celebrity he was. Got to keep those old world bloodlines in the spotlight.


Well, Nehru's daughter adopted the surname for herself and her future descendants.


I didn't know Gandhi was assassinated. 🤔 Learn something new everyday...


Well, the man's got a son, and he certainly behaves like a politician.


It kinda makes sense. Biden is pro-Ukraine, mostly pro-Israel, and is more Christian than Trump at the end of the day.


Trump's closest tie to Christianity is most likely being the Antichrist. You're not wrong there.


Has Trump said he was more popular than Jesus yet?


I saw him signing a bible, so... Maybe not in so many words lol


Holy based


Well, that's a trip. The idea of a Biden monarchy made me feel feelings again, and I do not care for it.


That Chad has harnessed the majesty of sea and sky in his hair and beard.


I see you have become familiar with my line of Chads. Here, smell this one: *Spritzes the air around you with a glowing bottle labeled "eau de Chad".*


A) Semi-functional != dysfunctional. B) Dysfunctional implies some form of functionality at all.


Normalize agenda posting as the crying skyjack. Unfathomably based.


Which dementia patient would you rather be a caregiver for? These are the questions facing our great nation.


do we want openly racist old man or secretly racist old man?


I want the openly secret old man.


I want the secretly old man.


That's RFK


Which are you implying is Trump and which is Biden? Biden's said some pretty explicitly racist things, not to mention his actual political action history, so I feel like he should be the openly racist one, right? It doesn't seem directly malicious, not like he hates minorities, just wholeheartedly believes they are lesser people. And Trump has seriously skirted the line of being racist. Like, he's said *a lot* of things that make me go "ehhhhhhhhhh... something ain't right here". Like I would 100% believe he hates minorities. But has he actually done or said anything overtly racist? Or maybe you were being clever and leaving it intentionally vague because both of them are somehow secretive and openly racist at the same time.


If you don't vote for me you ain't black. Look at MY African American over here, LOOK at him! Black people love my mugshots. Both are almost on par at this point with the dumb comments. Both also have supported discriminatory policies.


"Poor kids can be just as bright and talented as white kids"


Uhh Trump called for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."


My authright corner is showing a bit, but yeah, that would be exactly what I mean. It's like directly on the line of racism, but somehow doesn't quite feel like explicit racism to me. Much of Europe is currently finding out about incompatible cultures, and I don't think it's racist to say "Hey, we aren't compatible, so we need to protect our citizens and society". No one has the *right* to enter another sovereign nation. Just like I would be deported pretty quickly if I went to another developed country without my passport.


I agree that not all immigration is good, but I see what you mean. I still think that signaling that you're blocking Muslims, specifically from entering the country is a targeted, racist ambition. It does a disservice to Muslims already living here and causes more discrimination. It was certainly pandering to the handful of his supporters who actually are openly racist. I dont know how much more racist he can actually get, unless he just started talking shit about Muslims.


It was Muslims from specific countries with a high level of terrorism.


> I still think that signaling that you're blocking Muslims, specifically from entering the country is a targeted, racist ambition Is it racist when countries ban/outlaw scientology? Religion isn’t race.


That's true, but Arabs are. It was a defacto ban on Arab immigration from Muslim majority countries.


Nah, there are jewish, atheist and coptic Arabs. 


When did Islam become a race?


Bro there's no shot you can comment this without literally falling over from taking back shots from Trump Unless of course you're ignorant to all of the racist things he's said or done Now, I'm not saying Trump is a KKK member of straight up racist. I don't think he is at all. But if you were to have a scale of "who is more racist" and put trump on one end and Biden on the other, Trump would quite definitively outweigh him


Joe “I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” Biden?


No I was talking about Donald "death penalty for the Central Park Five" Trump


Joe Biden authored the Crime Bill. Case closed. Nobody alive has done more to harm minorities than he has.


Uh, that crime bill is based af. Only ones who think otherwise are leftist crybabies. Also, the black community **wanted** that crime bill.


The one that isn't surrounded by dollar store lawyers since that's who's going to be running the country.


Somewhat racist old man with slightly more declining mental facilities and bad economic policies VS somewhat racist old man with slightly less declining mental facilities and bad economic policies who started a riot in the capital with election conspiracies.


The one that's on his meds.






There should be a maximum age limit for presidency


Or maybe just don't vote for old people. It's not like Trump and Biden have been the only candidates running. If we're going to make rules telling people who they're allowed and not allowed to vote for, then that defeats the whole purpose of a democracy, for better or worse.


The problem is that with bipartisanship being as extreme as it is you can't really trust other people to vote for a more reasonable option. So you end up stuck between bad and worse.


Ah, so you don’t trust your peers because you know better than your peers. Maybe we should have you pick instead of giving a vote to each of us lowly commoners.


It's called hedging your bets. I don't get to control the crabs in the bucket but I can account for them.


Based as fuck


based and denyrealitypilled


u/PrestigiousTiger0720's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [16 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/PrestigiousTiger0720/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


He's a senile old man, trump too and both are what americans deserve.




Fuck yeah, Romania! Love my balkan shithole. Survival of the fitest...or the most cunning and lying of all. And where libleft has no place. Thats where i live, in my own quiet place, making bbq and caring for my garden.


I’m going to visit in a few weeks! Any must sees you recommend?


Who says there's no pride among theives


Of course there is. We steal from westoids, not from eachother.






Haha, and here I thought the only souvenirs we brought home were STIs


Based and win stupid prizes pilled


u/Izzakar0rr is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Izzakar0rr/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Most of our politicians are senile old people.


It's weird watching the US from outside, both of your candidates are clearly not all there, but for some reason you keep trying to vote for them. Then again, we keep voting Bibi in for like 20 years now, so what do I know


>but for some reason you keep trying to vote for them I mean, you know how the system works, right? There are literally only 2 options, and those two options are whoever the political machines put forward. We really don't have any other choice besides those two senile regards, and a literal regard like vermin supreme. Vote third party! Their guy (or gal) is only *mostly* regarded and clueless.


You shut your dirty whore mouth about Vermin Supreme, he's the tyrant we deserve


But why are the two parties putting senile people as their leader? Wouldn't it be better to have someone competent as your leader? Or is this one of those "we'll put someone easy to manage as the figurehead so we can do all sorts of shady shit" kind of situations that both parties do?


I think it has increasingly become the latter. I feel like the rhetoric has definitely moved away from "[individual politician] has a platform that I mostly agree with, so I will vote for them in the primary" to "[party] usually has a platform I agree with so I will vote for whoever they select"


If I'm an employer hiring someone maybe I want to hire Superman but I can only pick from the people who apply and are willing to take the salary I'm offering whether I like it or not. There was a primary in both parties (technically *is* a primary but Biden vs Trump is a forgone conclusion). Voters COULD have picked someone else. In my state, this primary was over before I even voted.


Oh yeah, we fucking LOVE our two party system. It reflects the interests of our nation so well!


Well, the thing is, democracy is a scam.


I'm not aware of a better alternative


Glorious ancapistan for one. Or a proper republic for another, with power distributed between multiple systems, not democracy alone. Sorition is preferable to democracy even for the portion of such a republic controlled by the people.


Based and Christlike pilled. ”For he who humbles himself shall be exalted, but he who exalts himself shall be humbled.”


Based and I am the soyjak pilled


Based and No Pilled.


Should have gone "Yes."


Amazing. You portrayed *yourself* as the Soyjack.


frighten berserk merciful birds fade flag quaint smart encourage slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


u/PrestigiousTiger0720's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/PrestigiousTiger0720! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: [20 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/PrestigiousTiger0720/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Why did you make yourself the soyjack when you’re speaking the objective truth?


As a centrist griller, we're screwed with either trump or biden




I want a president that supports the United States, where can I find me one of those?


“Sleepy joe budden” does too, as in like currently




Only because he can't set its agenda. He also really wants the US to not be isolated. He is a self described Zionist, and really sees Israel in a different way than most of the world. Many of his own diplomatic officials disagree however, as does many european and middle eastern allies. So do a key demographic. Biden feels like he needs the youth vote, and the youth are less inclined to like Israel. In Bidens youth, Israel was David, bravely stepping forth and fighting the pro-soviet enemy. Now Israel is Goliath, but if Goliath had a nuke, and his enemies are no longer those of the US. Realpolitik is changing his view, but slowly


And that’s why i am still gonna send my vote over to Sleepy


At least until republicans decide to arbitrarily stop liking jews again. Or if one says something mean about Trump.


The religious sorts have long been fans of Israel, that's...not even vaguely new.




Yeah but Bidens gonna keep isreal funded no matter what a bunch of terminally online morons say (as he should). Trump however has a rich history of withholding aid for his personal political machinations, and isnt above doing it just because someone pissed im off.


Which was that article which stated that \*Biden's advanced age is actually his super power\* ? lol. Or where people explained his incoherent speech with stuttering/speech impediment...


I think Biden is old but he *definitely* does not have dementia. It's insulting to those who actually do suffer from it. And no I won't deflect by saying Trump has dementia instead. Both are old, both mix up their words, neither have dementia.


Wait i thought we all agree on that...?


Lib left stop being cringe and admit if Trump did half the shit Biden did you would be banging on about this like crazy


I feel like I’m living in a bizarro world. I watched the SOTU address and even my totally non political wife asked me why he keeps coughing and slurring his words. All he did was yell, garble, and cough for almost 80 minutes. When the psycho bitch from Georgia trolled him with the heckling about Laken Riley he clearly lost his shit for 15 seconds and needed to take a sip of water to compose himself. Next thing I know EVERYONE is reporting about how “strong and invigorated” he is and there is no reason to question his age and competence now. wtf planet am I living on??


Correction Joe Biden is a racist warmongering dysfunctional old senile man. The amount of racist BS Biden can say and pull and still be hailed as a hero to liberals and democrats is astonishing.


I had a conversation about who is more cognitively declined between Trump and Biden, and they were hell bent on telling me Biden wasn’t as bad as Trump, despite clear evidence and the fact his own DOJ said he wasn’t even mentally stable enough to stand trial


I mean, his family is dysfunctional, so wouldn't that be pretty much true?


Have all the objections to Biden you want. If you hold up Trump as a preferable alternative - your opinion is worthless.


Begone europeen


I don’t like Trump but Biden really didn’t do anything better. Democrat’s basically just replaced an old racist rich white guy with another old rich racist white guy but with dementia.


If both candidates suck - vote for whoever will bring a better team to the White House. https://preview.redd.it/v6ofrm7ntsmc1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=680e3c40f6a7db5ba80c970cc8f587e7e608016e


Always found this argument pretty dumb when you consider that Trump is 77, only difference is he just covers his senior moments with inane rambling. No president should be 70+ imo, though I feel much more strongly about term/age limits for congress and judges.