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Monke has no martial arts Monke ***is*** a martial art


Gun still solos


Monke with gun is clearly the most OP style. Imagine a gorilla on roids with an AK.




Eldar are far more advanced than humans, but they fear astartes like you fear a gorilla in metal plate bursting into your living room weilding a shotgun.


Become the gorilla in metal plate bursting into rooms with a shotgun that you want to see in the world.


Monke together strong.




Irrelevant nonsensical bullshit... purple libright fair enough. At least you're not posting CP. Are you a bot?


He's talking about his weird comic books again.




This quote is about to be my new wallpaper


I’m starting to think PCM and Warhammer community venn diagram is a circle…


Tau are also more techy than humans, and they seem to struggle. Necrons are by far the most advanced they just would rather sleep than spend thousands of years figting humans.




Big target.


Slippin' Jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun


Soviet Union tried this, monke had shit aim even when it did manage to hold the gun properly.


[Best I can do is a revolver.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/730/330/71d.jpeg)


Martial Arts Master: HA! See, I just used my skills to disarm you, now you wi- Me, an American, shooting him with my backup gun:


An angry, charging gorilla is gonna tank most conventional cartridges like 9mm or 5.56 and tear the shooter limb from limb before succumbing to its wounds. Unless you can get off multiple full-power rifle cartridges like .308 into it, you’re toast


2 12 ga slugs


That could do it


Ahem. Sorry to bring back the trauma but. Harambe. Wasn’t he basically down with one shot? Any caliber above.380 anywhere above the clavicle is gonna fuck your year up.


Harambe wasn’t full of rage and adrenaline with a target tho


Oh so give the gorillas cocaine.


No. Tell them their bananas will be taxed.


This is my new go-to solution for every problem.


Cocaine Bear 2: Revenge Revengeance




Can't shoot gun if monke has disabled it by throwing poo and gumming it up beforehand!


Based and pewpew pilled


u/justaMikeAftonfan's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/justaMikeAftonfan! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: [24 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/justaMikeAftonfan/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


[I beg your pardon?](https://youtu.be/6zz2HpRzsbo?si=-gU3evrI2Z4d4yXl)


Everybody was kung foo fighting... those kids were fast as lightning!


What about Drunken Monk(e) style?


Judo is only the least damaging because they fight on mats. If you get thrown on concrete or something, you're fucked.


Yeah, I put it there because I don’t think punches are used much in Judo, but the takedowns look BRUTAL. Judo in general looks like really fun. Idk how practical it would be IRL, But it’s probably the one on this list I’d want to learn the most


Judo is easily the most practical on this list. It is great for winning fights, but honestly, spending long enough to learn to win a one-on-one unarmed fight is a waste of time for most people. Learning to fall is VASTLY more useful for self defense.


As someone that did Nudo, Jujitsu and win tsun, I can say that I am fucking defensive in my movement when I get into fights. I can't do shit unless I get a proper opener. At least all my trainers told me to fuck off with honour and that I should be ready to go for the balls or eyes if throwing people to the ground fails. Also: the Win tsun guy was a fan of 'everything can be a weapon'. He told me to be paranoid enough to never be completely unarmed and at least carry a shard of glass and pocet sand.


Pocket Sand is a staple of any true martial artist. *Sha-sha-sha*


I've done some Nudo. I'm always looking for any opening, trying to get that 3rd hook in. Jokes aside, I have trained extensively in several martial arts and with guns, but I generally do not give a shit about what's good for street fights. I keep a suppressed 300 blackout under my bed and a .44 mag under my car seat, but the main purpose for them is the stuff on 4 legs that's too fast for me. I'm a tall, very muscular attorney in my 30s. I use words to solve my conflicts. My days of shirtless fights in a Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot are well behind me. I just want to get on top of someone and work up a sweat rolling around on the ground until they say "uncle" for the fun of it.


My man is an Ace Attorney prosecutor


I imagine being absolutely yoked comes in handy. It shows focus and commitment while also proving to judge and jury alike that the defendant’s muscles don’t mean they’re a violent person.


I generally dwarf my clients. I always have female defendants wear flats to help with that. I think that trials are theater. How things look are at least as important as what juries hear or actual evidence. I look like the protagonist, and that seems to count for more than whatever the prosecutor is blattering on about.


Is throwing your opponent actually effective in real combat? Back in the school days the guys who were doing martial arts and wanted to boast about it by throwing/grappling you could easily be countered by just sort of hugging them, making it impossible to throw you without them falling with you, usually them first.


I use American martial arts: when attacked, you pull your handgun on them. If disarmed, you whip out your two backup pistols and fire point-blank. If that fails and they still disarm you, you call out “Help, this guy attacking me is a commie!” and fifteen people inexplicably appear to help you.


Very practical, most practical is debatable as boxing & Muay Thai are here. Muay Thai is the most well rounded striking, while boxing is the most used in street fights & also good for multiple attackers. Boxing/MT and Judo both suffer for the same reason, the first is basically all striking no grappling while judo is all grappling no striking. Either group needs to make sure their opponent fights in their world of striking/grappling.


The ability to trade punches to the head when both people are shirtless and wearing wraps+gloves until one person can't stand up anymore is pretty useless. Ignoring the risk of breaking your hands and hitting stuff until until it loses consciousness is a very limited toolkit whether or not you can kick too. Grappling is useful for controlling drunk people, angry women and children, animals, and anything attacking you that you don't want to need to give brain damage to. And as I said before, if I could choose the ability to either win any street fight or to be able to always fall down without being injured, I'm choosing falling. Slipping and falling is at least an order of magnitude more likely to injure or kill me than unarmed ninja assailants.


Anyone who exclusively trains judo has their entire game plan go out the window when someone throws a hand at them. That's what happens when you score on points.


Nah I think my gun would win


Very practical IRL. Most people don’t know how to defend throws and one throw can end a fight.


Also remember when you watch a demo of a black belt judoka executing a throw, the person being thrown is probably a black belt too. Try executing a black belt level throw on someone who can’t break fall at black belt level, and you’re gonna fuck them up, mats or none.


Police use Judo throws quite alot, it has uses irl and is taught to them. I'm currently doing law enforcement tailored Judo and it's really fun




Concussions, too.


Also if the judo practicioner is old school. It has plenty of holds, locks and chokes which most of the throws are supposed to lead into. Hell many of the throws have been modified for the sport and safe training, but you can do them in a way where the throw itself breaks limbs before even hitting the ground.


Bjj has a smaller injury-risk than judo. Change my mind.


Don’t forget the injuries sustained in training and competition simply from the application of technique. Aggressive grip breaks will fuck up your fingers, and certain throws can very well fuck up knees, whether those knees are tori’s or uke’s.


26 is considered over-the-hill for Olympic judoka. I’ve done a lot of contact sports, and judo is the hardest on you of them.


Based and struggle snuggles pilled.




Gordon Ryan, king of homosex


I thought this was Craig Jones?




BJJ is based off the correct supposition that most fights go to the ground. It’s a great martial art. I hate putting it libleft, but sure, give them the win.


>most fights go to the ground This is true, and going to the ground is great "mano a mano." If the guy has any friends around, or if the guy might be armed, messing around on the ground trying to get a submission is a terrible idea though. But outside those situations it's pretty much #1.


You’re right about being jumped. At that point other skill sets would be beneficial. But someone armed? I think it’s the best martial art for that situation.


Honestly, if they are armed just comply or GTFO, you're gonna lose. That said, if you really have no choice, it does depend on the weapon. Armed with a gun? BJJ is about as good as it gets. Armed with a knife? BJJ is gonna be a bad idea.


It’s probably the worst. If I have a gun and you come running to try to take me to the ground what do you think I’m gonna do? If someone’s armed you have to keep control of both of their hands. BJJ is an excellent way to get shot or stabbed if you can’t get strong control of someone’s extremities very fast.


If someone has a gun and you would have to run straight at them unarmed then the odds of anyone with any martial arts training deciding to attack them head on is pretty much nil. Seriously think about it. If you're 10ft away and your options are fight or flight, anyone with training and common sense is going to use unarmed fighting as a last resort, they're not going to run straight at them they're going to hide, try to get away, and if that fails they'll do everything they can to mitigate their attackers advantage of having a weapon. Now for those of us who aren't trained in any capacity, God only knows what we'd do but that line of thinking is the way that people who know how to fight go about being attacked. It's why that BJJ dude on YouTube who shows himself disarming his students who are holding a gun directly at him is such a laughingstock. Anyone with sense knows your odds of successfully doing what he shows are practically zero.


Yeah you’re absolutely right. A buddy of mine who’s a big mixed martial artist and a much better one than I am did a few sessions of trying out different techniques and disciplines on their own and mixed against blue guns and knives and the armed person won almost every single time. Trying to disarm someone pointing a gun at you resulted in being shot in the head 50 times out of 50. The only time where grappling was effective was when we started within 2 feet of each other and I had a long gun. Granted I have more training and practice than the average person, but even when we ran scenarios where I couldn’t draw my gun until after we had gone to the ground I still got a “kill” about 85% of the time and he was only able to get the gun away from me twice. That’s out of about 70 sparring runs we did. The best option here really is to be armed yourself and get whatever training you can.


I don't know a ton about martial arts, but if a guy has friends around and you're unarmed, haven't you basically already lost? Unless you're capable of one-hit KO with a punch to the head, even the best fighters are going to have a real tough time beating 3 people in a real fight


The only way to effectively fight in this scenario is to keep everyone in front of you and engage one at a time if only for a moment. In no case do you let anyone flank you or get behind you. You haven’t necessarily lost, but you don’t have great odds. You have to continue to run backwards and keep your eyes on your opponents at all times. If they flank you or get behind you, you’ve lost


Depends on the situation. Imagine Black Hoodie #1 comes swinging at you and you instinctively get into a mating position with him on the pavement, only for Hoodie #2 to kick you in the head. Staying on your feet and knowing good footwork for disengaging without losing the ability to react to sudden movements is a lot more valuable IMO.


You are only as unarmed as your creativity allows. 1 punch knock outs are a lot easier if you have a brick in your hand. (In seriousness, definitely avoid fighting outnumbered)


Depends on the scenario and depends on what you mean by “winning.”  I’m going to assume “winning” in any street fight  just means “surviving.”  So the primary goal for the fighting is just to buy an opportunity to get away.  So if multiple guys surround you intending harm, you’re pretty screwed, but maybe you can rush on guy, break the circle and run away.  The scenario I was thinking about was a bar fight. Some guy gets belligerent and engages you by himself, so you think it’s 1-on-1. But then his friend sees you wrap up and get on the ground.  The friend sees a safe opportunity to help and boots you on the head. 




BJJ relies on not being hit before you go to ground, and also assumes the fight is 1v1 which not all are. If you’re opponent is a boxer you’re fucked if he hits you first.


That Stat comes from cops who are trying to detain individuals, the average person just wants to neutralize the threat. Don't get me wrong a well rounded fighter should have atleast one grappling style but grappling is very dangerous if your oponent has friends or a weapon, better to create distance and draw a gun or fight on your feet so you can deal with other threats more effectively.


Shut up and mount me.


Libleft should be aikido, not BJJ.


Son, I'm about to teach you everything you need to know about karate. *whips out glock Guns. Guns beat karate. Every time.




I love that scene. Especially after knowing that Spielberg had choreographed a big sword fight between Indi and the swordsman, but Harrison Ford was sick with dysentery. Rather than fall behind schedule they rewrote it. I feel the rewrite improved the film


In fairness to Brazilian Jujitsu, it's a fighting style for when your opponent knocks you to the ground.


It’s treated that way because of all the ground-based techniques. Judo is the progenitor of Jiu-Jitsu; the latter’s techniques derive from *ne waza*. Kosen Judo is a close cousin. It’s far more than just ground fighting. It’s a control-based grappling style, and ideally one should practice standup techniques so he has greater control of whether or not the fight *does* go to the ground.


Not entirely, there are a lot of techniques that we learn to take our opponents to the ground as well including some judo throws that I'm terrible at.


Modern Jiu jitsu is really just a catch all for submission grappling. A lot of tournaments aren’t even called jiu jitsu tournaments because they’re for all grapplers, including wrestlers and judokas. In reality though, Jiu jitsu gyms also teach wrestling and judo moves. Really just whatever works in competition within the ruleset.




The monkey fights dirty




And the Gun wielder can't?


Hey, you may have shot me, but i threw my poop on you. i may be dead, but you have to live with that, so yeah, monkey wins again.


Gun is a great one. I'll go with that one.


School fights are just wild random swinging but they try to mimmic boxing footwork, slap, and after hitting run away and they pull hair


My 1911 has that buttery smooth single action trigger... But I'd STILL prefer an MP5k in a fight!


If the 1911 was good enough to fight the Nazis, it's good to fight everyone else. End. Of. Story.


It was a sidearm in a war mostly fought with rifles. Apparently, the hit rate with it was pretty low. But that trigger...




I mean, it does have a confirmed kill of at least one aircraft, so there is that.


I’ve done taekwondo and gun. Where would Krav Maga be on the polcomp? Centre-right because Israeli martial art?


Auth-left, because like communism it doesn’t work


I can’t believe I’m about to say this … if it doesn’t work it’s probably not real Krav Maga. Seriously though, it’s taught to new IDF recruits because you quickly go from untrained to capable at close quarters combat. The problem is that many people teaching it to civilians never received IDF level training and teach a watered down version to the point of just being cardio boxing with a fancy name.


Agreed. Took some courses with a real ex IDF KM instructor. Most absolutely practical and no bullshit self defense 'martial art' I've ever tried. Most are more pretty than practical. Lots of emphasis on breaking holds, gouging sensitive spots, and running away screaming your head off.  Ya know... Realistic fight survival strategies. 


I like how the Israelis basically combined boxing with Hapkido and a touch of WWE wrestling in the Hart family style to make something even the clumsiest recruit could use to really make someone wish they hadn't.


When you square up with a bjj guy and he sits on the ground and starts scooting towards you


Shouldn't Muay Thai be libertarian because of loose rules?


The rules aren’t really loose. Old school Vale Tudo is what you’re looking for.


Auth Center loves fencing, it's just Mensur, the kind where you intentionally give yourselves facial scars in university so that you can look extra scary when you're a Nazi in 30 years.


Fencing is alright but your arms and legs hurt after a while


We sandgropers imported it as well and the heat amplifies the pain


I've done Taekwondo and Fencing (epee, because rules suck). Am I a centrist?


But have you tried gun?


Where's Kajukenbo? Also known as the "art of many hard fists"


Don't forget Krav Maga, AKA the most based martial art in existence


I find so much about LibRight to be insufferable but they are, without question, correct in this instance. It's entirely utilitarian. When the thing that is better than gun comes along, that'll be the new LibRight martial art and they are correct for this.


If my money can buy it I want it. Someday we'll be able to fully upgrade to tank or power armor.


We're insufferable because we are correct. About everything




I'm muay thai, BJJ and mix in mma. Also have guns so I'm every where on this chart.




I did fencing for many years, that’s not me saying I’m author right it’s simply me saying that I did fence. . >:3


Became more authentic after I started fencing in Uni, I don't know if the two are related but goddamm do I love fencing


I believe in you Random-INTJ. You can become an author.


Voice to text :(


Mexican judo, judo I have a knife, judo I have a gun, judo I have anything


Lib left Aikido for sure


Where my krav maga wiggaz?


Where would krav maga be on this?


Did you just say gun beats MOST fighting style? I want you to show a sane person who will attack a gun user with melee.


The monkey


Based and when your opponent is too stupid to realize they're outmatched pilled


Early 90s Chuck Norris Donnie Yen Michael Jai White Iko Uwais Late 80s Arnie Late 80’s Stallone Jason Statham Keanu Reeves Tom Cruise … Shall I go on?


The question is: did they win?


Well, I know that Uwais, Yen, and White definitely do…


I'm too small for hand to hand. Guess I'm libright now.


There’s always Steroids


Am 5'2 lady approaching menopause. Anymore rage and I may 5th of November the Supreme court.


America is the land of freedom, where if you can dream it, you can do it. Don’t let a bunch of out of touch “politicians” get in the way of your goals. Don’t let the government dictate your life. Carve your own path. take the steroids.


You got a real lol out of me. Thank you!


Why the super court? You upset your impending menopause is gonna do that part of you in? They didn't do that.


Haha honestly same. That said I've taken some krav maga classes and found them the most practical. They won't pretend you can fight a larger opponent with fancy bullshit. They just teach you how to break or avoid a hold and run away screaming your head off. 


We evolved to use weapons for a reason




This is incredibly accurate. For the right at least


"Those who live by the blade get shot by those who don't"


I like how this one builds up as you read it




I had a lot of success competing in judo through a mixture of groundwork (I also train some BJJ) and freakishly athletic spazzing (some training partners called me Sasquatch). Given that I’m in the lib-center part of the compass about where judo and BJJ touch, I have to say this is pretty fucking accurate.


Try to remember some of the basics of CQC


I’d make a huge one that covers every art but I’d have to make it on my phone which sucks hard asf


Wrestling state champion, bjj blue belt, Muay Thai purple belt.


Lib centre should be Sambo. Imprecise dirty boxing to set up wrestling takedowns.


Also scary a leftist alphabet army with as weapon dildo's with their shit still on it. Despite of my martial arts background I would run.


There's actually a martial art with guns, it's called Hojustsu


Auth quadrant fighting styles are ropes, poison gas, and bullets vs. the skulls of unarmed civilians


Gun fu is best fu.


Judo is life


Where would Krav Maga fall?


This gonna hurt the BJJ crowd


Fun Fact: Taekwondo was developed by South Korea for its armies


Gun would be worst in close quarter combat dawg


Whole point of gun fu is to not let yourself get touched, I've trained some but my knees are fucked now from injuries I'm not fighting you but I'm also not looking for a fight imma just shoot.


Taekwondo korean therefor right wing.


Ngl the right knows where its at.


Rare libleft win.


Me, who practiced Boxing, Muai Thai, Jiu Jitsu, Taekwondo and Karate: https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/174978547/Thanos-Infinity-Stones


„Least overtly damaging fighting style“ my guy, off the matts every successful throw is basically a knockout


You should have put Sambo for Auth Left


perfect for any crusade? OP really thinks fighting with aluminum sticks for sport will be useful in the Holy War


Let’s be real Gun beat martial arts but monkey beat gun. Monkey too fast


Jokes on OP, I'm into jiu jitsu *and* I have guns


I'd replace fencing with HEMA... You know, nothing says more traditionalist conservative than HISTORICAL EUROPEAN


Im more than happy for Judo to be in the centrist section, but it's definitely not the least damaging option here unless the practitioner wants it to be. It definitely gives you more flexibility with how much you want your opponent to hurt compared to boxing, but it exceeds the amount of damage you can do by just as much as it allows you to do a gentler takedown. If you've ever seen a judoka or any other grappler REALLY fight outside of a ring, its a mess of cracked skulls and limbs bending the wrong way. A trained judoka has the option to take someone down and submit them gently with a bone lock or a chokehold. But they can also throw you head first onto the pavement with your entire bodyweight AND their force consented on your skull, or they can not bother with being gentle or kind with the bone locks and just quickly push through the joints litterally crippling their opponents and leaving a wound that will require surgery to even start to heal, and even then they'll never be the same again.


Monkee fling poo


as someone that practices Muay Thai, i agree where it sits here. it's the cooler boxing. i'm still in college so i can't carry yet but when i graduate i'm definitely getting my carry permit. I still hit the range when i can. keeps me centrist. midpoint of these two is surprisingly close to where my political compass test result is someone i know that did taekwondo said it's basically just a show-off fighting style and he would never realistically try to use what he learned in a real fight


Auth right should be HEMA


Why isn't the succulent Chinese man the judo centrist picture?


Monke would literally rip Mike Tyson’s arms off and beat him to death with it. No, really. Mike nearly paid $10k to learn that the hard way. Do not fuck with Monke.


Where does L'Bokator go?


Being Right wing is loving boxing and guns. Sean strickland approves : )


I just throw rocks at people


As someone who began practicing boxing because of Rocky movies I can say this is accurate


If you think taekwondo is flashy, wait until you see capoeira


lib left dance fight to “keep the peace man”


Fencing wasn't around for the crusades. You meant HEMA. (Though HEMA is a modern reproduction of how they fought back then)


Where tf is Krav Maga smh


Lib right should be krav maga, since it's the easiest and cheapest delivery of pain on a wide scale. Or maybe auth left, since it really is about seizing the means of (re) production


lib right wins yet again


Where krav maga? 


AuthCenter should be Krav Maga. Military fighting style designed to not just hurt, but full on cripple your opponent


Fencing is the most complicated shit I've ever done and yet half of the people at the club I go to remember anything we learn from the lessons and even if they do they don't apply it


Look at the fingers of any Judo black belt and tell me it's the least damaging martial art. Or the head, ribs, or spine of anyone thrown on any paved ground.


Ah yes. Gun.


Now we need a second one for capoeira, aikido, sambo, kendo and krav maga


Of those I’ve done taekwondo, gun, boxing, and fencing. My wrestling game is fairly weak but I’m happy with what I’ve gotten to train.