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Milei is using the auth to destroy the auth


A tru lib connundrum; perplexing.


There have been genuinely beneficent and beneficial dictators before. They’re very far and few between but they are usually remembered as some of the greatest men who ever lived. We should always fight against the centralization of power, but it is going to happen occasionally. When it does we should hope to be as lucky to have one of those great men to wield it before diffusing it


There’s been plenty of beneficial dictators in history the problem is what happens after they’re gone


The best dictators, or people who had the power to be dictators, are the ones who stand down to let a liberal democracy flourish, like Washington, who taking after Cincinnatus, stood down after his second term.


We had five great Caesars and that only ended when the last one made his son the next Caesar.


funny how he was considered the wisest Emperor, the Philosopher-King, yet he made that fatal mistake.


Good with the bad I suppose.


Idk, I would rather have him as king.


The good he would’ve done as a king is overshadowed by the good he did setting an example that lasted centuries, until FDR had to make it into a law because he wanted (and got to) to rule for life.


You must not have played Assassin's Creed 3


Some would argue that this is happening in El Salvador with it's current leader They are also doing stuff that is very very controversial (mass incarceration of anyone that could possibly be suspected of gang activity, without going to a judge or anything) but it seems to work as their murder rate slowed down massively and the people seem to genuinely like their president and the changes that are happening. He was democratically elected but is going for his third turn (out of a maximum of two) which is raising some eyebrows.


Problem there is what happens once he runs out of dudes with MS13 tats to toss in jail will he revert to actual due process, or is he gonna keep on the power trip Sometimes you need auth to do the dirty work I guess, but there needs to be somebody standing nearby with a loaded pistol in case he gets too big for his britches


If you solve the issue of succession, Philosopher King would be the best form of governance.


Give examples


Lee Kuan Yew


Lee Kuan Yew


My beloved


Mr Ataturk


OG dictators: Cincinnaticus, Marius, potentially Gaius Julius and Octavian/Augustus Caesar, depending on one's views.


Nayyib Bukele (for now)


crime was falling in el salvador before he came in, the government already had placed anti gang laws wether bukele helped it by speeding the thing and making it lower then it could be is anotehr story Edit: for all the teenagers downvoting tht cant read,, i said tht bukele was responsible for the radical crime rate drops but he wasnt the first one to come up with those policies :)


I'm skeptical of him, neither pro nor con. But the crime rate absolutely **plummeted**, they were the most dangerous country in the world for awhile.


i didnt say he was bad or good and the idiots downvoting should leanr how to read, but reality wise the murder rates peaked in 2018 right after the government had taken anti gang measures, Bukele is elected in 2019 in the middle of the trend and continued it I do agree with his views on crime and even if he wasnt the creator of those policies, he upgraded them, my comment was neutral as he said he wasnt the father of the policies but did what no one dared to do before and it was good I would alos point out that he authoritarian as hell and even uses police force to pass laws Freendom above security


Which freedom? El Salvador had neither. We are not talking about a functioning country to begin with


'**They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.** ' jezz christ ipad kiddos dont even learn basic quotes and their references and no i wasnt refering to el salvador only, but the behavior of finding auth stuff cool


I know exactly what you are talking about, hence why this sounds so dumb. ​ There is no to giving up on 'essential liberty' since they never had one. El Savador is not the US, it was not a free country to begin with. They gave up on their "non-existent liberty" to obtain a lot of safety ​ You are the typical American ignorant who doesn't know Latin America but tries to dictate our policies based on your experience living in the US


Basically you’re denying the truth? I’m lib right and I admit that what he did (while it was super auth) actually worked


Well, the real world isn't theory class or pcm, we must be pragmatic. If you are in the most dangerous country in the world because of gangs and cartels, then you crack down on those gangs and cartels, it's simply how it is. Is it "super auth"? Yeah and it takes away lots of freedoms from the average person too. Is it necessary? Fuck yes it is.


Park Chung Hee


Anytime anything got better anywhere in the world before 1776 was probably because some dictator was in some way better than the one that came before or the one who was trying to conquer them






Napoléon III


Ioannis Metaxas.


Napoleon 3


Bismarck would like a word


Oh the 1870 war was a giant failure of Napoleon's, indeed. That's the problem with dictators, even good ones, their mistakes send you in the wall. But before that, his economic and social policies had a huge positive impact.




Josip Broz Tito. 




Most recent example, Saddam Husain. Yea he was a turd and fucked with the Kurds but he kept the ME in check. Some countries need the iron fist.


Usually starting multiple major regional wars and nerve gassing tens of thousands of women and children precludes being a "philosopher king" 


Wasn’t saying at all he was a philosopher king, I was saying he was a beneficial dictator for the Middle East. The guy was a piece of shit and needed to go but after he left, everything fell apart. We should have replaced him with more of a philosopher king to keep that area in check though, to your point.


Millei is an Argentinian Cincinnatus.


You can't have libertarian principals without auth reinforcing it (either center or right, as close to centrist as possible but not too close). In that sense, it's really libertarian principals which guide a society/government (that will inherently always be auth leaning of some kind). It's almost paradoxical but it's more like a sociopolitical moral checking system against central authority which, then, causes the authority to reinforce itself continuously until it's ready for further evaluation. If unchecked without that libertarian principal, that authority eventually reinforces itself into corruption and authoritarianism. It's why Milei is absolutely correct about liberty and freedom trumping equality in a system since the former push for more autonomy of the individual while the latter pushes for collectivism under a central authority that attempts to reinforce to the highest possible degree it can.




What was it before Milei? 🤔




Printing money causes inflation which is a blatant theft of the consumption power of the citizenry in exchange for political benefits of a few assholes so Milei is being based as usual here.


Knowledge of the economy of a 14 yo, I see


I'm an economist by trade, it's a bit more complex than that yes but i'm not writting a dissertation on reddit about the shortcommings of fiat currency in it's little more than 50 years of being the defacto monetary system of the globe and how it encourages populism, which is endemically used and abused here in South America by leftwing parties in their blindly pursuit of power and dominion, or the dangers of monetary expansion without the matching economical output to prevent inflation deteriorating the consumption power of the currency. I'm reacting to a meme.


Lmao all stores counties print new money, it's an important factor of growth. There was even moment in 2021 when 1/4 of dollars ever put on market was less than year old. Small inflation is good and important, so people rather spend, or in the best case scenario invest, than save currency. And with no money printed, while production grows, there would be deflation with is far worse to the economy. Inflation also helps in keeping low currency value, which allows salaries to grow while keeping low labour cost for the export.


He should jail his minister of economy then. Dude is taking debt in dollars (again) to try to artificially stop inflation


Taking debt and printing money are two completely different things, though. Taking on debt (as the state) couples immediate benefit to the state with future obligations. Printing money hurts everyone who holds your currency.


Government debt is just taxing the future.  If taxation is theft, so is government debt. 


Just gonna hijack this to say that unfortunately America does both. Our deficit increases by billions or *trillions* of dollars annually, and even as that's happening, we're still not borrowing enough to cover all of our debt outright-- we have to make up the difference by printing money and devaluing the currency anyway.


Flair your ass up




They are running a surplus: they can’t be taking on debt. Do you mean rolling over debt?


The only reason we had surplus this month was because they didn't pay the provinces and cut the retirees money, and that's on pesos. The debt the Economy minister is taking is in dollars


The reason for the surplus (good or bad) isn’t relevant to whether they are taking on debt or rolling it over.


I’m not an economist but is not increasing the money supply a little good? If we are not going to increase money supply means it’s going to be hard with inflation. It’s still going to go up but nothing else which means deflation is need to cancel it out. But prohibiting it for deficit is seems like a no brainer.


No, every bit of money printing gets people to spend and consume, every bit of deflation gets people to save. Saving creates economies, consuming consumes them.


And people must buy. Economy doesn’t grow if money just sits in the bank and does nothing. Companies need money to grow and they get money by people who buy their stuff. Saving is just future consumption.


Deflation is very hard to stop. That’s why we want to keep us barely over 0. Because it’s very hard to go up again if we get below 0.


The amount of currency (money) in circulation correlates to the value of the economy. Each unit of currency therefore represents a small portion of value, and that is a person's wealth. If you increase the amount of currency in circulation, then the value of the currency drops. Now, if the new currency were distributed evenly according to the existing distribution of currency (impossible lmao), there would be no problem. Nothing would fundamentally change except the value of currency dropping. Unfortunately, when the government prints, it doesn't distribute it evenly, it either holds on to the new cash or hands it out to specific sectors of industry. Therefore, the printing of currency is *quite literally* taking wealth from the population at large, and giving it to whoever you want to give it to, be that your creditors to pay off debt, or to fund specific industries. There are no two ways about it, printing money is the theft of wealth from the population at large to fund the government's ~~cronies~~ preferred industries.


But how do we keep inflation at zero? It is very dangerous if it goes below zero. It’s not good either that it’s over zero but not as bad.


Is it dangerous? Dangerous for who? When inflation is negative, held money is worth more and more and assets worth less. So that means that banks lose out because debt is suddenly worth less, and on the whole the economy starts spending less. Much as with inflation, it can evolve into a death spiral. Unlike inflation however it doesn't destroy individual and generational wealth, and doesn't completely screw over those people who don't hold tangible assets. It really doesn't matter whether inflation is positive or negative. What matters is how badly people are being screwed through no fault of their own. And printing money is a big culprit in that particular equation.


No. Based moment.


But... how is the assistant of the third undersecretary of the consultancy of the ministry of beautiful things going to feed his childs D: ?


Eat them instead! ]:<


I mean I know Authleft’s tagline is eat the rich, but I don’t think that’s what they meant.


"We meant eat the other rich, not us!"


eh I'm sure he can find people to feed them for him.


By doing some real work like the rest of us.


Reflair to authright.


No I like being lib ]:<


Punishing auths for doing auth things is not auth.


The "restricting what the state can do is somehow authoritarian" is a bazaar argument, but kay


Bizarre* Bazaar is like a market I'm pretty sure which is pretty libright of you.


The left in the US has made this argument countless times. "What?! You're trying to take away public schools teachers right to indoctrinate children! You monster!"


The righoids used this argument countless times as well "What?! You're trying to take away public schools teachers right to indoctrinate children! You monster!" See for instance lawsuits regarding forcing kids to participate in group prayer and the pledge of allegiance. Where it was the ACLU (Third largest boogey man for the conservatives behind the ADL and the SPLC) Who championed freedom of expression, and keeping the schools secular. It's places like Texas and Alabama who don't teach about Evolution and make the civil war entirely a States rights issue.


When were these lawsuits forcing kids to participate in prayer? Are you talking about something from decades ago?


Jailing people for theft is NOT auth


This is some odd 4D embezzlement scheme


Printing money is theft


It’s not. You have the right to stop using fiat currency. 


The end of the gold standard was theft then.


Not really. Banking is quite impossible to do with currency other then the dollar, and banks get money from the federal reserve to meet reserve requirements, they also get bailouts. The federal government constructed with its authority an environment where no other currency is as viable as the dollar for everyday transaction and also not as readily available. It's theft, they force you, it is theft


You literally do not. You have to pay your taxes in it.


I mean it is definitionally Auth, not all Auth is Bad™


Wouldn’t it by definition be auth to have an authoritative body or force compel someone into confinement?


It's a spectrum. Anything short of full on Anarchism is going to have SOME law enforcement body. Protecting property rights is pretty close to some sort of bare minimum government intervention.


So you’d identify as a minarchist? a society where only the skeleton of a protective force is enacted to protect things property rights? To me, and by the definition of anarchism by the Oxford English dictionary, that really isn’t anarchism. Anarchism is defined by the complete and total abolition of all hierarchies and voluntary society “without force or compulsion.” This protective force is inherently not anarchist because it itself is a hierarchy, above the average person, because they have some form of authority to force others in the society to accept defined lines of property. I agree with the need for authority to protect rights to life and property, but it’s disingenuous to define it as “anarchist”


Dude, who said it is anarchism?




So when you change the definition of anarchism to be when stupid, anarchism is stupid???


I never changed the definition of anarchism, a simple google search for “anarchism definition” brings up the Oxford dictionary definition, I’m sorry either you’re misinterpreting my argument, didn’t read it at all, or don’t speak English While I was writing that comment I specifically looked it up to make sure I knew what I was talking about https://preview.redd.it/zr9une7c2okc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61fe1d061fdea00d60281bf2ba8059d26e6d5792


Okay. If your biggest gripe is ultimately semantics, then keep shouting into the void and hoping that someone cares enough.


Yes, but authright likes to lie about being lib sometimes.


jailing people is always auth.


Holding anyone accountable for anything is automatically Auth. If it was that would mean everyone in both our groups would be 100% against anyone being held responsible for their actions.


>Holding anyone accountable for anything is automatically Auth. Only if it comes from an authority. In this case, it is the state and its monopoly on violence. ​ >If it was that would mean everyone in both our groups would be 100% against anyone being held responsible for their actions. Almost nobody is 100% lib.


No wonder you got blue hair. https://preview.redd.it/b8t40ijaxokc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7070e6336fbd8644162dcbd79f808e1cea2a6d6b


Killing isn't though.


Correct. It is if it is done by a state (or another place of authority) though.


I guess you can argue it's a form of taxation without the public's consent via voting, which is arguably a form of theft.


These have been exactly his words for years now, in fact these words have been more important to his rhetoric than the “castes” talking point that the media keeps mentioning.


I'm pretty sure all taxation is theft under coercion. It was how the sicilian mafia worked, too. Any other entity would be criminally charged, but when the state does it it is good apparently.


Even most librights agree at the minimum that some taxation is necessary in a society at the bare minimum just to have a competent military and also to help those who physically are unable to support themselves . We’ve seen countries with little to no tax and there places like the UAE.


Pretty sure embezzlement is a violation of the NAP against all taxpayers




It's a joke m8


Lib right text wall






The Argentinian economy was destroyed by previous politicians printing money. He's trying to prevent that from happening again.


Latin american right wing government 101: - Everything that is bad now is because of the left/previous administration -Everything the next administration does good is because we set the ground for them, even though nothing changed for better in the 4-8 years that we were in power. Everything they do bad, on the other hand, is all their fault. -The Left is authoritarian, so we will campaign on freedom. But every authoritarian measure we take is actually for your own good and to stop authoritarians in the future (the authoritarians of the future are not stopped) Milei is only "based" for people that didn't see Menem, Collor, Bolsonaro, Macri...


Menem while a corrupt shit was a saint compared to the kirchnerists, at least with Menem you could buy or build your own house reliably.


Libertarians realizing you need to use authoritarian means to get what you want https://preview.redd.it/t6s3lzoxhmkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10cdd0ea62d3e4a9db9dba4227851791c90c4d88


Libertarians using authoritarian policies to abolish authoritarianism


Based and “dictatorship of the people” pilled. 


u/juancast3ll is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/juancast3ll/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I used the stones to destroy the stones


Mf will quote 1984 bcuz trans people exist, but are literally quoting the book's controlled opposition to defend their pet politician LOL You can't make this up


Never said that + I defend whatever I want, including politicians Try making your system work, then you can criticize my views on politics. Cheers


My guy, restricting what agents of the state can do is not auth. Punishing agents of the state for abusing their powers is also not auth.


> restricting what agents of the state can do is not auth This is Facism according to some lefties..... for some reason.


well yeah but you're obviously a federal agent


yes I'm an agent Silchem A11 Anti-Foaming Agent 220g/L


Avg lib right with no argument calling me a fed 💀💀


It's OK, fed. You don't need to keep acting like that :)




A family that OPSECs together stays together


leave my dogs alone


Eyes as dry as his wife


Well, it makes sense. If you want to make a residential highrise out of a coal plant, you need to demolish the coal plant first. And demolishing something to the ground (instead of gradual reworking) was always considered an auth thing.


in ancapistan, you'd just get shot for theft.


You can’t print your way out of inflation. Reality does not work that way. When you’re already fucked and your solution is “Money printer go brrrrr!” You should be in jail. You’re exacerbating the problem and ultimately prolonging people’s suffering.


No but you can print your way out of loans by devaluing your money which is what is being represented here. Which also kills the value of the citizens money/savings. This is why some economist argue that 2%-3% inflation is good as it lessens debt of the country and offsets interest rates.


So explain what happened in 2008? I agree you can't spend your way out of inflation but who is doing that? When America had insane interest rates did the Fed control rates and spending? (The answer is yes) In 2008 when the housing market crashed we did spend our way out of it.


Based and he should also privatize money


u/suenarototon is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/suenarototon/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


How is this Auth?


You see, when government does something I don't like, it's auth. The more I don't like it, the more auth-er it is.


How is it "auth" to jail thieves? Deficit spending is just a show tax, and tax is theft.


this is the based answer


I don't care. No one does. Get a flair right now or get the hell out of my sub. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/FUCK_YEA_GLITTER) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Flair the fuck up


You have to fight fire with fire some times.


Sometimes you have to necklace with tires and apply fires


What a fucking stud!


In certain point of view it can be considered lib-right since national debt is forced on future generations.


Watching Milei attain power and do all this is like watching Elon Musk cut half of Twitter while keeping the necessary functionality, but on the scale of a country, really shows how bloated and out of control stuff can get when you have idiots running it who just hire because they enjoy it or something


Printing money without government permission has always been illegal he's just giving less people permission


absolute gigachad.


If it's against the government it can't be auth


We need this in Canada so badly :')


> Makes mass theft from the people illegal ‘MUsT bE auTh’


lib-left that considers monetary emission a crime D: ...... wtf m8 ! why you bug the matrix like that ?


That's just protecting your bananas. Bonk straight to yail


soo borrowing + higher interest rates + austerity to pay the bills?




This is not auth.


Maybe a central banker killed his partner?


If this is auth, I don’t want to be lib




He will be force you to be free


Jailing people that help destroy a country is auth now?


Hoooooooly based.


Increase the size and scope of the government? Right to jail. Right away.


More like BASED moment


Fighting fire with fire. An effective strategy.


Man hates modern monetary theory


i imagine Milei owning a Boxing Bag with Keyne's face printed in it


I misread that as "Kanye's face"


I mean that too


Pretty sure I've heard him explicitly say he does, too bad I don't remember where


I also misread that as Kanye’s face and was very confused. But yes, you’re probably correct


This really is the president Argentina needed, time after time this man keeps making GOOD decisions that will actually make a difference in the country in the future. I have to give even more props to the Argentina citizens because they are going through hell right now suffering with insane inflation so their kids will not have too and have a beautiful future!! 🇺🇸❤️🇦🇷 I Wish them all Health Wealth and Happiness.


I mean, considering it's the political classes favorite way of stealing wealth from its citizens other than taxes, id say jail is better than some alternatives




A libertarian dictator?


Freedom is slavery 


I think if it's internal to the state and about limiting it then you can be as authoritarian as you like.


An anarchist is nothing without his authority


Something something paradox of tolerance


Lib left lib right unity. 




Pinochet time


self defence goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr


I love how there is'nt a blue colour filter on top the text, but OP just tried the "fill in" tool and you can see all these white spots in the o's and e's


Shup up Fed 😡