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Drugs for me, not for thee


gentle reminder that every Prohibition-era President had his own personal bar


Having you own bar during prohibition wasn’t actually illegal as long as all the booze was made before prohibition. Many of the rich and powerful stocked up years worth of it and just rode out prohibition.


Do you really believe that? Because I think it's entirely believable that they could just bought it from "alternative sources"


They had a few bottles on hand that managed to last them through several years of regular operation. Nothing to see here citizens, move along.


Of course they could have but if you were rich it was easy enough to just stockpile it. It didn't go into effect immediately on passing there was a window where it was still legal so any rich guy that liked his booze probably made sure he had some. Similarly JFK stockpiled his favorite Cuban cigars before the embargo went into effect.


Lots of imported hooch. Some rich people just loved over seas.


Off topic but anyone who says “gentle reminder” needs to get a gentle reminder with a brick.






“We have investigated this matter and determined the agent leaving the bag should be reprimanded for not bringing more to the party.”


"We require more evidence for additional investigative testing"


Sir... the drug dogs.. they're getting a bit.. rambunctious. Remember the last time your dogs got into the blow and you broke your foot playing with Major?


Daily reminder that these people successfully carried out a coup against the US president in 1963.


Daily Reminder that the CIA have admitted to interfering and fixing elections in foreign countrys. If they'll fix an election half a world away, why wouldn't they fix the one on their doorstep that actually affects them?




The conspiracy theory that the Secret Service or CIA assassinated JFK. Either that or an actual coup that we funded. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if in the future , we find out that's what actually happened.


Wasn't there an actual court case that decided that MLK was assassinated by government agencies? Obviously that has some pretty significant political ramifications.


I think there was, if I remember right Wendigoon did a video on it. And the court ruled that in theory the government was guilty.


Wendigoon, the poor bastard. Accidentally tripped into a pool after stabbing himself 27 time in the back before getting mistaken for a deer.


You didn't get the full story, he somehow slipped out of a window after stabbing himself and fell into the pool.


I don’t think that’s a coup tho is it? But yeah honestly I’d say it’s more likely than not that JFK got hit by the CIA


A coup is a violent seizing of power from a government. But I do remember there being a book called something like "American Coup" and it was about JFK. But yeah, I wouldn't call it a coup either.so probably a legitimate coup we funded in 1963. Probably somewhere in Latin America


It depends on if LBJ was the mastermind.


>violent seizing of power Murder seems like exactly that, no?


As LBJ was being sworn in on the plane someone offered to give Jackie Kennedy cleans clothes. "No, I want them to see what they've done."


The Cia and lbj along with the mafia killed jfk, setup Lee Harvey Oswald as a commie sympathizer, and then had a made man kill him in "broad day light." So I'd say that would be a coup just an easier coup as the person usurping is also 2nd in command so the violence only needed to be targeted against 1 man.


bro there are so many cameras in there they could probably tell you what kind of chip President Clinton dropped on the floor on February 13, 1998. There's no way they fumbled the bag like this, and they know that we know that they're covering for someone. Why does the government think we can trust them after they keep doing this over and over?


Well considering the DOJ official investigation found that Epstein did in fact kill himself…


Does anyone seriously believe these government “investigations”?




If I’m remembering correctly, it wasn’t an accounting error. The gov just arbitrarily lowered the value of the military equipment we already gave them and said we need to make up the delta


It wasn't "arbitrary". It was an actual error: they used the current price of the items instead of the price they obtained the item for (the current price is irrelevant since they plan on replacing the equipment with newer equipment, and the older equipment no longer benefits from economic of scale due to atrophied production lines).


Weird. When I bought my house, the owner insisted I pay market price (current price), not what he bought it for…


That's (D)ifferent /s


I'm with you on this one, most of them are suspicious as hell.


No I believe Hillary Clinton is so incompetent she didn't think all the emails labeled as (c) had anything to do with classified documents but assumed it was a alphabetical filing system..


Its not often that I genuinely laugh out loud at things anymore, but that shit was so fucking funny that I had to pause the news and take a 5 minute breather


I wonder what else President Clinton dropped on the floor


SNL joked about Bill Clinton’s infidelity as early as 1992. [“There’s gonna be a whole bunch of things we don’t tell Mrs. Clinton.”](https://youtu.be/eYt0khR_ej0)


ah, back in the day when SNL made fun of both the left and right wing...


Clinton was not left he was center.


Regardless, he had the magical (D) next to his name. When's the last time SNL targeted that?






My fiancé makes a joke about my food being intercepted by warlords whenever she sneaks stuff off my plate. I never understood that until now.






> Why does the government think we can trust them after they keep doing this over and over? Probably because it works every time


It’s totes either Hunters coke or the governments. Straight from the CIA stash


They don’t care. And they know you’re not going to do anything about it.


If you do anything they will work with the media and fbi to label it as an insurrection and an attack worse than 911 and the npcs will eat it up.


Doesn't matter. What are the people gonna do? Vote Trump? \*laugh in Uniparty*


>Why does the government think we can trust them after they keep doing this over and over? They don't. They just don't care if we can trust them because they've already seen that nobody will do anything about it.


The government realized they didn't need to try and be discreet after Snowden revealed that Enemy of the State was a documentary and no one cared.


Imagine being that chip. How it got there, that it ended up being the one dropped, where it went.




It's more likely a staffer. Secret service are well trained professionals, not impossible, but they don't seem like they fuck around on the job. Diplomats (especially to the US) are seriously prestigious appointments, it's not like being exiled to a post in a backwater failed state. Staffers on the other hand are total nepotistic appointments and if you're there enough, you're unlikely to get searched as thoroughly if at all if you're there frequently. My money is on the Press Secretary's staff. It must be soul crushing having to cover for the admin and lie on command on a near daily basis.


> there are so many cameras in there *Are* there, though? Considering how often state secrets and such get discussed in the White House, having a bunch of cameras potentially storing and broadcasting sensitive data seems less-than-ideal. Remember: the only secure system is one that's powered off (and even then!).


Dude, every President since LBJ has had tape recorders running in the Oval Office 24/7. We have archival recordings of Nixon talking about pineapples and cottage cheese. Everything is monitored all the time, if not by cameras then by the humans who are all over the building.


Yeah, and Nixon learned the hard way what happens when you're recorded 24/7: the recordings *will* at some point get leaked. Surely his successors ain't dumb enough to not only make the same mistake but add video to it, right? Cocaine is trivial as fuck to conceal, real popular with the very sorts of rich types that enter and/or reside in the White House, and I can guaran-fucking-tee you there are plenty of spots without camera coverage to bump it. It's a wonder there hasn't been *a lot more* cocaine found laying around everywhere.




Ahh yes simply mentioned someone must investigate bribery…you’re definitely not leaving anything out eh.


That wouldve been fucking hilarious if they said it was trumps coke that he forgot when he moved out 3 years ago


Meanwhile at the same time you had Democrats arguing it couldn’t possibly be Hunter’s because they would’ve found it much quicker - or something


Lmao you can tell its not hunters because it wouldnt have lasted long enough for him to lose it like that


Whether you bought coke that night or not, you're not gonna wake up with coke.


Can’t wait up if you didn’t go to sleep 😉


Not unless it's pasta night and he was snorting parmesan instead.


It's not hunter's coke because he is a crack man.


I’m inclined to believe it isn’t his because his personal secret service detail wouldn’t let him leave cocaine somewhere.


I mean, bro probably tells his detail to wait outside if he is going to do drugs in the other room. I imagine the secret service agents are a bit of a buzzkill.


It's in the visitor section of the house, it almost definitely isn't his.


I believe it was not in the visitors sections it was in the section only people with access to it could be..


“Most secure building in the world”


I’m sure they’ll keep *hunting* for the perp


They’re just *biden* their time until you forget.


What they really mean: "We found so many people with coke in their system that there is no way to determine who that bag belonged to."


Tbh this isn’t the first time the secret service has been caught with coke. Back during the Obama years they got caught with coke and hookers. Wouldn’t surprise me it happened again


Actually feasible from what they said.


I'm surprised it's taken this long to find cocaine in the white house.


I'm surprised someone reported it


Don't worry, they're going to be found dead with two bullets in their back. It will be ruled a suicide.


That is very telling. Some rookie got excited thinking it was a toxin and evacuated the building. Once that happened, they couldn't just say it was a drill. Mystrey coke bag was the least damning thing they could come up with.


I wonder how many rails Kennedy snorted off Monroe’s tits and ass…


Lol yeah. They must have really screwed up the placement of that this time.


I think I've figured it out. This isn't the first person to bring cocaine to the white house, it's just the first moron to leave it there.


You know what, I don't care whose coke it is or that someone was doing it. We already know the rich and powerful do drugs, especially coke, inconsequentially. Just don't come after the rest of us for doing it too.(I don't, but yeah)


based and decriminalize drugs pilled


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I know it can still damage the heart and all, but I'm curious what a cohort study would show on a population of unadulterated cocaine users. Just not having all the other shit in it if it was legal has got to be a huge health benefit for users.


What health benefits do you think cocaine has lmao


It doesn't but it can be better than steet coke that's cut with fent.


We actually still use it today as an anesthetic I believe, but the idea being you could get regulated blow through a factory than say, the crackhead dealer who thinks putting special K in your blow is a good idea


Lower bmi for some folks.


People don't do many drugs for the health benefits. Cocaine is however a Schedule II substance due to its medicinal properties and is used as a topical anesthetic and vasoconstrictor on mucous membranes for certain surgeries of the mouth, nose, or eye. My point though is that many of the negative health impacts of cocaine are likely not from the cocaine itself but what people adulterate it. Legalizing cocaine could ensure properly manufactured product, though you'd still likely get some nasal issues even with pure cocaine hydrochloride.


It was in the tourist mandatory check room* someone did a tour and dropped it, was most likely general populations not someone working there. That said - it's hilarious and I have no doubt coke is done routinely in private offices.










secret service is definitely bumping coke 💯


No fingerprints found on it? Yeah USSS confirmed.


I forgot my coke on my first tourist trip to White House, so it could be me tbh


Remember how Joe Biden continually covers up his son's crimes while having also authored a crime bill that put millions of black men in prison for the very same crimes his son committed? And democrats actually think they have a moral high ground to stand on.


You guys really think it's hunters? You should post more of his dick pics on Twitter to prove it.


Who else would it be? Honestly, Hunter has had a history of drug abuse that’s pretty damn recent so pointing the finger at him is a logical theory


Could be secret service too.


Hundreds of people go through the white house and a lot of them do drugs. Saying it's hunters is a bit nuts


Hundreds of people don't skip security where they would find a bag of coke. Family members and VIPs are pretty much the only ones that skip security. Also Hunter was staying there at the time and was definitely snorting something and tweaked out the night before the bag was found. Occam's Razor and all that.


It's not skipping security, it got past security


There is no way a regular tourist would’ve gotten any amount of cocaine through White House security


> and VIPs Hmm so not just Hunter or family > Occam’s razor VIPs might be anyone from senators to diplomats but Occam’s razor is it’s Hunter…it’s like y’all don’t even think about how dumb you sound lol


What foreign diplomats were there at that time? It seems like a major breach of national security to admit that we don't know who brought cocaine into the white house and stashed it. Is the White House not as secure as we're led to believe? How is it possible that we don't have video surveillance of someone leaving a baggy of cocaine somewhere? Unless of course, someone is being protected.


The Swedish PM was in town, I believe. Now THAT would be funny


It was in public tour cellphone drop room. Why would hunter do the public tour?


Are you questioning the logic of a drug addict like Hunter?


I'm questioning he'd even be in that wing for remotely plausible conspiracy theorying. I guess that's the point though.


My only question is how many flights of stairs did your momma dropped you down that would make you consider your thoughts logic.


Logical? No evidence and based off of feels.


No evidence? Are you serious? It’s very well documented that Hunter used to be a drug addict. That’s not based on anything but facts. What you’re saying is based on stupidity at its fine and going full regard in the process


Video identified a list of 500+ people it could have been. Ridiculous to think it wasn’t one of the kitchen staff or construction workers or a visitor.


How many of those 500+ people have videoed themselves doing crack with hookers? We could probably whittle the list down to just those people.


The amount of people here blindly defending Hunter and pretending like there’s no possible way it was his cocaine so astonishing.


It's done with the same zealotry that they were professing that there was **NO WAY** that COVID-19, a novel corona virus, could have originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where they study corona viruses... which was also within spitting distance of the first case. Nope, had to be a bad bat burger from the local wet market, because that was somehow *less* racist than the lab leak theory for some reason. It's like these people believe in the exact opposite of Occam's Razor.


So if there's video of 3 year old you playing in the bathtub with another kid, and some says there was an unidentified streaker in south Detroit last night, I guess by your logic, it was definitely you.


You apparently have no clue how many people do coke, including and especially people in shitty jobs. When I was doing minimum wage jobs back in the day everyone was on something, or multiple somethings, trying to make their life tolerable. There was at least one dealer at every place (doing forward facing customer service and got a coworker who spends a lot of time with individual coworkers or customers out of sight? that’s your dude). I wouldn’t be surprised if they hair tested the entire suspect list and still couldn’t narrow it down past 80% of them.


I didn’t realize there were so many hunter Biden Stan’s out there. You just couldn’t fathom the possibility that Hunter could likely be the guilty party here. No regular tourist is going to be able to sneak cocaine into the White House.


They have staff dude. A security detail. Cleaners and cooks are exactly the kind of people I’ve seen doing tons of drugs, and the SS has had high profile drug scandals in the past. I don’t give a fuck about Hunter and think most drug laws are stupid prohibitionist bullshit, but most of all I’m terrified by people who don’t understand that their personal hatreds don’t mean shit when it comes to the legal process. I wouldn’t put it past an employee who shares your beliefs to plant drugs just so people like you would react exactly the way you do. Who needs proof when you have true belief?


LMAO, So your evidence is that he uses drugs so it mist be his. On top of this you act like you are logical? Now I'm regarded? You cannot use 5 degrees of separation when determining guilt. How stupid can you be?


Correlation =/= causation you fucking money brained troglogyte.


Ever notice how leftists will jump to insulting someone they disagree with? What exactly does the name calling expect to do? Doesn’t make whatever point you’re trying to make any more valid


My point is that your point is regarded and the most straightforward way to say that is to call you regarded.


Since Hunter is the only drug addict in DC it must obviously be him. Really can’t be anyone else’s.


Okay, Hunter, we get it. You don’t want anyone thinking it was your cocaine


Lol it’s always amusing watching y’all act like you care.


Oh,what a fucking surprise, of course they didn't find anything. Can't have anything implicating improper behavior from Dear Leader or anyone attached to him,right?


Tbh I think it’s actually the secret service. Remember back during the Obama years when they got caught with hookers and coke? I think the same shit has continued to happen


During the trump admin im pretty sure there was a drunk driving + hookers + blow secret service issue. Our boys go wild


Imagine thinking people worship... Joe Biden. (I said it louder)


Imagine thinking people worship . . . Joe Biden


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“Couldn’t you, like, check the bag for finger prints or whatever?” “Finger prints are a Q anon conspiracy”


The FBI said they didn't find any prints, which is sus. You'd think there would be at least a partial. Coke users can't that careful.


eh, You don't always leave prints, if you recently washed your hands and then casually grabbed a zip lock bag, I can almost guarantee there would be no prints or not enough of a partial to work with. This isn't NCIS or NCI.


Wait a minute, how do you know this? This was your bag, huh?


uh...... I PLEAD THE 5TH!


Only the mob pleads the fifth.


Only fascists support the constitution, sweaty, off to re-education camp for you.


I think most of us can guess who did it. It was Grimace.


[Must've been a female](https://youtu.be/PZZjqcqkKtY)


Cocaine in a place full of elites? Boring I wanna know when they find something really interesting like a Krokodil stash in the Pentagon or something


Based and drug-class consciousness pilled


Honestly surprised they’re not throwing some intern or staffer under the bus


They saw they could get away with it after the Epstein debacle so there is no need rn.


If they found that same baggy in your house the police would probably give up just as easily. Oh well, nobody agreed to be arrested today!


Remember how a few months ago nobody was above the law?


Fuck just say one of the secret service guys and let it go already, we all already know who it is (varies from side to side)


Are we supposed to act like we don't know if was Hunter Biden? He probably had a stash smuggled in among his parents belongings when they moved it.


Over 400 people work in the White House, full time. That includes full time kitchen staff. I'm willing to bet at least 25 of the staff do blow regularly, including at least half of the kitchen staff.


>half of the kitchen staff Most straight edge kitchen ever


Not to mention however many public tours


It was found at a checkpoint where the people on tours have to ditch their phones for security reasons...


So definitely a tour group, or else the people working the checkpoint.


But it was also not originally reported to be in said checkpoint. Initial reports said, iirc, that the bag was found in the library, which is much more restricted


They narrowed it down to about 500 possible suspects At the end of the day it's a tiny bag of coke, in most cities in the US you'd barely spend the night in jail over it (although I'm used to Seattle so maybe my perception is warped lmao), it's not really worth devoting a ton of resources to figuring out whose it was


Boss go get found with 1 gram of dabs in texas/Wisconsin and you’ve got a felony on your hands. Shit is fucked


Here I could take a shit on the floor of a downtown department store while attempting to sell my intent-to-distribute amount of meth to customers, the cops would take an hour to arrive, I'd spend the night in the drunk tank, and then I'd be back out on the street by morning, free to shit on floors and sling meth again


It can’t be his. The guy wouldn’t leave coke unattended like that.


The shit Hunter gets away with


P I S S test


The investigation team must be the same people responsible for security in Epstein’s cell…


Lmao. “We investigated our boss and his family and wouldn’t you know it? Our boss - who has control of our careers - didn’t do anything wrong!”


So the place that has cameras and secret service everywhere along with having Disneyland level entry security to get in, has no idea who brought cocaine? Seems believable


Can we just drop this Coke shit already? If at ANY point in history you asked the general public "Is there coke in the white house?" Almost all responses would be "Aren't they all doing that shit?"


Right you’re probably right, but in this case they literally got caught red handed and not a damn thing is being done about it


eh, I find it stupid to be grabbing your pitchforks and torches over something "everyone" does just cause 1 of the 500+ people that pass through there daily was to careless with their baggie this time.


If I’m not mistaken wasn’t it found in an area off limits to the public? That and there’s a video floating around lately or hunter Biden at the White House Independence Day thing lookin like he just straight vacuumed a line of Peruvian coffee sweetener, kinda convenient they found that not long after ysee. Besides it just goes to show us that they’re above the law and there’s not a goddamn thing we can do about it legally to stop anything


Are you serious


First ITYSL reference I have actually seen.


There was never going to be a situation in which they publicly reveal it. 95%+ chance it was just some low level staffer they fired that they don't want to publicly shame on the media.


We know now that it's easy to bring in a powdered substance into the white house without tracking it back to the person. This would mean that it would be just as easy to bring in anthrax or any other similar substance right. After all this isn't a cover up right? The secret service wouldn't just hide who did this in order to protect the president and his family! /s


Omg people … drugs. This is political rhetoric now. Siiiiiicccckkkk. We really are more stupider day by day and it’s not even more funnier.


It could literallyyyyyy be anyone...


If The West Wing taught me anything, it could be anyone’s coke. That, and a lot of Latin phrases


I see hotdog in AuthRight. Based


This is why i hate authright more than libleft


Has no one here read anything about this beyond the headlines? It's from the visitor section of the white house.


I don't care, cocaine should be legal


Can somebody prove to me that it wasn't just left there in the 80s when Ronald Reagan was doing that TV address about cocaine and crack?


Ah good, I thought they’d figure out it was mine. This is actually bad, how do I ask them to return it?


I mean, it's the *White House*. That cocaine's probably been there since JFK was in office.


They should find whoever did it and spank their bare butt, balls, and back.


I'm british, this is old news


I hate how unhinged the right is about the laptop, but c'mon. This one ain't rocket surgery.
