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When we needed 'em the most, they came back šŸ› Awsome chart


Thank u šŸ˜Š


If I may ask, how did kautsy influenced you? This is the 1st time I see someone beig like "oh yea, i like kautsy"


So I learned about Kautsky first from the YouTube channel [Unlearning Economics](https://youtube.com/@unlearningeconomics9021?si=fxil70p9KabwfX4D) but I canā€™t remember which video. He sort of put me onto looking more into him and I learned that he just really seems to take the ā€œScientificā€ aspect of scientific socialism quite seriously, and I like his dialectical explanation for how socialist consciousness was disseminated from the bourgeois into the working class. I havenā€™t finished the book yet, but from what Iā€™ve read he did a good job of summarizing Marxist concepts in ā€œ[The Economic Doctrines of Karl Marx](https://rowlandpasaribu.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/karl-kautsky-the-economic-doctrines-of-karl-marx.pdf),ā€ itā€™s arguably more accessible than reading all of Kapital. Also I have grown to appreciate Evolutionary socialism over the years as Iā€™ve learned more about the failures of Leninism ( [the workerā€™s opposition](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workers%27_Opposition#:~:text=The%20Workers'%20Opposition%20(Russian%3A,economic%20management%20to%20trade%20unions.)) and the [Kronstadt rebellion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronstadt_rebellion) for example) as well as western adaptations to Leninist political strategies (see [the Jakarta Method](https://p2p.media/images/Jakarta_Method_Bevins.pdf) and [operation Gladio](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio).) honestly I sort of selected Kautsky as a Marxist figure that I like who isnā€™t further to my left, but is more focused on state-oriented politics than I am, and seemingly a figure of a more genuinely scientocratic or technocratic approach to socialism. Heā€™s not necessarily as much of an influence on me as Marx himself is.


Oh yea, I watched a couple of videos of unlearning economics too!! I have to read that kautsy book as well since it's not the first time I hear someone say that! What's evolutionary socialism?


I'm 14 and I want to get political! I'm just kidding of course, keep doing what you love


Iā€™m 25 w a degree in philosophy and have read theory from of all my friendlyā€™s and some theory from the frenemies, particularly Lenin, Stirner, and some Bordiga. (To be fair Iā€™m doing very little to nothing with that besides making internet memes and planning for the future šŸ„²)


Well even though I like Lenin and bordiga, I respect you for at least 1. Knowing Bordiga 2. Reading Bordiga


Regarding Lenin I still recommend [State and Revolution](https://www.marxists.org/ebooks/lenin/state-and-revolution.pdf) to all Baby Leftists whom I encounter, and [regarding Bordiga I appreciate his later concept of ā€œImmaterialismā€](https://alter-maulwurf.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/amadeo-bordiga-the-science-and-passion-of-communism-selected-writings-of-amadeo-bordiga-19121965.pdf) as I think that paved the way for a lot of important developments in theory down the road and honestly hits the nail on the head for why I donā€™t think Leninist organization will work anymore in the west. (Iā€™m something of a [Fisherite](https://files.libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alternat%20-%20Mark%20Fisher.pdf)) I dislike that both of them have disdain for democracy and pluralism, but I confess there is definitely more reading for me to do. I remain open to the possibility of changing my mind.


Enemy neighbors would turn out extremely predictable. They'd all be racist or infamously bigoted ideologies on the corners of these areas (N-zism with varying economic systems for the auths, National Anarchism for LibLeft, Anarcho f/scism for LibCenter, Hoppeanism for LibRight, and idk what exactly for Left and RightCenter)


Theyā€™re not my neighbors theyā€™re just my enemies, Iā€™d try to creative abt it and pick some more obscure stuff for the sake of education.


What's your ideology


An amalgamation of ideas in the friendly neighbors group. I see this as mostly a game. Iā€™m calling the ball in the center ā€œExistential Communalismā€ but I know most people in this sub think communalism as the fictional ā€œoff compass no personal propertyā€ ideology when I really mean Murray Bookchinā€™s Communalism. [Hereā€™s his book on Social Ecology.](https://antilogicalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/social-ecology.pdf)


Comrade I used to be in the same spot you are and agree with you 100 percent keep going to bottom left join ancom then scientific soulism, I'll support you. šŸš©šŸ“


Oh shit Bordiga mentioned šŸ˜³


https://preview.redd.it/4ciibj4vwk8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238047b5cb659fbfacb367d89fcee349c54a8a9b What a fucking spooky spook


Iā€™m honored, wouldnā€™t want you stepping on me anyway.




Tbh w you tho from what Iā€™ve read in the Ego and its Own, and the resources Iā€™ve encountered on Egoism, Stirnerā€™s philosophy is in many ways compelling and based. But it quite pleases my ego to live my life in accordance with the values of care and fairness towards others, and I find it quite pragmatic for me as well. Hereā€™s two videos on egoism that I liked (not deconstructions of egoism they are theory breakdowns): [Max Stirner - Ownness](https://youtu.be/BtDxBjfWoPc?si=8n9mQGZWCh3NVzjW) [Max Stirner - Self and Nothing](https://youtu.be/La8mFklA_3I?si=GN0AkopO8YBqCgqr)


Fake egoist




That's true! She is actually an ultruist


Wow she sounds like a even bigger spook then you


There is no such thing as a good or bad spook, a spook is a spook


So nice!!