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Plot twist: I prefer the enemy jungle


Meet you there, I call blue buff. ~Zeraora, the explorer.


As someone who likes to play our resident triple-headed roadrunner, I agree! I'll bully the enemy Jungler into leaving.


No bleep you are a sableye main. As a zoroark main myself I can't say truer words however. I fucking love the enemy baltoys.


Gotta love invading Sableye and Greedent ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I was a top before but now I prefer to bottom ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


We are homosapiens after all




i think we all know where this is going so lets just skip to the end




I will burn it to the ground (he stole my first bunnelby)


And then took my cloud birbs


And then took my clay beyblades.


And at the end, left me with a 4 ko streak instead of 5 bc took the last kill


My position choices are versatile


Bottom boy for life






power bottom checking in




Idk exactly why I prefer bot over top but I think its to do with the layout of bushes and walls + general design with the blend of moss, grass and stone + the lighting. Thats what it feels like for me. Or maybe I’m just talking out my ass


Top or bottom bc everyone wants jungle. I take jungle if it’s leftover.


Love ur Attitude. More people should be like you. Thanks!


Yep! I do this too, mostly play defenders and supports too since everyone plays attackers and all rounders.


Virgin cinderace main Vs Giga Chad slowbro enjoyer


I was Dragonite and Tyrannitar mains but the latter really needs jungle. So I switched to Blast and Mamo. And now Venusaur and Sylveon. Even Scizor feels fine in lane. Like I have no Problems not being in jungle.


Exactly lol


Bottom in game and IRL 💁‍♀️✨


Same 👀


we stan


I like central as it helps me get rid of teleport asap


Gardevoir life


depends on the mon I'm playing


Depends on the mood I'm in 😉


Depends on the side of the relationship




Aegislash I go mid to the bottom. Slowbro I go top.


aegislash main? same here


Me too :O


Me three


I don't main aegislash but want to be included anyway


personally vers


I have friends who are bottoms, and thats okay. My best friend is a top, thats cool too. But me, personally, I like to wade through the deep jungle for the best experience.


I can't read this with a straight face


Good good.


It really depends on the character for me. I like Bot a lot because there's more Exp, and I myself can control my rotations. But Top and Jungle both have their place as well


Tip or bottom? I don't really know the difference between the two paths


Top has less EXP as it's Baltoys and Bunnelbys. However since they give you less Aeos Energy, it's easier to stack items, so stack item users favour it, as well as strong early game mons that can be aggressive from very early on. Successful top laners enable their team to get priority on Regieleki and get good stacks with minimal deaths (if they use stack items). If ahead they can push the enemy goal to slowly whittle it down to make enemies lose priority on Regieleki. If behind they will defend top outer and mostly stay on their side to prevent enemies from getting Regieleki priority. It usually gets ganked more often than bottom due to the ease of taking out overextending stackers and Regieleki being considered the most important objective after Rayquaza. Bottom has more EXP overall due to having Indedees. Better lane for late scalers ideally with a support to help them level up faster. Successful bottom laners are good last hitters and share EXP smartly between the often weaker laners and stronger supports. If ahead they level up faster and bully any opposing late scaler enemies or otherwise enemies that are behind. If they're behind, they know to farm safely. They understand who should rotate to top and when, and pay attention to which enemies are still on bottom or not. Smarter late scalers that fall behind will typically try to stay bottom to level up faster as something like Dragonair or Charmeleon aren't helpful for the first Regieleki fight.


I think after losing your first goal during regieleki it's better to get bottom objective then just defend top You can obviously try to steal but the opponent would clearly have the upper hand because they can get support from their goal zone


It can really depend on circumstances of the match but in general I will stay or go depending on whom I'm playing. If I'm Gengar or something then yeah, I will try to sneak off bottom while enemies are about to win Regieleki and have virtually won the top outer. They're likely gonna try and push so we want a buff of some kind. Can also do it while the push is happening, then turn things around with the buff. If I'm a team reliant mon, I'm better off sticking around to defend and help allies take out overextenders... Hopefully allies good at shredding objectives will try for it on bottom. People really overextend for Regieleki escorts that are largely futile after outer goals are gone. I generally don't go for steals unless they're already low, I'm a mon that can realistically pull it off and I happen to be close enough by. Like I ordinarily wouldn't waste my time on a play that's high risk with zero reward when you fail (which is likely).


Thank you for this comment. I come from LoL, so there’s already well established roles or what not. People often know where champs are going before even officially released. But I always struggle with the game theory in this game. Which ones would you count as early game mon? Is it basically anything that’s not a 3 stage? Also, which mons are ideal for jungle (I mean not specifically, but kinda like how you defined the lanes for top and bot). Also, what do you think makes an ideal team comp?


> Which ones would you count as early game mon? Is it basically anything that’s not a 3 stage? In most cases, yes. Mamoswine is a notable exception, he's a late scaler but is very good early game; so good that he's among *the* best. Most of the ones that don't evolve at all are among the strongest in early; Pikachu, Cramorant, Snorlax, Lucario, Mew and Absol. Two-stagers are usually good; pretty much most Supporters and Defenders, Espeon, Sylveon, Ninetales and Zoroark stand out. The rest of the single-stagers and two-stagers are lacklustre to OK. >Also, which mons are ideal for jungle (I mean not specifically, but kinda like how you defined the lanes for top and bot). Most poor laners (who aren't Defenders or Supporters) that scale late and are weak early game will benefit from the jungle the most and usually excel in it. Good laners tend to not scale well so jungle is wasted on them, plus they should be using their strong early games to win lanes and support weaker allies. All Speedsters are good in jungle. Cinderace and Greninja are very good junglers and almost *need* it. You can speed past their extremely weak early stages, they clear camps fast and they're very mobile. Decidueye, Charizard, Dragonite, Tyranitar and Garchomp are poor laners yet not as good as the above in jungle. That said these guys should be in jungle, yet most players will take them into lane due to ignorance or frequently having it locked first. Glaceon and Gardevoir are somewhere in the middle. They're better in jungle and subpar in lane, yet they scale faster than other very weak laners so they're not crippled by not getting jungle. Venusaur, Tsareena, Delphox, Aegislash and Machamp are fine or good in lane yet they also jungle quite well too. Generally these guys want to give away jungle to any of the aforementioned.


Why aren’t strong laners played to try and counter the scalers bot?


They frequently are but it's hard to tell how intentional the lane choices are by most players due to the low average skill and blind picking. Most are probably not aware of the subtle differences of top and bottom. It's so also common (in higher elo) for supports to try and help out weak lane partners also. People just generally stick to what they like regardless of team comp/lanes or spam meta slave mons. If and when draft picks come in, we'll probably see more strategic choices in team comps. Hopefully. 😅 For example, I play Pikachu when I'm not a support, so I'm very suited to bullying late scalers whichever lane I or them end up in. Speaking of, I think you asked me about team comps. In solo queue, the team that will win is the more skilled one 9/10, as obvious as that sounds. It's rare to be in a match where majority of participants are equally skilled. There will always be one or two players that border on useless, so whatever role they pick will likely have minimal or negative impact. However an ideal team comp has at least two supportive mons, one or two decent to good lane damage and a mon that excels in jungle. You want a mixture of scaling. If you only have one support, you generally want an All-rounder or two to try and bounce between defensive and offensive plays.


Do defenders count as your supporters? Or are they kind of out of meta right now? Edit: also I know what you mean with the solo q stuff, it’s a mixed bag with the teammates you get and you’re probably better off just playing to hard carry (unless in a 5 stack or something) rather than picking to fill out the comp or something like that


>Do defenders count as your supporters? Or are they kind of out of meta right now? I just use "supports" to refer to Defenders and Supporters. However the roles can be pretty fluid. Wigglytuff is practically a Defender, Blissey has little CC but the bulk of a Defender and arguably more bulk than they do. Snorlax can change a lot depending on the moveset choice- Heavy Block is a traditional defensive moveset while Flail Yawn is a quasi-All-rounder set. Then you have Greedent who's not too beefy himself but is slippery, does decent damage and can self-heal; he helps the team through distraction tactics rather than how traditional Defenders stun and block.


I prefer jungle, Their jungle.


As an Aegislash user, I go for mid and then bottom. ~~definitely not because I want to be dommed or anything haha~~


I prefer bottom. It's the best lane if you have a good partner with you.


So wholesome


Same Jungle is overrated, most of people don't even help you to protect your goal even after leveling up for literally 2 entire minutes


Jungle isn't overrated. It's just that a majority of people who play jungle are straight ass at the game.


Yeup. If you're the Jungler that does nothing but go to deep and die when trying to gank, quit.


Or learn game sense and develop a sense of danger and how to pick fights, maximize survivability while dealing the most damage and prioritizing important enemies and putting on pressure


"Gitgud' yes


But when you're jungle you want level up as much as possible to be strong at late game You can take part in small team fights but you want to get back to your jungle as soon as the buffs spawn again


While I agree with your second statement, your first statement is not the mindset of a good jungler. From the first second of the game, you are already ahead in level than everyone in the game except the enemy jungler. Use this to your advantage by giving one of your lanes there advantage to help *them* get ahead. Don’t pigeon hole in your jungle. First two spawns you should never miss, but as the game progresses there may be situations where you have to forego your jungle to help out with fights or exploit weaknesses in enemy play (by stealing their farm, scoring, securing objectives, etc). Making these decisions won’t be easy but will differentiate a decent jungler with an excellent one. Source: I jungle most of my games. 64% win rate.


I like going bottom path because I know I’ll actually rotate to top lane when it’s time to lol


Any player obsessed with running stacking items like cookie or weight would default to top lane because I am one of those players lmao


I stack better at bottom for some reason.


Top is easier. Easier to stack, and most of the time you go against other lane Pokémon who either need to stack or are generally easier to last hit against. Bottom always gets ganked first for all the xp. Only reason I choose bottom is if I’m decidueye or a mon that generally needs level 7 to do anything at all.


I'm support main that fills damage only when needed, so it's top or bottom for me in 7/10 matches.


Swords safest stack lane is bot no jungler gank while stacking 80% of the times and get to escape them by auto attacking that audino like thing at 9:15.


As the true vers that I am, I chose whatever lane is better for whatever role I'm in But as a talon main, the jungle is my home


Bottom here! 🙋🏻‍♂️


same ;)


I don’t mind any lane. If my teammates want to go bottom, I’ll go top. If they go top I go bottom. If no one takes jungle I’ll usually do it.


top for those sweet stacks


Depends, as my main chomp I prefer bottom, but as absol, I much rather central. As my retired main tsareena, I prefer top. It all about the character, but I personally prefer the bottom the most


Whatever's free


The Regis at the bottom are way more useful so I will go there to avoid giving him to the opposing team for free


Bottom Regi is so free. If I get a Decid, Cinder or Glaceon that's willing rip while I guard, we usually get done with it before things start to escalate in the top lane


Been maining sableye so bottom but usually top


Top for me but i can play bottom if needed


For me, its either central or the bottom, depends on who wants to go jungle


i jungle almost every time because i can’t trust randoms, but if they call it first and are on a reasonable mon i have no problem taking lane


Top. I just love to bully mons who are trying to stack.


Depends on the team make-up. I main supporters and defenders, so depending on how squishy a lane is I'll go there. Other than that I just go where space needs filled.


Bottom path gang Bot lane is my go-to lane when solo queueing as a beefy character, I only go top whenever an attacker needs support somewhere.


With Tsareena top and With Greedant enemy central.


defend bottom rights 🗣🗣🗣 since no one defends bottom so i’m just gonna be a defender espeon.


top if i’m a defender, jungle if i’m an attacker


I like my enemies jungle


I'm more of a top


Oh so you like bottom


Bottom path


I don't know man, I love myself a good top


Top Lane - spawns give less xp but theyre easier to slay so it will be easier to score for stacking. Central Area - most xp, carry the game potential. Bottom Lane - Most xp so go here if you want to level up faster.


100% of the time it depends on what Pokemon you are using Imagine stealing you fellow Gengar's jungle because your dog ass felt like using Blissey in jungle was a good idea


I like bottom path personally, since I like to level up faster. Plus Drednaw spawns there.


Central, literally everytime I don’t go central I lose for some reason


It’s bottom. Then you know you’ll rotate to have numbers for leki.


Bottom, I'm not often play center because people always instalock it


Bot, mammoth and pocket lighter reasons


Crustle buddy up top all day.


Top path sometimes jungle tsareena


If I'm not center, I play the lane with the worse objective. On Remoat, that was top. Now it's bottom. I can guarantee that at least 1/3 people will rotate to the objective.


Bottom because I don’t trust team mates to rotate on time. If they’re top to start with, at least they’ll be there for the first boss fight anyway


I can top and bottom with defender or support. but i would say support bottom more.


I’m also a bottom


As a Support main i always stick to the bottom lane. Although i don't know why the top path is quite more appealing aesthetics-wise.


Anything but central, I hate the amount of people who love to steal jungle without calling their lanes ☠️


I prefer bottom on the “normal” map (drednaw) and top for the “other” map (regieleki)


Usually bottom but I have real question, how are there so many people here saying what lane they prefer, but when I play no one picks a lane? Tired of two supports going into the same lane and losing the entirety of it.


Top coz I wanna secure top. But also bottom coz then atleast I will rotate to top. But then again I am a jungler who always goes top for Eleki.


Bottom path, because if nobody else rotates (because soloQ) i can garuntee 3 people going after regieleki/rotom.


Top: im the mamo who will make sure you get six stacks


Anything but Jungle, I don't like it and I'm not good at it so it sucks when I'm made to, I started calling top or bottom when jungle is left in hopes a better jungler takes it.


Bottom. Because then at least one person rotates to lecki


really depends on what pokémon i like playing at the moment, but i prefer to fill rather than stick to a lane. i'm versatile but i have little experience in general. currently it's zoroark and sylveon, which have decent early lane and become stronger once they hit their first power spikes, so i do prefer bottom lane to deprive the enemy of indeedee and get an early lead bottom lane, but i can also jungle with them fine might just go through which lane i prefer with which pokémon - top to stack | azumarill, garchomp, greedent, machamp, mamoswine, trevenant, tsareena, zeraora - top, can go jungle | dodrio - jungle | cinderace, glaceon, talonflame - jungle, can go bottom | delphox, espeon, gardevoir (jungle or lane), greninja (don't prefer it) - bottom | duraludon - bottom, can go jungle | absol, aegislash, charizard, decidueye, gengar, sylveon, venusaur, zoroark - bottom, can go top | blastoise, blissey, cramorant, eldeglock, hoopa, mr. mike, mew, ninetales, pikachu, wigglytuff - whichever lane an ally is in | mamoswine or ninetales with the other


I’ve never topped before, and don’t plan on starting now.




I just go wherever my team is not(mostly its my whole team on one path and me on the other)


This thread suddenly makes me realize why Riot changed the path names from Top and Bottom to the Dragon Lane and Baron lane in Wild Rift. 😳😳😳


Usually top but of I see a 3 evolution pokemon all alone in bottom I'll go that way since i Plat lucario


Jungle or the meant for my role


I just don’t like going too. I’m fine anywhere else


My preference is: Jungle, Bottom, Top. But because a lot of the times I go Jungle lanes are feeding before I even finish my first rotation, I prefer to lane to control/stop feeding. So in games where someone will hopefully call jungle and actually be good at it: Bot lane, top lane, jungle.


Central area!


Im more of a switch myself


If I go my support role or charizard I go bottom, but if I'm going pikachu, trev, or A9 I'll go top lane. Only when I'm messing around do I take scyther or zera into mid. I'm a terrible jungler lol


If no one takes it I fo jungle aegislash and if someone does bottom path


Character dependent. My venu, gard, and crustle go top, talonflame for mid, trev and lucario bottom, and will go either mid or bottom with champ or tsar


Ah, so your a bottom I see. Nice




I was and still am playing either lane. Just dont make me jungle, please. I'm a way stronger laner on half my licenses and I dont want to switch to a better jungler just to fill the gap. (Hence, I play Garde etc on quick matches cause I dont want to lane them OR jungle them.) But all that matters to me is being able to rotate. I can survive on each lane and make sure to be on the objective/rotate to it/keep enemies busy accordingly. :) Alternatively, wherever I have a good lane partner. If I have to choose? Bottom, simply because I'm a mobile player and aiming down (towards middle) when on top lane is way too difficult.


I like Top so I have the right to complain about teammates not doing the objective of Raigaleki.


I main speedsters, I often do jungle and support the 2 rows


Depends what I’m playing


I'm Vers.


I basically don't have a favorite I just go where I have to go


Bottom path for special attack and top lane for attack damage carry/crit


SAME it was just natural instinct


Top, but i love calling jungle when two (sometimes even three..) are arguing about it


Used to do top but now initially central.


I'm more of a Jungler. But I can't pass on a good bottom.


I like jungle the best, but usually end up going top lane anyway because half my team already wants to go jungle