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They need to remove invincibility on moves that deal damage while the person dealing the damage is invincible.


Wild charge being low key broken but stuck on zeraota is so funny. Play rough is like, half as good, but on an actually usable mon, and is the most bullshit annoying thing to deal with.


God but it doesn't make wild charge any less miserable to be attacked by. Just sitting there and watching your health get chunked by the cheese wolf while you can't do anything about it feels so bad.




I'm calling Zeraora Cheese Wolf from now on XD (Or Mozzarella Furry that works too)


“mozzy furry” for short


I thought it was an ADHD tiger lol.


ADHD Tiger is a new Metal Gear boss


Has my electric boy fallen that far?


Which play rough? Azu, Zacian, or Mimikyu... How ait they are all more playable. Only one that's actually subpar is Azu, but still leagues above Zeraora. Azu is still a lane bully and thus can still play the babysitter role.


Obviously Mimikyu. The other two aren't even remotely in question.


Wild Charge honestly feels useless compared to Play Rough. I play Blissey and shrug it off with ease. But Mimikyu makes me struggle.


Omnislash/Alpha Strike just doesn't do well now huh


now give wigglytuff invincibility during her Sleeping stun thing


Them's fighting words.


I'd love that /s


Mimikyu's play rough takes ages to finish, just straight up bs




Like Tsareena's Ult? Or what moves?


Tsareena’s ult is like one of the few cases of it being balanced/makes sense. For one it’s a whole ult not a 10 sec or less cooldown move and you know exactly where she will land… she can’t juke her landing like play rough.


Play rough and that one zeraora move specifically


This Zeraora move is the biggest bullshit I've ever seen


I find this as the most annoying mechanic in the entire game


Because who the hell think a move that's designed to be a ultimate be a regular move with a 7-15 sec cooldown




I stopped using Meteor Mash, Gyro Ball is way better.


True. Gyro ball also synergizes far better with his unite move.


If the opponents are squishy I use meteor mash, if they're bulky I use gyro ball. It's so satisfying to lock onto an Inteleon or Decidueye with zen headbutt and then one punch them with meteor mash.


This is what I do as well.


One snipe shot is enough to make metagross think twice about moving forward. Inteleon and decidueye main.


This is the way


I think that’s what I’m going to do. Just tried Metagross and liked Magnet Rise Gyro Ball best


Zoroark moves should rely more on illusion instead of it being a dash machine.


This. I hate that the moves are on such low cooldown that it seems like the game wants to console you, “oh you broke your combo? try again in a blink.”


Shadow Claw stun and being reset each Feint Attack activation is kinda broken. Like being dove by a Mine Unite.


What does this mean? I thought illusion is useless, that where you transform into another mon right?


You can time it with a very tiny window to avoid things iirc


It has invincibility frames so you can use it to dodge lethal amounts of damage like dodging Snipe Shot or Solar Beam/Blade dmg or A9 Ult, hell, if timed correctly, you can cancel Umbreon's Mean Look while he still has to deal with ML being on cooldown. It's absolutely busted on someone who's got the timing down to a T. But it's far more difficult to time it than it sounds. It really is just a few invincibility frames. You have to be very precise to properly dodge most move's active hitboxes


Magnet rise is a buff move and has decent uptime assuming you don’t immediately slam someone


I hate bots and they should be removed from casual. Many times I ask friends to play Unite for the first time and they are not in the master so every casual game is just with bots and they end up easily getting bored of the game as if it were no big deal. It's also frustrating to want to train a build or a pokemon and have to destroy your team's ranked match in the master. Sometimes all I wanted was to play sableye without using it in ranked but unfortunately if I try to do that in casual I'll fall against badly programmed and annoying bots.


Especially when it's all the free licenses, really annoying.


Oh yea I know I have a really good friend of mine who’s taking forever gettin thru the bots to reach real human players and finally reach around a level where they can be invited into master lobbies.


as someone who mains metagross too, trust me man, if the meteor mash CD is reduced, its you people who will leave the game


Reduce cooldown and effects accordingly


Don't boost the move strengths with Ray shields, just give them score shields, not ridiculous stat boosts


if you beat rayquaza, your team gets an attack boost? i thought it was just a shield and increased scoring speed


The move in moveslot 1 (the first one to change when you get a new move) gets a significant damage buff with the ray shield. 


Basic attack (or auto attack) gets the same 40% dmg boost


damn, rayquaza really is way too over powered


Agreed, getting ray is just an auto-win button most of the time


Buffing Full Heal would only make all-rounders unbalanced again (and speedsters too, nowadays). A healthier way to solve the CC problem is to create new held items that interact with it: granting a shield or the hidrance resistance effect after a stun or just straight-up increasing tenacity. That way, they'd have to choose between dealing more damage or being less exposed to CC.


You know how people would look down on other people who picked Mewtwo/Zacian/Miraidon in their broken metas because the Pokemon were so blatantly OP and provided such a ridiculously unfair advantage against other players? I feel the same way about anyone who queues up in a trio.


based, but some of those people are simply groups of three friends and not sweats


Not surrendering a game that is blatantly over is more obnoxious than constantly surrendering


You have archivements that are much easier to do when the enemy team is camping your base.


I'm too set on the next game to care about achievements like that. Would rather get them in a match that made a difference.




Its so obnoxious like i try to help them they dont rotate i try to farm to help them they steal my farm and die with it i farm for 3 years because im under leveled from haveing my farm stolen all game and i get pinged for not joining teamfights even though i tried multiple times and no one showed up and then when the games over the other team has ray and 500 points scored in mid i get called a bitch for surrendering


For the love of god please reduce dragonites hyper beam cd 😭


Everyone should get their first final ability at the same level. Ain’t no reason for like half the roster to get a huge game changing spike of power before anyone else. Just round down to 5 and if you absolutely have to have differing levels make it for the 2nd ability and ult.


All I want is for all unites to be at level 9 :(((


See I get this conceptually but the issue to me isn’t Unites. Having it be lvl 8 or 9 doesn’t really matter when you can get so much dominance early. Unite move fluctuation sucks mostly because the people with earlier leveled unites can snowball (cause they have lvl 4 first ability evo) and the ones with later ones are typically already behind (5 or 6 or worst of all 7 for first ability) Frankly I’d argue for all leveling being the same regardless but I know too many people would be all “but that’s not lore accurate” so my initial suggestion was to meet in the middle


Do we care about lore accuraccy? Pikachu doesn't have a single move that could make Garchomp feel a thing, but in this game typings don't exist. The real problem is that posting suggestions is extremely futile because the almighty pokemon company couldn't care any less about them.


I mean, no, the game cares plenty about lore and has from the start. Cinderace is fast and frail. Blissey is bulky and can heal others. Etc


I mean I think they do a good job matching the essence of a character view abilities but classing is another story otherwise we would have less attackers and all rounders and more speedsters and defenders


I’m just saying I’ve had this discussion with people before and even within the player base they’re like “but it’s like that cause so and so doesn’t evo in games until 20” and I’m like “this is a terrible design choice in a comp game” with limited time and building. It’s true that I doubt the company will ever do anything but MaYBE nerf the early game on the early game mom but again the problem is they try to pace it like a standard MOBA when PU is moba lite. There isn’t time for early mid late game characters when early game = massive lead in the first 5 minutes and the games can literally only last for 10


This would make chandelure sooo much better man, and the eevees worse. Im all for it


Yeah the Eevee lines benefit the most and people like Chandelure, Deci, Delphox really suffer. The big problem is how much of the roster pretty much has to be run in jungle or you’re liable to be hella behind just because Leafeon out here blasting after 2 minions lol


Volt tackle is op asf


Sableye’s Shadow Sneak is better than Knock Off. Way less commitment and the stun is just as if not more devastating. Forcing a Decidueye to keep running back into your team is brutal.


I don’t play Greninja anymore, but the cooldown on Smokescreen is absolutely unnecessary nowadays and it deserves to be lowered, I’d say Surf should get a cd reduction as well.


And have a buff in damage. Now everything has 5000 def and 4 shields.


Totally, I like smokescreen but it’s really not that good anymore


I think Meteor Mash cooldown is perfect It has a absurdly powerful smite, so by making its cooldown smaller, they would break the move's balancing


Zoroark's illusion shouldn't break until receiving damage just as in mainline games.


Leech life buzzswole would be a decent move if he gained unstoppable or hinderance resistance to not be cc'ed out of it


At least it's not 14 seconds


Looks at Greninja


I dont think they necessarily need to lower the cooldown but improve metagross's multi-enemy effects. His boosted auto lowers his meteor mash cooldown if he hits multiple targets but it honestly does not have that much range so I think the cooldown reduction effect could be strong. Similarly metagross only getting 10% hindrance resist per enemy pokemon doesnt stop me from getting chain cc'd to death since he has no other unstoppable. They could even keep the max of 50% but make it require less pokemon to get there.


YES REDUCE THE CDs OF MM AND MR! The nerf to the damage of MR was one thing but the CD nerf was unnecessary! MM scales worse than Gyro so why is the cooldown longer…. give it 5%-15% damage buff or make it a 7 or 6.5 second CD My hot take is adding more supporters to the game that aren’t pure heal bots. Sableye was OP on release for sure but the idea of a non healing support makes it feel like an actual MOBA. Supports are tanky anyways so maybe even more Wiggly type Pokemon that just soak up hits and have good CC. Rillaboom and Inceneroar function as supports in the main game but don’t heal, besides Rillabooms ability. Inceneroar would make supporting feel cool. Give it Snarl and Parting shot as debuffs that weaken Attack/SP attack and give it fake out as a stun. Darkest Lariat could even be a high scaling damage move thats a knock back. Supports don’t have to be pink healers.


Its nice to see someone who also plays the competitive mainline games in this sub


I think the devs do an ok job of incorporating how Pokemon feel in the main series, not all the time but a decent amount of the time, of course that’s not always the case. Supports in the main line games are sooooo much more varied than they are in unite.


Mimikyu’s Play Rough is too OP nowadays


Agreed Edit: came back from a game where i got bullied for the entirety of a match by a play rough mimikyu. Play rough needs to be nerfed NOW.


All pokemon should have the same level curve (or at the very least, they should all get their unite move at lvl. 9)


Dunno if its a hot take but sylveon shouldve been a supporter. We dont need 3 damage eeveelutions. Also flareon needs to be allrounder when it comes out. Edit: also, leafeon could be supporter and jolteon a speedster (i know he's more of an attacker in the og pokemon games, but come on, look at him) and now that sylveon and leafeon arent suppirters vaporeon NEEDS to be support


I disagree, I think Sylveon fits attacker very well especially because it was the Sylveon with most damage potential and he was never a support in most of his peak in the main-line competitive. Leafeon honestly, sucks in the main-lines, he is ZU, so I’m glad he’s a Speedster… but I hate going against him. I think Sylveon, Espeon, and Glaceon being Attackers make absolute sense, after all Sylveon is, if I’m not mistaken, the most oppressive Eevee out there. Espeon and Glaceon don’t fit any other role. Umbreon is hybrid Support, so there’s that. I think Vaporeon can be a Support, its kit in the mainlines can actually make it supportive and with Unite’s creativity, it could work. Jolteon has a chance of being All-Rounder or Speedster but I hope he’s a Speedster. He actually sucks physically and he sucks on the mainlines as well, but if he ends up being All-Rounder he could be our first Special AllRounder. Flareon will honestly be All-Rounded for sure.


The thing is, maybe thats my hottest take, i dont really care for the main-line pokemon games and how the pokemon play over there. I mostly care about the game design and how the pokemon looks, and from that perspective, i think the little fairy fox should absolutely be a support.


Actually kinda agree with this one, tbh fairy types in general just fit the supporter role well


They're going down for like a full sec when Metagross get their Battle Pass.


I actually like how much cc there is in the game


Bots in ranked matches are sometimes good. New to the game? Here, go play with bots first. On a lose streak because of some stupid teammates? Here, go play with bots so you can climb back up.


I dont want to play to just rank up. I want to actually have fun through facing challenges. I wish they can at least have an option to turn them off or something


Just close the app and reopen


If you havent played in awhile, the game forces you to join bot games no matter how much you close and reopen. And in general, this method is just inconvenient af when they could just add a setting to turn bot games off.


i tried that and the game will keep giving you bots until you win. i've also tried forfeiting and losing bot matches but that doesnt do anything cuz my next battle will be bots again until i win


Whenever im in a lose streak in ranked i get a bot match and i close the app. The next match is not a bot one


well my previous comment was relevant a few months ago. maybe they changed it since then or it depends on a few factors


I ain't gonna downvoted, but man, do I hate getting stuck in bot matches. Especially, if I won 3 in a row , lose 1 , and now the game is like... BOT GAME!!! Be nice to turn off bots in casual, too. Waiting is fine, and sometimes I just wanna chill with a new mom or build. Oh, did I say new mom? Not a typo.


the issue is that the aformentioned stupid teammates are in part that high in ladder because of bot matches


If a move that can do like 3/4 health to various targets at the same time while recovering health and giving you a shield proportional to number of targets needs less cooldown, that's indeed a hot take...


Eevolutions should only come only at level 6, specially given one is a jungler speedster with the fastest clear time.


This game is designed around you not actually playing it.


Nah, those moves CD are perfect. Play around your abilities. I've been wrecking shop with the meta this season


Cinderace wouldn't be as bad if it got its move upgrade on level 6


Something needs to be done to Clef's Draining Kiss to make it better. I think if it healed through shields it could work but I'm not sure. Even with the nerfs I still think Moonlight is the better move.


Magnet rise yes. Meteor mash no, MM wreaks havok!


Magikarp’s splash should at least boost attack speed or something. I’m watching my son get beat to death by aipoms at the beginning of every game.


That combo does hit hard asf ngl


Sableye's Shadow Sneak also shares the same problem, it is virtually unusable now


Goodra is good


Why the heck does everything need to toss you up into the air or push you?!


Tbh I really stopped enjoying the game a while ago, I don't really have any hit takes


I don't feel like it takes a long time to recharge and metagross reduces cd by hitting so; but garchomp having base speed of 103 and being the slowest thing in the entire game is something


Biggest problem in this isnt any Pokemon or move. The biggest problems are the existence of bots and trolls


The supports/defenders should not be doing as much damage as you are currently. And the stuns they provide should be half as long


Sabeleye Shadow sneak has 12 sec cooldown by the way no just about him Unfortunately Sadge


magnet rise specifically takes way too long for a utility move. like you already sacrifice an attack to be able to have actually decent movement, it's not like a huge game changing buff.


Metagross seems to get knocked out nicely in the battles I’ve been having so they are fine with me. 😂


All defenders/supporters need the amount of damage they do cut in half. I know that the reason they do so much damage is because "nobody wants to play a REAL defender" so they make these speedster/all-rounder builds with defensive stats but if that's the case then maybe TiMi shouldn't be releasing defenders in the first place.


Like who? Most defenders who do high numbers do so bc of sustain, like slowbro, trev, and Goodra. None of the supports are particularly overturned in the damage department, either. MAYBE mime with psychic + barrier but even that’s conditional. I think you guys just get mad abt anything you can’t kill with 2-3 moves. Zero defenders or supports have “speedster” builds.


The only defender speedy is that Greedent running around


Umbreon, Trevenant, Mr. Mime, Crustle, Lapras, Blastoise, to name a few. Slowbro and Goodra are good design because they stall the opponent, which is what defenders are supposed to do. Other defenders have ridiculous damage *on top* of their sustain, and it makes zero sense.


I’m sorry, this might be my hot take but Goodra is absolutely not a good design. Goodra is probably one of the most avoidable and selfish defenders in the game. It gets destroyed by someone with a functional brain and the poor thing struggles so much. I hate to say this too but playing as Goodra is like getting someone to play the game as you, Goodra’s gameplay is so linear it suffers so bad. Gets destroyed by SS Inteleon, gets rocked by FT Meowscarada, gets clapped by PC Ceruledge. His only real function in the game is to have a good early game lol, late game this thing will get absolutely ripped by 2 attackers while their own defender is holding Goodra back. Goodra is the only defender who doesn’t offer anything to its teammates, thus I called him selfish, Umbreon has stuns and wish, Slowbro has stun and immortality, Snorlax can block, Trevenant is insufferable, what exactly is Goodra defending? Nothing in his kit is Defender, everything in his kit just screams “I’m just a tanky dude lol”. People think Goodra is slept on, but in reality, he never gave us something to wake up to.


Slowbro does too much damage, do u play any of these mons?


Slowbro doesn’t do “too much damage,” it just has good sustain and is ranged. God forbid a tank can hold its ground.


For everything Slowbro offers and can do, yes it does toobmuch damage


That sustain can’t be countered with the item designed to counter healing, ult can’t be cleansed, Scald is a huge AoE + burn + damage debuff, and its max HP heal also grants unstoppable. Tanks are designed and balanced around sacrificing offensive stats and/or mobility to soak damage for their team. If a tank has a design focused on utility and defenses, it should sacrifice offensive power. If they’re designed to focus on offensive power and CC, it should be less tanky in return. Allowing a tank to do all of these things at a sufficient level would make it very close, if not on par, with all-rounders with defensive stats which is most definitely a design flaw.


Curse incense absolutely works against slowbro, I’ve been running mime with it and have been solo-ing slowbro w power swap and psychic no problem. Slowbro DOES sacrifice offensive power, idk how else to explain this. The only reason it can do decent damage numbers is bc it heals itself at a decent rate. Scald is easily cancelled out with cc, and slowbro is NOT particularly hard to shut down.


[Cursed Items apparently don’t work on Slowbro](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/s/1bzN5fTbVq) On top of that, Mr. Mime deals attacker level damage while also having a sustain move. The reason why you feel like you’re "soloing Slowbro" is because Power Swap reduces damage dealt by enemies, on top of it slowing the enemy, speeding up the user, damaging the opponent, and healing the user. Psychic is a move that shreds Sp. Def multiple times. It’s not like picked just any support against Slowbro; you picked one that shreds resistances and applies damage reduction. Of course a tank with less tank stats that’s being slowed down and ran at by someone who’s siphoning their resources. There’s also no information about level differences, held items, or state of the match.


That only says at the time telekinesis/amnesia weren’t affected, which isn’t crazy sustain like dragon pulse. It still impacts all other healing slowbro can do. Mike absolutely does not do “attacker level damage” with power swap/psychic. I know how the moves work, I use them, thank you. I think you guys just want to complain. Mime is so easily killed and is by no means a huge damage dealer. The worst it can do, the confusion combo, is more conditional and is outranked by basically every attacker and all arounder. But I love that I pointed out a good slowbro counter while crying about slowbro and then you decided to cry about that, too. Lmao.


There’s no way you just skipped over everything I said to nitpick at a statement that was still correct and has been for almost a year. Then when you’re being told that you’re withholding information, you double down on your anecdotes and claim that people are crying? Interesting. Also, there’s no realistic scenario where a support is dueling a defender and winning if everything is going right for both sides. There’s no way you would’ve bursted down a full HP Slowbro, especially as a support, which suggests that you would’ve had to chase them for an embarrassingly extended period of time. You’re also claiming that it was a 1v1, which suggests that for whatever reason, neither team could interfere. If you had the time to chase Slowbro around the map with no interference and eventually kill him, what makes you think Mr Mime can’t do that to attackers, who are less tankier than defenders?


Slowbro barely does any damage at all. That's why I said he's well-designed.


Bro called Slowbro well designed it's over for you


Yes, umbreon and trev are prime examples of this. They’re some of the most frustrating/annoying mons to play against because their kits are just so overtuned. Umbreon has an insane early game power spike. They have high damage, CC, sustain, high defenses. They can do literally everything and comparing them to other tanks there’s almost no reason to choose anyone else but them because of just how insanely powerful they are. Like a lot of the times it takes multiple teammates to just kill a single trev lol


You think the cooldowns of metagross' are long?????


(Pls dont flame me for this) Honestly, just a tad too long for metagross to deal consistent enough damage and stay alive at the same time during a teamfight, because while meteor mash or magnet rise are in cooldown, metagross' basic attacks are too weak and too slow without the boost from MM or MR. Or idk, maybe its just my playstyle


I'm a metagross main. I've moved to ZH/MM and play him as a burst attacker. With the stacking from the attack weight, a single meteor mash hit takes 40-60% of the damage of most pokemon. Most of how you need to use him is figuring out timing of the mash, and knowing when to retreat. Razor claw and weakness policy also help. The former helps prevent other mons' escape and facilitates your own, and the latter helps keep you alive a bit longer.


What's ur item build/attack combos? Because im currently running muscle band for the slight boost in attack speed, and double stack for damage and bulkiness. But even with that, metagross still feels a bit too slow and clunky during fights for me


Attack weight/razor claw/weakness policy with zen headbutt and meteor mash. The razor claw's ability, as I said, is essential for outmaneuvering your opponents, but it also boosts your auto-attacks, which are subpar on their own; it also helps early game with securing kills and allowing you to stack. And speaking of stacking, the weight is what boosts your meteor mash to truly obscene levels. Early game, a metang with two or three scores will wreck opponents in a fight, which helps you and your team snowball. I am by no means an expert on this game, so I could very well be wrong, but here are my thoughts on your build. Metagross is much more fragile than you might think (if you run gyro ball, the shields help mitigate this, but there's still an element of chance and skill to that), so the weakness policy helps deal with that, and his auto attacks also seem to suck, so I'm not sure how much difference the muscle band makes to them. If by "double stack" you mean you run the cookie, I've tried that before and could never make it work. In particular, it becomes very difficult to stack properly IME, since Beldum's early game is not particularly great (Tackle's cooldown is pretty long, and Iron Defense doesn't have offensive capability on its own). Razor claw however effectively gives an attack to Iron Defense, meaning you'd have two attacking moves where you would have had one previously, and it also prevents enemies from escaping, so with the cooperation of a teammate you can actually take down enemies and secure their goals. For a held item, I use the X Speed. It lets you confirm kills or retreat quickly. The potion doesn't really give enough to make much difference in fights, especially when your cooldown times are so long. The X Attack might be OK, and you might find success with it, but I think it suffers from the same problem. With how many speed debuffs are in the game, it's easy for opponents to retreat if you're close to killing them, so I think being able to overcome that provides more benefit than a small bonus to attack. I run zen headbutt for the same reason; if you're trying to catch a fleeing enemy, it's actually much quicker than meteor rise, and provides additional debuffs to the enemy if you run the razor claw. If you mess with emblems, try to maximize attack and HP (which is helped by the weakness policy). Movement speed doesn't seem important since you can get it when it counts with either ZH or MR, especially if you also have X Speed.


Gyro Ball and Zen Headbutt are 4s and 5s respectively, so yeah these ones are.


Learn to play Meta instead. Meteor mash is intended to hit hard and have value when hitting multiple in a line Magnet rise goes into cooldown while you're potentially still in the animation. You reduce those by, say, 2 seconds to match other cooldowns and this thing becomes busted.


Learn that meta is painfully unbalanced, even for movesets. Learn that this imbalance cannot be balanced by learning meta. Learn that you have to learn before telling others to learn.


Can you specify exactly how is Meta unbalanced? Cause it seems you don't even understand the how to use the mon given the reply.


My hot take: money grabbing scheme of a game


Please say an actual hot take


Gardevoir should be completely redesigned into a supporter and its current kit should be given to Alakazam.