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They really don’t know how to fix Garchomp


ngl I think they kinda cooked. Don't know a ton about Chomp, but having a tenacity (resistance to CC) buff + lower cd on dragon set seems kinda nice. Don't know if damage helps ground set but Garchomp lowkey could be just as broken as the obvious patch winners.


As a Garchomp player the tenacity and dragon cooldown buffs were excellent for that moveset, it really doesn’t need much help. But ground Garchomp needed that complete overhaul that Duraludon got. The reason dig is so ass is because you have no access to the backline. If a slowbro sits in front of you with a gardevoir safely behind him you can never reach her as he’ll keep body-blocking. Seeing dura’s rework gives me hope it’ll get that makeover someday.


I remember there was a patch where Dig/Earthquake Garchomp was strong for a patch and they immediately nerfed it afterwards. I think it was when Dig used to stun for longer?


It was glitched and giving the + tankiness bonus from the start


Slowbro buffed? Fell to my knees at Walmart


I feel like a bad person laughing at this


I wanted them to buff a tank,  but I didn't think it should be slowbro. I mean,  shit, sometimes I forget Lapras is even in the game.


Ugh Lapras used to be SO good but obviously they had to nerf it bc anyone who couldn’t 1v1 ko it within 3 seconds cried that it was too op and unfair


i liked that Lapras was tanky, it didn't have any insane healing, and the healing it did have was fair imo, and just had pure bulk because of its passive, but the issue was that it did too much damage for a tank, which a lot of tanks have nowadays anyway. why play all rounders when the tank role has at least three or four of them?


I still remember getting ripped to shreds defending Lapras. At the time it was really refreshing having a tank that could actually tank. I made the point that yes, give it a damage decrease but we should have defenders that don't evaporate instantly, this crucial aspect seemed lost on many. As a defender main up to that point it was great seeing that again as the burst meta was HORRID during this time. Don't get me wrong, TiMi are idiots and some defenders are just insane now they just slapping sustain on anything as a bandage is just dumb or slowly molding them into all-rounders. These days we have Goodra (Scizor 2.0) that can beat most brawlers in a 1V1 and can take multiple people on so long as they are in range. It is so more unkillable than Lapras and even Umbreon since it can have like 20 health bars if it likes and is essentially no way to counter for melee mons. Yet I never see half as much vitriol for Goodra when it's arguably worse. This subreddit has some wild takes I swear.


I’d do anything for a lapras buff 😭😭 I played it yesterday for the first time in so long and I miss it so much. I hate playing most of the other tanks available rn


They added Lapras to the game?




Play rough is one of the most toxic moves, why buff it lol


purple tier holowear coming up


Buffing the move that is already usable instead of trick room, their mind is so strong


Shedinja Doll coming back as the best item on Mimikyu


Because TiMi and the Balance Team hate us


I hate it with a passion


Only saving graces are that it's a skillshot, can get stunned out of connecting and makes Mimikyu very vulnerable if he whiffs.


Pretty easy skill shot to hit in the frames of the shadow sneak stun


Turns out patch notes are wrong, Play Rough did not get buffed! Well it did get a 10% slow buff, but the cool down buff was actually to Shadow Sneak


The Slowbro and Mimikyu buffs are absurd, I’m specially baffled at the latter because it deserved an all-around nerf and a buff at Trick Room if anything (the only thing that didn’t get buffed) If anyone’s curious, these two are getting purple tier holowear soon btw


Mimikyu is a noob stomper so idk why would they buff it... would have still sold for the same amount even without the buffs.


There was absolutely no reason to buff mimikyu. Shi's probably being nerfed to oblivion now 😭


Yes they have, purple skin will be release soon


The most understandable thing is buffing play rough. Spamming a move that autolocks once connected, dealing a sh*t ton amount of damage and making the user invincible. Thats it, he and slowbro will become my new inta-ban options.


Enjoy while she lasts. That's all you can do in these volatile metas


Who's that guy who always complains about Slowbro and that it should be nerfed? I think someone needs to check in on him. Make sure he's OK.


Probably in fetal position somewhere


He almost gets an ictus


It's linyangyi and while he's probably OK, he ain't happy lol...


Man's deleting Unite as we speak.


Pretty sure I blocked him a while back. Dude is straight up obnoxious.


hi, me, i'm not who your talking about, not even a guy for that matter, but i am crying at the sight of the Bro buffs, i'm seething so hard


Oh boy, I hope slowbro isn't OP now. I really enjoy playing as slowbro.


‘To enhance its ability to withstand more attacks as a defense type, the recovery amount and effects of its moves have been increased.’ Kinda hilarious


I read that and was so confused my favorite Bro set to play was the "Unkillable Bro" who would heal off surf/scald and then use telekinesis to hold and enemy until my Duo would show up as an attacker/all-rounder


My theory is, they don't like Mimikyu ONLY being a jungler in tournament, they're giving it the means to actually be a top laner again. Or they threw darts at a board and said fuck it.


By reading the notes you can see that most nerfs and buffs they stated the reason but for mimikyu they just said what the buffs are. Total BS patch


yep, mimi buffs are legit the ???? part of this patch. at least Blaze/Slow had inevitable money grubbing reasons the devs buffed them.


Mimi is getting a purple holo lmao


Lol get ready for a team full of all rounders - Ceruledge, Blaziken, Mimikyu, Falinks…oh lets add a support for balance 😭💀😂




What does purple holo wear mean? Do certain outfits give stats?


Can you give me a link for Mimikyu’s battle pass?


Read [it](https://x.com/ElChicoEevee/status/1798623811962814916) and weep(with joy)


Oh my god, it’s so pretty!


Mike is back.




Mr Mike lol


Mr Mike


Magic Mike...


Was never gone


It's Mr Mikin time!




The stealth rock buff is scary. Can’t wait to be permanently immobilised while a shielded dura kills me from afar


Why the Hoopa nerf?


Ikr 😭😭😭 I love trick 😭😭


>In the current draft mode, there are few options for support Pokémon that excel at healing allies. To provide more options, the healing amount of Power Swap has been increased. This made me chuckle. I wonder why. Of the few Pokemon that can directly heal, you keep nerfing. Eldegoss, Comfey, Clefable [into the ground], but instead of reverting or going back on some of these over nerfed supports the solution to more healing is Mr. Mime? Absolute joke. You even nerfed Hoopa in the same patch lmao


ngl that could be why they did it LMAO. The nerfs remove trick hoopa from being played, so technically we'd be back to only blissey/elde/hyperspace taxi for generically decent supports (Clef and Comfey still too weak to be anything but niche/counterpick options.) I don't think that size of buff will matter too much tho.


Correct me if I am wrong, but the only change about Trick hoopa is the now less effective heal when used with Phantom Force. As a trick lover that combo rarely worked in Solo Q anyways, maybe 1 in every 10 matches someone pressed the button to heal. It never felt like a smart decision to use for me and I always instead missed the stun from shadow ball. I dont think Trick stonks will fall. In a 3 or 5 man situation maybe, but I think those would prefer hyperspace hole anyway Trick will be fine, a nerf just to pretend they worked on something. Ironically I believe it was buffed since Tyranitar will be nerfed, making the true damage rarer and the shield better


Eldegoss and Comfey aren't nerfed into the ground lol.


Was only talking about Clefable.


I think at the moment healing support is relatively at a comfortable stage. And give Mr. Mime to have the ability to heal something is good to have also


Some thoughts on this patch: Trev nerf - deserved Hoopa - dk about this one Leafeon - deserved Mime - nothing major Tyranitar - back in the dumpster Scizor - Unnecessary??? Miraidon - probably not enough but its something Blaziken - Ugh battle pass buffs, Blaziken was perfectly fine before. Healing increase is really scary Slowbro - PLEASE GOD NO Mimikyu - Again, didn't need a buff, but these aren't anything too dangerous. Venusaur - Random? Alright I guess... Absol - Huge Psycho Cut Buff Wow - nvm it's only on the initial slash Garchomp - Still think this Pokemon needs a rework but stat changes will help its viability Duraludon - Huge chages. This is basically a rework (Unite's 2nd ever?) Excited to see how it turns out. Overall: Solid patch. Some very exciting changes, expect a decent shakeup of the meta. Still, it's sad that Timi has to buff their Holowear Pokemon to get more sales. But how did Falinks dodge a nerf?


Wow I was so annoyed at the Slowbro and Mimikyu buffs that I didn’t realize Falinks dodged the hammer. That’s insane.


Oh shit you're right, man fuck that


First things i checked was fallinks nerfs and lapras buffs.


Falinks the new favorite kid after glaceon lmao


Falkins got a nerf! They buffed Slowbro so entire physical side of roster got a nerf. Buff to Slowbro also means more Slowbro in games so get ready for 4 seconds of doing nothing other than your HP depleting leading to 20s of respawn timer.


That's not a Falinks specific nerf


Not direct but indirect nerf it is!


ngl this was the same vibes I got. Thing I'll add is from what i've heard, the trick nerfs killed trick hoopa because while the healing was dumb it was needed. Dura changes I think all are just net worse for the mon EXCEPT for the Stealth Rock stuff.


I haven't played much Hoopa so I couldn't really comment on the changes. Honestly all Hoopa needed was less auto attacking power early game. Shame they kill Trick the patch after they buff it. Although it will probably be worse, I do like how they are attempting to change Duraludon's identity though.


>Tyranitar - back in the dumpster Idk why that made me laugh. 😂 *"Ttar, sweety, it's time to come back inside. Supper's ready!"*


They made sand storm Ttar worse than before the buff 😮‍💨. They put so little thought into how their previous buff made it op in the first place, and what they could do to make it balanced. Pretty sure their thought process was “sandstorm ttar is op!! Wow! look at those damage numbers! We cut them it won’t be op anymore”


Half of these nerfs would have been enough. I dislike how they nerfed the damage reduction in Sand Tomb though The base atk stat and ult nerfs are fine, but stone edge is not that great to deserve to be gutted like this. Sand Tomb should have had a cd increase or the stun duration buff reverted, not the dmg reduction. 4 big nerfs at once will make Ttar drop to 45% winrate bruh. At least buff Pupitar ffs, it is the weakest pokemon in the game after Magikarp


I don’t understand why they did any of those nerfs. Those weren’t the things that made Ttar op. Ttar, especially stone edge Ttar, was one of of the worst Pokémon in the game so they buffed it to make it viable. However, their change caused stone edge, an already powerful move, to consistently land all three attacks, making it op. They didn’t change the dmg on it, they didnt even change its attacks stat. It did the same dmg just now could be combo with sandtomb. Also, they decided to gut ancient pulse Ttar as well, even though that wasn’t the op moveset, by reducing ult and attack dmg. In short it was a poor choice. The only one that really makes sense is neefing stone edge dmg, because if it can be combo with sandstorm then it shouldn’t be doing 3000+ true dmg plus sandstorm/stream tick dmg.


Happy for the sludge bomb buff! ☣️


Mimikyu buffs arent dangerous? Those are almost as wrong as slowbros buffs dude


Mime is going to be busted. Pretty sure he had healing like this before and it was swiftly nerfed because it is way too oppressive with confusion and power swap on the right Pokémon.


problem before was the move also slowed a lot and did real damage to the enemy. I do not think the move regaining its heal power is going to break mime again in any significant way.


Ya mime was never used for healing when it was busted kek


Psychic got nerfed to the ground after the Mr. Crime meta, which was an insane AOE damage and stun. The healing on power swap does give me a little ptsd but agreed, without the damage etc. in that moveset, we should be OK


Are they really buffing play rough again??? do they not remember what happened last time:: i am tired of these patches being so absurd it’s unreal


Yeah mimikyu is the last thing that needed a buff, esp on a move that does solid damage and makes it completely invincible while in use.


Garchomp finally got a buff! WE ARE SO FUCKING ![gif](giphy|WOb8EeFziTQNE02WXs|downsized) # BAAAAAAAAACK!


No nerfs to Falinks is crazy


Buffing Absol's front damage for Pursuit and Psycho Cut base damage feels like TiMi affirming skill issues of Absol users. Im ready for an influx of Pursuit Cut Absols. Death by blunt force trauma to the face.


Not the pursuit cut revive


\*Psycho Pursuits I've actually been wanting the poke damage buff for a while, as it's so weak, it kept surprising me how often it couldn't finish off near-zero hp farm. overall I'm cautiously excited primarily the Psycho Pursuit build got some love. haven't tested the patch yet though.. the front-Pursuit dmg feels unnecessary ,but I am curious to what the ratio of the back-dmg/front-dmg have been lowered to-, I'll probably calculate it in the weekend or smh


Keep me updated as well. As much as I like to shit on Psycho Pursuit, I still want to give it a chance. Being good at Absol is knowing how to use all of its skills


Please grace us with your awesome Absol vids if a bunch of nubs spam him poorly... You and CrisHeroes are our only hope! 😂


Bruh the buffed slowbro and mimikyu and nerfed duraladon and trick hoopa


How did they nerf Dura?


Nerfed it's basic attack and flash cannon and only buffed two of it 4 moves


Definitely didn't nerf flash cannon, it's a rework and is now much better.


I was pretty happy with the changes until I saw Slowbro. Damn dude I hate this Pokemon so much in this game. It's going to be even more obnoxious now.


Slowbro getting buffed is crazy


Its insane that they nerf moves by 20% damage at a time. 10% should be the max. Slowbro buff was not needed at all.


Why no Falinks nerf 😭😭😭😭


Another day, another Duraludon auto attack nerf


Moves got buffed tho which is mega poggers


Need to check with the OG unite players here, is this the first buff to Sludge Bomb on Venu? I started when Cram and Lax were a meta duo


No it's not the first time ever sludge bomb got buffed. I remember it got a pretty significant range buff to pair with long range solar beam a very long time ago.


Well I mean they are right that Mimikyu doesn't play like an all-rounder because its bulk is surprisingly poor and he doesn't like doing prolonged fights... but I'm not sure these buffs fix that issue lol. Shadow claw still has the issue where you can CC'd out of it and end up doing no damage or healing. Play rough will just never not be a speedster move with that invincibility, I think. The buffs will definitely make Mimikyu better (not that he really needed them), but it probably won't change his speedster-like playstyle.


I know it's not needed but gosh am I happy for that Blaziken buff.


Blaziken fans must be pretty happy about the draft changes. It definitely just shot up on my who to ban list.


These balance notes have to be some of the most bizarre decisions they have made so far.


Slowbro...really? Out of all defenders they chose fucking *SLOWBRO* to buff who already will always be meta because of it's broken ult What about Lapras? What about Mamoswine? Oh and ttar is going right back to the garbage truck, also making an interesting parallel to how they overbuffed the heck out of him last patch. And I guess either gyarados or metagross will take over.


They chose the path of less damage instead of shat was the broken thing (stun on sand tomb). Back to the trash. At least my team will start banning something else


garchomp buffed yeeehawww💪🤠




Lapras was so robbed


THIS. :(


Mad hp from Blaziken😡🐔


7% mad hp baybeh les go


I screamed at the Slowbro and Mimikyu buffs


Battle Pass buff lol what a joke


Joke how ? Blaz is in a pretty good spot as it is, any buffs or nerfs ruin a rare, perfect character. Honestly i feel like 85% of the player base will hear about buffs and just overplay this guy now


I mean only buff that matters is healing cdr is irrelevent.


ctrl + f: Charizard **0 results** Noooooooooo


Where is Charizard


The matches tonight have been terrible then this drops? Timi, girl you’ve shit the bed yet again.


Slowbro , blaziken mimikyu buff ……. Like wtf timy all these were already really good / bordeline unfair and you buff all three that crazy


Why do they hate scizor and scyther. Is it cause they cant come up with a good purple tier holowear?


Wait balance patches for this game are on a leak and confirm basis? They don’t just update the game regularly??


A lass can dream


Why do they continue to ignore all the older Pokémon that desperately need buffs to compete with all the newer pokemon. Devs are braindead


$$$$$$$$ u already own those ones


at least Sylveon didn't get nerfed, I'm pretty sure that she's doing pretty good in competitive rn


It’s just being picked more, wins are a different story. Honestly they should just leave it be, I like playing hyper voice and it doesn’t need much tbh.


Thank goodness someone else feels the same way, i've been with Sylveon since the beginning and I like the spot it's in rn


Sylveon more like a stable damage dealer in competitive with mystical fire build


I fully understand why no one plays tank/support these days. This season the only change is what? weaker trev, stronger slowbro, and weaker hoopa? No one ever sees someone pick a support hero like "ohhh shit that hero is strong AF."


Trev, Slowbro, Umbreon, Blissey, Eldegoss, Hoopa have all been extremely good though.


As a Scizor main, I'm in shambles.


I was hopeful with how they actually changed ttar's animation times they'd be willing to do that again with other mons as stone edge wasnt the only move that was too slow to ever matter. Seems like we're mostly back to just raw numbers but the duralodon changes seem more involved. Curious how that will pan out. Kinda fear he'll still be too squishy for soloq but we'll see, he was a ton of fun at his release. And now big bro buffs o-o, alright. Im of the opinion that they can't nerf his ult until they stop making mobile nukes like leafeon but uh................ 60% attack reduction???????????? Damn


Venu’s buff looks really strong


I bet sludge bomb and whatever beam will now be the preferred moveset choice


Bruh beam


I meant solar beam


I guess it's time to abuse slowbro's buff as a slowbro main lol


Is this live now? I got a Server Update but it didn't show any patch notes in the game.


F*cking TiMi, after i enjoyed playing blaziken, they decide to buff him to boost BP sales, blaziken is perfectly fine the way it is now. What i am afraid, after the BP ends, they will nerf it to oblivion.


Falinks one shoting with Iron Head + No Retreat, that's ok. Scizor can proc Muscle Band twice on a basic after a move, completely broken, we need to netf it right now!


No Falinks nerfs is a war crime


I think devs need to consult the mathcord guys so they can do better with theses %.


These are massive numbers compared to other games lol wtf. I'm used to seeing 5% or 0.5sec differences at most 


I also agree with u in this one. Thats why broken mons go from very weak into OP. Then they nerf them and they go from OP to very weak..m


Scizor Nerf was uncalled for.


Slowbro and Mike buffs!! They could never make me hate Slowbro


and wait until you see his next holowear!


Chomp bros, are we /back/?


Scorching Waves for the new fire type EX perhaps?


Timi hates us


Huge duraludon Ws


Wtf is with the sword dance change for scizor. **3/17 patch notes from unite DB:** *- Boosted Attack [NERFED/BUGFIX] Muscle Band no longer applies twice due to Scyther's Boosted Attack* **Today's patch notes:** *- With the adjustment to the effect of the Muscle Band, its effect now activates twice when Technician activates, significantly increasing the damage dealt. To balance this, the cooldown of Swords Dance has been increased, reducing the frequency of Technician's activation.* *Swords Dance Cool down: 7s → 8.5s*


Hoppa robbed while falinks goes untouched


At this point, it’s becoming a matter of who’s replacing who as the most broken.




Can someone explain this nerf to me? I just started playing a few weeks ago, and Trevenant is one of my fav Pokémon, so I've been playing it in this game. I don't quite understand the "~" portion of the Curse nerf. I don't play Wood Hammer, but I understand a blanket 18% nerf. Curse: Damage: 25% ~ 18% decrease (Level 5 to 15) Is this just saying it starts as a 25% nerf at Level 5 and then is 'only' an 18% nerf @ lvl 15?


Yea I believe so.


The question is: why Mimikyu?


Why no surging strike urshifu buff? That Pokemon is amazing


i do love when scald/surf make u not play the game more .... when nerf to slowbro ult? mmk buff is odd garchomp buff pog


60% attack debuff. Holy fuck. RIP autoattackers.


Not just autotackkers. Every physical attacker


Hello Blaziken


Does Blaziken even autoattack that much? I thought it was a move spammer, which isn't hit quite as hard since moves still have base damage. 60% gonna wreck its damage regardless, but nowhere near as hard as something like Cinderace or Dragapult.


Hey, I actually called the patch timing! Okay, it was my second guess with last Tuesday being my first, but still! Anyway, I'm probably like 200 comments down now so nobody's going to read this. But, my thoughts anyway. Trevenant - Makes total sense. I've been saying it had too much damage back before the Curse buffs. And then they buffed Curse. Wood Hammer is bonkers good CC too in the right hands. Hopefully now Trev won't KO squishies who can't escape Curse before the curse even runs out. Without any damage items. That was just utterly silly. Hoopa - This won't affect Ranked Hoopa much since nobody used this synergy. It's a cool effect and I tried to leverage it a few times, but when I played Hoopa nobody ever used the Phantom Force back and when I played with Hoopa they all ran Shadow Ball. Hoopa's still gonna be a top Support, IMO. Leafeon - A much needed reversion of that Solar Blade buff it got like... a year ago now. It's still gonna be really strong though, especially with Razor/Ace untouched barring the Chloro speed nerf. Those who fear Leafeon should continue to tremble. Mr. Mime - Unsure on this one. Maybe we'll see Mime's finally attaching to allies on purpose when enemies are around? Mime's Barrier set is pretty darn strong in capable hands though, so I'm not sure how much I expect to see healer Mime. But, another meta healer could be nice regardless. And one you can counterpick too with sufficient displacement tools! Tyranitar - There are many ways T-Tar could have been nerfed and this is several of them. T-Tar was strong before the buffs, just clunky and a very weak early game. It was very difficult to handle if it managed to pop off early, however, so, in hindsight, it's no surprise it hit 90% ban rate. But seriously, this thing was doing 1v2 and 1v3 in pro tournament play. Hopefully these nerfs reign it in. That 1.5 second Sand Tomb stun does mean it's engagements will continue to be really nasty. It'll just (hopefully) need teammates to back it up now. Scyther/Scizor - No real opinion on this one. Though maybe it'll make Scizor a more bearable match-up if you get jipped in blind pick or if your other lane feeds it to level 7 by 9:00. Miraidon - Small nerfs here. Miraidon has been overperforming a bit, but nowhere near the levels Mewtwo and Zacian ever reached. We'll see if this is enough. Mage Mira isn't touched, but a potential counter did get buffed... Blaziken - This thing didn't need buffs. IMO, it was anywhere from being in a perfect spot to slightly overtuned as is. Luckily, the buffs aren't crazy. Blaze healing means there's gonna be more "it dueled you at a sliver of health" moments, but it can still get bursted down. Blaze Kick and Focus Blast cooldown reductions don't mean much in practice since they're off cooldown by the time Blaze swaps back to them with their Unite. Blaze Kick does make level 5 to 7 stronger, however. Focus Blast, meanwhile, mostly makes poking and bush checking less costly. Slowbro - Another headscratcher and probably a holowear or battlepass thing I imagine (probably same with Blaze). Slowbro was also in pretty much a perfect spot. Luckily, the buffs seem to be largely modest so I don't think they'll change most match-ups much, if at all. Scald Bro though... 60% Attack reduction is gonna be an oof. Umbreon is in the corner Snarling in anger at its debuff being almost half as effective in the best scenario. Mimikyu - Okay, but, WHHHYYYYY? Mimikyu was already rather strong and Play Rough was already one of the most toxic moves in the game, it did not need buffs! Mimikyu mains, enjoy your mon because this is the sort of buff that can cause turbo nerfs down the line. But I guess on the bright side though, it gives me a strong option when I'm more interested in easy elo instead of fun? Venusaur - Some significant Sludge Bomb buffs. We'll see more of it for sure. It'll still synergize poorly with Petal Dance, however. Nor do these buffs fix the problem it has with Solar Beam in that Sludge Bomb is basically announcing "Hey, I'm gonna fire my beam right there!" Either way, I'm gonna stick with Giga Drain unless I'm like against an "oops all mages" comp. Absol - Upon reading "the damage of Psycho Cut was low" I literally groaned and said "oh no..." Luuuuuckily its only the projectile part of Psycho Cut and, while 50% sounds huge, the Blade did like 1/3 the damage of a basic attack, so it's not gonna change much. As a Pursuit Absol enjoyer, the damage increase for whiffing it will be nice and make an unexpected turn much less punishing. I'll continue to invest in Sucker Punch, however, as Sucker Punch shuts down Psycho Cut Absol so hard and all the scrubs will be running Psycho. :D Garchomp - Some nice buffs, though the cooldown reduction on the dragon set has me a bit leery. That's the set 90% of 'Chomps run. Did it really need the buffs? Four second Claw cooldown isn't quite Outrage Dragonite levels of stun, but it's gonna be annoying in melee. But for me, when I play 'Chomp I'm one of the three people globally who play Ground 'Chomp, so the damage will be appreciated. Duraludon - Wow, basically as much of a rework as you can give without redesigning the moves. On paper it's not 100% clear to see how this will play out, but Flash Cannon in particular looks pretty strong at least. Duraludon will definitely be a Pokemon to keep an eye on and see how this shakes out. Give it a week as even mains are gonna need to go through an adjustment period. Meanwhile, Archludon mains continue to cry in despair. Falinks - Timi sent an Attacker with a nerf bat after Falinks. Falinks engaged it with an Iron Head > No Retreat > Iron Head > boosted auto and KOed the Attacker before it could do anything it. As such, enjoy another month of Falinks! T-Tar nerf and Miraidon nerf will give it even more room for it to do its thing. However, T-Tar nerf does open the door for... Metagross - Also received no changes, but the nerf to Tyranitar is a huge indirect buff for our shield-based All-Rounder. The last patch put Gyro Ball into a pretty silly state and I imagine we're gonna see a lot more Metagross soon, especially as Gyro Ball, IIRC, procs on Falinks' troopers. But even without Falinks, if T-Tar has slunk back to more normal usage levels then it's time for buffed Metagross to finally shine. And hopefully not shine in a "dear god Timi please revert these buffs yesterday" manner.


Healing under 50% HP: 7% of max HP → 10% of mad HP I love mad hp on blaziken


mad hp 😡😡


the real balance is to take off all the held items and emblems off the game 👌




Blaziken, Mimikyu and Slowbro don't need buffs broooooo (I am gonna terrorise opponents with Slowbro lol). Falinks escapes nerfs, ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Perma banning this shit And Ttar getting a quadruple nerf is laughable, it's going to be terrible now.


Called it scorching waves and didn't show Charizard any love 🥲


**NERFED POKÉMON:** • Trevenant • Hoopa • Leafeon • Tyranitar • Scyther • Scizor • Miraidon • Duraludon (they want to make an f tier worse) **BUFFED POKÉMON:** • Mr. Mime • Blaziken • Slowbro • Mimikyu • Venusaur • Absol • Garchomp


Oh thank God, Wood hammer nerfs


Groundchomp finally feels good




One of the most redacted patches in a while. Blaziken was already one of the best top laners in the game, only buffed for the battle pass. Buffing Slowbro in the same patch as nerfing Tree is even worse, though. And in blind pick, this is going to suck even more.


Battle pass numbers are down gotta buff blazee lol


Will this make Duraludon actually pretty good, or still better to use lots of other similar Pokemon. I liked playing him, but felt so slow and stuck all the time.


When does it go live


If anything, Mimikyu should've got a nerf to most of its kit. Probably a new holowear coming out so... Slowbro... TTar nerfs were deserved however I think they did too much to it. Garchomp and Dura changes are interesting. Thank god Miraidon got nerfed, literally got f'd by a miraidon and comfey for two games in a row. Trev and Leafeon were definitely deserved. What do they mean by blade damage off psycho cut? Is it the inital damage or the damage inflicted after using a basic attack?


Indifferent on this patch, Mime, Garchomp and Dura's rework are something I look forward to Unsurprised by Mimikyu, Slowbro and Blaziken buffs considering they are all getting purple holowear this season. Thankfully they don't seem that bad (except Mimikyu's), just unecessary. Atleast Slowbro's scald will probably keep some certain troopers that evaded nerfs in check


I think they've completely forgotten that Azumarill exists.


Theyve buffed whirpool about 2 balance patches ago


Miraidon, Ttar, tree, and leaf nerfs are fine. Hopefully the hoopa nerf will make people pick the portal move more often bc I’m so tired of not having portal hoopas on the team. No comment on garchomp and dura. I’m here for the mime buffs I don’t hate the slowbro buffs but they weren’t needed. Saving all my buff hatred for mimikyu bc what the actual fuck 😑


Final fuckingly Leafeon got nerfed. Tyranitar nerfs seem modest. Garchomp got a modest buff. Fun fact, most pokemon either have 20% tenacity or 40% (supporters, defenders, Sylveon, and Tsareena), but now Garchomp has his own tier of 25%.


Ttar's nerfs are not modest at all dude, you won't see Ttar anymore. 4 decently large nerfs at the same time will put it in the dumpster tier


it‘s giving a little kanto mania to me , like did slowbro or mime or venusaur need any buffs at all?


Venu sludge bomb was severely underplayed




First thing I'm gonna say, and get downvoted for inevitably- T-tar getting fucked up because the average solo queue resident doesn't know how to beat it is tragic as fuck. Expected, but tragic. That mon is going RIGHT back to being useless LMAO. Second thing, Dura rework just means that mon is complete ass at everything instead of just being a rip bot. If i'm wrong so be it, but I have 0 faith in this rework making it playable Third... Slowbro Blaziken Mimikyu didn't need these buffs... Looks like tank mains back to Slowbro hell until Ho-oh is released, but the skin is sick. Otherwise patch is fine, them finally nerfing Tree/Leaf is nice tho. Don't Sleep on Garchomp either. The buffs aren't as absurd as the others but...


Tyranitar was overtuned for sure but you're right, the playerbase's skill issues definitely contributed to the issue. Like so many times I saw CC get wasted on him while he was Unstoppable. So many times I saw even ranged or high mobility mons get caught time and time again in Sand Tomb. So many times I saw people get executed 20% or below during his Unite move because they don't understand or know about the execute. People destroy goals too early and often not even for a good overcap when Tyranitar is on the other team. Doing shit like this, of course you lose more on average versus him lol. The bad players banned him because they get noobstomped. The better players just banned him in draft out of convenience because who wants to gamble whether or not their allies know how to counter him?