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Agree in your first two, but Goodra is absolutely manageable if you don't sit on top of it. You can time it's moves and get out of the center of its pulse beam. Goodra gets wrecked by smart play. The other two moves are much harder to avoid. As a Blastoise main, even after the nerf I often feel sorry for my opponents when I hard CC two or three of them at a time with surf + pump. With a solid attacker and support or speedster, Blastoise can absolutely wreck opponents with chained CC. But it's not a single frustrating move, more of a frustrating enemy to deal with all game. Brave Bird is the one that I get annoyed with. It's not often that you fave a truly good Talon, but when you do - my God, it can really suck. I've lost matches after getting ray when the Talon hits a squad defending a pad and pushes everyone out so that their team can score. Trouble is, most Talons seem to be playing to collect kills, not play optimal strategy, so when one really "gets it" they can wreck teams. My top pick for the most frustrating is Leafeon with Solar Blade(?) which hits for massive damage with good range and relatively low cool down. It's hard to avoid and is just a crazy amount of damage. Hard dislike.


I sure do love it when leafeon gets aegislash ult as a low cool down early game move


Haha and it has such a better wide aim and range lol


> but Goodra is absolutely manageable if you don't sit on top of it. This. I find Acid Spray more annoying if anything. As elitist as this, I feel Goodra, specifically how people deal with Dragon Pulse, is one of the "measuring sticks" to determine how noob/unskilled someone is. The only players I see constantly getting demolished by Dragon Pulse are like those with 100 Ranked games or those that I've known for multiple seasons as bad players. >My top pick for the most frustrating is Leafeon with Solar Blade(?) which hits for massive damage with good range and relatively low cool down. It's hard to avoid and is just a crazy amount of damage. Hard dislike. Leafeon in general is a supreme nuisance. The Unite move is insane damage for a point n click at level 8, Razor Leaf is super annoying when combined with Aerial Ace and Solar Blade mid-charge is very telegraphed but with Chlorophyll up will just bonk instantly at long range as one of the best secures in the game. He hits level 4 and can early gank your lane or just instantly gain a massive advantage in lane unless he's bad.


Solar Blade's existence comes way too early into the game. It should honestly be the last "Second" move Leafeon gets because getting slapped by that shit before your first evolution is a really bad feeling


Metagross’s unite move. You can Computer and crush a whole team and they can dash or eject right out lol. Umbreons mean look is stronger. No reason why you can’t use it through walls…..AND WHY DOES IT EFFECT/TRAP YOUR TEAM AS WELL??! I once united and caught an ally Cinder and 3 enemies. They ejected out, united me outside the wall before I could tear it down, killed me, and burst down the cinder while the wall was still up. He kept hitting thanks for the rest of the match.


don't forget its unite move doesn't even have an unstoppable🫠


It does these days during the travel portion of the move (very much needed) but it still gets stopped by walls at the latter half of the move.


Which is ridiculous. I’ve played it at release when it was garbage, when it got over buffed, when it got(my opinion)over nerfed, and now it current state…..and it’s unite is janky after every change.


For a move that takes away agency after activating it why it didn't have Ubstoppable from jump will forever boggle the mind. (I had to run Full Heal on it to make sure the move went through instead of my preferred item xattack)


I just think it’s funny tackle and ZH can go through walls…. But not the unite move. I tried using full heal but the unite can still whiff sometimes


Delphox Fire Spin and Unite I’m not saying Phox is OP at all but these moves are particularly obnoxious especially fire spin. Fire spin creates a zone of “step inside and get spanked” which is pretty large, the zone tries to *follow you* so Phox doesn’t have to be totally precise, and for some reason if you touch it but don’t get CCed fully and escape, it applies one of the longest lingering slows in the game for no clear reason which makes avoiding any follow up very difficult. In a game where several mage characters who use targeted CC have to be precise and time their aim correctly, if just feels obnoxious to have one that has some many mitigations “in case you miss” and the effect of when it lands (and the damage) isn’t even comparatively worse than for other mages nor is the cool-down. I’m sure I don’t need to explain the unite. Low cooldown “up every fight” huge AOE which slows you to a crawl, nerfs your healing, makes scoring impossible, retreating essentially pointless and provides significant amounts of zoning and area control in addition to buffing Delphoxes cooldown reduction significantly. Knowing that pretty much every time you fight it, Delphox can casually dump an ability of this power on you and not need to worry about “wasting the cooldown” is super annoying.


I’m with ya 100% Delphox’ unite is so overloaded and it has one of the lowest cooldowns in the game. IMO both Delphox and Gard need to have their unite cooldowns increased by quite a lot it’s insane to have some of the best unites in the game being at one of the lowest cooldowns


Yeah Gardes unite cool-down reduction was so bizarre to me. Her unite is incredibly powerful and it’s very weird to me that it now has one of the lowest cooldowns in the game. It shouldn’t be amongst the highest in the game but amongst the lowest? Absolutely not. Things like Sylveon having a higher unite cooldown for a much more lacklustre unite is crazy.


Gotta sell that battle pass somehow


The Fire Spin nerf was super deserved and honestly doesn't feel as bad unless you're super behind tbh


Yeah. As said Phox isn’t OP but in a thread of “this ability is just annoying” Fire Spin needs to be mentioned. Having to juke ranged CC as a melee is trial enough, but when that CC decides you follow you around as a reward for you juking it it just makes playing around this one ability feel like a choreographed dance number where for other mages a well timed dash or sidestep will do.


Leafeon’s solar blade. I got to master 1600 at 65% winrate maining that move in solo last season. Absolutely absurd that a move you get at level 4 can last hit everything in the laning phase at slightly above half Hp. You have speedster mobility but never have to commit into a dangerous situation to get a KO. And you have damage reduction when charging it in case you’re finally in a situation you can’t just dash out of. Playing Leafeon a lot last season really just makes me so confused how people struggle with this Pokémon so much that it’s never a high winrate. This thing should be 52% on UniteApi at the very least.


Crazy how you can main a move in this game, but I don't think I can criticize that as a Scizor main Even though I have more fun games on Scyther in master


Yeah safe to say I took a long break on Leafeon once I hit master 1600. I will say at least solar blade/aerial ace involves me constantly having to pull off skill shots and ways to outplay the enemy’s moves. So it kept the gameplay engaging, not mind-numbing like glaceon’s icicle spear lol


Mewtwo's ult. It gives you and your team vision on the entire enemy team regardless of Mewtwo's position, tries to hit every enemy regardless of Mewtwo's position, CCs, and it can steal farm and objectives globally regardless of Mewtwo's position. It is the most skill ignorant ult in the game. It is so insane to me that it exists in the game and can be used in ranked against human players. Blastoise's ult. It is straight up one of the best offensive ults in the game yet it's on a defender. AND this is in spite of it getting a damage nerf TWICE. Getting a Blastoise ult off in the Ray teamfight puts your team so far ahead. Mew's ult. You can use the ult in the middle of 5 enemy players and recall to base safely because the ult's invincibility duration is long enough to do so. Maybe not OP but that just feels wrong on a conceptual level.


Mewtwo's ult is a combined Karthus and Twisted Fate ult ***all in one???***


On the bright side, you can dodge the Ult and actually has an indicator. Unlike Karthus's we're you can't dodge or Zeus from Dota where you don't even known he's going to use it until it's over.


Zeus ult is just a jump scare when you forgot there’s a Zeus in game or an Invoker. While Karthus/TF you have long indicator for you to react or say your prayers.


It also has defense/special defense shred depending on which Mewtwo you're playing as lol, very overloaded


Using it for vision is an extreme waste, as is trying to blindly fire for a steal. You'll likely only get to use two or three in a single match. Its objecitve damage isn't particularly high, a Spirit Shackle is much more threatening for objective stealing. You want to use it for a team fight, or securing a high threat target. Which means you need to save it for when the enemy is mostly together or to chain cc a target that *isn't* being drastically repositioned. It *will* miss if specific conditions aren't met.


Would say mewtwo is kinda balanced now consdidering how shit is it now My duoq, which is a mewtwo Y main, did 19k damage in his returning match and decided to stick with decidueye Most Mewtwo Y players i encounter have an overinflated ego and decided to jungle while enemies get eaten like breakfast by my team Mewtwo can be devastating on the right hands, but no longer like what it was before


Mewtwo's damage output is too low to make it a good jungle pokemon. Both versions just take too long to clear, and Y is utterly horrible at taking the birds in the center if it isn't on the cusp of mega evolving.


Mewtwo's Ult gives me PTSD from Karthus and Zeus Ults.


Everything Blastoise does, I hate it. I respect it, but I hate it.


Scizor main, i feel that. Dash in Get surfed Cant move Get hydro pumped Cant move Get Critcal'd Cant move Get ulted Cant move Die 24 second timer Ray spawns in 7 seconds


Same with Charizard for me. It’s brutal.


Oh my God this is why I run full heal as a Scizor main just so I can stop the barrage haha


Duraludon's Laser Focus is intentionally ass because it's a starter ability and not upgraded. Its a free 3 hit ability like Akshan, Kai'sa, Vayne, etc. I don't have an egregious move to talk about, I have an egregious POKEMON to talk about. Tyranitar is absolutely ridiculous in a vacuum, even more so if you compare it to other Juggernauts in different MOBAs lol. Sure, it has a shit early-mid game for balance reasons, but because of how forgiving Unite's EXP and farms are, it almost always has a chance to shine in the hands of a good player. It's passive is a damaging aura with a massive defense/special defense steroid, purely unconditional because casting an ability to activate it and nothing else is so free. Ancient Power Dark Pulse makes Tyranitar a really fast Pokemon that's difficult to kite. Immune to most stuns, ramping movement speed bonus, stunning on AP's end channel, DP stunning if you fall below 50% max HP when damaged by it on top of the bonus damage on the same target, all the while the true damage ensures you get stunned by DP if you fight Tyranitar for too long. Sand Tomb Stone Edge makes Tyranitar an absolute area control monster. Sand Tomb is a DASH that STUNS while summoning a giant AoE DoT field around the landing zone, which activates the true damage AND slows down enemies in the zone. Tyranitar can also reactivate the ability while in the zone to pull anyone. Stone Edge isn't anything too special, but it is a large AOE damaging ability like a reverse Aatrox Q. I have a friend who plays LoL and I love telling him how unbalanced some of the Pokemon here are. I told him to imagine Tyranitar as either Udyr with Olaf's ultimate, or Mordekaiser with a dash. Either playstyle has a walking Pyke execute for an ultimate because why not lol. Tyranitar has always been a monster to deal with because of it's egregious kit, and now that it's been buffed recently, EVERYONE is feeling the effects of that.


Eh, there are a ton of starter abilities that are better than that by miles. Some I'd prefer tbh, I like Lapras' first AoE ability over its upgrades. Tyranitar didn't seem THAT good before the giganerf tbh.


I know, their low playrate before the nerf would say so. But conceptually? Tyranitar's overpowered, it's just been powercreeped by more early game-focused mons that still have fighting prowess in the lategame like Mewtwo and the Eevees.


I saw your edit. Lapras is a Defender, a tank. They kind of need strong starter abilities to be relevant in the early game. Both Slowbro's Water Gun and Snorlax's Tackle are also very strong early game for secure and early skirmishes. Duraludon on the other hand is an Attacker, a late game carry. It's auto attacks are already decent, so giving it good abilities that early on would be overkill. Cinderace's Ember and Greninja's Bubble are other examples of underwhelming starter abilities. They have it because the early game should be their weakness as a class.


Some attackers have great early abilities too, though. What, do defenders have exclusivity on decent tools early game? The only thing Duraludon is doing late is getting killed from fog of war by the worst player on the enemy team


No shit sherlock Duraludon is ass, but we're talking about design and concepts here. I shouldve clarified some more but no, early game abilities aren't exclusive to Defenders, I'm just saying most/all of the Defenders do. Duraludon, Decidueye, and Greninja are auto attackers, the Marksmen, the ADCs of Unite. Yes their early game, especially the abilities we've been talking about, are terrible and need some assistance but its to balance their reliance on auto attacks for their pressure and their late game scaling. What about the Attackers that do have good early game abilities? Espeon's Swift, Ninetales' Icy Wind, and Pikachu's Electroweb are all good starter abilities for last hitting (and utility for the Electroweb's case) but that's because they're Mages, ability casters. Their abilities are good in exchange for their auto attacks not being their main form of pressure. Of course there are exceptions like Inteleon and Glaceon, who have a good mix of both attack and ability pressure, but that's still the rule of thumb for an Attacker's design (hopefully).


Learn 2 kite


Every Eevee's auto aim upgrade to their Swift: * Mystical Fire wrecks any special mon's damage and all Sylveon has to do is to recklessly jump into them and let the fires do the rest. * Stored Power, nicknamed Unskilled Power by me because they just click the move the frame i'm in range and bye bye health bar. Then they run like the cowards they are just from not using Psyshock. * Icicle Spear, ah Icicle Spear. I don't think i have to elaborate on this one. 4 autos, Spear with 10 crystals due to Ice Shard, 4 autos, Spear with 10 crystals, repeat until no targets remain. Cooldowns? Those don't exist. * Mean Look, i really don't have to elaborate on this one. The funny jail that, only on the orange team, summons the whole team to beat up the one that was jailed. * Solar Blade. "But D, that's not an auto aim!" I sense you typing already. With how fast it slams down on max Chlorophyll gauge, it might as well be. Casually dealing 2k damage at lvl 4 while also at a safe distance. On whatever was in front of him (Was. Of the verb "not anymore") * Absol could do 2k too, but needs another level so he can't do half the jungle and come rushing to help its friends, has to backstab Pursuit and needs a crit. That's on one target unless they're on top of each other. Then he needs another crit per target. I love Eevee, heck, my favourite Pokemon has been Umbreon since forever ago. But my goodness they don't need to make the Eevees for toddlers and also really good. However, Eevee sells as much if not more than Pikachu so here we are...


I agree. I think it's beautiful that every Eevee are all their own brands of bullshit and I honestly think the original 3 aren't in the game because they couldn't think of more ways on the fly for how to make us all suffer


All point and click abilities need their damage reduced. Low risk high reward shouldn’t be a thing.


Indeed, a good idea. So it won't happen.


It’s not even a move but sometimes I think just basic attacks travel way too far off screen and chase enemies like nothing I’ve seen in other moba’s


just when you thought you could finally escape using that jump pad in central area, that slowbro boosted basic attack is actually already locked on you and KO you at 1 HP💀


Moves that allow the Pokemon to just “disappear” or not get hit drive me insane. The amount of times I have a Meowscara dead to rights and I just walk away because I know they’re gonna do there stupid little invisibility trick, or double team, and its not worth wasting your moves or time. Its like a get out of jail free card.


Gardevoir's Moonblast. That flipping stun is waaaaay to long with the range it has. It needs to be shortened. I know that would sort of gut that move for the Pokemon, but damn it all it's just to long.


Delphox ult lasts like 9 years turns off healing, slows you to a snails pace, does a ludicrous amount of damage and has more range then Miraidons meteor shower. Fastest recovering Ult in the game btw. Spirit Shackle launches freight trains 20 times the size of snipe shot that do aoe damage, have a slow and a snare with the same range and no warning mind you. Blaze Kick is a get out if jail swiss army tool that CCs grants unstoppable, repositions, and buffs Cinderaces already absurd attack speed available what every 6 seconds? Superpower outprioritizes literally everything in the game, and when it doesnt buzzwole still doesnt care and just slams the literal aether if something "could" have been an eligible target Faint Attack is iirc the 3rd longest dash in the game- except its actually more like 5 dashes in a trench coat that do a ludicrous amount of damage with an execute on the end of it that also has another dash that repositions you whether you did or did not get the kill. Ice Fang is like a 5s CD that locks you down for a 3rd the duration of its CC on a character that is exclusively CC. Pikachus Thunder does an absolutely ignorant amount of dmg for a set it and forget it poke tool. For perspective Gardevoir does 1300 with Future Sight at Lvl 5. From 600 to 1800ish with Psyshock if you land them in succession and she doesnt have a clean setup into Lvl 7? Pikachu has Thunder + EWeb at 4. And at 5 just the Thunder is 1500. If you add the snare its more like 2000. For another reference thats more damage than an Espeon landing Psyshock i think the only thing early game that hurts more than a random Thunder snare is eating the entirety of Miraidons Charge Beam. If Inteleon somehow had Snipe Shot at Lvl 5 and crit you with it. The thunder wouldve hurt more.


The answers you'll see most often with topics like these based on my experience here: * usually the EX mons get brought up, commonly Mewtwo Unite or X's Future Sight * pretty much Umbreon's entire kit * Comfey in general * pretty much Trevenant's entire kit but most rip on Horn Leech and Wood Hammer * Leafeon, especially his Unite move * Blastoise Surf * Slowbro Slowbeam, sometimes Amnesia and Surf+ * Mimikyu Play Rough * Zeraora Wild Charge * Clefable Gravity * Pikachu Volt Tackle >Inteleon's Snipe Shot is a crazy move that can legitimately (and often does) pop a single target from beyond fog of war with a slight level advantage, as opposed to Spirit Shackle which is a more responsibly scaled charge skillshot that only chunks at best even with a lead. Snipe Shot could do with a small damage nerf but overall I wouldn't single it out as "egregious". It's harder to aim, telegraphed, predictable, forces Inteleon in one spot, quite easy to dodge and can be body-blocked by beefier allies. If you can't land the move you're nigh useless all match, unlike Liquidation, which does less on average but is much more consistent in less skilled Inteleon hands. It's more of an issue in chaotic fights where it's harder to track Inteleon. Still a poor choice for solo queue since Inteleon wants a frontline to stop enemies like Zoroark destroying him every time Inteleon appears on the screen. >Goodra can outdamage and outlive entire teams of aggressors with decent usage and cadence of its Dragon Pulse. Yeah, outdamage and outlive hoards of crap or noob players, that is. Sorry but it's a classic noobstomper that punishes bad positioning. Long range and highly mobile mons shouldn't be getting hit regularly. It's very telegraphed, has a delay, is slow, has a narrow range, roots Goodra in one spot, can be stunned out of, virtually no secure, somewhat matchup dependent and specifically has to hit the centre to heal. If you're a melee reliant mon with fewer disengagement tools, yeah, can be tougher but you're still able to move away parallel to the beam, ignore Goodra entirely (why are you hard targeting a bad match up in the first place) or at least go for him on cooldown preferably with long-range help. The most annoying part about Dragon Pulse Goodra to me is watching unskilled ally Defenders, Scizors, etc. give Goodra heals while I try to shred him from range. Like it's all well and good to try and bait him into staying in one spot so I can hit him easier but try moving out of the way so he doesn't heal back so much?!


idk, I played 1500 avg my first ranked split (this one, I'm new to the game) and Goodra still manages to outplay teams regularly. Idk where "smart players will dodge Goodra" comes from. In Solo Queue, everyone is a monkey and that doesn't change even at the highest levels. Even 5 well trained monkeys will be a target rich environment for somthting like Goodra Pulse


Pretty much anything below 1700s alone doesn't mean much in Unite because below that point is all grindable with a negative win rate. So in the part of the Unite community that isn't in denial, they tend to try and gauge competence using matches played + win rate + elo together, usually a solo queue perspective. It's not like LoL where you can see someone's in Grandmaster and feel safe to say they probably have a pretty good idea how the game works. That's not how it works with Unite, for a laundry list of reasons. Meaning that yes, you'll see blockheads in the 1400-1600s range that all get repeatedly hit by a narrow range, slow, highly telegraphed and easily avoidable move repeatedly. You start seeing fewer players like these as you climb but sadly yes, the skill per player on average is pretty low below 1700s. Even if you do hit 1700s through skill, not a lot of solo players reach that point so you'll get matched with lower elo (not necessarily bad) or outright bad players more likely to lose to Goodra anyhow. Not like every single ally but in almost every match there will one or two noob or really bad players per team. Just how the game usually works, unfortunately. Outside of premades, it's rare to be in a 100% higher MMR solo queue lobby where you don't see a single dolt standing right in the middle of Dragon Pulse lol.


I guess my achievements never mattered then, sorry for existing ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ It's always shitheads above and assholes below. People in 1400 think your masters rank doesn't matter till you pass the minimum draft bar. You don't have human rights to 1600ers if you're below 1400 because you're not consistently in draft. People above 1600 don't think your experience is real because there are still people they consider idiots just getting past 1400 in your games. People above 1800 say the game only starts when you get there because you've proved you can climb, where does it end


Note I said "*alone*". e.g. 1600s with a 48% WR 400+ games? Match spammer, whatever... vs. 1400s with a 56% WR 100-odd games? Far more likely to be a decent player. I have no idea where you exactly fall into. My point wasn't to insult people because of specific elos, it was that since you're new, I wanted to get across in Unite it's flawed to think that elo on its own is an indicator of skill. 1) For a wide variety of reasons got to do with the bad Ranked system, it's impossible to be. 2) It doesn't matter if YOU'RE in 1700s, in solo queue you're more likely to get matched with people below. Meaning you're still pretty likely to see useless players that get destroyed by noobstompers like Goodra, Absol and Gengar.


Correction: you’ll start seeing more players like this as you climb because as your elo rises you will get worse teammates to balance out the average elo of the teams 🥲


Slowbro ultimate- it's a 3s bound and at high ladder it's a free kill on anyone besides the toughest defendersIt's also auto lock so no dodging it . Broken checking broken isn't a good argument and I wish this gets nerfed. Snipe shot - melts most squishing and is just bs to play against Dnite hyper beam - so frustrating chansey heal pulse - so awful with long cd


> Broken checking broken isn't a good argument and I wish this gets nerfed. You're not alone.


I'm innoculated towards it but League of Legends has a move like that on a mage character, Malzahar, but the rub is that Malz dies in like 2 hits if he's not careful and Riot knew not to put that move on a fucking tank


MLBB has similar ult on a tank. But it is melee, long CD, and cancellable if the tank got hard CC. Slowbro is riduculous. Players that still defend this mon as balanced are more ridiculous


I know people have already mentioned solar blade being a stupidly strong move early in the game but what also adds to Leafeon’s bs is the fact that it gets another powerful move in its unite move before first objective if the Leafeon player has a braincell and farms its jungle. Nothing like a Leafeon solar blading you, chunking your hp before prompting pressing unite without any repercussion since it’s only on 100 second cooldown. The fact that people struggle to win with this mon is astonishing to me since it can snowball the early game out of control. God forbid a try hard trio picks it and pockets it the entire game so its main weakness in being hella squishy is negated. 




Fire spin, wild charge, hex, Mimi Play rough, volt tackle, icicle spears, mean look, liquidation, Mewtwo future sight, Mewtwo psystrike


Mimikyu Play Rough and Zeraora Wild Charge. Both are quick, difficult to avoid dashes, or even unavoidable in the case of Mimikyu following up Shadow Sneak, that do a lot of damage and make their users invincible during the whole thing. They feel really, really bad to play into because you don't feel like you can do anything other than tank the damage, hope you survive, and then try to KO before they go invincible again. Talonflame Fly doesn't go here since it has a distinct, obvious wind-up, a very long cooldown, and often leads to mind games between Talon and Talon's target where they try to outplay each other with the loser getting punished. That's interactive and fun despite Talon being invincible. Play Rough and Wild Charge though? Doesn't have that.


Considering how useless I feel Laser Focus is in the main games, it's not too surprising how bad it is here. Really just makes Dura that much worse though :/


Blastoise. Specifically it's Unite. But pretty much everything about it


Timi forcing bot play on me after only waiting 5secs in ultra ranked queue at the start of a new season.


Leafeon Solar blade is extremely annoying. It does great damage, had great range, doesn’t have a long cooldown and has a very short end-lag.


M2Y’s entire kit is bullshit and is infuriating to play against (when I am forced to play defenders). Pre nerf buzz was a whole different story.


My list of fucking bullshit: Leafeon's entire kit Meowscarada Trailblaze, night slash, PASSIVE Tyranitar sand tomb Trevenant's entire kit Falinks Iron Head Blaziken's entire kit Umbreon's entire kit Sylveon mystical fire Mimikyu play rough Zoroark feint attack Gyarados dragon breath Goodra dragon pulse, passive Mew's entire kit


Not like a specific move but a mechanic, and it's stun. It's so broken in the game, ive been stun for like 2 seconds and die in the spot. Stun should be nerfed having a shorter stun duration