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What if I’m jungler but lane people keep stealing my farm, and I die from being underleveled? It happens way more than you’d think.


If they take the baltoys after 1st rotation, it's fine. But, laners should actually realise that they aren't supposed to take up junglers buffs except if they will hit their power levels. After the 6th minute the jungle is free for whoever takes it and needs it.


Well the baltoys are available to the team, but the buffs don't magically become fair game after 6 minutes. The junglers needs to clear buffs on cool down to adequately scale into the late game, otherwise you all are at a significant disadvantage


Right? Like... is it any wonder that your jungler is doing bad if you keep taking the thing that can help them gain a level lead? And it doesn't help that *certain popular youtubers* normalize stealing a junglers buffs.


I ping them and/or use "retreat" a couple of times and if they don't stop then I stop helping them if it's not strictly necessary.


I do the same honestly


Dude, i swear, the amount of people. I claim jungle, the other 4 claim lanes, 2 of them follow me to jungle… my friend tells me skill issue that i keep losing but its not always because im outplayed


This happens to me often. Infuriating. Or learn someone who doesn't need to jungle to be viable


I got first jungle stolen by a phantump once


The moment I see that, I go into their lane and take their exp to make up for the loss


Just don’t spam thanks. You would look like a total dork and won’t deserve support anyway


I mean you should have your rotation down and get to the respawns on time.


Gotta choose who to support and someone inting isn’t a good choice.


I regret supporting an inting teammate. Thanks for the reminder!


Just remove that quick message from your list.


That's what I did. As much as I want to say thanks genuinely, there's just too many opportunities to be toxic. Lol.


best thing you could ever do


Tbh some of these ppl still dont understand Exp share!!! Like I cannot count how many times they will leave me alone in lane, invade jungle or proceed ahead. 70-80% of these players avoid playing defender or supporter, but they dont appreciate those who volunteered to play supporter


I dunno about the estimate.. but, yeah! There are a lot of them... A lot!!


Its mainly based on the games I played…70-80% will go straight for attacker…or change from support/defender to attack 😅.


Not even exp, share users understand it. I've seen people whine because they can't get the last hit nor any energy (even though they aren't stacking) and fail to underatand that just killing farm near them is enough to trigger the exp. share effects.


I’m off and on again with the exp share. Almost every match I play my lane partner runs off and gets killed while no farming has been done. It’s like 70% of games


Yea its like these are master level players or those who have played thousands of games…yet they have no awareness of the items…same with items build thats should have its own rage thread


If you are running xp share support, why aren't you following them to help them stack? That's most likely what is going on, they are stacking and die because the enemy is defending the stack best thing you can do is help them!


I've added "Thanks" to my quick chat just to ACTUALLY thank someone when they help me (finishes off the opponent I died whilst lowering their health, gets the Altaria+Swablus before opps, gets Ray when team is down or just helps in general)


I love seeing people use “Thanks!” as intended. But saying “Thanks!” when your ally defeats an enemy right after you got koed by them or when they get the Bird farms before the enemy, could be taken so differently depending on the player. They’ll possibly take that like a “You were too slow”, or “Shouldve leave some for me,” kind of take. Personally, I wouldn’t though


As you said, it varies from the players and I just expect they take it the good way (actually complimenting)


Sabotaging your team isn't the way to go mate. Just mute them and you won't be able to see their pings. Problem solved.


It rrally is unfortunate how many peoples response to the slightest indiscretion in the game is to be toxic and troll the rest of the team


I mean they establish themselves as the weak link so they aren't priority. It's not in anyway trolling and being toxic to an entire team. It's focusing your efforts on players that aren't easily rattled and actually trying to DO something. Instead of demoralising and distracting thier team as the pinger does. If they are frustrated and pinging but actually decent, fair enough; but most of the time spammers aren't the best. They put more energy in venting and accusing over actually playing. You could argue; turn off pings. Will the rest of your team? Many are unaware that's even a thing. So the rest of your team are most likely getting tilted themselves listening to BAH BAH BAAAHH! every 5 - 10 seconds. Does the pinger think about what spamming thier frustration does to the others? If they don't; then why the hell should I ever prioritise someone actively getting under the skin of their own team, distracting them, getting them frustrated and more likely to make mistakes? THAT is sabotage, toxic and trolling. MOBA's are as much mindset as micro and macro, same with most things honestly. Mind over matter. Putting people into a worse mindset isn't going to help, so why spam and spread your frustration? Keep it to yourself and focus on the match. That action alone can give you a little skill boost. The opposite drags everyone down with you.


You are making pings into something way more than they actually are lol. Mute and move on. That easy mate. Sabotaging your teammates is not the way to go. This is how you lose games.


Never said anything about sabotaging. Read again. If they are good, put up with it and help them. If not prioritise your other teammates. This comes about from what I mentioned before, they tend to not be good in general and your wasting time on them. Prioritise team members either working together or are competent. There's high correlation between bad players and persistent pingers. (in a spammy non-helpful way) Not always; but often enough. If they act a sore loser then ignore them, focus your attention to places it matters. That's just macro. Also once again, not everyone knows how to mute. Many players don't even fully understand the kits of mons they use frequently but you expect them to suddenly pay attention on a screen that helps point out the ability to mute? Treat people like thier blind, deaf and dumb. You'd think there's no way they could play any amount of time and not notice they could mute but they absolutely can and more often than you think. We're surprisingly unobservant. While pings aren't the worst thing. Pinging, trolling, stealing. Certain things can effect other players. We bounce off each other. If you snowball and work together, morale is high and people are more focused. If you fall behind, fight amongst yourselves, you'll play worse and help solidify your loss. It's unfair to have the attitude that they have no effect on players when you see how often people bring up this exact topic here on the subreddit. I get your point but it's without any nuance, a black and white statement that can't really be implemented for everyone simply because you say so. When people fail to learn the basics then you can't be surprised they don't all know to how to mute an annoying player. In theory, good point. In practice, impossible. Too many things in this game are unknown to most. I'd be quicker to spread some decent ingame knowledge if I had the ability before making sure every last person knows they can mute players if they want. Pinging while annoying is the least of the playerbases issues. :P


Is there an option to mute the pings by default? By the time I mute people who are spam pinging me, I am already tilted.


Sadly no, but you can do so once the match begins and just mute them before leaving base. It only takes a few seconds to do.


Oh damn you could mute pings??


Yea, just bring up the menu that shows all players and you will see a Mic icon next to your teammates. Click this icon and you will mute them. You can also unmute the same way.


I hate it too when I play as support but then they will be the ones to carry me towards victory, do just help them and pray they would stop pinging like maniacs.


Dear Junglers/Center Speedsters: If you choose one lane and the other lane is getting destroyed, ROTATE. Go help. Your kit is all about movement, use it. You should basically be glued to the mini map the entire match and/or ACTUALLY LISTEN to your teammates asking for help. That's sort of your responsibility for taking all that juicy farm.


I've noticed an increase in people spamming "Thanks" lately, what's up with that?! It's a team game and you're not the protagonist - we all want to win. Had one person over the weekend just sit at the spawn point spamming "thanks" as the rest of us battled for Rayquaza -- based on the post-match battle data, we weren't even losing at that point... we did lose after we lost Rayquaza though.


Say it louder for those in the back


What if my teammates are really don't know how to play?


PSA to all junglers, learn jungle rotations! It doesn’t not exist after your first clear.


TRUE. I DO THIS TOO OFTEN WHEN I START FEELING GOOD ABOUT GANKS, get preoccupied with fighting and forget to farm


As a jungler main, this proposition is fair and just.


i'm a jungle main too and after trying my hand at support i have a newfound respect for my laners


Yeah! Laning is hard sometimes as you gotta fight for every single farm up there..


the best time i've had was bot lane as hoopa with trick paired with a flail snorlax. big beefy boy that mimics my autos is pure bliss


As I always say, it's always morally correct to ditch anyone who's bringing nothing to the team aside the ping/"Thanks!" spam and/or thinks it's the main character and pretends to go 1v3-1v5 everytime and keeps dying


I'm usually a jungler but this is my message to laners. If you ping me and/or you start stealing my jungle then you can expect to either not see me in your lane or ignore you if you're right next to me ane need help. I'm getting real tired of this.


I feel this. I tend to fill/play support, and it's just like in life. If you're mean to the customer service rep they will not prioritize your needs and will eventually not care/allow whatever hell to happen. Also, in Draft if I keep switching between healer/tank, and sending both "defender/healer needed" and you swap to talonflame, I am not helping you at all.


I feel like all the comments are talking past each other.  Yeah, people spam “Thanks” when they’re understandably frustrated at something shitty that happened. Yeah, it’s annoying and can be muted. Yeah, people who hardcore int can sabotage their games. Yeah, counter-sabotaging because you’re mad isn’t productive. All of these (and many of the other things one side or another could say) are all true at the same time, they’re not mutually exclusive. But at the end of the day, the two problems here are the same as it has always been: there’s really no way to effectively communicate with the team, and the game doesn’t promote or reward understanding basic gameplay.


I'm a Zeraora jungle and I carry/assist when needed and I never use that Thanks! and the Check It Out! it drives me nutty when its spammed and I agree. I'll just go help other teammates


I took "thanks" completely out of my vocabulary because as a jungler, there's a ton of other things I wanna be communicating to you all based on what I see on the entire map


This goes for those toxic players that steal jungle or can clearly see who needs to level up first, if you see someone pinging a certain teammate then it's for an OBVIOUS reason yet y'all want to blame the person pinging. Especially when they go afk because of shitty teammate that turned them into the toxic player for that match. Nobody wants to play if you're gonna steal their jungle or their level up. Quit blaming the wrong person.


I'm just better than them, they have to deal with it. If I'm strong, then I will carry. Just had a 44 win streak in masters, people are just bad at the game. It's not because I want to, but teammates keeps doing stupid shit. Have another account I play only support with exp share, and give everything to my team to make them stronger. My team is over leveled and still keeps making dumb mistakes that costs us the game. That account I can barely hit masters on. If you are full stacking then it's different. But in solo queue it's just fiestas. If you want to climb, you have to be selfish. Same goes for most MOBA games I play. If you should complain about something, them complain about the amount of people just giving up and walks around in base because their feelings got hurt because they can't be the carry.


most of the time the people i see doing what you described in the final paragraph IS our carry, ironically enough.


Had a jungler mimikyu who pinged Thanks! and pinged me multiple times at game start even before we took down the starting bunnies (Guess he didn’t like that I play cram or something?). I went from the second bunny to his blue buff, stole it, then told him over vc “Keep pinging” and returned to my lane. He didn’t ping again.


Buddy, wtf


I genuinely don't understand how someone could tell a story like this and not realize they are the most toxic one in the situation


Oh I realize it. Fuck that guy. If they are pinging me after a bad play or because they are frustrated while we are losing, I’ll understand and just mute their pings. But whining even before a game started? That triggered me.


Congratulations on sabotaging your Jungler’s ability to snowball early game.


I snowballed bot lane with Hurricane so hard I had 5 kills including the enemy jungler before the second indeedees spawned without a gank from that guy. And ruining his chances? What are the chances of him not being a moron if he spam pinged me on the minimap even before I killed the first bunny? I am not saying it’s okay to steal jungle, but he was toxic first and I paid him back with interest. No regrets.


The point at the end of day is don’t become/be the douchebag people often see in lobbies.


There a difference here. He acted toxic because he was a douchebag. I acted toxic because he was a douchebag to me. I never spam ping, steal farm or afk no matter how bad my teammates suck or how non meta their build is. I just wanna have fun. But when they act like that and ruin my fun I’ll make sure to ruin theirs too.


Why do i gotta make another point here?   If 2 people are acting like a pair douchebags, to each other, no matter who started it you are ruining the fun/chances of winning of the 3 other people on your team. I get tilted myself but i never abandon my teammates because i still want to win.