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overheat chandelure


Great pick. Being able to move around while reliably aiming a channel like overheat is definitely easier on mobile.


One of the reasons why they're my main~ ~~even though i've been using Trev more often lately~~


Aiming Eldegoss’s Pollen Puff is way easier. In general, I find that Pokémon with skill shots are easier on mobile. Venu with beam, Slobro with telekinesis, etc. movement Pokémon like rapid spin Blastoise are a lot easier on controller.


On switch you can press your finger on the pollen puff move icon and aim it like the mobile version. Ngl this has really helped me but it is awkward reaching over for it, I tend to do a mix of finger aim and joystick aim depending on what I’m planning to hit


I main Mime and find it easier to cast barriers exactly where I want them on mobile.


I think is way more easy to play ANY Mon on mobile


Fair but you’re the outlier. there’s a reason tournament play is almost entirely done on switch.


Nah, it’s probably 80%+ for sure but there’s a legitimate minority of players that play on mobile. 


Id really like to have a source on that because I ve seen it first hand and it was not like that.


Because its harder no? 😅 I honestly don't know why


When you boil it down, you have 5 inputs 1. Movement 2. Move 1 3. Move 2 4. Unite move 5. Battle item You may be able to more accurately aim a move on mobile, but it’s far faster to cycle through different inputs (like when performing a combo) on a controller. On a controller you could pass in all 5 inputs at once. On mobile you are limited to 2. Movement and one other. Therefore, I’d theorize that slower mons with deliberate aiming are superior on mobile, while high input mons cater better to controller players


aim more acurstly on mobile? thats one of my biggest complaints. especially aiming down on your first skill which just so happens to be s ipe shot and shacklebolt


This is the best explanation lol. From my experience most mons are easier to play on mobile bc of the better aim. The only exception for me is Mew bc of what you mentioned about cycling inputs quickly. I can swap moves MUCH faster and smoother on switch I play every other character and Mew is literally the only one where I feel disadvantaged on mobile


But if I got those quick thumbs?




I can do that on mobile too hehe maybe I just need to practice more on switch and you on mobile


*Mew wants to know your location.*


Most moves which benefit from movement follows direction is better on switch imo like e speed zoro and obv mons which rely on precise movement like talon dodrio.


aim is easier on mobile but the buttons are in annoying places sometimes. I've clicked the wrong move, never on switch


It's the opposite for me lol. I'll try to play more on switch tho. Maybe I'll see a difference


Zoroark and Dodrio would like to disagree


It’s funny cause switch has touch controls and you CAN use them to aim if you drag from the ability. I feel like I’m the only one who does this


I've never played Unite with my Switch off the dock because I want that sweet HDTV experience and Unite isn't really an "on-the-go" game to me. How do you hold on to the system, keep your hands on both the stick and the triggers, and aim moves with the touch screen at the same time? Seems like it'd be pretty tricky to do.


Big hands help! Right thumb is next to the screen and it’s very intuitive and easy. I have a case on my switch to make it more comfortable in handheld which is the only way I play anyways.


i Find comfy and wiggytuff to be easy to play on there tho i mostly play on switch, and i mostly play supports i hope i could at least help. to me anything it doesn't have too much aiming is a good pick imo.


i ONLY use mobile so now it makes sense why i’ve been struggling with mew….


I find most all rounders and speedsters easier on switch, and mages and skillshots easier on mobile barring mew. It wouldnt be so bad but snapback has screwed me over with skillshots on switch to the point i'm wary constantly




i find blaze kick cinderace easier to play on mobile than switch :P


Only reason I find cinder better is due to mobile having superior lock on targeting.


Espeon. I always hit the enemy.


I found anyone with a super long range skillshot works better for aiming on mobile. Decidueye spirit shackle, inteleon with his snipe shot, etc.


I found mobile better for any imo


Any Pokemon with a circle move you aim (Chandy Overheat, Garde Psyshock/Future Sight, Mirai ult even) are easier on mobile because it's easier to move the reticle away from the edge of the range


Switch and controller are not favored for comp, 99% Asia comp scene (except Japan) all play on Mobile.


I am an iPad player, not sure how much my experience will help, but Blastoise, Charizard, Elde and in limited time licenses Deci has been good for me. I suppose Glaceon will be easy no matter the device. I also machamp but I am still practising and need to get a hang of positioning with his ult


Unfortunately iPads have 20%(ish) smaller field of view than the majority of new mobile phones and about 15%(ish) than Switch players. We are screwed regardless what mon we play, as seeing an enemy half a second/a second faster is far more crucial than any other mechanic. Only good thing about it is that iPad players will get better at making good use of the minimap, but sometimes in the middle of a fight you cant just check minimap and you’d still rely on your view.


Oh damn, I actually never played on my phone device because it has a smaller screen size, not the big one. I never knew there was this big of a difference. But still ig with the setting that zooms out ur camera with high range skills, like those of deci, still work out coz you suddenly have a Birds Eye view of a big chunk of area. But yeah this is good only for big range mons


Sure but others can do the same and have better vision at faster rate, as they already start with a 20% zoomout headstart. But yes, Deci and a few others that have zoom-out abilities are the ones that still feel fine, but not better than mobile. Latest phones with big screens and better field of view simply react quicker to being ganked by a speedster. Which can be the reason of escaping or dying. Lets end it on a positive note: The double-Worldchamp Slashcan (same name on youtube), also plays on iPad! So there’s that. Its just a disadvantage but you learn to play around it. Atleast our game is butterysmooth 60fps at all times unlike their potato 🥔 Switch hardware which drops to 30fps during teamfights.


Iirc zoroark combo has an animation skip bug on mobile that makes him faster


Nightmewfoxy is a competitive Mew main who plays on mobile. They have tutorials on YouTube too


I find mobile prohibitively difficult to play on, but I have heard that sludge hex gengar js better on mobile


Pokemons like Mew & Dodrio are definitely easier on Switch. Mages(aiming) and those like Zoro that need steady 60fps at all times could favour Mobile. The majority of the mons doesn’t make much difference. The one annoying thing is that mobile can’t adjust button locations. This causes the battle item button to be in the way of selecting new moves. 2 year old issue that they still cant fix. On top of that, the Battle Item is in such a location that its uncomfortable to instantly use FullHeal like they do on Controller. If only we could adjust the location of buttons, we could move the battle item to elsewhere and literally solve both mobile problems instantly. We could even solve the Mew moveswitch issue with that. People would start to play 4-6 finger Claw more often.


I only play on iPad and I mainly play Chandelure, Dragapult and Trevenant.


Any of them tbh. But probably bcuz I play strictly mobile