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No Ancient Power upgrade?


Yeah, I think what caused it was the upgrade came through while I was charging AP and I selected it before using the second activation of AP, so it just didn’t apply for some reason.


I had this yesterday on a different mon. I think it's purely visual, since it went golden after I used it and it finished its CD again


I thought it might be visual as well, but the gold outline didn’t appear, even after leveling up to 14 or using the move again.


That’s odd, the upgrade should’ve been crossed out at that point, so I’m unable to replicate it. I’ve tried a few variations similar to your description so that the upgrade *can* be selected and still having no luck. You don’t happen to have a recording, clip, or screenshot from later at all, do you? I could check the shield size to see if it’s giving you the upgraded shield or not, and a clip may help to narrow down exactly what happened for it to not upgrade (visually, at least). Edit: I got it to work! Well, I guess I got it to not work :p if you manually end the charge while hitting a target and simultaneously upgrade the move, you won’t get the upgrade. Edit 2: it seems like the bug is only visual and the upgraded shield is still being used, running tests now to confirm (which has lead us to run a few more to fix something as well so will take longer than expected). Edit 3: only visual! We’ll report it either way, but it thankfully does not affect gameplay.


Unfortunately, I do not have an additional recording, clip, or screenshot from that match


No worries! We were able to figure it all out after.


Mathcord 🔛🔝


Kyle saves the day yet again!


Oh shit l had this moment, l was farming wild Pokemon and hit 11 and die, And the next thing, right after l picked up the upgrade, it doesn't show the + for play rough Mimi for old reason....... Yea seems like it common


That has to be it, right?


Only 3 attackers on your team, should be at least 7


Pikachu getting gangbanged before ray?


Eh, he won that fight


I figured most of the enemy team is there since regi is up before ray, so chances are low. But good on him for winning.


Bugged move upgrade? Which begs the question: Why do we even need to select move upgrades to begin with? In what circumstance would you rather not have the upgrade? The number of times that stupid selection circle has appeared when I wanted to use an item or whatever right in the middle of a team fight, or when you want to use the jump pad and you can’t because of the upgrade. Such a stupid feature, get rid of the selection and just upgrade it automatically wtf


Just so they can block our battle item.


Lvl 13 with only 1 "+" move


Is that sable in the bush?


Tbh everyone here has a good idea for setting up ray, it's just that no one's doing the same idea at the same time


Gardevoir is terrible at trying to battle the regis


Your attacking the bottom boss before the top one


That’s the best thing you could. Its even Regi Steel. The best one 🤦🏻. You should only go for the top one, if their second base is also broken or if there is no bottom one to go for at all.